Will the investor continue to sing along with the music group?

The Rolling Stones, ABBA, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Andrea Bocelli: you canidolize or loathe, vilify or turn gray. And you can invest in them. At least,in the record company that manages their musical rights: Universal Music Group(UMG).

UMG is the largest music group in the world, forming the ‘Big Three’ togetherwith Warner Music Group and Sony. Headquartered in Hilversum, the companymainly operates from New York and Santa Monica, California.

Exactly one year ago, the company went public in Amsterdam. In December, itwas already promoted from the Midkap to the AEX – the market value was then 45billion euros. At the time of the IPO, the share was worth 23 euros, whichthen rose slightly to a peak of 27 euros in November. Then it went down a bit,and in the past six months the price dropped below 20 euros a few times.

Music has long ceased to generate money solely through the sale of records orCDs. UMG’s revenue today comes largely from streaming platforms, as well asfrom games and fitness apps that use music. The newest offshoot of the revenuemodel are NFTs.

“Music has shown great resilience in past economic crises,” said CEO LucianGrainge at the presentation of the second-quarter figures. In other words: UMGinvestors do not have to fear an impending recession, according to Grainge.

Analyst Thomas Singlehurst of Citi is less certain about this. Looking back atthe past few decades, which included two major recessions, the music industryhas definitely struggled, he says. “It is uncertain. We don’t really know howcyclical the music industry will be.”

For example, some of the new platforms UMG sells music to run onadvertisements, and that is indeed a cyclical market.

Singlehurst also sees a potential risk for UMG in another area. It is oftensaid that the music industry is a global industry, but that is only partlytrue, says Singlehurst. People listen a lot to local musicians. “My point is:the global scale is important, but it is just as important to operate in localmarkets. And I wonder if UMG is very competitive at this level,” saidSinglehurst. And it is precisely there that competition is increasing due tothe digitization of the music industry.

“UMG has been able to maintain its market share in recent years,” Singlehurstcontinues. “If the global music market grows 12 percent, UMG will grow 10percent. A little less, but still a lot and in line with the total growth ofthe market.” But what if we end up in a situation where the global market isonly growing by a few percent? “Then there will be little left of UMG’sgrowth.” So far it’s not an issue, but it’s a factor that Singlehurst iskeeping an eye on.

How does he actually look back on Universal’s first year on the stockexchange? „There was a lot of enthusiasm at the IPO, everyone was singingalong , to stay in musical terms. But during the year, some doubts started toarise among investors.” According to Singlehurst, these doubts are mainlyabout UMG’s ability to simultaneously achieve the three targets it announcedat the time of the IPO: revenue growth, higher profit margins and more cashflow. If that doesn’t work, the question arises as to which goal the companycan best let go of. According to Singlehurst, the tension around the varioustargets can be read from the current share price. Investors may have beenover-optimistic at first and now fear that a disappointment may be on the way.

Sarah Michelle Gellar doesn’t let her kids post on social media

Welcome to So Mini Ways Yahoo Life ‘s __parenting series on the joysand challenges of child-rearing.

As a mom of two children, Sarah Michelle Gellar runs a tight ship.

the Do Revenge star, 45, says she and husband Freddie Prinze Jr. don’t allowtheir children, 13-year-old Charlotte and 10-year-old Rocky, to have their ownsocial media accounts.

“Our rules are probably stricter than most. Our kids don’t have social media,”Gellar tells Yahoo Life’s So Mini Ways. “They’re allowed to look sometimeswhen it’s our phones. Sometimes, our kids will be like ‘you guys are thestrictest household!’ But I say, ‘yes, but everyone still wants to comehere!'”

To emphasize the permanence of what’s posted on social media, Gellar told herkids that it’s the equivalent of getting a Paw Patrol tattoo on your face atage 5.

“Because at that age, there’s nothing better than Paw Patrol. And now you’re10 and [13]and you still have these tattoos on your face and it’s not even whoyou are anymore,” explains Gellar, who rose to stardom on All My Children_and _Buffy the Vampire Slayer. “That’s a very hard concept for young kids tograsp.”

Still, she has no qualms about enforcing the rules with her busy family.

“I believe kids need to know what their limitations are, and they actuallythrive in that environment. We’re not mean, we’re not unnecessarily strict,but we have rules,” the actress says. “And the same way I abide by my code ofrules, I expect the same from our children.”

Another area where Gellar stays in control is with her family’s health. Thisflu season, Gellar is teaming up with Rite Aid and encouraging families to getthe flu shot. Gellar herself showed off her #FluFlex, a fun way for people toget their flu shot and post with pride that they’ve done their part to fightthe flu. It’s a spin on the “vaxxie,” the social media trend that emerged whenthe COVID-19 pandemic began.

It’s not hard to suggest that people get the flu shot,” she says.”Everybody now knows that the flu shot is the most effective way to preventthe flu. I think we’re beyond the point of the flu shot being actuallycontroversial.”

