Japanese pianist Yukine Kuroki is the winner of Liszt Utrecht 2022 with her elegant playing ★★★★★

It’s a bit part of it, after a competition: the jury’s sentence that this wasreally an exceptional edition, because the level of the candidates was sohigh, often followed by ‘perhaps higher than ever’. At the final of LisztUtrecht, Thursday evening in TivoliVredenburg, this was again the tenor of thestory prior to the award ceremony. But for a change, the statement could alsobe true.

Liszt Utrecht? That is the new name of what will probably remain the LisztCompetition for the public, the normally three-yearly piano competition (theprevious edition was in 2017) around music by Franz Liszt, one of the fewDutch competitions with international allure. The competition wanted toprofile itself more as a festival, the word would have acquired a negativeconnotation. This year, in line with the zeitgeist, no distinction was madebetween second and third prizes: there were two ‘runner-ups’.

The three pianists in the final were Derek Wang (United States), Yukine Kuroki(Japan) and Yeon-Min Park (South Korea). With the Radio Philharmonic Orchestraconducted by Christian Reif they were all allowed to Wander fantasy tointerpret; actually a Schubert piece, but adapted by Liszt for piano andorchestra. Each finalist was also allowed to choose their own encore.

Yeon-Min Park, winner of the audience award, during the final of LisztUtrecht 2022. Image AllardWillemse

Yeon-Min Park, winner of the audience award, during the final of Liszt Utrecht2022.Sculpture Allard Willemse

Three times in one night the Wander fantasy : that seemed a bit muchbeforehand, because the piece isn’t that interesting. All the more handsomethat it never got boring after all. Wang characterized himself in a pre-screened film as a pianist who wants to balance the physical, emotional andintellectual in Liszt, yet the drive in his playing got the upper hand. TheEncore, Liszt’s arrangement of the final movement of Beethoven’s SeventhSymphony was especially spectacular.

What a contrast was the entrance of the much more modest Yukine Kuroki. Sheknew how to give the tones the right weight in every chord and naturally buildup tension. Much more than the other candidates, she succeeded in the Wanderfantasy in the sounds of the grand piano and the orchestra. Her playing wasinescapable in her solos.

If Kuroki was already a 10+ when it comes to technical control, Park surpassedthat. The orchestra, grown in the competition, played in its round withoutreservations. Especially during Park’s encore, the Paganini adaptation Lacampanella , did you sometimes have to pinch yourself: is this reallyhappening, here, in front of my eyes? Whoever can play such a finger crusherwith such playful ease that the stardust rises from the strings, cannot gohome without a prize.

She received the audience award. And yet the deserved winner of thecompetition-that-no-competition-may-be was Yukine Kuroki, because thatelegance is just that little bit rarer. The pianists will be supported by theorganization for three years and will be heard a lot in the Netherlands.Something to very much look forward to. Wonderful piano careers lie ahead.

Shudder with a smile and neat cross-dressing: at the Reisopera ‘Hansel and Gretel’ is for the whole family

While inflation is rising and the heating is running on economy mode, theDutch Reisopera is touring with the German traditional answer to the chillywinter months: the heartwarming fairytale opera Hansel and Gretel (1892) vanHumperdinck. By coincidence, an opera by Humperdinck will also premiere onThursday at Dutch National Opera in Amsterdam; the heavier Wagnerian, moreobscure and (therefore) less played Konigkinder. Never before in musichistory did the Dutch Humperdinck fan experience such a festive month asOctober 2022.

Gustav Mahler called Hansel and Gretel a masterpiece. The warmth and nuancethat now come out of the fantastic playing Noord Nederlands Orkest (on Fridayin the always surprisingly good and generous sounding Wilminktheater Enschede)make clear that conductor Karel Deseure agrees with Mahler.

The overture is immediately a highlight – orchestral, but also in the visualapproach. Animation film images in silhouette style give a clear outline ofthe prehistory. Boy meets Girl at the fair, rings and children are born,mommy dies, daddy marries the angry stepmother who sends Hansel and Gretel outto pick strawberries when there is nothing left to eat.

