Just a good drama? ‘Disaster flight’ is much more than that

Also all episodes of disaster flight seen with growing astonishment? ThenI’m sure you’re just as stunned as anyone I talk to about it. Overwhelmed bythe power of good drama. Because the KRO-NCRV series about the plane crash inthe Bijlmer – thirty years ago on Tuesday – gives this ‘old’ story a brandnew, current dimension. It is right that the jury of the Golden Calves lastweekend disaster flight has rewarded.

There is also criticism. Terrorism expert Beatrice de Graaf stated on Twitterthat she doesn’t like faction: mixing fact and fiction. But as long as I seethat the king of facts Vincent Dekker is behind the end result, I am happy forthose who are still frustrated that, partly thanks to disaster flight thedisastrous aftermath of the disaster is once again in all the media.

The real Vincent Dekker

The series is much more than just good drama. He puts his finger on a fewpainful places in our society. That becomes extra clear for those who alsowatch on NPO2 on Wednesday disaster flight , the documentary. It has beenavailable online for a few days and contains conversations with the realVincent Dekker, the real Rob van Gijzel (great narrator) and others involvedin the question: what cargo was the crashed El Al-Boeing transporting?Unfortunately, the real then ministers Hanja Maij-Weggen and AnnemarieJorritsma and the real Henk Wolleswinkel of the Aviation Inspectorate did notwant to cooperate. However, some rebuttal comes from Henk Pruis, a formerresearcher at the Rijksluchtvaartdienst. Prussia does not agree with therather one-sided media attention for the depleted uranium in the crashedplane. Which by the way becomes clearer on the extensive website of KRO-NCRVthan in the documentary itself.

It is especially poignant to see that a democratic instrument that is sorespected and in principle feared, such as a parliamentary inquiry, becomes asham when MPs do not have the right input or the skills of interrogation. Andthe outcome of their findings is politically weighted. For example, thegovernment parties adopted the recommendations of the Vliegramp Bijlmermeerinquiry committee, but not the conclusions. Because then heads would have hadto roll and Purple II wanted to continue.

Civil servants out of the closet

“Politics at its ugliest what happened there,” said investigative journalistJoost Oranje, currently coordinator at news hour and NOS News. He arguesthat civil servants should be able to come out of the closet. Since the’oekaze of Kok’ in 1998, the possibilities of the civil service to communicateopenly have been too limited for a healthy dynamic between journalism, civilservants and politics. How bizarre in fact.

Curious, by the way, what Maureen Sarucco, the former director of public orderand safety of the municipality of Amsterdam who defended the integrity of itspeople like a lion, thinks of the scene – in the series – in which she bitesjournalist Dekker: “I hope you don’t created a monster that is unstoppable,Mr. Dekker. If trust in the government, the experts, the policymakers isdestroyed, then a society falls apart. I hope it doesn’t get that far.”

Don ‘t shoot the messenger, I think. But otherwise: anyone who looks aroundthese days will agree with her conclusion.

Renate van der Bas and Maaike Bos write columns about television five times aweek.

Also read:

Thriller series about the Bijlmer disaster mixes fact and fiction. ‘Itwasn’t a conspiracy, but definitely a cover-up’

Trouw journalist Vincent Dekker got stuck in the Bijlmer disaster thirtyyears ago. Actor Thomas Höppener plays him in the thriller series DisasterFlight. ” Still no lessons have been learned from that accident.”

Hunting program Hunted is bad for the night’s sleep

Hunt or be hunted is a popular program format, that much is clear to me aftera few months of paid television viewing. And there is little that gets me asworked up as that. Because whether you empathize with the hunter or the loot,in both cases it’s a lot of screaming ‘cunt’, ‘fuck’ and ‘goddamn’, constantrushing and rushing, and the end of the song is (almost) always that thehunter wins. So why start with it?

Hunted (AvroTros) I managed to avoid it for nine seasons, bad if it’s for myrest. But now I’ve been following six couples on Monday evenings for two weeksnow, who for weeks have to avoid the hands of a team of tactical and technicaldetectives who have all possible technology and all tap, hack and track powersat their disposal. And I notice a thick Amsterdam accent. In any case, it isthe sport to talk in jargon as much as possible. The hunters do not hit anempty house, no, the house is “one hundred percent negative”. They locate,race and listen, streets are kept ‘closed’, ‘attentions’ are thrown in the airand also arrows, by the way, in the hope that somewhere ‘balloons will pop’.And meanwhile the prey just run, cycle, ride with strangers to escape theircertain catch.

I can’t help feeling that the brainstorming session for this program wasattended by one or more investigative agencies that have a vested interest inshowing us what they can and are allowed to do, should they happen to belooking for us. The millions of surveillance cameras that film you all thetime, everywhere. The cell towers that tell you where your phone and laptopare located and so you probably do too. And then not one muscular man in aT-shirt and black combat pants has come to your family and friends to inquirewhere you are hanging out.

Pen and paper

In the new game show The Genius (NTR) attempts were made unsuccessfully onMonday evening to generate the same kind of tension. Ten candidates in acachot-like situation, a distorted voice-over that says it’s about eating orbeing eaten. But here it did not happen chasing and chasing, but sitting andwith pen and paper. The candidates play a kind of Werewolves or live Strategowith each other, games that I couldn’t keep up with all my attention inprimary school.

