The melancholy soundtrack has lost its keyboardist

Since 1980 they have been the perfect soundtrack to melancholy: the Britishband Depeche Mode. That the album to be released in March next year MementoMoric dripping with gloom and darkness, does not surprise a fan. However, thedeath of keyboardist Andy Fletcher, in May this year, puts everything in adifferent light, says singer Dave Gahan shortly after the announcement of thealbum. “The intention was for Fletch to come by to discuss his input, but henever got to hear the new music.”

Gahan – dark purple sunglasses, black shirt, large shiny skull ring on hisleft hand, his silver-grey hair slicked back – quickly starts talking aboutAndy Fletcher from his hotel room in Berlin himself. Controlled, he searchesfor words after every question. On the one hand he is proud of theannouncement of the new album and the tour, on the other hand he mourns hisfriend. ‘Fletch’ died very suddenly at the age of 60: a rupture in his aorta.Suddenly, Gahan and Martin Gore were reduced to a duo.

And that’s how they look in the new photos: the two of them. Taken by Dutchphotographer Anton Corbijn, who has been working with the band for fortyyears. “Martin and I did a photo session with Anton for the first time inyears,” says Gahan. “Without Fletch. That was bittersweet, because it was alsovery nice to shoot with Anton again, and in a way it was also cathartic. We’reobviously doing a lot of things for the first time without Fletch, and that’swhat makes it all so different.”

Is this a fresh start for Depeche Mode?

“In a way, yes. Martin and I were never… how to say… good at communicating.”Gahan laughs. “With nobody! Not even with each other. A frustrating way ofworking, and at the same time that friction fed our work. But that’s a way ofworking I think we’d exhausted. Fletch’s death forced us to come closertogether as friends, to be there for each other during this time. Butmusically it also brought us closer together.”

The new album is called Memento Moric – that’s a heavy title.

“I think that title is perfect for the album’s theme, and that’s how we relateto life. What it is. When it ends, and why it ends. ‘Memento Mori’ means’remember you will die’. It’s no use living in the past, and it’s certainly nouse living in the future. I think the whole pandemic has got everyone thinkingabout those kinds of things. Is this the end? And do I care? Gahan says itwith a charming grin. “That feeling that everyone must have felt for the pastfew years, definitely something of that has made its way into the music.”

This was largely conceived and recorded before Andy Fletcher’s death. Does hisdeath put the album in a different light?

“Secure. When we had recorded about ten songs, Fletch would come over forinput. I first went back home to New York for a few weeks, and during thattime he passed away. In the end, he never got to hear the new music. Thatchanged everything. Then we decided that we would at least finish the album.But it was all very strange.”

Read also how Anton Corbijn followed fans of Depeche Mode in 2019.

Have you considered quitting altogether?

“Yeah, we both thought that maybe this should just be the end. That it was asign.”

Did you and Martin express that idea too?

“Yes, but that didn’t last long. At one point Martin said, “We’ll keep going,won’t we?” And I said, ‘yes.. what else are we supposed to do? We can’t doanything else.’ Look, Martin and I have been the creative hub of Depeche Modefor years. We worked with all kinds of producers and technicians and you nameit, but the creative power came from the two of us.”

Gahan takes his time with what he wants to say, makes half sentences andfalters when it comes to Fletcher’s role in Depeche Mode. For a long time thatrole was also a bit vague: his keyboard sound was hugely influential andlargely determined the sound of the eighties, but he was also oftenresponsible for the more earthly issues of a band: the business part, and thepreservation of the peace between Gore and Gahan.

Andy Fletcher never got to hear the new music

Fletcher therefore sometimes narrowed down his role as a musician. He oncesaid, when Alan Wilder was in the band, “Martin is the writer, Alan the goodmusician, Dave the singer, and I hang out.” That was his humor. He later said,“Sometimes it’s frustrating not to be taken seriously. You could also say thatmy job is the most important; without me there would be no more band.’”

Gahan says cautiously: without Fletcher the band can survive. “Depeche Modeis, I think, a modern band. Fletch was undeniably part of that, I don’t wantto take that away in any way, but when it comes to the music, nothing reallychanges.”

You first recorded at Martin Gore’s home in Santa Barbara, what else wasdifferent about the recording process?

“The biggest difference for me is in the use of modular synthesizers. That’sbecause of Marta Salogni, who worked on the album alongside producer JamesWood and works a lot with analog equipment, such as reel-to-reel tape. Withthat, we could create huge, slowing effects with a voice, a beat, a guitar, orsomething else. That gives the album as a whole continuity in atmosphere.There’s less noise, it’s more streamlined. We started adding a lot to thesongs, only to come to the conclusion that we didn’t need it.”

Also read: the review of the Depeche Mode concert in 2017

Soon your first tour in five years will start, and then also without Fletcher.How will that go?

“I’m looking forward to it, and so are the other musicians who play with us,Peter Gordino and Christian Eigner. We’re not going to replace Fletch, wecouldn’t and we don’t have to. Musically we will figure it out live, but therewill be an empty spot on the stage where he should have been. So that’s how wecontinue.”