Nice dirty lick beards

Although you can google together shelves full of dissertations about thesymbolic layers in the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale, which is especiallyfamous by Grimm, Paul Carr’s direction largely stays away from the realm ofFreud and psychological interpretation. His approach is straightforward, hehimself speaks of ‘pure escapism’. The most striking intervention is thatHansel and Gretel (also just in the grubby pinafore and bermuda that yourecognize from your own fairy tale book) do not grow up in the countryside,but in urban pushpin construction. This move to the shabby fringes of a cityalso immediately makes room for the second find: the witch does not live in acookie house, but in an abandoned amusement park – including dilapidatedcarousel, eerie floating balloons and entrance gate with peeling clown face.

Classic horror associations present themselves, but not for long. The scenewith the witch (superbly cast Michael Smallwood: gritty low, sweet high) isabove all a droll cross-dressing show with filthy lick beards on kinky patentboots: fun for the whole family. The same safe abstraction typifies theSandman/Dawman, the ambiguous mythical creature that puts brother and sisterto sleep and wakes them up. It’s kind of fluffy Willy Wonka here, a littlegoofy, but certainly not scary or suggestive.

Deep evening prayer

The two hours flew by, because Mahler was right: Hansel and Gretel is fullof beautiful songs and melodies that caress the mind like a cat’s tail. Themost famous example is the evening prayer (‘Abends wenn ich schlafen geh’),which is sung here intimately and elegantly. In any case, Dorrottya Láng(Hans) and Sarah Brady (Grietje) have attracted two excellent singers. Láng istough but not too perky: believable. Brady has such a pleasantly warm sopranothat you suspect it is a good thing that the Reisopera managed to engage herbefore moving on to bigger houses.

The performance consists of beautiful images; crescent moon with lights,Efteling-like swan boats. Deeper thoughts about coming of age, intoxication,lust and/or parent-child relationships are not tickled up, but a big laugh atthe absurd way in which the witch comes to her/his end in a popcorn machine.Pop! Airy as a cloud. That is also possible.

Post Malone Says Baby Daughter ‘Way Cooler’ Than Him, But She ‘Took a Little Inspiration from Me’

Post Malone is impressed by the cool level of his baby.

The rapper, 27, recently opened up in a chat with GQ about his baby daughter,whom he welcomed with his fiancé four months ago.

The Grammy-winning artist said one of the biggest challenges of balancingfatherhood with his career is being on the road.

“It’s really tough not being able to see her, but she’s coming out more oftennow,” Malone told the outlet. “I’m just happy to see her. But it isheartbreaking having to leave and not be able to be with her all the time.”

He described his daughter as “a legend,” saying, although she’s “huge” and”super tall,” she’s still a bit too small for his latest collaboration withMoose Knuckles, which includes children’s sizes.

“I’m trying to get a size for her. She’s a little bit too tiny, but she’llgrow into it,” he said. “I just thought it was a fun thing to do, especiallywith the baby on the way at the time we were working on it.”

He emphasized that his daughter is dressing to impress, and already has asense of style.

“She’s so swaggy. We got her overalls, Realtree camo everything, some nicehoodies, some zip-ups. She’s so cool. She’s way cooler than me, but shedefinitely took a little inspiration from me,” he joked.

Something she won’t have to grow into, it seems, is becoming a fan of herdad’s music.

“She hasn’t cried whenever I put my music on so far, which I think is a goodsign, but we’ll wait and find out,” Malone said. “I got to let her decide. Itried to play her some stuff, but I can’t really tell what she’s into rightnow. She’s going to have to like my music, I think, [or] she’s going to getused to it — I know everybody at the house plays it for her and hopefully,they’ll get stuck in her head. Kids love my music for some reason, which isawesome, so I’m hoping that she just goes with the flow on that one.”

RELATED: Post Malone Postpones Boston Tour Stop After Being Hospitalized: ‘IFeel Horrible’

Post Malone performs on Day 3 of Leeds Festival 2021 at Bramham Park onAugust 29, 2021 in Leeds,EnglandPostMalone performs on Day 3 of Leeds Festival 2021 at Bramham Park on August 29,2021 in Leeds,England

Post Malone performs on Day 3 of Leeds Festival 2021 at Bramham Park on August29, 2021 in Leeds, England

Matthew Baker/Getty

Story continues

Malone’s new collaboration with Moose Knuckles isn’t the first time he hasventured into the world of children’s clothing. Earlier this year, he releaseda brand-new children’s clothing collection, PostyCo Kids.