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Of course, the Cruel Intentions star recognizes that some people will debateher on the topic.

“At the end of the day, the internet is a rabbit hole, and if I want to godown a rabbit hole and find out if the sky is purple, I’m sure I could find aplace where the sky is purple,” she notes. “The flu shot really is a no-brainer for our family. As a parent, it’s my job to keep our family safe. Andto keep our grandparents safe, our extended family safe — and the best way Ican do that is to get my kids vaccinated against the flu.”

One reason Gellar is so conscientious is the fact that her whole family hasasthma.

“I’ve been asthmatic since I was a child, and my husband has mild asthma, aswell. Our daughter has it mild, but our son has fairly severe asthma. Thanksto medical professionals, it’s something we keep really under control,” saysGellar, who added that the family recently got “walloped pretty hard” withCOVID. “But the flu becomes much more serious for us, because it’s harder forour lungs to fight that illness. We get sicker.”

Gellar and Prinze celebrated an exciting milestone back in September: their20th wedding anniversary. On the anniversary, Gellar called out Howard Sternfor comments the radio icon made over two decades ago, in which he bet Prinzethat his marriage wouldn’t last 10 years. In an Instagram Story, Gellarreminded Stern of the bet and wrote, “I think you owe us.”

But Gellar says she hasn’t heard a peep from Stern.

“I’ve heard nothing. The ball is in his court,” she says. “It just made melaugh.”

As a parent and spouse, Gellar isn’t one for regrets.

“I don’t think you can actually look back and say, ‘I wish there were things Iknew.’ Life was different, and you’re a different person at different ages,”she says. “I think the most important thing is to try to grow together andcommunicate, and put the work in. That goes for relationships, friendships,parenting. It’s work. You have to be willing to do that.”

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Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave, 41, says she ‘wanted the approval’ of dad John Mellencamp

Unapologetically is a Yahoo Life series in which people get the chance toshare how they live their best life — out loud and in color, without fear orregret — looking back at the past with a smile and embracing the future withexcited anticipation.

Since leaving Bravos Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in 2020 after threeseasons, Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave has been busy.

When she isn’t encouraging other women to be their best selves through herlifestyle and fitness company, All In by Teddi, Arroyave, 41, brings levity tothe world as co-host of the hit podcast Two T ‘s in a Podo_alongside fellow_RHOBH alum Tamra Judge. But maintaining a work-life balance is top priorityin the reality star’s life — even though she admits it doesn’t come easy.

“People will always ask me ‘How do you have this perfect balance? It seemslike you have it all figured out with all of the kids and work and yourrelationship,’ and it’s just not the truth,” the mom of three tells YahooLife. “The truth of the matter is it comes in waves. If you set up the peoplein your life with expectations for what’s going on in your week, that’s wherewe really thrive.”

Keeping a firm schedule is key, she explains, especially when it comes toplanning time with her kids: Slate, 9, Cruz, 8, and Dove, 2, whom she shareswith husband Edwin Arroyave.

“If I know I have a really busy work day, I tell my entire family during ourmorning time. I say, ‘Guys, just so you know, this afternoon, mommy might be alittle tense and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. I just want you toknow that work is really busy today.”

Though Arroyave, the daughter of singer John Mellencamp, has since recruitedhelp with the kids after giving birth to Dove in 2020, she admits it took torake up enough courage to ask for it.


Former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave getsreal about finding balance in her 40s. (Photo: Getty; designed by QuinnLemmers)

“I didn’t have anyone helping me originally with Slate and Cruise,” she says,noting that she chose to quit her profession as an equestrian to have moretime caring for her family. “Once I had them both, I put this really strongguilt on myself, like, you can ‘t possibly ask anybody to help because youstopped working for this. I didn’t ask for what I actually needed.”

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Being the daughter of a celebrity, she explains, adds even more pressure.

“The amount of pressure that you put on yourself when you come from a parentthat is in the spotlight, and you yourself wanna be in the spotlight, is alot,” she says. “It’s gonna sound kind of sad, but I really wanted theapproval of my dad. You want that parent that’s so successful to look at youand be like, wow. And even though they probably were like, wow before mostof the kids that I know that have parents that are really incredible atsomething, their kids are gonna take on that pressure.”

Arroyave stresses the importance of being transparent with her fans,explaining that she never wants “people to think that something just naturallyhappened if it didn’t, because I don’t wanna make people feel alone.”

That’s a lesson she’s learned with age, she says, acknowledging that askingfor help is not a sign of weakness, but of strength and accountability — amessage she hopes resonate with other women. That mindset, in turn, has alsonourished the relationship with her husband.