Memento Moric will be released in the spring of 2023. Depeche Mode willplay in the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam on May 16 and 18, ticket sales have

Expedition Robinson viewers support Harry Piekema’s eruption

Albert Heijn face Harry Piekema is in Expedition Robinson turned out to be areal crowd pleaser. When he gets into a fight with candidate Chatilla vanGrinsven in last night’s episode, the viewer can once again see that Piekemais the big favorite. “Don’t mess with Harry”, reads the reactions of viewers.

Earlier it appeared that Piekema, who is the oldest participant in the programat 63 years old, has a great deal of favor with the _Expedition Robinson_viewers. But even when Piekema is slightly out of his mind, he can count onsupport from the viewing public.

Harry Piekema collides with Chatilla van Grinsven

The problem arises when Piekema tries to prepare a meal for himself and histhree remaining camp mates. When the Albert Heijn face stirs in the pan, hegets comments from his fellow candidates. “It doesn’t make me feel good when Iget directions from four sides,” says Piekema to his camp mates.

After that, basketball star Chatilla van Grinsven also joins in that scene.”Harry can’t handle it very well. We’re going away for a while. Harry remainsalone.” And Piekema apparently doesn’t like that comment. “I’m seriouslysaying something that I can’t stand?”, he responds to Van Grinsven.

Irritated Piekma: ‘Back off’

But the basketball star can’t help but get involved in the cooking. Becauseaccording to her, the ‘supermarket manager’ lets the food burn. “JesusChatill. Just let me do that. What are you doing with it? I am really veryirritated”, Piekema responds. After which Van Grinsven is particularly annoyedby Piekema’s tone. “You shouldn’t talk like that. Speak normally.”

“Yeah, get up. You’re not listening to what I’m saying,” responds an obviouslyirritated Piekema. But Van Grinsven stands firm and believes that the AlbertHeijn face should contain. “I don’t get angry easily, but when I say: ‘Justback off’ , you go right over it. You shouldn’t do that,” said Piekema.

Expedition Robinson viewers support their favorite

The two eventually reconcile. “Fire and fire sometimes clash. I still loveyou,” concludes the basketball star. “My weakness is that I can be veryirritable at times. That is not expected of me. Unfortunately, I also havethat side”, Piekema laughs at his own behavior.

But from the reactions of the viewers it appears that most are still on theside of Piekema. And they praise his ‘anger management’ in this episode.Incidentally, there are of course also the necessary Albert Heijn jokes onsocial media.

Nice that Harry is still so calm, I would have put that bitch upside down in> the sand for a long time #expedition> Robinson>> — Leike82 (@leike82) October 10,> 2022

After putting Chantilla in her place, no obstacle is too crazy for Harry> #Expedition> Robinson>>> — Juul97 (@JuulJak97) October 10,> 2022

Chatilla is annoying! Don’t touch Harry… #Expedition> Robinson>> — Wizzkid (@Wizzkidhsum) October 10,> 2022

Watch out Chantilla, don’t mess with Harry. Otherwise, he will cut your> bonus card and send hamsters at you. #Expedition> Robinson>> — Juul97 (@JuulJak97) October 10,> 2022

Chatilla now has a sample in the app as standard.#Expedition> Robinson>> — Duke (@moneyfest) October 10,> 2022

Harry putting Chatilla in his place for a moment. love it. It’s over with> your meddlesome behavior #expedition> Robinson>> — lianne (@lazylianne) October 10,> 2022

Summary of the fight: Chatilla is the toddler and Harry the sensible parent.> #Expedition> Robinson>> — TV viewer (@mytvview) October 10,> 2022

You can watch Expedition Robinson via RTL XL.

Khalid & Sophie viewers critical of Badr Hari: ‘Role model?’

Kickboxing legend Badr Hari considers the end of his time in the ring may bein sight after an illustrious career. Last night three kickboxing championsdiscussed at the table at Khalid & Sophie how they got inspired by Hari. Butviewers do have their doubts about this conversation. Because Hari has alsobeen detained for serious violent crimes.

Last weekend Hari lost his match against Alistair Overeem. It has been yearssince Hari won a match and after his loss against Overeem there was a’farewell speech’. The Amsterdam kickboxer took the microphone after his lossand announced that the end of his career is in sight.

Farewell Hari spoke at Khalid & Sophie

Bee _Khalid & Sophie _sheaves three world kickboxing champions to talk aboutHari. Presenter Khalid Kasem was apparently also in the room to watch thematch between Overeem and Hari to see. Incidentally, those present in thestudio are surprised by Hari’s farewell speech. Because according to thekickboxers, Hari is still tied to a multi-year contract with Glory.

Kickboxing talents talk at the table Imad Hadar, Tyjani Beztati and IliadEnnahachi on Hari. All three tell how they were young boys were inspired byHari. “What he radiates, how he arises and how he can take people with him.What he does is just art”, says Ennahachi. And Hadar explains that Hari alsoacted as an example for him.

Badr Hari sentenced to prison

Presenter Khalid Kasem then points out that Hari was once convicted of assaultand ended up in prison for it. “Certain people just need mistakes to seewhat’s right for them,” Hadar says. He then explains that he and his tablecompanions are also committed to society and see how some are teetering on theedge of a prison sentence. “Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect.”