That’s why I bent on the hunt for the golden Televizier ring. An audienceaward, viewers vote and thus determine the nominees and the winner. NextThursday, the final vote and the award ceremony will be broadcast live ontelevision, but there is already a disgrace that programs have surfaced(again) due to flat voter recruitment. satirical program Until here ofBNNVARA would be a ‘regular’ contender, but the RTL docu-drama The Beavers_not. Well John de Bever and his husband / manager have indeed mobilized halfof Brabant to vote for the _real life series about their lives. Highwaybanners, radio calls, TV appearances. But the third nominee, The HuntingSeason from SBS6, could just be really popular. Especially when it was stilla YouTube program, a few million young people followed how a well-knownDutchman had to stay out of the hands of the three guys from StukTV for fourhours. Bit of the idea of Hunted without tracking techniques (just a GPSsignal) but with the same cursing and hysterical rush.

John de Mol took over StukTV in 2020, now duos are hunted in the TV variantand the candidates are also recognizable for an “older target group”.Followers became viewers, added together that is probably a lot of voters.

De Wallen resident in the Netherlands is full: ‘People with laughing gas tanks’

In The Netherlands is full , a TV series by Jeroen Pauw, last night it wasabout tourism. Numerous people from the tourist industry gathered about thecrowds in our country – outside of corona time – but perhaps a story by aresident of the Amsterdam Red Light District was the most striking.

On Twitter, the hashtag #Nederlandisvol mainly produces messages about asylumseekers, but that is not what presenter Pauw on NPO 1 is about. It recentlywent into The Netherlands is full about flying and the meat industry,yesterday about (mass) tourism in Amsterdam and beyond.

Figures in the Netherlands is full

Jeroen Pauw kicks The Netherlands is full – yesterday good for almost700,000 viewers, always with numbers. Now he did that sailing on the alwayscrowded waters of Giethoorn. The figures before corona: in 2019 there were45.9 million in our country, of which slightly more than half from theNetherlands itself (a tourist is someone who spends at least one nightsomewhere). More days off, price comparison sites on the internet and pricefighters in aviation ensure that there are more and more. But especially therise of Airbnb meant that we all went out even more massively than in previousyears. The figures are expected to grow much faster towards 2030.

The Netherlands earns 91 billion euros a year from the tourism industry. Morethan 800,000 compatriots work in tourism, whether or not part-time. Where mosttourists go and spend their money? Amsterdam, by far.

Ver-cream potization and full Red Light District

In The Netherlands is full a number of problems came up. For example, the’room-potisation’ of holiday parks was discussed. The power of Airbnb, whereMember of Parliament Sandra Beckerman (SP) thinks that this phenomenon hasbeen nice. And also ghost villages because people buy houses as holiday homesand then never stay there.

#Nederlandisvol > Don’t often agree @SPnl but> now: away with> #AirBnB>> — Louk de Wit (@Louk_de_Wit) October 2,> 2022

But when it comes to really busy, we’re talking – and The Netherlands isfull also – of course about red light De Wallen district in our capital.Entrepreneurs from outside earn their (lots of) money there and have nofurther nuisance when they are in bed. For residents of De Wallen, however, acompletely different story applies. Mass tourism in Amsterdam is in any caselimited to a small area in the center of the city. Jeroen Pauw, walking pastsex shops, prostitutes and catering: “Tourism not only brings a lot of good.”Journalist Sander Heijne walks with him: “The benefits and burdens are veryunevenly distributed. People who live here and earn their money elsewhere inthe city experience a lot of nuisance. Of people gossiping, spitting andpissing on the streets.”

Ver-cream potization> #nederlandisvol>> — Nathalie (@without reason) October 2,> 2022

Resident enjoyed the time of corona

Amsterdam resident Bert Nap, who claims to ‘live in the epicenter’, knows allabout it. “I really enjoyed De Wallen in the time of corona. And early in themorning it is also quite a nice city. Only as the evening progresses do yousee the madness increase.”

“What exactly is the madness?”, Jeroen Pauw wanted to say The Netherlands isfull – table know. “When do you think what a bad night this is again?” BertNap: “On the one hand, the madness is the crowds, which puts a lot of pressureon the city. On the other hand, a certain kind of visitor who comes to thecity with the idea that they can go on holiday morally. That’s what we callit.” Pauw: “Like: anything is allowed here.” Nap: “Yes, they come to town todrink, to er… (Pauw: “Yes, what are you going to call that word?”). They evenwalk through the neighborhood with nitrous oxide tanks and are then no longerapproachable. And they leave behind anything you don’t want to find. But Ilike it.”

When will Amsterdammers realize that their city’s only raison d’être is> tourism?> #NetherlandsIsVol>> — Erwin van Duin 🇪🇺 #FBPE 🟢⚪🟢 (@erwinvanduin) October 2,> 2022

“Are those people getting too wide a job?” Jeroen Pauw wanted to know. BertNap: „Yes, the city started managing it too late. That is with many problems.It has to get really bad before it is recognized that there is a problem. Oncethe problem is on paper, it still has to change on the street.” Yet Napremains faithful to his Amsterdam: “I will continue to live there, because Ido not want to experience Staphorst on Sunday morning.”

Going next week The Netherlands is full – yesterday’s broadcast can be foundhere – about traffic.