“After 11 years of marriage, I would say that it still takes work. It’s nevergoing to be effortless,” she says of Edwin. “As much as we want [husbands] tobe mind readers, they don’t get any better at it, and that doesn’t change thelonger you’ve been together. The other thing is we really try not to takeourselves too seriously with one another. He knows that I am very type A andorganized and I like to be on time and that’s just who I am by nature, andhe’s very fly by [the seat of your pants]. We’re just so polar opposites inthat way, but we laugh about it now, whereas before we would get like, ‘That’snot who I am!’”

Standing firm in what she wants — including her decision to have a neck liftearlier this year — is all par for the course.

“Edwin, when it comes to surgery, for my boobs and for my neck, he is like oneof those people that’s like, ‘I don’t even wanna know,’” she says. “As long asI’m happy, Edwin’s happy. **** I don’t wanna ever not look like myself. WouldI get a full facelift in, you know, 20 years? I have absolutely no idea.Probably! Like, I can’t say, but right now there’s not anything I’m itching todo.”

Though she admits to never having been a person that “stresses about thenumber,” entering her 40s welcomed new understandings about how Arroyave wantsto spend her time.

“The biggest thing that keeps me going and keeps me excited is I like to keepevolving and changing and figuring out what keeps me happy,” she says. “Yes,of course I work really hard. Sometimes I’m working, you know, 12 hour days or14 hour days, but my work also feels like fun. It’s things that I love andthings that I’m passionate about. It’s things that make me feel good or thatI’m laughing while I’m doing it.”

Such was the case with the podcast she cohosts alongside Judge, an experienceshe never anticipated at this stage in her life.

“All of a sudden it’s number one every week,” she says of the success of TwoT ‘s in a Podo. “Our expectations were like, _OK, we ‘re two firedHousewives. Let’s see what happens, _and __ then it really just has taken off.It’s an exciting turn that just reminds us, like, never give up, keep focusingon things that you’re good at and that you enjoy doing.”

“In order to feel good with yourself, at some point you have to beunapologetic and for me a big part has been the power of yes, but also thepower of no,” she reflects. “You can laugh at the hate. You can laugh at thefun. You can laugh at all the different things and as long as you surroundyourself with real people that will tell you the way it is and the truth,that’s what matters in life. I’ve been able to do that. So I feel reallylucky.”

— Video produced by Stacy Jackman

Wellness, parenting, body image and more: Get to know the ** who*behind the* ** hi with Yahoo Life ‘s newsletter. Sign up here

absurd list of new movies and series

Mass is cash, Netflix will think. In October 2022, just like in September,more than a hundred (!) titles will be added to Netflix. Quite absurd, how canthey make so many productions every month? An overview of the new films andseries, including All Quiet on the Western Front a reboot of the war moviesof war movies.

The psychopath that already dominated Netflix in September also returns, butin real life. Help!

New on Netflix in August 2022

Scroll down for the complete list of new movies and series on Netflix inOctober 2022. First we highlight a few more titles that are worth checking outanyway.

The Shining (and many other existing horror films)

Yes, it’s Halloween this month. So traditionally a delicious series of horrorfilms appears on the streaming service. Starting with Jack Nicholson in TheShining.

The Shining and other purchased horror films will be available on Netflixfrom October 1.

Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes

The series about Jeffrey Dahmer, the psychopath of psychopaths, is stillwidely watched. But there’s more to come, in the form of a three-partdocumentary series.

Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes will be available onNetflix from October 7.

The School for Good and Evil

Best friends Sophie and Agatha find themselves on opposite sides of an epicbattle when they are dragged into an enchanted school where aspiring heroesand villains are trained to protect the balance between good and evil. Soundspromising. Based on a book series, read more here.

The School for Good and Evil Season 2 will be available on Netfix fromOctober 19.

All Quiet on the Western Front

Yes, the war movie of war movies has gotten a reboot. The original from 1930is set in the trenches of the First World War, but unlike many other warfilms, this time the side of the Germans is highlighted. Read more about thefilm in this article.

All Quiet on the Western Front will be available on Netflix from October 28.

All new movies, series and documentaries

For the binge watchers: the complete overview of all films, series anddocumentaries that will be released on Netflix in October 2022.