Table guest Tanja Jess states that Hari has better control over his emotionsthan before and is more grateful. “Could that have a negative effect on hisperformance? Because he has had trouble winning in recent years. Do you needthat anger to win a match like that?”

Not all viewers find Hari a role model

The gentlemen at the table don’t have to make themselves angry before theirmatches, they explain. The young kickboxers train with Hari together. Beztatialready has three world titles to his name. Something Hari couldn’t manage inhis kickboxing career.

But viewers of Khalid & Sophie are surprised at the fact that Hari is”glorified” in the talk show. Because according to some viewers, the criminalrecord of the kickboxer is forgotten in this way. In any case, not everyoneagrees that he is a role model.

Of course, a person is only really great if he is also great in life outside> the ring.> #khalidensophie>> — MargrietvG (@LanguageFeeling) October 11,> 2022

Bizarre to glorify this Badr Hari; because he also beats people up outside> the ring…> #KhalidenSophie>> — Jolanda Rens🌍🇺🇦 (@jolandarens) October 11,> 2022

The man was incarcerated for a long time for several serious assaults, but> #khalidensophie> are reluctant to let fans of him have their say. He is considering quitting> after seven defeats (in the ring) in a row. Kickboxer Badr Hari, role model?> meh…>> — Hans Leber (@himleber) October 11,> 2022

You can watch Khalid & Sophie via NPO Start.

Totem, the opening film of Cinekid, is a youth film with an adult subject ★★★☆☆

“Never go to the police.” The father of 11-year-old Ama (Amani-Jean Philippe)has always emphasized this to his daughter. It seems strange advice, but Amais staying illegally in the Netherlands with her parents and brother. For aslong as she can remember.

It’s been going well for years. Ama feels completely Dutch. She is doing wellat school and wants to become a swimming champion. Her Senegalese parents havea job and an apartment in Rotterdam. But an innocent report of flooding causesthe house of cards to collapse: Ama’s mother and brother are taken away by thepolice while her father is at work. She manages to escape just in time. Shecan take shelter with her school friend Thijs, although that is quiteexciting, because Thijs’ mother works for the police.

Totem , the opening film of the Cinekid festival, which starts this week, isa youth film with an adult subject. Director Sander Burger initially wanted tomake a documentary about living in illegality, but dropped that plan again,but in the meantime continued to chew on the theme. A film for children wasonce again something new for Burger, who never seems to sit still andalternates documentaries with fiction — his feature film _The condemnation_was the big winner at the Golden Calves award ceremony last year.

What Totem What sets it apart from other realistic childhood dramas is thepresence of a huge porcupine. The animal suddenly shows up, when the film ison its way for about half an hour. Ama is of course surprised, but resignedlyaccepts that the animal is chasing her through the city. She meets a drifterof African descent who calls himself a griot, a West African storyteller orsinger. He explains to her that the porcupine is her totem animal: herspiritual support and refuge.

The porcupine (no computer animation, but a real built animal with numeroussensors and space for a puppeteer inside) makes the otherwise somewhatpredictable film special. Director Burger and co-screenwriter Bastiaan Tichleralso want to say that it is important to know your cultural background. Ama,who tried so hard to be Dutch, is learning to appreciate her Senegalese roots.

The imperturbable porcupine may steal the show, but protagonist Amani-JeanPhilippe is also a natural. An important role is also reserved for Rotterdam,increasingly the setting for Dutch feature films. Cameraman Sal Kroonenbergshows the city at its best, often in the evening light and with a wide lensthat shows a lot of the surroundings. Less successful is the excessive use ofthe so-called dutch angle, a technique that creates a skewed horizon. It’s arather intrusive way to create tension and alienation. That Ama’s world is outof alignment is also clear without all those skewed lines.

Nicol gets along

Ruud Gillis, son of holiday park millionaire Peter Gillis, stole in Mass isCash great show last night. This time not because of his standard puns, butmainly because of the way he spoke to his father’s girlfriend several times.You know, Nicol Kremers, in Mass is Cash often called stepmother and diva.

Subway had more topics out Mass is Cash can choose as retrospective. Thefact that catering man Samir is ill and he has symptoms that may indicate aburnout. In the reality soap on SBS6, this was not presented as a fact (butthat he may be staying at home a little longer), but on Twitter it wasimmediately circulated in terms such as ‘fat valve drives staff into aburnout’. So let’s let that sit for a while. We can also talk about the factthat people found out yesterday that ‘ Mass is Cash is scripted’. However,that (Twitter) wheel has been invented since the very first episode in 2020.

A lot happened in Massa is Kassa

There was much more. A clogged toilet drain (not recommended to look back onfixing it) for example. A bingo where Peter Gillis came to read numbers. Andthe fact that the work-shy Nicol Kremers had to open the catering industry atone of the holiday parks, due to a lack of staff (we are talking about Samiragain). She showed up obediently at 10:00, but it didn’t go well at all.Sweeping the dirty terrace? “I’m not for that.” And then the park manager whoaddressed Peter Gillis about six times as ‘boss’. Thank you boss, good boss:the more than 700,000 viewers thought ‘something’ about that.