“The PostyCo Kids collection items are cute clothes for little rock stars,with sizes ranging from baby and toddler to youth styles,” read a pressrelease shared with PEOPLE.

“Our little ones and your little ones can rock out in a range of apparel andaccessories including a onesie, tees and hoodies featuring the raddest pop-artinspired Post Malone graphics, and more,” the release described.

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Post Malone, whose real name is Austin Post, welcomed his daughter in May,PEOPLE confirmed.

The “Circles” artist revealed the happy news while appearing on an episode ofSirius XM’s The Howard Stern Show during which he also dropped the news thathis longtime girlfriend, whom he hasn’t identified publicly, is now hisfiancée.

Post Malone subtly shared that he became a dad as he told Stern that he”kissed” his “baby girl” before recently heading to the recording studio.

“That’s been on the QT [quiet] though? We didn’t know you had a daughter,right?” Stern asked the musician, who affirmatively confirmed the news.

RELATED: Post Malone Launches New Collection of ‘Cute Clothes for LittleRock Stars’ After Welcoming First Baby

In early May, the singer spoke to PEOPLE about his excitement for his baby onthe way, sharing he’s the “happy [he’s] ever leg.”

“I’m excited for this next chapter in my life, I’m the happiest I’ve everbeen, and for since I could remember I was sad,” he said at the time. “Time totake care of my body and my family and friends, and spread as much love as wecan every day.”

From ‘Minx’ to ‘Schitt’s Creek’, This Hilarious Series Will Fill Up the Void Left by ‘Friends’ | TV

TV”Oh… my… God!” From October 1, Netflix will swing ‘Friends’ from itsplatform and it doesn’t look like the two will just go ‘on a break’. But don’tworry, we’ve listed some worthy substitutes for you to ease the pain of thisnatural streaming cycle. Although you will have to pivot between the differentstreaming channels to operate your laughing muscles. From the chime sensitive’Minx’ on Streamz to the uplifting ‘Schitt’s Creek’ on VRT MAX.

Hilarious, heartwarming and horny. The HBO Max series ‘Minx’ did not miss itsstart this spring. Not least because of his fixation on the male member,something that comes in all sizes, colors and weights in the show. Logicaltoo, because the series tells the story of the first nude magazine for womenin the early 1970s. Joyce pulls the strings, a feminist pur sang, who isactually opposed to the vulgar image of porn books and erotic magazines. Butin order to sell her progressive and qualitative articles on abortion andmarital rape, the entrepreneur must look for packaging that is appetizingenough to win over a wide readership. She teams up with porn king Doug (JakeJohnson) and the two set out on an endearing friendship and professionalpartnership that’s built on the same feel-good base as series like “TedLasso.”

‘Schitt’s Creek’ (VRT MAX)

Few series are at the top of our list of ‘uplifting series for the darkmonths’ as ‘Schitt’s Creek’. This Canadian sitcom created by Eugene Levy(“American Pie”) and son Dan Levy runs for six seasons and tells the story ofthe filthy rich Rose family who lose all their wealth and must move noblesseoblige to “Schitt’s Creek,” a desolate village they once bought as a joke. Thefamily must move into a dingy motel and adjust to a life without money orprivacy. The series was initially a moderate success, but after Netflix pickedup on the big puddle, the interest went through the roof. In 2020, the seriesbroke the record by being the first series to snatch the seven most importantEmmys. For the time being, only the first two seasons are online at VRT MAXand this for a limited time. Hopefully, with collective pressure, that canchange soon.

‘The Good Place’ (Netflix)

Getting in the wrong place and ultimately becoming a better person is also themoral of this uniquely hilarious Netflix blockbuster ‘The Good Place’. In it,Kristen Bell stars as Eleanor Shellstrop, a terribly selfish woman whoaccidentally ends up in the ‘Good Place’ after her death, a very exclusiveheavenly place designed and run by an architect named Michael (Ted Danson).When Eleanor suspects she was mistakenly sent to this afterlife paradise, shemust hide her ethically irresponsible past as she moves heaven and earth to bea better person. The four-season series has received critical acclaim for itscreative and humorous exploration of ethics and philosophy. Plot and courseevolve considerably as the seasons progress, but the big takeaway is thatmorality cannot be poured into one final score, but that people can improvetheir goodness even after death.