Netflix Original Series in October 2022

Bling Empire: Season 3 5/10/2022 Nailed It!: Season 7 5/10/2022 High Water 5/10/2022 Forever Queens 2/10/2022 Derry Girls: Season 3 7/10/2022 Glitch 7/10/2022 The Midnight Club 7/10/2022 The Mole 7/10/2022 Man on Pause 7/10/2022 The Fight for Justice: Paolo Guerrero 5/10/2022 Little Women 8/10/2022 The Cage 11/10/2022 Belascoarán, PI 12/10/2022 Easy Bake Battle 12/10/2022 Wild Croc Territory 12/10/2022 Sue Perkins: Perfectly Legal 13/10/2022 The Playlist 13/10/2022 Everything Calls for Salvation 14/10/2022 Holy Family 14/10/2022 Mismatched: Season 2 14/10/2022 Black Butterflies 14/10/2022 Take 1 14/10/2022 Once Upon a Small Town 10/17/2022 Somebody Feed Phil: Season 6 10/18/2022 Unsolved Mysteries: Volume 3 (new episodes weekly, starting October 8) Love Is Blind: Season 3 (new episodes weekly, starting October 19) Notre Dame 19/10/2022 The Green Glove Gang 19/10/2022 28 Days Haunted 21/10/2022 Barbarians II 21/10/2022 From Scratch 21/10/2022 High: Confessions of an Ibiza Drug Mule 21/10/2022 Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities 24/10/2022 Dubai Bling 27/10/2022 The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself 28/10/2022 Big Mouth: Season 6 10/28/2022 If Only 28/10/2022 Drink Masters 28/10/2022 Deadwind: Season 3 29/10/2022 Inside Man (date to follow)

Netflix Original Movies in October 2022

Togo 5/10/2022 Jumping from High Places 5/10/2022 mr. Harrigan’s Phone 5/10/2022 Old People 7/10/2022 Luckiest Girl Alive 7/10/2022 Doll House 7/10/2022 Someone Borrowed 11/10/2022 The Curse of Bridge Hollow 14/10/2022 The School for Good and Evil 19/10/2022 20th Century Girl (date to follow) The Chalk Line 24/10/2022 Hellhole 26/10/2022 The Good Nurse 26/10/2022 Robbing Mussolini 26/10/2022 Cici 27/10/2022 Wendell & Wild 28/10/2022 All Quiet on the Western Front 28/10/2022 Wild is the Wind 28/10/2022

Netflix Comedy Specials in October 2022

Hasan Minhaj: The King’s Jester 4/10/2022 Kev Adams: The Real Me 7/10/2022 Iliza Shlesinger: Hot Forever 11/10/2022 DEAW#13 Udom Taephanich Stand Up Comedy Show 11/10/2022 Gabriel Iglesias: Stadium Fluffy 18/10/2022 Franco Escamilla: Eavesdropping 23/10/2022 Fortune Feimster: Good Fortune 25/10/2022

Netflix Documentaries in October 2022

The Trapped 13: How We Survived The Thai Cave 5/10/2022 Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake 6/10/2022 The Joys and Sorrows of Young Yuguo 6/10/2022 Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes 7/10/2022 The Redeem Team 7/10/2022 Island of the Sea Wolves 11/10/2022 LiSA Another Great Day 18/10/2022 Descendant 21/10/2022 Fugitive: The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn 26/10/2022 Earthstorm 27/10/2022 My Encounter with Evil 28/10/2022 I AM A STALKER 28/10/2022

Netflix Anime in October 2022

Exception 13/10/2022 Romantic Killer 27/10/2022

Titles purchased in October 2022

It should be clear: next month it’s Halloween.

BV 24/7. Stephanie Planckaert and Christopher enjoy Lindos and Sieg De Doncker goes cycling with his daughter | showbiz

BV The show must go on , because the Showbiz world never stands still. Findout what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours here in ournews stream.

JOVS 3 Oct. 2022

Latest update: 16:20 Source: Instagram

Former ‘Blind Married’ Contestant Candice Martens has moved.

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Stephanie Planckaert and her husband Christopher enjoyed their trip toLindos, Greece.

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Peter Van de Veire makes his appearance in ‘The smartest person in theworld’ and is ready for it.

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Sieg De Doncker going for a bike ride with his daughter Nelle but shedoesn’t seem to trust it.

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‘Family’ Actor Jan Van Den Bosch went to watch the new theater performanceof ‘Nachtwacht’.

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influencer Yentl Keuppens lived with former ‘Big Brother’ contestantJulie Vanderzijl the opening of the store of Andy Peelman.

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Loredana and Pat Krimson had a nice lunch meeting and reveal that theyhave made many plans for next fall and for 2023.

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Wendy Van Wanten and French went out in France.

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Former ‘Blind Married’ Contestant Nuria Gilizintinonova celebrates herson’s third birthday Theodore.

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Sam Gooris had a date night with his wife Kelly Pfaff.

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Beyoncé Is the Belle of the Ball — and Dripping in Diamonds — in New Tiffany & Co. campaign

_Courtesy of Tiffany & Co. by Mason Poole _

It’s a dazzling Beyonce renaissance.

In the latest addition to Tiffany & Co.’s Beyoncé collaboration, the singerstars in the jeweler’s Lose Yourself in Love campaign, set to the tune of her”Summer Renaissance” from her latest album Renaissance — and PEOPLE canexclusively reveal a few of the gorgeous photos.