Thanks, BASE! #mass> checkout>> — Demi (@demiwx) October 11,> 2022

However, we will stay with Nicol, but especially with Ruud Kremers. The son ofPeter Gillis was once again called up for a job. A wardrobe had to be puttogether. You wouldn’t say anything strange about it, but last night it wasabout a wardrobe for Nicol’s dog Coco. The mini-animal is now becoming quitefamous. Recently, Coco was stirring things up when Nicol let him loose in achicken coop. The yapper was also allowed to join a dog barbecue. Not tomention the times Coco was forced to participate in yoga and dance classes.

Ruud Gillis is on a roll

Regular viewers know Ruud mainly from his puns such as ‘with the heels overthe ditch’ when his stepmother enters a hardware store on enormous heels. Heis loved and hated for it. Last night, however, the millionaire’s son was on aroll with vile sneers at Nicol because he built the closet and she didn’t doanything. “Fortunately, this can be lifted alone,” said Ruud while lugging thecabinet parts, while Nicol, according to tradition, only gives orders and doesnot help himself. Admittedly, she does take care of her four children.However, Nicol has decided to keep her offspring out of the picture, so towhat extent she ‘mothers’ a lot: we don’t know.

If I were Ruud, I would have stuffed Nicolleke in that closet and put that> thing on Marktplaats. Free pick up #mass> checkout>>> — Vincent G. de Vlugt (@Vincentgdevlugt) October 11,> 2022

However, when she watches her family member in a comfortable chair, he saysdryly: “Make sure you don’t overload yourself, huh?” Then Ruud takes out theconstruction drawing of the cupboard and sees several figures with theexplanation: „Hey Nicol, that’s crazy. You need two people to assemble it. Notone, but two. That means a male and a female, you know. And they mean Ruud andDiva of course, I think.” Nicol: “Nicol really can’t put together a closet.”Ruud immediately, a little joke: “Then you have the feeling that you are beingsent from pillar to post, yes.”

Pedal boats with Parkie Markie

He looks at the blueprint again: “Step 1. Get help.” He builds and builds,Nicol watches while she whistles a tune, on her smartphone. Ruud, the good guyof the family according to voice-over Frank Lammers: “I hope I don’t cause anuisance, Nicol.” But come on, he actually gets a compliment when the divamanages to get up from her chair.

Ruud is busy, because he also plays a modest role in the blessing (withchampagne, according to viewers a bottle of martini for 2.99 euros) of newpedal boats at one of the holiday parks. He gets to try out a ride with hisbrother Mark, aka Parkie Markie. My brother, let’s keep it tidy, doesn’t havea slim figure. Once ‘started’, Ruud wonders in the pedal boat whether theymight not have sails: “Even the ducks go faster.”

Do you want Mass is Cash Looking back? You can do that here.

if your child disappears into the sea and is not found

The thought of what’s in the movie Sea of ​​Time happens alone, isindigestible. Your 5-year-old son who is suddenly no longer on your ship andhas to lie somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Fighting against death. And thatas parents you desperately search, but can’t find him.

Unfortunately, this story is true (see box). It is not the happiest – anunderstatement – ​​subject to experience a nice evening at the cinema withthis almost two-hour drama, but Sea of ​​Time can be seen in Dutch cinemasfrom tomorrow. Given the tragic and therefore interesting event, this title is_Subway_ ‘s Movie Review of the Week. And also because of the special factthat father and son Gijs and Reinout Scholten van Aschat play the samecharacter as old and young father Lucas. They recently saw their work premiereas the opening film of the Netherlands Film Festival.

Sea of ​​Time Reinout Scholten vanAschatSallie Harmsen and Reinout Scholten vanAschat as the young Jo and Lucas.

The story of Sea of ​​Time

The happy young couple Lucas and Johanna (‘Jo’, played by the great SallieHarmsen) sail around the world with their son Kai in the eighties: madly inlove, carefree and full of dreams and ideals. In the middle of the Atlantic,everything changes when the young parents’ worst nightmare comes true. Theabrupt end of the journey is the beginning of an inner struggle. In theirdesperate efforts to stay upright, the two drift further and further apart.Forty years later, the former lovers meet again and it turns out that time hascertainly not healed all wounds. The meeting is at the rehearsals of a danceperformance, in which theater maker Lucas wants to tell Kai’s story. For himthat is a necessity, for Jo something impossible.

Brace yourself at Sea of ​​Time

If you find this too heavy for the cinema: when the film starts, you willimmediately see ‘film and TV drama’ appear on the screen. Sea of ​​Time willtherefore also be seen on the tube one day. For those who are interested insuch a gruesome story: brace yourself, because it is not sick at all. Sea of​​Time starts cheerfully, by the way, with images shot by father Lucas on theboat, mixed with ‘normally shot images’. Thus, at least little Kai exists anddoes not remain to the viewer “a child lying somewhere in the ocean and neverfound again.” When Kai stares at the setting sun with his parents huddledtogether, it radiates total family happiness. “Forever this,” says Lucas.Unfortunately, it will be ‘for ever’. What hits hard: the moment it is decidedto sail back to the Azores and Kai is not found. Can’t even comprehend it.

true event

Sea of ​​Time is based on a true drama from 1980. Then Mikel (5), son of aFrench mother and Dutch father, disappeared while sailing in the AtlanticOcean. Mother Lucie Hubert wrote a book about it, in Dutch under the title Achild of the sea released. At the end of Sea of ​​Time a picture of Mikelappears on the screen.