‘The Flight Attendant’ (Streamz)

Also ‘The Big Bang Theory’ will no longer be available on Netflix from October1, although you can just move to Prime Video for your regular portion of nerdyscientists. If you’re mainly looking to see Penny at work, you might as welltune in to Streamz for the two seasons of ‘The Flight Attendant’. In thisdarkly comic HBO Max drama, Kaley Cuoco plays Cassie Bowden, a vodka-marinatedflight attendant who wakes up one day in a Thai hotel next to her deceasedone-night stand (Michiel Huisman). With a stunner of a blackout, Cassie mustuse a torrent of flashbacks, hallucinations and alcohol-induced aha moments tofind the puzzle pieces to solve this murder plot before ending up behind barsas prime suspect number one herself. .

‘Abbott Elementary’ (Disney+)

It was the most-tweeted show at this month’s Emmys. And that for two reasons:because of the sensational reception speech by actress Sheryl Lee Ralph, whotook home the best supporting comedy actress statuette. And because creatorQuinta Brunson had to take her trophy for best script for a comedy series withthe clunky weight of a rude Jimmy Kimmel at her feet. ‘Abbott Elementary’shows Brunson as an enthusiastic teacher who does her very best to support thestudents of an underfunded school in Philadelphia. However, the many chaoticmoments are captured by a documentary crew, allowing the series to explore thesame workplace antics as ‘The Office’. The first season has a total ofthirteen episodes of 23 minutes each, but don’t be too sparing with your bingebehavior, because a second season will come out at any moment.

Prime Video added no fewer than 30 new movies

Thirty new films appeared in Prime Video ‘s offering this week. We’llhighlight ten of them, and then list the rest of the list for you.

Warcraft: The Beginning (2016)

Direction : Duncan Jones | cast : Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, BenFoster, Dominic Cooper

The peaceful domain of Azeroth is about to go to war when its civilizationfaces a formidable race of invaders: Orc warriors fleeing their dying home tocolonize another place. When a portal opens to connect the two worlds, onearmy faces destruction and the other faces extinction. Two heroes from twosides are about to face each other in a battle that will determine the fate oftheir families, their people and their home. Thus begins a spectacular saga ofpower and sacrifice, in which war has many faces, and everyone fights forsomething. Twelve monkeys (1995)

Direction: Terry Gilliam | cast : Joseph Melito, Bruce Willis, Jon Seda, MichaelChance

An unknown and deadly virus will almost wipe out the world’s population by2035, with a small group forced to live underground. Inmate James Colevolunteers to return to 1996 and find information about the virus.

trainwreck (2015)

Direction: Judd Apatow | cast : Colin Quinn, Devin Fabry, Carla Oudin, Amy Schumer

A woman who is allergic to serious relationships and all the obligations thatcome with it. In fact, if it’s up to her, she usually drops out after thefirst date. One day a handsome doctor (Bill Hader) crosses her path and theend of her uncomplicated life seems in sight.

Top Gun (1986)

Direction: Tony Scott | cast : Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, AnthonyEdwards

Maverick and his co-pilot Goose are hired at Top Gun, a tough naval trainingprogram for pilots. Here he competes with another top pilot, Iceman. After atragic event, Maverick realizes that life can be tough and he doubts whetherhe wants to continue flying. In the end, he has to prove who the best pilotis.

The World ‘s End (2013)

Direction: Edgar Wright | cast : Thomas Law, Zachary Bailess, Jasper Levine, JamesTarpey

‘The World’s End’ is about five childhood friends who try to recreate an epicpub crawl from 20 years ago. Leading the way is Gary King (Pegg), a 40-year-old man who acts like a teenager and persuades his unwilling friends to re-enter their village’s most famous pub, The World’s End. Reaching the pub,however, turns out to be the last thing they have to worry about…

The Theory of Everything (2014)

Direction: James Marsh | cast : Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Tom Prior, SophiePerry

The story of world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking. The Theory ofEverything focuses on Hawking’s early years at Cambridge University, where hefalls in love with medical student Jane. He marries her, but not much later heis diagnosed with ALS, an incurable muscle disease.

