What makes Emma Thompson such a reassuringly good actress?

She is nervous when the sex worker she ordered is standing at the door of herhotel room. Still, retired teacher Nancy Stokes (Emma Thompson) keeps a firmgrip on the encounter. She paid for this and she knows what she wants: anorgasm, for the first time in her life.

the feature film Good Luck to You, Leo Grande Written by Katy Brand anddirected by Sophie Hyde, it revolves around the sex life of an older woman andit’s quite groundbreaking. It is rare that a woman over 50 is the maincharacter in a film, that she ends up in bed – for a few heavy sex scenes,that is – is very rare at all.

The 63-year-old Emma Thompson stripped naked, with no stand-in, no filters ortrickery. Brave, that’s what it’s called soon – and yes, it is. The Britishactress does what few movie stars of her age want or dare: she shows that timetakes hold of everything. What’s more, she shows that that’s not a bad thing.”It’s such a waste of time worrying about what your body looks like,” she saidin several interviews. “You don’t have to love it, but you can accept it.”

Language sense

Not that it’s easy, she added immediately. The ideal image can be ridiculouslycompelling. Thompson also suffers from it. In an interview with the magazine_people_ , earlier this year, she shared how many times she was told she wasoverweight. That started after she was 30, when she decided to stop starvingherself. “I don’t think many people realize how thin most actresses are inreal life. It’s kinda… unreal.’

Thompson has nothing unreal, unless it is her talent. Not only is she aformidable actress, she also writes: screenplays, columns and children’sbooks. Thompson received an Oscar for both works: she won one in 1993 for heracting in Howards End and three years later she won the Oscar for bestscreenplay, for the Jane Austen film adaptation Sense and Sensibility. Ahitherto unique double.

In his memoirs The college years Actor and comedian Stephen Fry, who metThompson at Cambridge University, describes her as a born star. When he firstsees her act, she doesn’t seem like a beginner in anything: ‘Her voice, hermovements, her sharpness, ease, attitude, humor. It seemed as if, like thegoddess Athena, she had come into the world in full armor.’ She could alsosing and dance, Fry writes with some jealousy – he couldn’t do either himself.“We had no doubt that Emma would become famous. Absolutely not.’

Thompson’s parents were actors, which may explain the innate qualities. Shegot her voice from her mother, the Scottish Phyllida Law: the same sound, thesame clear diction. Her father, Eric Thompson, made a well-known children’sprogram for the BBC. Still, Thompson did not go to drama school, but studiedEnglish literature. In Cambridge she was in the theater company Footlightswith Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. She mainly played comedic sketches, also inthe years after her study, and broke through with a lead role in the musicalwritten by Fry Me and My Girl.

Anyone who tries to analyze Thompson’s strengths as an actor quickly arrivesat what she already displayed during her student days: musicality, comictiming and a sense of language. The latter is perhaps the reason that she canbe seen so often in literary film adaptations. For a while, almost no Britishcostume drama could be made without Thompson in it—always a good sign, by theway. Howards End , The Remains of the Day (both directed by James Ivory)and Sense and Sensibility (Ang Lee) are the highlights, all three are aroundthirty years old and still just as impressive.

wisest sister

They also provided a blueprint for a type of character Thompson would oftenplay. In Howards End , after the novel by EM Forster, she played thesensitive, smart but above all very practical Margaret, who marries a wealthyprolet because it is convenient. In Sense and Sensibility she was, again,the oldest and wisest sister in the family: the one who prefers reason toromance, who would rather suffer in silence than cry out. Also in The Remainsof the Day she played a woman who keeps her feelings to herself. The patient,capable housekeeper Mary, like Anthony Hopkins played butler Stevens, doesn’tdare step out of the role she sees fit, even if her heart says otherwise.

Rational and determined, so are almost all of the women Thompson plays.Remember the cool judge in The Children Act (2017), an excellent drama basedon the book by Ian McEwan: she sees her marriage falling apart and throwsherself into her work. Look at the funny but way too strict talk show host whouses words as a weapon, in the comedy late night (2019). Or watch as a sicklanguage professor in Mike Nichols’ beautiful television drama White (2001)tries to maintain her humor and dignity as she slowly languishes.

Thompson always exudes a reassuring self-assurance, a resolute cheerfulness,even when playing a character torn by nerves or grief. Let me do this, sheseems to say. Don’t worry, I’ll bring this to a close. Also in what isprobably her most famous movie scene (the one in the Christmas classic LoveActually , in which she finds out her husband is cheating and runs to thebedroom to gather herself), she excels in determination. The tears are wipedaway eagerly, because her children’s Christmas experience must not be ruined.