How strong is love still?

After all the happy images, you are presented with an hour and a half ofmisery. The misery on the ship, but also in the years that follow when Lucasand Jo’s relationship is put to the test. ‘How strong is love when everythingfalls away?’ is the apt subtitle of Sea of ​​Time. In addition to father andson Scholten van Aschat (Gijs was recently on track in the much acclaimedseries disaster flight about the Bijlmer disaster) and the aforementionedstar Sallie Harmsen, Elsie de Brauw completes the great cast as old Johanna.

Sea of ​​Time Gijs Scholten vanAschatElsie de Brauw and Gijs Scholten van Aschatas the old Jo and Lucas.

We won’t give too much away about this captivating tearjerker. We leave it atthe difference in processing. Lucas takes off with demolition work (beforestarting later in the theater). Jo isolates himself severely depressed, liesat home on the floor and doesn’t let anyone in. And that the leap from thattime to the present is a huge one. But that’s not disturbing.

From A to Z in your face

The most you can ask yourself about this otherwise successful film by directorTheu Boermans is why you Sea of ​​Time thrown in your face from A to Z.Letting your own imagination speak is hardly an option. Well, let’s call it Ato X. Y is the fact that you can use your imagination once: how did Kai end upin the ocean? And for Z: at the end of the film there is still a surprisebuilt in.

Rating out of 5: 3.5 (not for everyone ‘a nice night out’…)

Subway You can read the film review of the week every Wednesday around 6p.m. New titles always appear in Dutch cinemas on Thursdays, such as Sea of​​Time (sometimes also on Wednesdays). Reporter Erik Jonk chooses one everyweek. Next week: Matter of Patience, in which we see a lot of fuss aboutlove. Entirely according to the title: in Limburg of course.

These 10 top movies (6-10) were shot in a single shot like ‘Birdman’!

The day before yesterday, the first half of the list ’10 top films that arerecorded in a single shot!’ If you missed it, click here. If you’re justlooking for the second half (6 to 10) then read on!

6: Invasion In 2017, director Shahram Mokri released the drama/horror film _invasion_from. The film is about a police investigation, after a murder is committed ata stadium. The police have a suspect, but the friends of the murdered personaren’t really helping which makes it a difficult case.

In the end, it turns out that it is not just an ordinary thing anyway and thestory becomes more and more strange and intense. invasion was shot in asingle shot and this works particularly well for a horror movie.

7: Silent House Silent House is also a horror film that consists of ‘a single’ shot. Thefilm tells the story of a young woman and her father, who go back to an oldfamily house to clean it. However, people are already living in it and sincethey don’t want to leave they become quite aggressive…

However, this film was not shot in a single shot, but cut and put together insuch a way that it looks like it. Silent House is highly recommended for thehorror fanatics. Elizabeth Olsen also puts down one of her best roles in this.

8: Blind Spot blind spot follows a woman whose daughter has a mental illness. The motherdoes her best to support her daughter as best she can, but the girl seems tohave more serious problems than originally thought.

Tuva Nuvotny’s film is a rollercoaster ride as the viewer never leaves themother and experiences the whole heartbreaking and emotional story. The ‘one-shot’ technique also makes you feel like you’re there and part of the family.

9: Birdman Certainly one of the best-known titles on the entire list. The Mexicandirector Alejandro González Inárritu has already made a lot of beautifulthings, but birdman is perhaps his most impressive work.

The filmmaker said this about the film, which is about a once-popular actorwho is now struggling to find a job: I want to place the viewer in thisreality from which you cannot escape. Just like the main character, you haveto ‘get through’ these three long days in the movie and empathize with him“.The result is certain, just like Michael Keaton’s unparalleled performance.

10: Russian Ark The historical drama Russian Ark follows an unnamed man at the Winter Palacein St. Petersburg. He says he died in a terrible accident and now the museumis haunted forever. Not only do we get to hear about several importanthistorical figures, the film is also beautifully put together.

This is not so strange, since the preparations for the film took no less than4 years. Everything had to be perfectly thought out, as the film is filmed inone long shot of 96 minutes without a single intermission and all this whilethe recordings go through 33 rooms, as many as 2000 actors pass by and threedifferent orchestras!

Anne Heche’s ex James Tupper and son Homer face off in hearing about her estate

The battle for control of Anne Heche’s estate continues.

On Tuesday, the two sons of the Six Days Seven Nights star had a hearingbefore Los Angles Superior Court Judge Lee R. Bogdanoff in the ongoing disputeover who will oversee the distribution of her assets. Heche, who died frominjuries sustained in a fiery car crash in August, had no will. At stake is anestimated $400,000 the actress had at the time of her death, new courtdocuments show, as well as future earnings.