The Game (1997)

Direction: David Fincher | cast : Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Deborah Kara Unger,James Rebhorn

Nicholas Van Orton is a crafty and successful businessman who is always incontrol. That comes to an end when he receives a very special birthdaypresent: The game. Unknown forces terrorize him and destroy everything he hasever built. Whether he likes it or not, he has to win the game if he doesn’twant to lose everything.

Straight Outta Compton (2015)

Direction: F. Gary Gray | cast : O’Shea Jackson Jr., Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell,Neil Brown Jr.

In 1987, five young men used candid lyrics and hardcore beats to express theirfrustrations and anger at their lives in one of America’s most dangerousneighborhoods, creating a mighty weapon: their music. These cultural rebelstogether formed the NWA. With their music, attitude and talent they foughtagainst the authorities who wanted to keep them under their thumb. In theirlyrics, they told the truth about life in the hood and started a socialrevolution that still influences today’s society.

Steve Jobs (2015)

Direction: Danny Boyle | cast : Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen, JeffDaniels

His passion and ingenuity have been the driving force behind the digital age.But his drives to revolutionize technology have required sacrifices.Ultimately, it affected his family life and possibly his health. Thisrevealing film explores the triumphs of a modern genius, Steve Jobs.

Crimson Peak (2015)

Direction: Guillermo del Toro | cast : Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, TomHiddleston, Charlie Hunnam

Aspiring writer Edith Cushing is torn between her love for her childhoodfriend and the seduction of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghostsof her past, she finds herself in a house that breathes, bleeds… andremembers…

And these movies memory (2022) My Hero Academia: World Heroes ‘ Mission (2021) nussa (2021) The Souvenir: Part II (2021) reverse (2016) My Best Friend ‘s Exorcism (2022) fortress (2021) trolls (2016) The Croods (2013) Ted 2 (2015) Ted (2012) Scent of a Woman (1992) Mercury Rising (1998) Ex Machina (2014) Do the Right Thing (1989) Cape Fear (1991) Being John Malkovich (1999) back draft (1991) About Time (2013) 12 Mighty Orphans (2021)

Downton Abbey in Brabant: historical films bring our past to life

You see a film with a genteel family with servants in front of a statelyhouse. It’s that the images are black and white, otherwise it could be anepisode of Downton Abbey. But it is the White Castle in Loon op Zand, in thelate 1930s, with the Ten Horn-Verheijen family. It is one of hundreds ofhistorical films that have been digitized by the Regional Archives using themost modern techniques. The images are now available for everyone to see.

The Ten Horn-Verheijen family lived the good life, says Teuntje van de Wouw ofthe Regional Archive in Tilburg. “Hunting a bit, taking trips, beautifulhouses. We have a film of them on winter sports in Austria.”

“These images could be from now, with après ski in a ski lodge.”

“That could still be recorded today, with après ski in a ski lodge. They arevery special film images, which we have specially packed and stored in a coldstore. This way they are safe for the future.”

Hundreds of film reels, videotapes and DVDs have been re-digitized in recentyears. “Today’s technology has become so incredibly good,” explains Van deWouw. Last year she watched all the films and added all available information.

“In 1929, costumes were already nostalgia.”

You can see folklore on many recordings. Processions in particular were themoment when someone who could afford it grabbed his film camera. Nice to see,but it’s more, says Van de Wouw: “You see how the city has developed.”

“In a film from 1929 you see a folkloric fireplace. You see all kinds ofpeople in traditional costume, walking through the city with cows and horses.That was already nostalgia, because people no longer walked around like that.”

With the old town hall of Tilburg in the background, floats pass by. Someoneis milking a cow, an old lady is sitting behind a spinning wheel: “ReallyBrabant nostalgia. In that film you can clearly see the longing for the past.The sentiment of the disappearing farming community, because the textileindustry is changing the city.”

“Shock absorbers didn’t exist yet, you need a strong stomach.”

In addition to nostalgia, the old films show how much Tilburg has changed overthe past century. The 1964 film shows a ride through the city. Van de Wouw:“Shock absorbers didn’t exist yet, so you need a strong stomach. And the roadswere not yet well paved.”

You drive past the station under construction, the Schouwburgring with thePalace-Raadhuis. “Recognizable to many older Tilburg residents”, Van de Wouwknows. But for anyone under the age of sixty, the situation is unrecognizable.Few cities have changed as much as Tilburg.”

