Lawyer: ‘Danny de Munk will not be prosecuted for rape due to insufficient evidence’ | show

The investigation into the report of rape against Danny de Munk has beenterminated early due to insufficient evidence. Royce de Vries, lawyer for the52-year-old singer, reports this in a press release. De Munk: ‘I don’t feelhappy, especially because this false accusation has destroyed so much in myprivate and business life.’

The vice squad has informed lawyers Royce de Vries and Annemiek van Spanjethat the investigation into the report of rape against Danny de Munk has endedprematurely. There is insufficient evidence. De Munk is therefore no longerregarded as a suspect and will not be questioned by the police or prosecutedby the Public Prosecution Service.

In June it came out that a woman had reported rape against De Munk. The victimis said to have worked closely with him about fifteen years ago on the musicalCiske de Rat. De Munk has always denied the woman’s accusations.

De Munk responds in a statement: ,,It is the confirmation of something Ialready knew. I have said from the outset that I was not guilty of a sexcrime. I therefore feel no joy, especially since this false accusation hasdestroyed so much privately and professionally. I have experienced theaccusations in the media as a great injustice, but I would also like toexpress my gratitude for the support I have received from all over the countryin recent times.”

De Munk previously stated in court that the media attention since theaccusation is ‘an attack on his family and career’. “My wife and children getthe most horrible curses at their heads. That’s why I choose the flightforward and I’m not going to watch my family and my career be destroyed.”

Read more under Royce de Vries ‘ tweet.

Royce de Vries > @Roycedevries01 >

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De Munk still wants to have the declarant heard under oath

Lawyers Royce de Vries and Annemiek van Spanje add in the press release thatthe case that De Munk brought about the public hearing of the alleged victimin order to prove his innocence will be continued. “The court has previouslybeen requested to hear the declarant under oath in order to get to the bottomof the matter. This wish of De Munk remains undiminished.” The court inAmsterdam will rule on this on December 1.

De Munk has indicated that he does not want to give interviews for the timebeing. In the coming period he will mainly focus on his family, his personalrecovery and that of his career.