Heche’s ex-partner and Men in Trees co-star James Tupper attended theproceedings with their 13-year-old son, Atlas Tupper, while 20-year-old HomerLaffoon, Heche’s son from her marriage to Coley Laffoon, appeared virtually.Homer, as Heche’s eldest heir, filed a petition in August to be executor ofthe estate, but James has been fighting it, claiming Heche named him executorin an unfiled will from 2011. James has also claimed Homer isn’t suitable forthe job , and doesn’t have his half-brother’s interests at heart.

The judge ruled after a heated 15-minute hearing that Homer will continue tooversee the estate — for now. While James provided “earnest” testimony, courtpapers show, there wasn’t a compelling reason he should be “denied in favor ofsomeone else having a lower priority.” Further, James’s petition to be namedAtlas’s guardian ad litem was denied. (A guardian ad litem, also known as aGAL, is an attorney is appointed by the court to look out for someone’s bestinterests during a legal case — in the case a minor child.)

WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - NOVEMBER 19: Anne Heche and Homer Laffoonattend the celebration launch of Christian Siriano's new book 'Dresses toDream About'  at The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills on November 19,2021 in West Hollywood, California.  (Photo by Rachel Murray/Getty Images forChristianSiriano)

Anne Heche with son Homer Laffoon in 2021. (Photo: Rachel Murray/Getty Imagesfor Christian Siriano)

The judge urged both sides — Homer and James’s on behalf of Atlas — to better”communicate” with one another, noting, “sometimes, a lack of communicationcreates unnecessary suspicions.”

James had claimed that Homer changed the locks on Heche’s LA rental apartment,where Atlas resided with his mother, and the teen was unable to get hisbelongings, including a laptop and personal effects, since August. Atlas’sattorney, Christopher Johnson, said Homer was noncommunicative andunresponsive to texts asking for access. Homer’s attorney, Bryan Phipps, saidthat was because an inventory of Heche’s property was being done. The courtmade it clear that Atlas is authorized to pick up his belongings at theapartment.

Story continues

James has pointed to the fact that Homer doesn’t have a job and is only 20years old as two of the reasons why he shouldn’t serve as administrator of theestate. However, the judge said to Johnson on Tuesday, per people magazine,”Sir, in California if you’re illiterate you can be an administrator. OK? Ifyou can’t read, you’ve never gone to college, you can be an administrator. OK?The fact that he may be Generation Z or whatever, or maybe he’s a chill guy,that doesn’t disqualify him. Maybe he’s not the greatest communicator, thatdoesn’t disqualify him. None of it does.”

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 04: James Tupper and Atlas Tupper attendthe 7th Annual Gold Meets Golden Event at Virginia Robinson Gardens and Estateon January 04, 2020 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Alberto E.Rodriguez/FilmMagic)LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 04: James Tupper and Atlas Tupper attend the 7th AnnualGold Meets Golden Event at Virginia Robinson Gardens and Estate on January 04,2020 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Alberto E.Rodriguez/FilmMagic)

James Tupper with Atlas Tupper in 2020. (Photo: Alberto E.Rodriguez/FilmMagic)

The judge reportedly grew more short with the argument, telling Johnson he waswasting the court’s time. “We’re not here to pick like the best person. I’mhere to decide if [Homer’s] qualified, or disqualified,” the judge said.

Bogdanoff also took issue with James’s body movements during the hearing,demanding to know at one point, “Why are you shaking your head? It’s verydisrespectful. Don’t shake your head at me — ever if you’re going to appearagain. Please take your hands out of your pockets, sir. You wanna saysomething?” James told the judge he didn’t think Homer would look out forAtlas and was currently treating him like they’re “enemies.” He said a neutralparty should be brought in to mediate and expressed worry the brothers’relationship could be permanently ruined.

The same news outlet noted that Atlas, who stood by James’s side during thehearing and stayed quiet, appeared “to be very sad.”

The next court hearing will be on Nov. 30.

After the hearing, Phipps said in a statement to people “We are pleased —but not surprised — with the court’s ruling this morning denying James’petition to appoint himself guardian ad litem for Atlas. We look forward tothe court resolving Homer’s petition at the next hearing and, in the meantime,Homer will continue to diligently administer the Estate pursuant to hisauthority as Special Administrator.”

In other court papers filed in the case, Homer stated that his estimate of thevalue of all of Heche’s personal property is $400,000. Heche — who had been aworking actress since the 1980s, also appearing in the movies Donnie Brasco,Volcano and Wag the Dog — “did not have any interests in real property atthe time of her death.” What she did have was a “a few modest bank accounts,”received royalty payments for her work and had a stake in her BetterTogether podcast. There is also the matter of future profits from herforthcoming book, call me Anne, a 140-page memoir which will be releasedJan. 24, 2023.

On Aug. 5, Heche crashed her car into a house in the Mar Vista neighborhood ofLA — a fire erupted and she was critically injured. Blood tests showed the53-year-old had narcotics in her system. She was declared brain dead on Aug.11 was removed from life support on Aug. 14. According to the medicalexaminer’s official report, she died of inhalation, thermal injuries and asternal fracture due to blunt trauma.