Van de Wouw’s great favorite is the film ‘Stad’ from 1984. “Someone arrives atthe station, spends a day in Tilburg and leaves. In black and white you seeall still images. You can see the sadness of Tilburg then, but also with atouch of humor. It’s a 45-minute film that you have to sit down and let itcome over you.”

“For the younger generation, this is the Tilburg they recognize.”

In this film no procession or other clichés from the Romance life, but emptyfactory sites. Van de Wouw: “For the younger generation, this is precisely theTilburg they recognize. I also know Tilburg as a city that requires someeffort. At first glance it looks ugly, but if you look more closely, you willfind fantastic places.”

The website of the Regional Archives will be online on Tuesday 4 October.

ALSO READ: Unique images of Tilburg from 1948 found: ‘Royal glory revived’

First episode ‘Disaster flight’ about Bijlmer disaster evokes strong memories in viewers

disaster flight is a reality-based thriller and is not only about theBijlmer disaster itself, but also about the aftermath of this plane crash.

Finding the real cause

When on October 4, 1992, a Boeing 747 of the Israeli airline company El Alcrashes into an apartment building in Amsterdam’s Bijlmermeer, the Netherlandsis suddenly world news. Investigation shows that a safety pin has come loosefrom one of the engines. In short: just bad luck.

But the black box is untraceable.

Journalists Vincent Dekker (Thomas Höppener) and Pierre Heijboer (Yorick vanWageningen) are therefore working with veterinarian Asha Willems (Joy Delima)to find out how this plane could have crashed. Some of those involved alsobecame seriously ill, leaving Vincent and Pierre wondering what that planeactually had on board.

Memories of Bijlmer disaster

The reactions to the first episode have been purely positive. Viewers aredeeply impressed. The gruesome images and good acting sometimes lead to’oppressive recognitions’.

Many viewers share their memories of the Bijlmer disaster on Twitter. ‘Firstpart of disaster flight about the Bijlmer disaster is promising and makes uscurious about the sequel. I can still remember that Sunday evening in 1992like it was yesterday,” one viewer wrote on Twitter.

Another responds with: ‘This will come in for a while, regardless of whetherit is fact or fiction. If you live close to Schiphol, these kinds of scenariosare always in the back of your mind. I was then on the train and enteredAmsterdam Amstel. I saw the explosion, not knowing what I saw.’

Watching this series will also bring up many sad memories for MarléneTruideman (69). She previously shared her story about the Bijlmer disaster inLibelle. In 1992 she lived in the flat on which the Boeing 747 crashed. Herson Guillermo (16) and daughter Graciella (14) died. “Even though everythingwas swept away, I still had hope.” Read the entire interview here.

Golden Calf nomination for ‘Disaster Flight’

disaster flight makes in the Drama Series category together with DirtyLines and The year of Fortuyn chance of a Golden Calf during the Dutch filmfestival. The winner will be announced on Friday 30 September during theGolden Calf Gala 2022.

disaster flight can be seen every day from Thursday 29 September at 9:30 pmon KRO-NCRV on NPO 1. The final episode will be broadcast on Tuesday 4October, exactly 30 years after the disaster.

Viewers praise Roxeanne Hazes with Best Singer duet Nielson: ‘Hit’

Roxeanne Hazes likes herself a bit the queen of this season of _Dear Singers_mention, at least if it is up to the reactions of the viewers. Because withher duet with Nielson she scored high. The viewership also thinks that Nielsonand Hazes could well have a hit.

Last night was the last episode of Dear Singers. Jaap Reesema, FerdiBolland, Nielson, Claudia de Breij, Sarita Lorena, Blanks and Roxeanne Hazesspent the past few weeks musically getting together in sunny Seville. Thislast episode is the “favorite evening” of presenter Jan Smit, namely theevening of the duets.

Admiration duet Roxeanne Hazes and Nielson in Best Singers

There are several musical collaborations in the broadcast. Big hits like Thegirl from Ipanema, Fix You, Bitter Sweet Symphony, You ‘ll be in my heart,Circle of life and Holiday in Spain get a Best Singers- sauce.