In the film, shot by Grammy winner Mark Romanek, Beyoncé, 41, is wearing head-to-toe custom creations alongside Tiffany & Co. jewelry. One of the piecesBeyoncé is rocking is a Tiffany & Co. engagement ring in platinum with aninternally flawless, round brilliant diamond of over 10 carats, as well aspieces by legendary Tiffany & Co. designer Jean Schlumberger.

Beyoncé, who was styled by Marni Senofonte and Patti Wilson, is joined by ahuge cast of supporting characters in the film, which is meant to look like avintage New York City club from the 1970s, with a little bit of Beyoncé flair.The supporting cast — who bring life to the background of the film — are alsooutfitted with Tiffany jewels for a fully immersive experience.

In fact, Beyoncé even finds herself perched atop a jewel-encrusted horse inthis new campaign, taking the visual of these ads to a whole new level.

RELATED: Beyoncé and JAY-Z Cozy Up in Romantic Tiffany & Co. Ad Inspiredby ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’

Beyonce and Tiffany and Co.  exclusive release Credit is Tiffany andCo.Beyonceand Tiffany and Co.  exclusive release Credit is Tiffany andCo.

Beyonce and Tiffany and Co. exclusive release Credit is Tiffany and Co.

_Courtesy of Tiffany & Co. by Mason Poole _

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Tiffany & Co.’s Lose Yourself in Love campaign is part of the brand’s outreachfor underrepresented communities. The jeweler also launched Tiffany Atrium, asocial impact platform working alongside Beyoncé and husband JAY-Z to providescholarships. According to a press release, in 2021, Tiffany & Co. pledged $2million in scholarship funding for students in the arts and creative fields atHBCUs through 2024. That scholarship money has so far been awarded to morethan 60 students.

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The “Alien Superstar” singer has been working with Tiffany & Co. for years,starring in a number of campaigns, sometimes alongside her husband and evendaughter Blue Ivy.

In October last year, Beyoncé and JAY-Z, 52, shot a short film called “DateNight” that showed the loving, playful side of their relationship. Inspired bythe New York City backseat taxi scenes from the 1961 film Breakfast atTiffany ‘s, the video began with a glam Beyoncé sitting in the back of aRolls Royce applying red lipstick and donning some jaw-dropping Tiffany & Co.jewels (including a 10-carat diamond ring and 6-carat diamond earrings).

Once JAY-Z joins her in the car, Beyoncé holds a yellow daisy in her hand andplays a game of “he loves me, he loves me not” while giving sweet glances toher husband. The “Formation” singer wrapped her arm around her man and happilylaughed before he asked her: “Shall we get pizza?”

“I think we need pizza,” Beyoncé agreed.

RELATED: Beyoncé Is the First Person to Wear Tiffany & Co.’s Most ExpensiveDiamond Necklace: See the Piece!

Beyonce and Tiffany and Co.  exclusive release Credit is Tiffany andCo.Beyonceand Tiffany and Co.  exclusive release Credit is Tiffany andCo.

Beyonce and Tiffany and Co. exclusive release Credit is Tiffany and Co.

_Courtesy of Tiffany & Co. by Mason Poole _

RELATED: Beyoncé Wears Priceless Tiffany Yellow Diamond in IntimateJewelry Campaign with Husband JAY-Z

Earlier this year, Beyoncé had a huge Tiffany & Co. moment when she got towear the brand’s most expensive necklace. ever.

The “Love on Top” singer wore the show-stopping piece while attending andhosting her and JAY-Z’s Oscars afterparty at the Chateau Marmont in LosAngeles following the 2022 Academy Awards.

The necklace, known as “The Historic 1939 World’s Fair Necklace,” features theover 80-carat Empire Diamond, and is the jeweler’s most expensive piece evercreated that they offer.

According to Tiffany & Co., the company reimagined the piece by “modernizingthe original aquamarine design with an over-80-carat, D color, internallyflawless oval diamond.”

The recreation of the World’s Fair Necklace, Tiffany & Co. added, representsthe brand’s “legacy of innovative jewelry design.”

Alongside the stunning necklace, the Empire Diamond can also be worn as adiamond-encrusted ring, which Tiffany and Co. notes allows it to become”uniquely transformable.”

“How much he looks like Peter R.”

Royce deVries. Screenshot: RTL 4 / Humberto on Sunday

Royce de Vries joined in last night Humberto on Sunday to talk about theHeineken kidnapping that happened nearly 40 years ago. And especially aboutthe role of his father Peter R. de Vries in this. According to many viewers,he is starting to look more and more like his dad.

What viewers from Humberto (Tan) also noticed: the calm with which Royce deVries speaks. “Nice to listen to him,” it sounded on Twitter about the man wholost Peter R. de Vries to an attack last summer.