That’s how you trust her as an actress: as soon as she comes into the picture,you can breathe a sigh of relief — never think of her going to blow up theatmosphere. She usually takes the film to a higher level, no matter how shortshe is in it. Putting the public at ease like this is a lot less easy than itseems.

She can best play someone who is the opposite of firm. In the tragicomedy_Peter ‘s Friends _From 1993, directed by her then-husband Kenneth Branagh,Thompson played the fluttering, chaotic Margaret, a sweet but rather helplessthirty-something who lets self-help books tell her how to live. Thompson gaveher a believable dose of naivety.

Still, the less fragile roles suit her better. In fact, Thompson is the self-help book among actresses – also in her private life, it seems. According todirector James Ivory (who provided her with important acting advice: neversigh and cry as little as possible) she is just as sensible and calm as sheappears. “A lot of actors are anxious and insecure, which they try to hidewith all kinds of weird behavior, always thinking they’re not good enough,”Ivory said in 2019. The New York Times. “None of that with her.”

Good female roles

Thompson isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She is an environmental activist andmakes her voice heard in other areas as well. She was not thanked when shedescribed England in the run-up to the Brexit referendum as a ‘grey oldisland, filled with pie and misery’. Despite this, she was knighted in 2018,so that she now goes through life as Dame Emma Thompson. It caused a smallriot, because during the royal ceremony she wore white sneakers under hersuit, “very expensive”, she said herself. She also wore a button that read’equal pay’.

For women, there is still a lot to improve in the film industry, saysThompson. Starting with the salary, but also with the roles that are writtenfor them. She refuses boring, supporting roles on principle, but she doesn’tlike the opposite either, she told this month in an interview with VanityFair. Suddenly, from a sort of feminist ideal, women are only allowed to betough and strong. Thompson: ‘First we were in the kitchen, now we have todrive a tank, and there’s nothing in between. We still haven’t fully exploredwhat it means to be a woman in movies.”

Nancy Stokes out Good Luck to You, Leo Grande is such a woman from the in-between area: a fairly ordinary, not very nice widow, who, after a decentlife, stands up for herself. The former religion teacher is strict but alsohas a sense of humor. For Thompson, the film is an excellent opportunity toshow that there is also a life for female actors after 60, without all kindsof emergency measures to look eternally young.

If anyone can prove it, it’s her. Thompson only seems to get better with age.She can still live for another thirty years, in the hope that beautiful filmroles will also be written for elderly ladies in the future. If necessary, shewill undoubtedly write those roles herself. good luck to you Emma Thompson.

Rob Schneider Says Bill Murray ‘Hated Chris Farley’

Don’t get Rob Schneider started on working with Bill Murray.

The comedian and Saturday Night Live alum had a lot to say about the_Ghostbusters_ star during a Wednesday appearance on SiriusXM’s Jim Norton &Sam Roberts. When one of the hosts noted that Jaws actor Robert Shaw, whoplayed Quint, was rumored to have been difficult on the set of theblockbuster, Schneider brought up Murray.

“That’s the same thing with Bill Murray,” Schneider said. “I won’t say who thefilmmaker was, but ‘Bill Murray is gonna come, he’s gonna change the…dialogue. He’s gonna change things, and it’s gonna be great, but you don’tknow who you’re gonna get. Which Bill Murray you’re gonna get. The nice BillMurray? Or you’re gonna get the tough Bill Murray?'”

He noted that while Murray, who was an SNL cast member himself more than adecade before Schneider, has a reputation for being delightful in hisinteractions with the public — popping up at engagement photo sessions andserving up beers — his personal experience was different.

“He’s super nice to fans. He wasn’t very nice to us,” Schneider said. “Hehated us on Saturday Night Live when he hosted. Absolutely hated us. I mean,seething.”

Bill Murray performs onBill Murrayperforms on

Bill Murray performs on Saturday Night Live on Feb. 15, 2015. (Photo: TheoWargo/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank)

After leaving the sketch show, Murray came back to host the episode that airedon Feb. 20, 1993, a week after his now classic movie Groundhog Day debutedat the box office. That was the iteration of the cast that featured futuremovie stars Chris Farley and Adam Sandler. Schneider said Murray was notimpressed.

“He hated Chris Farley with a passion,” Schneider said. “Like he was justseeing things looking at him. I don’t know exactly [why]but I want to believethat it’s because Chris thought it was cool to be [John] Belushi — who [was]his friend who he saw die — that he thought it was cool to be that out ofcontrol. That’s my interpretation, but I don’t really know. I don’t believeit. I only believe it 50 percent.”