But one artist appears to really stand out for the viewing public, namelyRoxeanne Hazes. While her brother is in the news today because of hisdocumentary, viewers praise daughter Hazes for her performance in DearSingers. En label her as the ‘discovery’ of the program. The duet betweenHazes and Nielson is particularly impressive, according to the reactions. Theytranslated the song I ‘m With You from Avril Lavigne to Dutch. A song theyhave a common fondness for. “One of my favorite songs from my childhood,”Hazes said. The duo made the song ‘ Who I’m looking for‘ and some viewerseven emphasize that this song could well become a hit.

What a discovery Roxanne is for me. Can that annoying brother suck one more> time? Well done! Let go of all those uncertainties.> #bestsingers>> — Marianne Ammerlaan (@marianammerlaan) September 29,> 2022

Ok, there’s the next hit from this series> #bestsingers> pic.twitter.com/mS8FdMZ14M>> — Linda (@Lintweetsagogo) September 29,> 2022

Nice duet..Rox and Nielson.> #DearSingers>> — Janet (@MrsSandvrouw) September 29,> 2022

Who I am looking for is already one of my most favorite Dutch duets ever!> The song fits perfectly with Niels’ voice / sound and every head voice from> Rox gave me goosebumps again 😍😍> #bestsingers>> — Solange (@xdieudonnee) September 29,> 2022

What a great season this was with Roxanne Hazes as a discovery for me. What> a beautiful voice! In these troubled times this is very nice television> #bestsingers>> — Bea Jansen (@BeaPsychologist) September 29,> 2022

Niels & Rox 🥺❤️ So beautiful! Would you please release more duets? It sounds> so so so beautiful together!> #bestsingers>> — 𝔼𝕝𝕫𝕒 (@xxElzaaax) September 29,> 2022

Also many favorable reactions from viewers for Nielson

Incidentally, singer Nielson also gets a lot of praise for his part in thesong. In previous episodes, viewers praised his musicianship and ingeniouslyrics. For which he also praises his co-writer Matthijs de Ronden. “Peoplebehind the scenes are never thanked enough.”

But what can Nielson actually not do> #bestsingers>> — ♡ jacket (@jasminenvb) September 29,> 2022

You watch The Best Singers back via NPO.

Torenstra gained more respect for the work of partner Sophie with the new series | Movies & Series

Khalid & Sophie, Op1, Jinek: television is bursting with talk shows. And nowthere is Five Live , a fictional series that gives a look behind the scenesof these programs. Lead actor Waldemar Torenstra gained more respect for thework of such a presenter through his role as talk show host, and thereforealso for his partner Sophie Hilbrand.

By Danja Koeleman

“I have gained even more respect for the work of a talk show host,” says theactor. “And therefore even more for my wife (Torenstra is together with SophieHilbrand, one of the faces of Khalid & Sophie, ed.). It takes a lot to do alive show like that. I hope the viewers see that too.”

“I hope they think: gosh, that work has inhuman pressure and what a stressthat causes,” Torenstra told NU.nl. “It is of global importance at thatmoment, and on the other hand it is ‘just’ the daily job for the team thatthey have to put together a catchy story for TV every day.”

Torenstra plays in Five Live Roderik van Zuylen, who was previously marriedto Sara Bannink (Linda de Mol). Yet they still see each other every day,because together they form the presentation team of the talk show Five Live.And the pressure of their day-to-day job also has a big impact on theirprivate lives.

On the editors of Five Live there can be an atmosphere as if it were aboutworld peace, so to speak. “I know that pressure myself,” says the actor, “Butfortunately not as bad as on the editorial staff of Five Live. Of course,his work is of great importance to everyone, but especially in the TV worldyou can ask the question: how important is it really what we do? It’s nice tomake that fact a bit thicker in a comic drama series. So we look for the jokeand put it into perspective, but also take room for drama and emotion.”

Waldemar Torenstra and Linda de Mol in Five Live.

Photo: Roy Beusker

‘TV world is a circus that we all keep up’

Plenty of emotion and drama between the characters of Torenstra and De Mol.”They love each other very much, but sometimes also hate each other. Ourcharacters are very different. Sara is serious and the hardest working talkshow host there is. Roderik does it more from the improvisation: like, let theconversation come “He’s easy going, even if he doesn’t think so. He’s a bonvivant and womanizer who still sees himself and behaves like a 28-year-old,even though he’s in his forties.”