Netflix series ‘Dahmer’ causes a lot of dust, but in the meantime it breaks viewership record

viewership record

admin/ “View allposts by admin”)

The new Netflix series Dahmer – Monster: the Jeffrey Dahmer story causesquite a stir. Far too gruesome and explicit, or so it sounds in theinternational press and on social media. Meanwhile, the series does break aviewership record.

Marijn SlijperOctober 3, 202203:00

When Jeffrey Dahmer’s father reports to the police station, the officers havesome unpleasant news. They found “several objects indicating that your soncommitted multiple murders”. As there are: a human head, two hearts, malegenitalia, five skulls, a complete skeleton and a vessel of acid containingthree torsos. The ‘different objects’ are also depicted. After all, such asummary is only abstract. Based on the remains on the cookware, the policealso believe that Dahmer ate some of his victims. Officer to father: “We’llleave you alone for a while to get yourself together.”

A little earlier we saw how things usually work. From Dahmer’s dingy apartmentcomes the sound of a power saw. The next shot, he rinses a bloodied carvingknife. He then picks up his next victim in a gay bar. Dahmer ostentatiouslylocks the door. Just as emphatically he mixes a narcotic substance into thebeer. And so the horror is staged for twenty minutes.

The new Netflix series Dahmer leave little to the imagination. Theperversion is especially good in the first two episodes. That has come to becriticized by the makers. The explicit scenes are disrespectful to the victimsand their relatives, it sounds like. After all, the series is not fiction, buttrue crime. Between 1978 and 1991, lust killer, necrophile and cannibalJeffrey Dahmer murdered seventeen boys and men. He could go on for far toolong. He ended up getting 15 life sentences. After two years he was murderedby fellow inmates.


It is striking that Netflix launched the series almost silently. When aproducer like Ryan Murphy, who was brought in by Netflix for a record amountof 300 million dollars, comes up with something new, it is usually preceded bya sophisticated promotional campaign. This time, the promotion was limited toa trailer that was dropped on the internet five days before release.

Evan Peters as Jeffrey Dahmer in the new Netflix series.Image SERBAFFO/NETFLIX

Among other The Guardian suggests that Netflix itself may also realize thatit did not produce an overly sophisticated product. “Hard to watch andnauseating,” the British newspaper said. “It seems like something has gone sowrong that Netflix has decided to create as little attention as possible.”

That didn’t work out too well. In the five days after its release, the serieshad already been watched 196.2 million hours. In comparison: the second mostwatched series reached 60.97 million viewing hours. Dahmer therefore sets arecord: never before have so many people watched a series on Netflix in theweek of the premiere.

Film critics, however, are a lot less enthusiastic. Metacritic, a site thatbrings together reviews, calculated a score of 4.5 out of 10. “A carnival ofhorror”, for example, writes The Telegraph.

Netflix itself emphasizes in a message on the website that it gives Dahmer’svictims a voice. The streaming service says it will show the story from thevictims’ point of view. In addition, they take “a critical look atinstitutional racism, white privilege and homophobia”. Initially, Netflixlabeled the series – in addition to ‘dark’ and ‘horror’ – also as ‘lhbtq’.Community members were outraged and eventually the tag was removed.

Critical look

The makers show themselves, certainly later in the series, critical ofsociety. After all, the police action in the Dahmer case was lax. Not leastbecause the perpetrators were white and the victims of color, and often gay.For example, episode two shows how black local residents find a bloodied,unconscious and unclothed boy. They call the police, but when Dahmerapproaches and claims it is his drunken eighteen-year-old friend, they believehim. The agents will still go to Dahmer’s apartment. For fear of “walking intosomething” they barely get past the front door. Konerak Sinthasomphone, agedfourteen, is murdered.

The episode also makes clear why the makers are accused of sensationalism.Horrifying is the scene in which Sinthasomphone undergoes a primitive kind oflobotomy. That ultimately overshadows Netflix’s “critical eye.”

Relatives of Dahmer’s victims are also not very impressed by all the goodintentions. Rita Isbell, sister of Errol Lindsey, one of the victims, wrote apersonal essay on insider. The series reenacts her emotional speech incourt: “I was never contacted about the series. I think Netflix should haveasked us if we objected and how we feel about it. They didn’t ask me anything.They just got to work.” As far as she’s concerned, the streaming service isall about money: “Netflix wants to earn.”

Her cousin Eric Perry also makes himself heard. On Twitter, he addressed thoseplanning to watch the series: “If you’re really curious about the victims, myfamily is frustrated with the series. It traumatizes again and again. And forwhat? How many films, series and documentaries are yet to come?”

‘It Still Hurts A Lot’

In November 2018, Tamera Mowry-Housley’s life was forever changed when she waswoken up to a call with unimaginable news.

The actress and former talk show host learned that her 18-year-old nieceAlaina Housley — who she often referred to as her “favorite Housley” — hadbeen killed in a mass shooting with 11 others at the Borderline Bar & Grill inThousand Oaks , California.