Story continues

Farley infamously died of a drug overdose in 1997, just two years after heleft the NBC late-night staple. But during his life, he was open about hisadoration for the late Belushi, who had himself died of an overdose in 1982,after having been on SNL with Murray. Both were 33.

Schneider insisted that Farley was not the only one who didn’t receiveMurray’s approval.

“He just hated, like, all of us, pretty much. The least of the hate was tome…. I took great pleasure in that he hated me less,” he said with a laugh.”Because he’s my hero.”

Then Schneider was asked how he could tell that Murray disliked them.

“You just saw the way he looked at [Farley]and it was just naked rage, youknow?” he said. “I mean, he hated [Adam] sandler. Really hated Sandler, too.Murray. He just wasn’t into that groove of it, you know? And Sandler was justcommitted to it, and just like…as soon as he would get on, you could see theaudience just ate him up, you know?”

A lawyer for Murray, who traditionally has not employed a publicist and isknown for being difficult to reach, did not respond to Yahoo Entertainment’srequest for comment.

Just this week, a new report from Puck revealed that Murray paid a $100,000settlement for his allegedly inappropriate behavior on the set of the AzizAnsari-directed movie Being Mortal. The production shut down in April,following a complaint about the incident by an unidentified member of theproduction. Multiple sources told the publication that Murray straddled afemale production staffer on a bed on the set. He also kissed her on themouth, though both were wearing masks. He has said that he meant it as a joke.

Actress Geena Davis, who co-starred with Murray in 1990’s Quick Change wrotein her memoir, Dying of Politeness , which was released Tuesday, that shehad a bad experience with him, too. She said Murray had insisted on using amassager on her during their first meeting, then later screamed at her infront of everyone.

013 questions to.. Emiel van Engelen who was born without arms: ‘I enjoy life!’

He took part in the ‘Je Zal Het Maar’ program, greets people with his feetand types with his toes as fast as you and I do with our fingers. We aretalking about 29-year-old Tilburger Emiel van Engelen. He was born withoutarms. Yet he remains optimistic and feels like the king of Tilburg when helooks over the city from his studio. We ask (0)13 questions to this specialTilburger!

#1: So you were born without arms, how come?

“Yes, I was born 29 years ago without arms. My parents didn’t know I wouldn’thave arms until I was born. The ultrasounds they received showed nothingcrazy, afterwards the doctors said they should have seen this. But it is alsoso rare, so I understand that they have not taken it into account. The doctorsexplained it in a simple way: in the first six weeks of pregnancy your armsand legs shoot out of the egg and with me it was only with my legs. But Ithink it’s an experiment of nature.”

“My parents decided to just try the ‘normal’ life, so I just went to a normalprimary and secondary school. If things didn’t go well, I could always go toan accompanying school, but I adapted well. I am very happy that my parentshave handled it this way, because now I have as normal a life as possible.”

#2: Are more people born in the Netherlands without arms?

“In the Netherlands there are five people like me. Of course you also havepeople who were born with arms, but have experienced something that means thatthey now have no arms. But really only five people were born without arms likeme. I also speak to them sometimes and you notice that we all have the sameattitude in life.”

#3: To what extent are you actually limited?

“In the eyes of others, a life without the poor is a very serious limitation,but I don’t experience that at all. Everyone has their thresholds in life andthese are my thresholds. I actually don’t feel limited at all, although a lotof people think this of course. Everyone also thinks to themselves: ‘Whatwould change for me if I didn’t have arms now’, but that is a wrong way ofthinking, because I don’t know any better. And I hope that my immediateenvironment does not see me as limited or as ‘that boy without arms’, butsimply as Emiel. I do need help with some things, of course, but I would alsohelp someone if they need help. That’s what friends and family are for, ofcourse.”

“I always call it a limitation, because a handicap sounds very heavy to me.And you know, at home I’m not limited at all. I can grab and open anythingwith my feet and toes. But when I walk down the street with my shoes on, youare more limited than someone who does have arms. In general I just feel likemy peers, I can just text with my toes and I also like to game, I’m one of thebest in our group of friends”.

#4: So you live on your own?