Heche most famously dated Ellen DeGeneres, but after that romance ended in2000, she started dating cameraman Coley Laffoon. The pair were married in2001 and had Homer in 2002 before they split in 2007. Heche started seeing her_Men in Trees_ co-star James in 2007 and they had Atlas in 2009 beforesplitting in 2018.

Emily Ratajkowski, Freer Now Than Ever, Gets Candid on TikTok, Britney Spears and What Her New Podcast Has in Common With Joe Rogan’s

Three days after Emily Ratajkowski’s book of essays (“My Body”) was published,in November 2021, Britney Spears was released from her conservatorship. As thesubject of “Toxic,” one of Ratajkowski’s most pointed pieces about growing upas an object of lust and scrutiny, Spears has long been a preoccupation forthe 31-year-old model, author and mother. Almost a year later, Ratajkowski isthinking about the world’s many reactions to how a newly freed Spears hasexpressed herself — especially in her ongoing Instagram series of cheeky,defiant nudes, a genre Ratajkowski knows well.

“She’s gone through things that affect you for the rest of your life,”Ratajkowski says, “and she has this public stage where we will continue towatch her. It just makes me sad. And the way people are like, ‘Come on, you’rea mother!’ has really fascinated me. It’s Britney Spears! I’m sure she has avery complicated relationship to being sexualized. But she’s now doing it onher own terms. So why are we ripping her apart for that and bringing into theconversation that she’s a mother?” She pauses, then adds with a sigh, “I don’tknow why we hate women so much. It still shocks me all the time.”

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Whether talking about Spears, the reaction to Adam Levine’s alleged cheatingor the perils of social media putting Amber Heard on “witch trial,”Ratajkowski is an engaged conversationalist. This is even more impressivegiven that she takes this interview while also wrangling her luggage andrestless son during a rare window between Fashion Week commitments, which haveher traveling from the West Village to Milan, London and Paris, with a quickstop in her beloved Majorca in between.

Story continues

This ability to balance listening and logistics should prove useful when — as_variety_ can exclusively reveal — her new podcast, “High Low With EmRata,”drops Nov. 1. Having grown up on a steady diet of NPR (“Ira Glass was myhero”), Ratajkowski describes the podcast as “’Call Her Daddy’ meets ‘FreshAir,’” and will take cues from co-hosts as disparate as Kara Swisher(“Brilliant”), Howard Stern (“an honesty and frankness…that just resonateswith people”) and even Joe Rogan. “Obviously I don’t agree with his politics,”she says as a caveat, “but there’s something there that really works. Ifyou’re listening to somebody talk and the interviewer feels like they aren’tfollowing the conversation in the way that a listener is, then it’s just notinteresting — and Joe Rogan does listen. He has a perspective and he asksquestions that are aligned with that perspective, and it’s entertaining.”

Episodes of “High Low” will roll out twice a week (plus a bonus episode forsubscribers). One episode will feature a guest interview; the other, ascripted monologue that she’s approaching much like she did her essays.Unsurprisingly, given her book’s themes of taking back control from anindustry determined to define her, she says she’s most excited about producingthe show “in my way.”

For the 1.5 million people who follow her on Twitter, the 1.8 million whofollow her on TikTok and the 29.5 million who follow her on Instagram,Ratajkowski’s candor and insight into the corrosive sexism at the heart of theentertainment industry has made her an unusual, and unusually compelling,figure. Once derided as brainless arm candy after starring in the infamousmusic video for “Blurred Lines,” she has since built a name for herself as thecelebrity feminist who’s willing to question the limits of feminist discourse,the constant commodification of women’s bodies and her own place in all of theabove.

For example, when the internet recently became engulfed in gleeful memes aboutAdam Levine allegedly cheating on his wife with an Instagram model, Ratajowskiwas disturbed to see many people laying the blame at the model’s feet insteadof the man twice her age who slid into her DMs in the first place.

“I’m very familiar with those kinds of power dynamics between men and women,”she says, “and I saw another moment where we were choosing to attack a youngwoman instead of the powerful man, which I didn’t love.” In response, sheposted a pair of TikToks explaining her perspective, which have since rackedup 4 million views.

“It wasn’t honest about Adam Levine,” Ratajkowski insists. “I just respondedto this woman talking about how women need to change and adjust as preparationfor men’s behavior, which is something I’ve been talking and writing about fora long time. Like, this ‘Boys will be boys’ attitude that women have? We haveto do better.”

In recent months, especially in the wake of her split from producer SebastianBear-McClard, Ratajkowski has acquired a new fondness for TikTok as a socialmedia platform that truly lets her be herself. As a model and founder of theswimwear line Inamorata, Ratajkowski often sees Meta-owned Instagram as anunavoidable part of her job, while Twitter’s traditionally been a site of“weird, corny men saying weird, scary things.” On TikTok, though, she can justhave fun. She can dance with her son and post enticing snippets of events. Shecan answer an “if you identify as bisexual, do you own a green velvet couch?”prompt by showing off her own green velvet couch, and all that implies, with acasual smirk that says she knows exactly what people might make of it.