Now, for the first time since Alaina’s death, Mowry-Housley, 44, is detailingthe dark day and its aftermath in an exclusive excerpt from her new book YouShould Sit Down for This (out Tuesday, Oct. 4), in which she also shares herlife story, from child stardom on Sister, Sister to a daytime TV stint on_The Real._

Tamara Mowry Recounts the Day Niece Alaina Died in Bar Shooting in NewMemoirTamaraMowry Recounts the Day Niece Alaina Died in Bar Shooting in NewMemoir

Tamara Mowry Recounts the Day Niece Alaina Died in Bar Shooting in New Memoir

You Should Sit for This Cover Art

On the night of November 7, 2018, not too long after going to sleep, myhusband’s phone rang. It was Arik, Adam’s brother, “Alaina went out dancingwith friends, and there was a shooting—it’s all I know right now.”

A shooting? alaina? This is impossible, she has to be okay. The samenightmare that has destroyed too many families in this country had arrived inour bedroom—and unfortunately the nightmare was real.

Alina Housley. My sweet, sweet Alaina, you stole my heart when you were justfive years old. By now you all know (I’m talking to you, readers!) I wasemailing back and forth with Adam before I met him in person. In the firstpicture he sent me he was standing next to a tiny, bright-eyed, mocha-skinnedbeauty whose smile was larger than life. alaina . . . your uncle was wise toinclude you in the first photo he shared with me, because who could resistyour cuteness? Who wouldn’t want to go out with a man who so clearly adoredhis niece? I’ll admit it, when I first saw that picture, I thought, Okay, Ican definitely have kids with this man. If there ‘s any chance they’ll looklike her, I’m all in!



Tamera Mowry/Instagram

Story continues

Alaina, you and I clicked instantly. We bonded over fun, girly things likemanicures, hair braiding, makeup, and clothes. I was in love with Adam, and Iwas smitten with your entire family, but it didn’t take me long to come to asurprising conclusion. That you, Alaina, were my favorite Housley. You knowthat, right, Alaina? And I’m sorry for Adam! But it’s the honest to God truth.We sang so well together, too. I treasure the photograph of us right after wesang the national anthem together before the first Napa Valley 1839 soccergame. I often show that picture to people because it captures the essence ofour relationship. Our faces show lots of love with a big side of silly. Welook so proud and happy in that picture! Remember how hard it is to hit thatcrazy high note at the end? That note is no joke! That day you taught me thatthere is something even more joyful than singing, and that’s singing withsomeone whom you love with all your heart.

In true Housley-Mowry fashion, you chose to matriculate at Pepperdine. Youfollowed in the footsteps of both of your parents, of your Uncle Adam, me, andof course Tia. A bright, outgoing girl—you probably could have studiedanywhere you wanted to, but you were proud to step into a family tradition. Idon’t know how, but you managed to teach yourself to play the ukulele. Iremember how you blew everyone’s mind at the school talent show. Adam filledme in on your brilliant performance in Les Miserables. I was out of town andso sad to miss your performance, to miss seeing you in your element. you loved_Hamilton_ as much as I did. Work! And I was thrilled that you were theatercurious, falling in love with acting and auditioning for plays in college. Youknew I had your back—whatever you needed, advice, support, a last minute mani-pedi.

But this is the part that haunts me sometimes. Alaina, you wanted me to comesee you to talk about acting and your new life in college, and I couldn’t makeit work. I didn’t think much of it, because I was going to see you at Aden’sbirthday party the next week. In a million years I couldn’t have imagined I’dnever see you again. It’s impossible to make sense of this. Someone with a gunwent into a bar and stole your life along with the lives of eleven otherinnocent people. I ache for everything that was stolen. Your graduation fromPepperdine, your first job after college, the traveling you would have done,the men you would have dated, helping you through your first broken heart, thesongs you would have sung, your wedding (you stole the show in mine you lookedso pretty!), your first baby. We were robbed of all your potential—your entirefuture.

Your uncle drove down to Thousand Oaks to try to find you. He had covered massshootings before, and yet it was unthinkable that you could be involved inone. I called the emergency hotline so many times that I was gently and kindlytold they would call me when there was information. Your iPhone said thatyou were in the bar where the shooting took place hours and hours after theevent happened, and we knew what that probably meant. But the little thread ofhope was not something that was easy for any of us to let go of. Finally, yourdad got the word. “She’s gone,” he said to your uncle. Those two little wordscarried so much power. An unbelievable amount of grief— _She ‘s gone. _It isnot possible to describe what any of us felt. I can’t tell you what it waslike to tell Ariah and Aden that their cousin was gone. Honestly, Alaina, I’mnot entirely sure the words to describe this level of pain actually exist.

The Napa Police drove down to where you were. You were brought home with apolice escort—and the cops were crying too. The worst thing I have ever seenin my life was your mother’s face when you arrived in that long black car. Herbaby had come home, and she crumpled.

https://www.instagram.com/p/BqGKAEEAzRe/ tameramowrytwo's profile picturetameramowrytwo Verified Happy 6th birthday Aden!  Alaina was excited to cometo your birthday party.  But as you said buddy, “She lives in your heart now.”We love you.��202whttps://www.instagram.com/p/BqGKAEEAzRe/tameramowrytwo's profile picture tameramowrytwo Verified Happy 6th birthdayAden!  Alaina was excited to come to your birthday party.  But as you saidbuddy, “She lives in your heart now.”  We love you.��202w

https://www.instagram.com/p/BqGKAEEAzRe/ tameramowrytwo’s profile picturetameramowrytwo Verified Happy 6th birthday Aden! Alaina was excited to come toyour birthday party. But as you said buddy, “She lives in your heart now.” Welove you.�� 202w

Tamera Mowry/Instagram Niece Alaina and Son Aden

She wailed. I don’t know how she survived that moment, because this was notthe way you were supposed to come home from college. Seeing you in that carwas a horrible reminder that this nightmare was real, and it wasn’t going toend. The cops escorted you—silently, but with lights on, to the cemetery. Theoutpouring of support and love from the people of Napa was incredible. Theylined the streets for you and your family. You wouldn’t think something likethat could help, but it did. You were loved.