“Yes, I live all by myself in my own little studio. I work full-time as anadministrative assistant at the Tilburg company DESTIL. I started as an internand stayed there. All the steps that I have taken in life, I have takenmyself. Without help from the UWV, benefits or whatever. And I’m very proud ofthat. Like everyone else, I had to work very hard for it. But with adisability you may have to go the extra mile to achieve things that are verynormal for people without disabilities. At the company I now work for, theywere skeptical when they first saw me. That is also logical, you are oftenalready 1-0 behind. Now they don’t know any better and they are very happywith me. I can operate the computer with my feet and am just as fast assomeone with arms.”

#5: How would you most like to be treated by people?

“I would like to be treated the same way everyone treats each other. Peopleare quickly inclined to do everything for you, but if I really need help, Iwill ask for it myself. You do learn to stand up for yourself if you don’thave arms. But it also made me a stronger person. I know that I am oftenlooked at on the street and I think that makes sense. Conversely, I also lookat someone who has something striking. It only gets really annoying whenpeople start staring or pointing at me.”

#6: You have also given a number of guest lectures at primary schools, doyou want to do that more often?

“To answer this question, we have to go back a little further in time. Ialways lived in my own bubble and that was fine with me. Until more and morepeople said I should do more with it. Then in 2019 I participated in the ‘Youwill have it’ program. I’ve had a lot of positive reactions to it. After thatI was approached more often by people who wanted to write something about me,but I make sure that I don’t become a caricature. After that, I started givingguest lessons at a primary school with children with learning difficulties,who often have the feeling that they are behind 3-0. That gave me a lot ofsatisfaction, so I definitely want to do this more often.”

#7: Do you think your life would be different if you had arms?

“Yeah right. But not in general terms, because with arms I would just have ajob and live on my own. I’m also pretty lazy, so if I was born with arms Imight be even lazier. Now I have to prove myself more I guess. So maybe that’sa good thing, haha.”

#8: Are there any benefits to not having arms?

“Yes I think so. I’ve been to places I would never go with arms, on TV forexample. Look, you stand out a little more compared to other people. This canturn out positively, but also negatively.”

#9: Is Tilburg a friendly city for someone with a disability?

“I think so, of course many people already know me. And when I go somewherealone, I know that I can always ask for help from people. Tilburgers are alsoready for each other. I once walked home quite drunk and ran into anacquaintance who helped me. Then someone stopped on a scooter to see ifeverything was going well. I think that’s neat, because for the same money Iwas robbed.”

#10: You play soccer too, what’s that like for someone who was bornwithout arms?

“I like that very much. I’ve always played football, but when I was eighteen Ihad surgery on my back and I couldn’t play football for two years. Then theclub asked if I would like to train a team. I thought this would be fun andthat way you stay connected to the club a bit. You work with kids and you seethem get better, so that was nice to see. I had a special bond with the teamand promised that when they were older I would play football with them. In thebeginning that was exciting, because you have always been a trainer and nowyou are suddenly a fellow player. In the dressing room I also found itexciting, because when you are around eighteen or nineteen helping another mannaked is often a taboo. Fortunately, this came very naturally.”

#11: Friends call you the Casanova, how did you get that nickname?

“I always have my word ready. I like to talk to girls and if you don’t havearms that’s usually a good icebreaker. Nine times out of ten a girl also comesto me because I have something special. So I don’t really have to put in mucheffort, haha.”

#12: You also travel quite a lot, where have you all been?

“Pooh, I took a tour of America with my cousin. I have been traveling toIceland with a mate for the past year and also went to New Zealand once. Insecondary school I followed an exchange project in Denmark. And this year I’mgoing to New Zealand again. I always tell myself that I don’t want to limitmyself by my limitation. So I mostly enjoy life.”

#13: Do you have a life motto?

“Yes, my mother always says, ‘Society doesn’t adapt to you, but you have toadapt to society.’ And that’s how I live my life. You have to live as normal alife as possible and do things you enjoy.”

More info

Are you curious about how Emiel does things in practice on a daily basis? Thenwatch the episode of ‘You will have it’ here.

‘As If We Had Not Learned from Fascism’

Jamie Lee Curtis

Alberto Rodriguez/Getty Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis says her daughter Ruby Guest’s life is threatened “just forexisting as a human being.”

the Halloween Ends star, 63, told Spanish radio network Cadena SER in aninterview published Tuesday that increases in transphobia and hate speechagainst transgender people like Ruby, 26, scares her.

“I have a trans daughter. There are threats against her life, just forexisting as a human being. There are people who want to annihilate her, herand people like her,” Curtis said. “The level of hatred is … as if we had notlearned from fascism, as if we hadn’t learned what the result of that is. Theextermination of human beings. That’s terrifying.”