Book Heineken kidnapping breakthrough Peter R. de Vries

Freddy Heineken, director of the brewery of the same name, was kidnapped in1983 with his driver Ab Doderer. The perpetrators were four youngAmsterdammers, Cor van Hout, Willem Holleeder, Frans Meijer and Jan Boellaard.Peter R. de Vries wrote the book about the kidnapping The Kidnapping ofAlfred Heineken and published this in 1987. It is regarded as one of the mostwidely read Dutch books and became De Vries’ breakthrough. The great successwas told from the perspective of the kidnappers and Peter R. de Vries becamefriends with Cor van Hout, who was murdered in 2003. That friendship of thethen Telegraph journalist was called controversial.

Royce de Vries was not yet born when his father’s book came out. “I grew upwith the book,” says De Vries. “It was often discussed at home and I read itat a young age. My father built his career with the book, that’s how itstarted. It played a big part in my life and I got to know many people fromthe book personally. It is a story that has come close to me.”

Royce de Vries about Cor van Hout

Royce de Vries told in Humberto nice about father Peter R. de Vries (you cansee the whole broadcast here). For example, it was about the fact that DeVries was the only journalist who flew with the four suspects to Sint Maarten,where they were temporarily allowed to serve out their ‘house arrest’ on thebeach. A beautiful photo of Peter R. de Vries behind his typewriter on thesame beach. “It made the front page every day.”

The journalist previously wrote a letter to Cor van Hout, who was detained inFrance, who, according to Royce de Vries, probably did not like him at all inthe first instance. „He wrote for The Telegraph with big heads, so he wasn’thappy about that. After six weeks he received an answer from Cor van Hout.”According to Royce de Vries, himself a friend of Van Hout’s son, thefriendship that arose was a gradual process. “My father had asked in theletter whether he could do something for Cor van Hout. Then he wrote back thathe would like it if he could come every Monday The Telegraph would send.Then he could see what Ajax had done. My father did that every day, assumingthat they would be there for another two weeks and then be extradited. Thatended up taking two years.”

‘How does he look like Peter R. de Vries’

Royce de Vries’s stories about his father were beautiful, but the resemblanceis especially striking. Or maybe it’s getting more and more striking. Hisvoice, his attitude, it’s all Peter R. de Vries. Many twitterers saw that andappreciated his way of speaking.

Kim Kardashian to pay $1.26M to settle SEC charges over Instagram crypto promotion

Kim Kardashian has grown her fortune off sponsored Instagram posts — but onehas landed her in hot water with the SEC.

On Monday, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced charges against_The Kardashians_ star. It stems from a June 13, 2021 Instagram post she madepromoting a crypto asset security offered by EthereumMax. She did not properlydisclose her compensation, violating Section 17(b) of the Securities Act.


(Screenshot: sec.gov)

With the announcement of the charge also came news that a settlement wasreached. Kardashian agreed to pay back the $250,000 she was paid for thepromotion, $10,415.35 in interest and a civil money penalty of $1 million. itmust be paid within 20 days. Further, Kardashian, who is cooperating with theSEC’s investigation, agreed to not promote crypto securities for three years.However, Kardashian, who is studying to become an attorney, neither admittedto nor denied the regulator’s findings.

“This case is a reminder that, when celebrities or influencers endorseinvestment opportunities, including crypto asset securities, it doesn’t meanthat those investment products are right for all investors,” Gary Gensler,chairman of the SEC, said in a press release . “We encourage investors toconsider an investment’s potential risks and opportunities in light of theirown financial goals.”

His continued, “Ms. Kardashian’s case also serves as a reminder to celebritiesand others that the law requires them to disclose to the public when and howmuch they are paid to promote investing in securities… Investors are entitledto know whether the publicity of a security is unbiased, and Ms. Kardashianfailed to disclose this information.”

Kardashian promoted EthereumMax’s offering on Instagram by touting that shehad a “big announcement.” The post linked to the crypto business’s website,where instructions were provided for potential investors to purchase EMAXtokens. While Kardashian included #AD at the bottom of the post, she didn’tdisclose the amount of compensation received in exchange for the promotion.

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Kardashian’s post from June 2021. (Screenshot: sec.gov)

A spokesperson for Kardashian tells Yahoo Entertainment, “Ms. Kardashian ispleased to have resolved this matter with the SEC. Kardashian fully cooperatedwith the SEC from the very beginning and she remains willing to do whatevershe can to assist the SEC in this matter. She wanted to get this matter behindher to avoid a protracted dispute. The agreement she reached with the SECallows her to do that so that she can move forward with her many differentbusiness pursuits.”

Kardashian is worth an estimated $1.8 billion and she’s grown her fortune withher sponsored Instagram posts. During an appearance on My Guest Needs NoIntroduction With David Letterman in 2020, the SKIMS and Skkn founderrevealed that one Instagram post could bring in “more than we do a wholeseason” of former E! show Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

A year before, it was reported that she was making between $300,000 to$500,000 per post — and in some cases $1 million.

She also said in 2019 that she’d become more selective about what she wasaccepting money to post.