Of all the people who saved me from constant despair, it was your mother. Sheshouldn’t have had to save me, but she did. As we were approaching the secondanniversary of your death and the pain was still raw, she said, “Tamera, I’verealized something. Alaina was never fully mine. She belonged to God. I mighthave given birth to her, but her mission here on earth is done. She’s with Himnow.” What a brave and wise thing to say—what a generous way to move forwardin life after experiencing such pain! That’s your mom, Alaina. She’s reallysomething.

I learned that day how much love can hurt. Losing you hurt so much, and itstill hurts a lot, but losing you also taught me to love. A little harder. Iam going to love my people at full capacity—because we have no idea what’sgoing to happen, Alaina. You’re not even here, but you still taught me to lovedeeper, more fully, and without any reservation at all. I’m spreading as muchlove as I can around this world, and it’s all thanks to the privilege ofknowing you.

Excerpted from the book YOU SHOULD DOWN FOR THIS by Tamera Mowry-HousleyCopyright © 2022 by Tamera Mowry-Housley. Reprinted with permission ofLegacy Lit. All rights reserved.

Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki get candid about past romance

Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki open up about their off-screen romance likethey never have before in a new oral history about The Big Bang Theory. Theactors, who dated from 2006 to 2008, detail how they fell in love, who madethe first move and why they ultimately broke up in the book The Big BangTheory: The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit Series.

“I had a very big crush on Johnny early on. I was so not even hiding it. Hehas such swagger. We were both dating people at the time, but I only had eyesfor Johnny. Then, when I found out he had eyes for me too, I was like, Uh‑oh,this is going to be trouble,” Cuoco shares in an excerpt obtained by VanityFair. Galecki says he “had zero idea of ​​any sort of crush before Kaley andI started dating.”

Cuoco and Galecki’s characters, Penny and Leonard, kiss for the first time inepisode 6 of the show’s first season. It was the first time the actors lockedlips, too.

“All the scenes up until we actually got together in real life, it was obviousthere was always something there. There was chemistry and we were crushing oneach other. That was the whole first season until we actually got together forreal,” Cuoco recalls, admitting she was “very nervous” when they kissed forthe Halloween episode.

“I mean, I was kissing him as Penny before we ever dated, and it’s weird whenyou have a crush on someone and you’re kissing them as actors,” she explains.While it took months for the two to eventually kiss off camera, it soon becameapparent — even to Galecki — they had a connection.

While filming “The Nerdvana Annihilation” episode later in Season 1, Cuoco andGalecki had to film a dream sequence that Leonard saves Penny in the elevatorshaft.

“It was not an enjoyable experience for me,” Cuoco says.

“We had to be in each other’s arms — and for quite some time, because it was abit of a stunt that we were doing,” Galecki recalls. “That was certainly oneof the moments that I think—”

Story continues

“I think we fell a little in love in that elevator shaft,” Cuoco interjects.

“We felt something, yeah. I think that was a massive turning point [in ourrelationship]. At that point, both she and I knew that something mutual wasfelt, and that it was going to be more of a distraction from the work to tryand continue to ignore it than to actually recognize it and surrender to it,”Galecki confirms.

Cuoco eventually split from her boyfriend, and hours after they broke up, shejoined Galecki and the rest of the cast on a trip to Montecito, Calif. Theyall had separate cabins, but the actress tried to get Galecki over to hers bycalling and asking him to come kill a bug.

“Now, still to this day, I don’t know if this story is bullshit or not, and ifshe was flirting with me because she had just broken up with her boyfriend,but I did not go over to her cabin,” Galecki declare.

“There was definitely a bug in my room and I was flirting with him! So bothwere true! I was like, Ooh, this could be a good way to get him in there!But that didn’t work,” Cuoco laughs. “I couldn’t believe he turned me down. Istill think he turned me down because he knew what I was doing. I used the bugas an excuse, and he still did not come over.”

Galecki ended up making the first move not too long after that trip when heinvited Cuoco to meet for a glass of wine.

“We started kissing in the bar area, and then we were kissing in the parkinglot. Johnny can get really in his head and want to hide, whereas I’m thedirect opposite. I would have told everybody the next day at the table read. Iwould have announced it and said, _We ‘re together! _But he was like, ‘Wecan’t tell anyone!’ So we kept it quiet,” Cuoco recalls. “And don’t forget, itwas different then. Social media was nowhere what it is now, so it was easierto keep it hidden. You didn’t know as much about people as you do now. It’s adifferent world.”

The actors told the cast and crew eventually and no one was that surprised.Galecki and Cuoco’s relationship was serious — “Kaley and I did considermarrying,” he says at one point — but his need for privacy ultimatelycontributed to the pair’s break up.