“So Jamie Lee Curtis is scared, and so should you be,” she continued. “AndJamie Lee Curtis has a voice, and she’s trying to use it, and you should too.”

The actress added, “And that’s how we change things, by thinking about them,learning about them, and then using our voices to draw attention and fightthem.”

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Annie Guest, Jamie Lee Curtis and Ruby Guest at the premiere of "HalloweenEnds"  held at TCL Chinese Theater on October 11, 2022 in Los Angeles,California.AnnieGuest, Jamie Lee Curtis and Ruby Guest at the premiere of "Halloween Ends"held at TCL Chinese Theater on October 11, 2022 in Los Angeles,California.

Annie Guest, Jamie Lee Curtis and Ruby Guest at the premiere of “HalloweenEnds” held at TCL Chinese Theater on October 11, 2022 in Los Angeles,California.

Mark Von Holden/Variety via Getty From left: Annie Guest, Jamie Lee Curtisand Ruby Guest

RELATED: Jamie Lee Curtis Tears Up While Condemning Kanye West’s Anti-Semitic Tweet: “Abhorrent Behavior”

Ruby came out as trans to Curtis and her dad, Curtis’ husband ChristopherGuest, in 2020.

“It was scary — just the sheer fact of telling them something about me theydidn’t know,” Ruby told PEOPLE in an October 2021 interview alongside hermother. “It was intimidating — but I wasn’t worried. They had been soaccepting of me my entire life.”

When Ruby first tried to tell her parents she was trans, she found herselfunable to in person and texted Curtis after a visit to the family’s LosAngeles home in 2020.

Story continues

“I called her immediately. Needless to say there were some tears involved,”Curtis told PEOPLE in October 2021.

RELATED VIDEO: Jamie Lee Curtis Reveals Her Youngest Child Is Transgender: IFeel “Wonder and Pride”

On Tuesday, Ruby and sister Annie Guest accompanied Curtis on the red carpetfor the world premiere of her upcoming slasher Halloween Ends at the TCLChinese Theater in Los Angeles.

All three women looked glamorous as they posed together with Curtis in themiddle, wearing a shimmery red off-the-shoulder gown with long sleeves.

Annie, 35, rocked a strapless black dress with a sweetheart neckline andsilver roses on either side of the bodice, while her younger sibling wore asilver dress under a black jacket. Ruby also carried the perfect accessory forthe event over her shoulder: a pumpkin-shaped bag.

“My family. Proudest mother. Loving support. @halloweenmovie,” Curtiscaptioned a photo of the glammed-up trio on Instagram.

Annie Guest, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Ruby Guest attend Universal PicturesWorld Premiere of "Halloween Ends"  on October 11, 2022 in Hollywood,California.AnnieGuest, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Ruby Guest attend Universal Pictures WorldPremiere of "Halloween Ends"  on October 11, 2022 in Hollywood,California.

Annie Guest, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Ruby Guest attend Universal Pictures WorldPremiere of “Halloween Ends” on October 11, 2022 in Hollywood, California.

Alberto Rodriguez/GA/The Hollywood Reporter via Getty From left: Ruby Guest,Jamie Lee Curtis and Annie Guest

RELATED: Jamie Lee Curtis’ 2 Kids: Everything to Know

Curtis’s final Halloween movie premiere comes four months after sheofficiated the wedding of daughter Ruby and her partner Kynthia during anevent in the family’s backyard where attendants and guests came in cosplayattire.

“We’re gonna have a beautiful picnic in the backyard. I’m really excited,”Curtis told Jimmy Kimmel Live! host Jimmy Kimmel about the wedding duringan appearance in March.

She added, “Both my children will have been married in my backyard, whichbrings me to tears.”

“It’s so much more meaningful,” the mother of two explained. “Just forgettingall of show-off business — being a parent, having both of your childrenmarried in your backyard.”

pop stage Paard looks back on fifty turbulent years

Het Paard in The Hague grew from a scruffy youth club to an adult pop temple.The common thread in the programming is the local music scene. “We want to bea springboard.”

Thijs PapôtOctober 13, 202208:25

It is displayed like an archaeological find: the old dressing room door,covered with a dizzying amount of tire stickers. It is a collage of musicalfootnotes in the turbulent history of the Horse, which you can gaze at for along time. The ‘excavation’ is significant, because tangible memories of thepast of the pop temple in The Hague have hardly been left since therenovation.

Stories all the more. Visitors are invited to share their personal anecdotesabout the Horse in the video booth , in the former smoking area. ‘Memorableconcerts, awkward situations or even love stories’ director Majel Blondenhopes to collect. “We want to release it as a compilation.” The occasion isthe fiftieth anniversary of the stage, which opened its doors on thePrinsegracht on 21 October 1972 as the Trojan Horse.