“Now it’s a little bit more personal for me,” she said at the New York TimesDealbook Conference. “If I have a paid post that comes in and I think, ‘OK,well this can fund x amount of people that are behind bars, that can help freethem with simple legal fees that they just can’t afford, then that would beworth it to me, even if the post might be a little bit off-brand for me.'”

She has come under fire other sponsored posts over the years, including weightloss tea and other diet products and waist trainers, among things. The familyalso previously severed ties with a bank that promoted a high-fee, prepaiddebit card that featured their image. Former Connecticut Attorney GeneralRichard Blumenthal said it unfairly targeted financially unsophisticated youngadults, including those enticed by the family’s “lives of luxury andextravagance.”

Sacheen Littlefeather, Activist Who Took the Stage to Decline Marlon Brando’s Oscar, Dies at 75

Marlon Brando’s Oscar,…

Sacheen Littlefeather, Activist Who Took the Stage to Decline MarlonBrando’s Oscar, Dies at 75

Sacheen Littlefeather, the activist for Native Americans who declined MarlonBrando’s Oscar for “The Godfather” on his behalf at the 1973 Academy Awards,died Sunday at 75, the Academy of Motion Pictures said. She had been sufferingfrom breast cancer.

In June, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences apologizes toLittlefeather for her treatment at the Oscars that night. Littlefeatherattended an in-person presentation of the apology at the Academy Museum onSept. 17.

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At the Oscars, she was only given 60 seconds to read her speech on NativeAmerican rights, and was then escorted off the stage with audience membersbooing.

“He very regretfully cannot accept this very generous award,” Littlefeathersaid to the Academy Awards audience in . “And the reasons for this being arethe treatment of American Indians today by the film industry… and ontelevision in movie re-runs, and also with recent happenings at Wounded Knee.”

She was allowed to read her full speech at a later press conference, and itwas printed in the New York Times. Raquel Welch, Clint Eastwood and Oscar co-host Michael Caine were among those who criticized her on-camera fordisrupting the ceremony.

Littlefeather, born Marie Louise Cruz in Salinas, Calif., became interested inNative American issues in college and participated in the 1970 occupation ofAlcatraz Island, adopting her name during that time.

After college, she joined SAG and reportedly with Brando, who took an interestin Native American issues, through Francis Ford Coppola who likeLittlefeather, lived in San Francisco.

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In a recent interview, Littlefeather told variety what it was like to attendthe Oscars on Brando’s behalf.

“It was my first time at the Academy Awards. I made it through my firsthurdle, promising Marlon Brando that I would not touch that Oscar. But, as Iwalked off that stage, I did in the ways of courage, honor grace, dignity andtruthfulness. I did so in the ways of my ancestors and the ways of Indigenouswomen.

27th March 1973: Sacheen Littlefeather (Native American actress MariaCruz) holds a written statement from actor Marlon Brando refusing his BestActor Oscar on stage at the Academy Awards, Los Angeles, California.  (Photoby Hulton Archive/GettyImages)27thMarch 1973: Sacheen Littlefeather (Native American actress Maria Cruz) holdsa written statement from actor Marlon Brando refusing his Best Actor Oscar onstage at the Academy Awards, Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by HultonArchive/GettyImages)

Sacheen Littlefeather holds a written statement from actor Marlon Brandorefusing his Best Actor Oscar on stage at the Academy Awards in 1973.

“I was met with the stereotypical tomahawk chop, individuals who called at me,and I ignored all of them. I continued to walk straight ahead with a couple ofarmed guards beside me, and I held my head high and was proud to be the firstIndigenous woman in the history of the Academy Awards to make that politicalstatement.

“At that time in 1973, there was a media blackout on Wounded Knee and againstthe American Indian Movement that was occupying it. Marlon had called them inadvance and asked them to watch the Academy Awards, which they did. As theysaw me, up on stage, refusing that Academy Award for the stereotypes withinthe film industry, and mentioning Wounded Knee in South Dakota, it would breakthe media boycott.”

Littlefeather also recently reflected on death, telling variety , “When wedie, we know that our ancestors are coming to give. We know that we’re goingto that spirit world from where we came. We take this as a warrior with prideand not defeat, looking forward to joining our ancestors who are going to bethere with us at our last breath and they’re going to welcome us into thatworld on the other side and have a big celebration for us.”

A documentary about her life and activism, “Sacheen Breaking the Silence,” wasreleased in 2021.

Though she had a few small roles in films including “The Trial of Billy Jack,”Littlefeather said she was blacklisted in Hollywood after the Oscars, andreturned to San Francisco to continue her activism and work in theater andhealth care.