“I have a complicated generally relationship to the internet as a celebrity,”she admits. It’s still strange for her to be the subject of rabid tabloidculture that follows her every move, as she’s recently been amid breathlessreports that she might, maybe?, be dating Brad Pitt — a subject she expertlysidesteps when it arises. “One of the things I write about in the last essayof the book is about control and kind of understanding that one of the bestways to actually be happy and have some semblance of control is letting go,”she says. “I’m newly single for basically the first time in my life ever, andI just feel like I’m kind of enjoying the freedom of not being super worriedabout how I’m being perceived.”

As for letting looser on TikTok, Ratajkowski explains that there’s a curiousfreedom in being more “unfiltered” than she felt able to on other social mediaplatforms. All you have to strive for is to be as honest and as upfront as youcan, and make it feel like people are just in your iPhone camera roll.” Inthat respect, she says, “I enjoy vulnerability and radical honesty, so TikTokis a perfect medium for that.”

Case in point: In late August, she posted a six-second TikTok that paired acaption reading, “It’s 2022 and it’s getting even SCARIER to be a woman,” witha list of things she’s afraid of: “Roe v. Wade getting overturned,” “Harvey[Weinstein] getting an appeal,” “Shia [LaBeouf]’s redemption tour” and “Theway y’all dragged Amber [Heard] and the precedent that court case set.” Fiveyears after #MeToo exploded into the zeitgeist, Ratajkowski isn’t sure howmuch it’s changed anything at all.

“#MeToo happened, and the majority of the conversation was still, ‘You betterbe careful out there!’” she says, sighing. “I guess there’s someaccountability now, but I don’t think there’s a lot of empathy or deepunderstanding of women’s positions in the world.” If anything, she says wryly,“it feels like men are in their comeback season.”

So when she posted a video in which she insists that powerful men like Levineshould take sole responsibility for their mistakes, she wasn’t surprised thatmany commentators were there to disagree with her. “Women seeking attention isalways the classic misogyny hot topic. It’s really what gets people going, toaccuse a woman of seeking attention. Personally, I know that really well,” shesays. “So, yeah, I get a lot of hate. But as they say on TikTok: ‘The girlswho get it, get it.’ That’s my motto these days.”

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Samson sausage, Plopkoeken and Jeroen Meus in the sights: one in four toddlers is overweight, so advertising is being tackled

Belgian toddlers, children and teenagers are worryingly often overweight. In anew advisory report, the Superior Health Council (SHC) asks for strong actionto be taken against this evolution. With a ban on Samson sausage andPlopkoeken, restrictions on TV advertising, measures against Tiktok recipesand even guidelines for Jeroen Meus.

Koen Baumers

Today at 16:00

A hunk of butter, salt, lemon, herbs, honey and garnish of your choice. Beholdthe “butter plate”, a recipe that was viewed 8 million times on Tiktok lastweek. In February last year, Colruyt suddenly noticed a 50 percent increase infeta cheese sales. The hype behind it: a recipe with a full block of feta,some olive oil and a handful of cherry tomatoes.

The Superior Health Council (SHC) views the popularity of “food influencers”and their unhealthy recipes with dismay. “About one in four toddlers, one insix children and one in nine adolescents in Belgium are overweight. They getone-third of their daily energy intake from ultra-processed foods. Not sosurprising when you see how often children are the target of targetedmarketing campaigns for unhealthy food and drink.”

In a new advisory on unhealthy diets and its impact on children, the SHC asksto “at least force” them to use hashtags that make it clear that they are notnutrition experts.

Cooking shows also get a wipe out of the pan. For example, the recipes onMaster chef junior did not meet healthy diet standards. The SHC recommendsthat there be clear guidelines and also targets TV chef Jeroen Meus: inparticular, “the public broadcaster, which has a serving function for thepublic and must show good examples”, according to the SHC, must makecommitments regarding the nutritional value of dishes. for which it isadvertised.

Ban on all marketing

The SHC advises that TV advertising for unhealthy food should no longer beaimed at children. She even argues for a total ban between 6 am and 11 pm andalso calls attention to advertisements in games on smartphones and tablets.Even sports sponsorship and product placement must be curbed.

And then we’ve only talked about the screens. Because children are even moresusceptible to advertising than adults, the SHC is requesting “a ban on theuse of marketing techniques that appeal to children”. She refers to the use of“cartoon characters and familiar characters” on biscuit packaging and ultra-processed meats. For the good listener: Samson sausage and Plopkoeken are aneyesore.

In the new advice, the SHC makes firewood for the entire policy on unhealthyfood in Belgium. Intervene, at all levels, to protect children from marketingunhealthy food: that is the advice. “In Belgium, the legislation in thisregard is very limited and there is mainly self-regulation by the foodindustry. That is insufficient.”

“It has been more than 12 years since the World Health Organization (WHO)called on governments to regulate the marketing of unhealthy foods tochildren. Since then, not much has happened in Belgium,” says the SuperiorHealth Council sternly.

Other countries are already doing it. In Spain, advertising for unhealthy foodhas been banned since this year, in Norway since 1992. In the United Kingdom,from 2023 there will be a ban on TV advertising for sweets and fats until 9p.m., in the capital London. advertisements in metro and bus stops prohibited.In the Netherlands, the K3 biscuits and the Spongebob hagelslag disappearedfrom the shelves in 2019.