“The Hague was longing for the Horse at the time,” says keyboardist and Haguedoctor Robert Jan Stips. ‘Beatstad’ The Hague was regarded as the Mecca ofDutch pop music at the end of the sixties. Big names like Shocking Blue,Golden Earrings and Sandy Coast spearheaded a scene that reportedly had morethan 2,000 bands.

Musical discovery and experiment

“A lot of subculture, but without a stage of its own,” says Stips. “The 1970swere dominated by musical discovery and experimentation. An exciting time froman artistic point of view, but commercially uninteresting for sports halls anddiscotheques.” The Horse came to the rescue.

The crowd was great when Stips performed there for the first time with hisprogressive rock band Supersister. The converted meeting hall of a formerCatholic girls’ boarding school turned out to be no match for the band’spopularity. “The building was a labyrinth of corridors and rooms, crawlingwith visitors who didn’t fit in the room.”

Ten days of party

With a ten-day anniversary program from 21 October, the Horse will skim past,present and future. In addition to performances by the Belgian dEUS and WhiteLies from London, there is a ‘Kitchen concert’ by artist and chef Jasper Udinkten Cate and the festival evening The Time is Now is all about women ‘swimmingagainst the tide’. , including Dutch-Iranian singer Sevdaliza and rap duoLionstorm.

More information on horse.nl

The Paard van Troje, located in three 17th-century mansions, was thereforeintended as a youth center, initiated by municipal welfare work. The foundersthought it was a fitting name, because they wanted to conquer the neat Hofstadfrom the gut. With a range of activities that breathed ‘freedom’. For example,there was yoga in the confessional room, drawing lessons and a women’s café inthe basement and ‘naked dance’ in the chapel.

The aim to offer a meeting place for ‘all young people in The Hague’ broughttogether a remarkable mix of visitors. Groups of hippies, Surinamese and HellsAngels gathered around the football table, the billiards table and thesteaming kettle of the teahouse in the attic. But it didn’t want to be amelting pot, says Paard chronicler Robert-Jan Rueb. “It was a multiculturalpowder keg, with drug use as the proverbial fuse.” A violent incident andcomplaints about disturbances and drug nuisance led to closure twice in ashort time.

The Trojan Horse in 1973Stockfish statue, collection of The Hague MunicipalArchives

‘I went there secretly’

The negative image remained attached to the center for a long time, accordingto Rueb. “I secretly went there when I was 15, because my parents thought itwas a place of destruction.”

The center also played a prominent role in the Dutch culture of tolerance. Thepresence of a house dealer in hashish attracted a lot of attention from themedia and policy makers, and in 1978 served – on the intercession of amunicipal drug advisory committee – as a blueprint for a national soft drugpolicy.

The rise of the squatters’ movement and punk music ushered in a new era, inwhich, in Rueb’s words, ‘Indian strings and floaty dance’ were exchanged forlink chains and ferocious pogo. Shabby but cosy, musician Henk Koorn sums upthe atmosphere at that time. “You kept your coat on or you threw it on theground. There was no wardrobe.”

Impressive posters

It became the musical living room of The Hague, where Koorn’s band HalloVenray enjoyed the designation ‘house band’ for a long time. “Because we livedin a squat across the street and could therefore be called up quickly toprovide the support act or to test the sound system.”

Despite the organizational and financial chaos of the early years, Het Paardsucceeded in its ambition to become one of the defining halls of the Dutch popcircuit. For domestic, but also foreign bands. The hall could boast ofimpressive posters of bands such as The Cure, U2, Pearl Jam and Radiohead –which had not yet broken through at the time. And, never unmentioned, thenightly surprise concerts of Prince and Mick Jagger.

The property remained a problem

The inefficient layout of the property remained a problem. “Luring renownedforeign artists to The Hague became increasingly difficult,” says directorBlonden, who worked as a programmer in the late 1990s. Also because the Dutchhall landscape went through a process of modernization around the turn of thecentury, whereby scaling up was the norm. Het Paard cannot stay behind andeventually the municipality gave in.

After a four-year renovation, in which only the facade was spared, a new largehall was taken into use in 2003. The concrete and soundproof box-within-a-boxconstruction, designed by architect Rem Koolhaas, can accommodate 1,100 people– a capacity doubling. Less characteristic perhaps, but the Horse (now withoutTroy) was back on the international map. Blonden: “We are now one of thelargest cultural institutions in The Hague, with a quarter of a millionvisitors a year”.