“We’re from very different worlds, but we also seem to melt into each other’sworlds in certain ways. It was a lot of fun to teach one another differentthings, but then when I came to wanting different things, that made thingsmore complicated,” Galecki explains.

“I think one of the things that created a chasm between us was my strictpolicies of privacy, and Kaley being very, very open about her life. I wasvery uncomfortable with being public about it, and I think that hurt Kaley’sfeelings a little bit, and I can understand that,” he continues. “It certainlywasn’t because I was embarrassed of her or our relationship, but I wanted tobe protective of the audience’s acceptance of Penny and Leonard, and withoutdistraction from the tabloids.”

Galecki continues, “I’m private in general, but it made me especially uneasybecause we were working together, and the show was kind of snowballing at thetime as far as viewership. And at a certain point it felt like we were livingthis lie because we were going to award shows and functions and pretendinglike we’re not a couple, when in fact we were a very loving couple.”

While Galecki says they “had very different interests in what I think wewanted from our experience of life,” that didn’t stop them from becoming closefriends after the split.

“I adore the friends that we are. I think I might value my relationship withher more than any other previous relationship or relationship afterwards,” heshares.

Cuoco didn’t seem to dispute his take on the break up, but added more context.

“Johnny and I also ran out of things to talk about, because we’d be at workall day, and then we’d go back to one of our places together, and say, ‘So howwas your day? Simon was funny today, right?’ And we’d laugh because we had nomystery,” she remembers.

“But we were together for a long time. We really adored each other, and wewere lucky because as our breakup was happening, there was no foul play, therewas nothing bad about our relationship… it just ended,” Cuoco continues .”Yes, there was some hurt there for a bit, but it didn’t take us that long togo back to what we were before we were dating and be friends. He was front rowat both of my weddings, and we’ve been so supportive of each other ever since.We adore each other.”

Galecki still keeps his private life under wraps. The actor split from modelAlaina Meyer in 2020. They share one son. As for Cuoco, she is dating _Ozark_actor Tom Pelphrey. They walked the red carpet together at the 2022 EmmyAwards, so it seems they don’t disagree on being open about theirrelationship.

7 Bands That Sell A Lot Of T-Shirts, But Not To Fans

We don’t know who we find more annoying: celebs (and therefore theirfollowers) who wear band shirts and don’t listen to the music or fans of thosebands who make a fundamental point of that. Let them have fun. The fact isthat some bands mainly sell T-shirts to people who don’t even know they exist.

Thus, if you don’t know them, the Kardashians seem to be the world’s biggestfans of metal and grunge. Our judgment tells us that this is not the case, asif Travis Barker will try to shove his punk down their throats.

Bands that sell a lot of T-shirts, but not to fans

An overview of T-shirts from bands that have become trendy fashion items. Aplague for metalheads for years. Sometimes they are on the shelves at H&M,other times at designer brands. For the carriers we have also included a linkof the music, to get acquainted. Oh, wait a minute, we may have judged KimKardashian too soon. She appears to be dating Metallica frontman JamesHetfield.

Iron Maiden

The best example is Iron Maiden. One of the most distinctive and influentialbands of the new wave of British heavy metal. Their T-shirts are all_fashionable_ and thus very popular among celebs and normal people. We wonderif they often put on songs like this.

Jaden Smith Keeps It Cool in an Iron Maiden Shirt While on a Shopping Trip!> – Just Jared Jr. https://t.co/rxFfRSNFmb> pic.twitter.com/W64h7LU2h0>> — Iron Maiden News (@Maiden_News) September 26,> 2017

Led Zeppelin

Brilliant 70s band known to the general public for two things: their T-shirtsand the eternal Top 2000 song Stairway to Heaven. Below you see TikTok queenAddison Rae not in a bikini, but in such a band shirt.

Addison Rae shows her Led Zeppelin fandom in band t-shirt as she steps out> in NYC https://t.co/zUZS1U6GQW>> — Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) Dec 4,> 2021

Guns N’ Roses

We were deeply saddened to see a collection of Guns N’ Roses T-shirts launchedat H&M a few years ago. Surely this is one of the bands we were hooked on inhigh school in the 90s. Anyway, we gathered ourselves together, played theBuddhist and didn’t make a fundamental point of it. Everyone is entitled tosuch a shirt, including supermodel Sara Sampaio.

Sara Sampaio rocks a Guns n Roses shirt to a pilates class after returning> from her Turks and Caicos getaway 24.05.2021>> more…https://t.co/41GSw7LP0e> pic.twitter.com/XFmyrOTOog>> — HQCC (@Pawe66862800) May 25,> 2021


Slayer plays very hard thrash metal, in which there is no singing but’grinding’. On the street you see the T-shirts everywhere. Have fun listening,Kendall Jenner.

Kendall Jenner unleashes wild side as she wears Slayer vest to> #opening> https://t.co/EyTaBGHG9N> pic.twitter.com/QL5GyAvvr9>> — George A. Rauscher (@law_forensic) October 14,> 2016

Yes, the guitarist of Slayer liked that too.

look what slayer’s guitarist wore nada kendall jenner so wore slayer shirt> pic.twitter.com/r1XMsKYv7v>> — nina the sad and lonely whore of babylon (@sisternightfaii) June 15,> 2016


On to Kendall Jenner’s half sister. Kim Kardashian is a Metallica fan in herown way. Sorry, dear fans, we sympathize with you.