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Hannes Minnaar: ‘In the G major prelude I suddenly hear Putin’s muscle language’

It must have been early 2000. Whether it was February or March, pianist HannesMinnaar does not remember, but he does know that he was just 15 when hewatched an episode of the documentary series on television. Of the beauty andthe comfort saw. Wim Kayzer asked 26 artists, scientists and philosopherswhat makes life worth living. Minnaar saw the episode with pianist VladimirAshkenazy. At the very end of the episode, Ashkenazy plays a piece of music:the ‘fugue in C minor’, from the 24 Preludes and Fugues by DmitriShostakovich. Lover was totally upside down.

At home in Nederhorst den Berg, in his study with two grand pianos, he walksto the cupboard with sheet music and takes out a tattered bundle. Minnaar: “Iwalked into the sheet music store Broekmans & Van Poppel in Amsterdam andbought Book 2 with all my birthday money, which contains that fugue.” He looksfor the sticker. “Oh, here: 58.80 guilders.” Minnaar was still tooinexperienced to play everything. To still hear what it sounded like, heentered some pieces note by note into a computer program, which then playedthem to him in computer sound. Now, 22 years later, he can. The proof is on arecently released CD, and can be heard live on Tuesday at the Chamber MusicFestival Schiermonnikoog.

24 Preludes and Fugues

The idea of ​​form for 24 Preludes and Fugues comes from Bach. At thebeginning of the 18th century he composed Das wohltemperierte Klavier: twobooks containing 24 sets of a prelude and a fugue, all in a different key, sothat all 12 keys in major and minor are sounded once. Chopin did the sameabout a hundred years later with 24 preludes (opus 28), and Shostakovichanother hundred years later, around 1950, so too.

two and a half hours

He puts the bundle on the lectern and plays some parts, looking for all thecorners that Shostakovich put in it. The sunny A major fugue: „Tiedeliedelie,look, he is experimenting with a melody with only the notes from the A chord.”D-major: “Very magical.” All the more, that the computer used to play for him:”Seems just as happy, but it’s much more forced, much more cynical.” TheE-flat major fugue: „Which I couldn’t understand. What does he want with sucha theme? Until I heard it’s gruff and gruff, evil.” And the ‘tragic prelude inG-sharp minor, because towards the end a hopeful note escapes for a moment,which seems to dissolve everything, but which then falls down anyway. Sohopeless.”

All 24 preludes and fugues , that’s about two and a half hours of music. Herecorded the CD in two times three recording days with about six months inbetween. He has never performed the work in front of an audience in oneevening. Fortunately, Minnaar has toured with Bach’s Goldberg Variations(for that CD he won his second Edison two weeks ago), together 80 minutes. Inretrospect, Minnaar calls that a good training. Spiritually, that is. “It’s noproblem for the fingers, play for two and a half hours. No, it’s hard on theconcentration.” Isn’t he worried about that jump from 80 minutes to 150? “Notreally. It’s on a break!”

The music Minnaar played:


Nor is it easy for the public, Minnaar admits. Although that is not so muchbecause of the length, but because of the character of the music: sad, lonely,isolated. It was not for nothing that Minnaar’s idea came to throw himself atShostakovich in a coronalockdown. Yes, there are those sunny parts; cheerful,exuberant, even comforting. But they are becoming more and more frugal. “Bach,however profound, is full of hope. Even where he is deeply lamenting, it isnever hopeless. Shostakovich is hopeless. His minor fugues are the longest.Slowly the heavy stamp begins to gain the upper hand. If you listen to this,you will be defeated.” Why does he want to do that to his audience? “Becauseyou can really disappear into it. It’s great, it’s imposing, impressive,deeply human. The world is miserable. Sometimes you can say that in theconcert hall too.”

Minnaar starts talking about it himself, suddenly pained: „I have scratched myhead. A year ago I was just studying an amazing masterpiece. But now… Whatkind of statement are you making playing Russian music? Do people actuallywant to hear that? You can come up with all sorts of ways out: thatShostakovich himself suffered under the Soviet regime is very true. But on theother hand: he has bowed, he has made knee drops. His music is always inrelation to political rulers, much more than the music of other composers.What that means is a matter of interpretation. Sure, the triumph over theregime in his music is full of irony. He does not support the regime. But itis going too far for me to say that Shostakovich made a caricature of theSoviet Union.”

muscle language

Lover seems to really care. “However you look at it, it suddenly makes thismusic hyper-actual.” He plays the prelude in G major. “Listen: this is musclelanguage. This is where I now hear Putin’s Russia in.” For Minnaar personally,however, the story behind the music matters less. “I always look for thefeeling of that 15-year-old me who heard the music on TV and bought the sheetmusic to study it. I was also completely captivated, not knowing anythingabout Shostakovich. Sometimes music just has to be music.”

Hannes Minnaar plays Shostakovich ‘ 24 Preludes and Fugues Tuesdayat the Chamber Music Festival Schiermonnikoog, 14/10 in the MuziekgebouwAmsterdam and 16/10 in Concert Hall Tilburg. Inl: hannesminnaar.com