The Trojan Horse in 1977 Image Robert Scheers, collection The HagueMunicipalArchives

The Trojan Horse in 1977Sculpture Robert Scheers, collection The HagueMunicipal Archives

The Hague music scene

This was also the result of a more audience-friendly and broader programming,with space for art and literature, student evenings and political meetings inaddition to music and dance. “We are no longer a niche stage, but we propagatepop culture in the broadest sense of the word,” says Blonden while GuusMeeuwis’ roadies set up his show in the main hall.

The common thread in the programming remained the music scene in The Hague,with new generations of talent. The first Paard performances were also thestarting point of their careers for newly arrived bands such as Di-rect andSon Mieux. “We want to be a springboard for artists by guiding and supportingthem.”

The most logical place on earth

Beginning musicians have had a harder time since the pandemic, Blonden pointsout. “People have so much to catch up after two years of corona: parties,concerts, weddings. That seems to be at the expense of the lesser-known bandsthat we present in the small hall or the Paardcafé.”

Hague veterans such as Henk Koorn still find shelter in the Paard. ‘The mostlogical place on earth’ to christen the new Hallo Venray album last month,according to Koorn. His Joy Division tribute in the upcoming anniversary weekis a nod to the time when he himself could be found daily in the Paard.

Or was everything better in the past? “The Horse has changed from a dirtyknickers club to a clean knickers club.” He smiles. “That’s not a valuejudgment.”

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Olivia Wilde (Photo: CassBird/Elle)

Director and actress Olivia Wilde is being honored as one of Elle magazine’s”Women in Hollywood.” (Photo: Cass Bird/Elle)

the Don ‘t Worry Darling director and actress is being honored as one of_Elle_ magazine’s “Women in Hollywood.” She did a photoshoot with the outlet —exposing her breast, with a gold heart nipple cover, in a Gucci ensemble inone cover image — and used the interview to get candid about life under a”microscope.” She expressed disappointment about the “sideshow” thatovershadowed her film, which was No. 1 at the box office opening weekend lastmonth, and the “untruths” told about her. She also spoke about the judgmentshe faces as a single mom after splitting from Jason Sudeikis and dating her_DWD_ star Harry Styles.

Wild spoke of the DWD drama in the headlines for the last few months — whichincluded a reported feud with star Florence Pugh, a back and forth overwhether Shia LaBeouf was fired, spitgate and being served by Sudeikis on stageat CinemaCon, to name a few — and said she was sad everything has been”minimized into bite-size TikTok points.” While the film was ultimatelysuccessful at the box office, she didn’t plan to “throw myself into the flamesfor the movie,” she quipped.

All the gossip overshadowed her art, she said.

“This film is trying to ask big questions,” she said of the thriller whichfocuses on a 1950s housewife (Pugh) living with her husband (Styles) in autopian experimental community, “but [it’s] Let’s just focus on this sideshowover here. Having been a known figure for a while … makes me well-equipped tohave a Teflon exterior. But it also means that you’re under a different kindof microscope. It’s brought my attention to the media and how it **** pitswomen against one another.”

Wilde called it “shocking to see so many untruths about yourself traded asfact.”

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Throughout the interview, she had nothing but praise for Pugh, who hasn’taddressed the rumors of a rift. She referred to Pugh’s quotes about the moviemore than once.

“Florence had a really wise comment that we didn’t sign up for a realityshow,” Wilde said. “And I love that she put it that way, because it’s asthough the general public feels that if you are making something that you’reselling to the public, you somehow have accepted that your life will be tornto shreds by a pack of wolves. No, that’s actually not part of the jobdescription. Never was.”

She also agreed with Pugh’s comments pertaining to the film’s sex scenes. (InAugust, Pugh criticized the reaction to the trailer, saying, “When it’sreduced to your sex scenes, or to watch the most famous man in the world godown on someone, it’s not why we do it… [This movie is] bigger and better thanthat.” Though it was also interpreted that Pugh didn’t like the way thetrailer was cut, focusing on the sex scene between her and Styles, in aperceived slight toward Wilde.)

“Florence very wisely pointed out that a lot of attention has been given tothe sex scenes,” Wilde said, “and I think she’s so right. I completely agreewith her that it’s overshadowing everything else that the movie’s about… I wasso happy that she said that because I feel the same way.”

Wilde also talked about her directing process — and her infamous “‘noa**holes’ policy” on the set.