Did Kim Kardashian Pay $2,000 For This Rare METALLICA Shirt?> http://t.co/dsmNgK2TVQ> pic.twitter.com/7rfkjeQMEG>> — Metal Injection (@metalinjection) June 2,> 2015


Perhaps the band with T-shirts that are most worn worldwide by people whodon’t listen to the music. Admittedly, the logo is lovely. Not so long ago,designer Marc Jacobs was charged with illegal use of the smiley.


Selena Gomez can wear anything, including band shirts, like this one from

Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival from 5 to 9 October 2022

The Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival will take place in Amsterdam from 5 to 9October 2022. You can enjoy Spanish films for five days in a row in fourdifferent places in the city: Pathé Tuschinski, Eye Filmmuseum, OBA libraryand Lab111. Whether you like serious documentaries, thrilling thrillers orNetflix movies, there is bound to be a movie for you. In addition to thefilms, there are sometimes Spanish snacks and wines with live music andmeetings with various Spanish directors and directors, actresses and actorsafterwards. Below a small selection of the editors of the glossy Spainmagazine ESPANJE! with the trailer included. For the complete program andtickets, visit the website of the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival. __

NICE! subscribe now __on SPAIN! which publishes a 100-page glossy magazinefour times a year. In front of only €24.95 you get a €10 discount(normally €34.95) for the current edition and the four upcoming editions.CLICK HERE __and sign up to get ESPANJE right away! to read (also nice asa gift of course).

Opening film Rainbow – Netflix in Tuschinski

Pathé Tuschinski, October 5, 8 pm, with Q &A, snacks and wine The festival opens with the film Rainbow, which can be seen on Netflix fromthe end of September. But of course it’s much more fun in Tuschinski on thebig screen, with a Q&A afterwards with director Paco León and Spanish singerDora Postigo, who will also sing part of the soundtrack. Rainbow is a modernversion of the Wizard of Oz, starring Dora Postigo. The streaming service doesnot call Rainbow a film but a “trip”. Dora searches for her mother and on theway comes across a lion in her room, a woman who promises to make her veryrich and famous and she ends up at a bizarre party.

Un año una noche – The impact of Bataclan

Eye Film Museum October 7 at 9.30 pm, with Q &A The young couple Céline and Ramón survived the terrorist attack in theBataclan theater on November 13, 2015, but that night left an open wound intheir lives. While Céline has repressed her experience and plunges back intoher old life, Ramón is stuck in the past. Both struggle with the samequestion: how can they survive and move on as a couple? The film is anadaptation of the book “Paz, amor y Death metal”, by Ramón González, whosurvived the attack in Bataclan itself.

Breathe – Women’s Wing in Barcelona

OBA Oosterdok Amsterdam, October 6 at 8 p.m Breathe is a raw and impressive one and a half hour documentary about thefemale inmates of Can Brians 1 prison in Barcelona. The Catalan actress,director and producer Susanna Barranco tells the story of seven femaleprisoners. How did they end up in prison and what is it like for those womento live without freedom? The documentary reflects on the current Spanishprison system and raises the question of what consequences imprisonment hasfor the mental and physical health of the women.

Girasoles silvestres – In search of happiness

Wildflowers October 9 Eye Film Museum 7 pm The spirited 22-year-old Julia falls head over heels in love with Óscar. Theyget into an intense relationship, full of ups and downs. The more time shespends with the troubled young man, the more Julia wonders if the relationshipis stable enough to be viable. Does Óscar’s erratic behavior make him asuitable life partner and male role model for her children? After a violentincident, Julia decides to leave Óscar and look for a better future. Thisseventh feature by Jaime Rosales explores the thorny path of love and is anode to the zest for life and the perseverance of a woman who already has twochildren at a young age. Julia (Anna Castillo) is not easy to catch: thesearch for true love may sometimes be an ordeal, but that is no reason to giveup.

The Catalan director Jaime Rosales (1970, Barcelona) previously gained famewith Las horas del día (2003) and Petra (2018). About his latest film, hesays: “I wanted to make a film that is uplifting, despite dramatic moments. Iwant to show the viewer the story of a strong woman who manages to survive indifficult circumstances, and who leaves the viewer with a sense of hope.”

Las Bestias – Galician thriller

LABIII October 7 7 pm A French couple moves to a hamlet in the Galician mountains to start farmingecologically. Antoine and Olga lead a quiet life and are full of plans, butcan count on little support from the other villagers. Things do not go wellwith their neighbours, the Anta brothers, and it even leads to a conflict,which causes tensions to rise throughout the village. When Antoine disappearsone day, Olga decides to stay and find out what happened. With beautifulimages of Galician peasant life.

SPAIN! __Travel and culture magazine is the Dutch-language glossy aboutSpain and the Spanish-speaking world that appears four times a year in theNetherlands and Belgium. SPAIN! __is a high-quality journalism magazinewith inspiring travel reports, beautiful interviews, fascinating columns,delicious recipes and hundreds of tips for lovers of Spain. Read moreinformation on the website espanje.nl __

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry hold hands in new photos taken 3 days before queen’s death

New images of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, taken just days before the deathof Queen Elizabeth II, have been released.