A character who is not close to Torenstra, he explains. “Roderik is quite vainand is very concerned with aging, that he becomes bald. That doesn’t botherme, haha.” Was the character inspired by famous talk show faces such asMatthijs van Nieuwkerk and Jeroen Pauw? “No, it’s a combination of differentpresenters.”

That also applies to the rest of the series, Torenstra explains. “The show isnot based on an existing situation or people, but we did take a good look atsituations behind the scenes. For example, certain looks that presentersexchange with each other and the whole hype of experts who come in handy. Youcan probably recognize someone from the NPO or commercial broadcaster with ahysterical broadcaster, but it is nowhere one-on-one. That would make it flat,and bland.”

The actor does not expect that negative sounds will come about from’Hillywood’ Five Live. “I think that everyone can put things intoperspective and know that the TV world is a circus that we all keep up. It iscertainly not the intention to create an image that the media world is juststupid, because that is not like that. We give an insight into the drive andhectic, but with a wink – and without major revelations.”

‘The Voice’ lacks a pinch of Alex Callier, the man who can break dreams with one well-placed sentence like another’s egg in the morning

You hear at counters and negotiating tables that there are no more certaintiesthese days. However, I know at least one: VTM will fill its Fridays with shinytalent shows until the last viewer has turned off the light or Koen Wautersrealizes that hoisting Duvels above a top billiard is also a way to start theweekend. That moment is not now: Wauters is just another coach in ‘The Voiceof Flanders’. Already in its eighth season, there are still some persistentmisunderstandings about the program.

Jasper Van LoySaturday October 1, 202208:35

Error number one: winners of ‘The Voice van Vlaanderen’ would usually havebeen forgotten before the last shred of confetti has popped out of the cannon.Fits well. won last year Grace Khuabic , who immediately raked in 2.5million streams with her first single ‘Freedom’. Her predecessor Ibe Wuytsmeanwhile know what the backstages of Pukkelpop and Werchter look like and thewinner before that, Luka Cruysberghs know you not only as an up-and-comingtalent, but also as she-who-with-a-Zoom-meeting-from- Hooverphonic -was-flickered. Do it there Paulien Mathues bij, 2013 laureate and backingvocalist for Arsenal at, and you have four winners out of seven who were ableto continue professionally after their win. In times of Spotify and TikTok,that’s not a bad thing.

Furthermore, it’s a myth that all contestants aim for quick fame and cannedpop stardom. ‘The Voice’ also lives on candidates like Sophie , theteacher who wanted to stand alone on stage for the first time in 42 years.’I’m proud that I dared,’ she reacted bravely after her performance, even ifher cover of ‘Nutbush City Limits’ was just a little bit Tina-Turnerian for anew-fangled judge Mathieu Terryn to turn around.

Speaking of Terryn: in advance memden a few members of the community that heand Jan Paternoster somewhat lowered themselves to become a coach of ‘TheVoice’. Another big mistake. Paternoster, for example, immediately proved itsadded value by being the only one to turn his chair for the nervous onejosse , who slipped vocal a few times, but did have the inspiration in histhroat that made Jan the bluesman happy. Josse’s brother warre was thebest singer of the evening: all the coaches were gone after one verse and sawthat the source of their delight came from behind a finely sculpted Adam’sapple, surmounted by a waving blond helmet and eyes that no longer neededdredging in terms of depth. Every year that question: can ugly people in thiscountry also sing?

By the way, it was already a misunderstanding that ‘The Voice’ should takeplace every year, now we are at it twice a week. Sunday is that again:candidate’s story, candidate’s performance, coaches’ commentary, story, song,commentary, story, song, commentary and that into something that feels likeeternity, then the battles and the final. Good stories and good songs, butthey would be even better if everything around them didn’t feel like bandwork. No one is scared of the fifth coach Laura Tesoro a trick to keeprejected candidates back in the race in exchange for a tear shed in front ofthe camera.

Everyone in the blind auditions can sing and those who struggle due to thestress still go home with a motherly mild remark from Natalia or a pat onthe back from Mathieu Terryn. That makes ‘The Voice’ warm, but also soimprobably kumbayarig that I have a sniff Alex Callier Missed, ex-coachand a man who can break dreams with one well-placed sentence like other peopledo their morning egg. But the majority of viewers just want to put theircynicism in the drawer during ‘The Voice’. For them, VTM has already completedits Friday assignment.