Photographer Misan Harriman posted a pair of images of the couple on Monday tohis Instagram — one in black-and-white and the other in color — showing theDuke and Duchess of Sussex, 38 and 41, moments before attending the openingceremony of the One Young World Summit in Manchester on Sept. 5.

Queen Elizabeth II passed away three days later, on Sept. 8.

While attending the summit, which aims to empower young leaders around theworld, the couple participated in a roundtable about gender equality andinclusion. Markle also gave the keynote address — her first speech in Englandsince she and Harry stepped back from their senior royal roles in March 2020.

“It’s very nice to be back in the UK, and it’s very nice to be back with allof you at One World,” Markle began her speech. When recalling her firstattendance at the summit in 2014, she revealed that she felt “overwhelmed” atthe time, sitting next to world leaders, humanitarians and activists that shelong admired.

The duchess went to say that she was “probably a lot like each of you” whenshe first attended the summit, describing herself as “young, ambitious,advocating for the things I deeply and profoundly believed in.”

“Have any of you today so far had that feeling, that pinch-me moment, whereyou just go, ‘How am I here?'” she asked the crowd. “It’s a lot, and at thatdinner, there were about 20 to 30 of us counselors, and there I was, the girlfrom suits ,” she said with a laugh.

“I am thrilled that my husband is able to join me here this time, to be ableto see and witness firsthand my respect for this organization and all that itprovides and accomplishes,” she added. “One Young World has been an integralpart of my life for so many years before I met him, so to meet again here onUK soil with him by my side makes it all feel full circle.”

Harriman also shared photos of the couple taking part in the roundtable on hisInstagram on Friday.

Story continues

“It was a wonderful atmosphere earlier this month at the roundtable discussionabout gender equality hosted by @oneyoungworld in Manchester,” he captionedthe photo, showing the couple in good spirits.

A few days after the summit kicked off, Harry paid tribute to his “Granny” ina statement released after her death, thanking her for the “sound advice” hereceived over the years.

“In celebrating the life of my grandmother, Her Majesty The Queen — and inmourning her loss — we are all reminded of the guiding compass she was to somany in her commitment to service and duty,” Harry wrote on the Archewellwebsite. “She was globally admired and respected. Her unwavering grace anddignity remained true throughout her life and now her everlasting legacy. Letus echo the words she spoke after the passing of her husband, Prince Philip,words which can bring comfort to all of us now: ‘Life, of course, consists offinal partings as well as first meetings.'”

“Granny, while this final parting brings us great sadness, I am forevergrateful for all of our first meetings — from my earliest childhood memorieswith you, to meeting you for the first time as my commander in chief, to thefirst moment you met my darling wife and hugged your beloved great-grandchildren,” he continued. “I cherish these times shared with you, and themany other special moments in between. You are already sorely missed, not justby us, but by the world over.”

“And as it comes to first meetings,” he concluded, “we now honor my father inhis new role as King Charles III.Thank you for your commitment to service.Thank you for your sound advice. Thank you for your infectious smile. We, too,smile knowing that you and grandpa are reunited now, and both together inpeace.”

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Evan Peters plays serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer: “One of the hardest things I’ve ever done” | showbiz

Celebrities’The Jeffrey Dahmer Story’, the series about the serial killer whokilled 17 men, is on Netflix and even managed to achieve the best series debutever on the streaming service. But it was actor Evan Peters (35) who was giventhe heavy task of playing Dahmer and that was not obvious. “I was so scared ofall the things he did,” he said in an interview with Netflix.

American actor Evan Peters was given the extremely difficult task of taking onthe role of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in the Netflix series ‘The JeffreyDahmer Story’. In an interview with the streaming service, he candidly talksabout this experience. “It was overwhelming that it all really happened. Itwas also very important to be very respectful to the victims and the victims’families and to try to tell the story as authentically as possible.”

To prepare well, he previously watched Stone Phillips’ interview with Dahmer,read several biographies and was even allowed to read the police report withhis confession. He continues in the interview that the process was absolutelynot self-evident. “I was very afraid of all the things he did. Going fullyinto this was definitely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life,just because I wanted it to be authentic. I really had to go deep for this.”Fortunately, Evan could count on the unconditional support of the crew. “Ican’t thank them enough because I couldn’t have played this role without them.It was a real challenge to try and portray this person, who was seemingly sonormal, but underneath everything kept a whole world hidden from everyone.”

All parties involved

There was one important rule to this project: the story is never told fromDahmer’s point of view. “The public doesn’t sympathize with him, but onlywatches from the sidelines. It not only tells his story, but it also revolvesaround the repercussions and our society. How, among other things, our societyand our system failed to stop him, because of racism and homophobia. It’s atragic story, but all parties involved are covered. The series is bigger than’just’ Dahmer himself.”

The true crime series ‘The Jeffrey Dahmer Story’ is available to watch onNetflix.

Also read:

The gruesome story of cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, who gave his neighbor a humanmeat sandwich (+)

“Extremely gross and insane”: does horror success ‘The Jeffrey Dahmer Story’go a few steps too far? (+)

REVIEW. ‘Dahmer’: “After twenty minutes we wanted to set up something morecheerful” (+)

Netflix removes LGBTQ+ tag from ‘The Jeffrey Dahmer Story’ miniseries aftercriticism

Netflix series ‘Dahmer’ has best series debut ever on streaming service

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