“I think that the greatest demonstration of power is the ability to listen andto maintain your cool when everything inevitably falls apart, and to makeother people feel empowered,” the booksmart director said of what she bringsto the set in a male-dominated industry. “My ‘no aholes’ policy comes frombeing an actress, seeing so many fing a*holes on set and how it never madeus do better work. It’s something that I take very seriously, and we let go ofpeople who aren’t kind all the time… I think it should be the expectation ofthe workplace. We don’t say, ‘My set’s a no sexual assault set.'”

Wilde revealed that while working on the script, they were inspired by formerPresident Trump — but not in she’s gonna start wearing a MAGA hat kind of way.She explained that they put a bunch of his quotes up, ones demonstrating his”gross tendency … to be very nostalgic about a better time.” Those words werea guide as they brought to life this society under Chris Pine’s cult leadercharacter. “What these men are referring to is a time that was horrific foranyone who wasn’t a straight white cis man,” she said. “It was interesting torecognize that I had spent my entire life lusting after the iconography ofthis time when I would’ve had very few rights.”

She also spoke about Roe v. Wade being overturned just before the movie cameout.

“We knew about the movement to overthrow roe long before we started makingthe film,” she said. “It’s something that’s ever-present. I have been veryinvolved in the pro-choice movement, and it’s introduced me to probably theugliest, most depressing element of our culture in terms of [certain pro-lifeadvocates] who have made vicious, violent threats against me. I mean, no oneelse has threatened to throw acid on my face other than a “pro-life mom.'”

That brought her to social media — and the way people are so judgmental andmean, especially to females in the public eye. Wilde, who is 10 years olderthan her pop superstar beau, says she’s constantly hit with hateful commentsabout her appearance.

“It’s so interesting for me when that comes from women because I’m like, ‘Doyou plan on not getting older? Or if you already are older, do you feel thatyou don’t deserve the same opportunities in life?'” she said. “It’s so sad tome to look at that and realize people have such small expectations for theirown lives and they are projecting those expectations onto me. And I rejectyour projections.”

Wilde also rejected the commentary on her life as she navigates co-parentingwith Sudeikis, whom she only refers to as “my ex” in the interview amid theircontentious split. They have a split custody arrangement, with their kids,Otis and Daisy, going back and forth between them each week, and when she’sout without her kids — like on a date with her famous partner or at once ofhis concerts — she faces scathing criticism.

“If I’m photographed not with my kids, people assume I have abandoned them,like my kids are **** just somewhere in a hot car without me,” she said. “Thesuggestion is that I have abandoned my role as a mother. You know why youdon’t see me with my kids? Because I don’t let them get photographed. Do youknow the lengths that I go to protect my kids from being seen by you?”

Wilde’s next projects include directing a Kerri Strug biopic and a reporteddeal to direct a female-centric Marvel feature. She said her projects followthe same theme of the “raw determination of women.”

BV 24/7. Kato from The Starlings is enjoying all the peace and quiet and Josje is beaming with happiness | showbiz

BV The show must go on , because the showbiz world never stands still. Findout what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours here in ournews stream.

Olga Leyers suffers from déjà vu.

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Bab Buelens has one major weakness: tourist T-shirts from Croatia.

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Good news for fans of Stromae. The singer has added some new shows to histour.

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kato by The Starlings is like “blowing out in our own country”.

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candice from ‘Married Blind’ enjoys a beautiful sunrise in Rhodes.

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Laura Lynn enjoyed being on stage again. “Always feel ‘ompelapapero’ onstage”, it sounds on the Instagram account of the singer.

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josje radiates happiness. “Sunny day, exuberant outfit. It’s my love’sbirthday and we ate delicious cake. End of message,” it sounds on her socialmedia.

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New face at Pointer and a new chef online at Hart van Nederland / Villamedia

The television program Pointer has a new face, the online editors of Hart vanNederland have a new chef and much more in this Transfer Thursday, in whichVillamedia follows the latest developments in the journalistic labor marketevery week.

Last change: October 13, 2022, 15:42

As of November 1, BNR Nieuwsradio has a new editor-in-chief, after Mireillevan Ark left for the editor-in-chief of RTL Nieuws. Marc Adriani will takeover from her.

At Pointer of the KRO-NCRV, Marijn Frank added to the team of presenters.Frank is no stranger to the broadcaster, she has already made severaldocumentaries for the broadcaster and was featured as a presenter of The Courtof Auditors, Het Beloofde Land, De Prijsvechter and DocTalks IDFA Special. OnOctober 9, she will present an episode of Pointer that is entirely devoted tothe ‘channel drama’ in Almelo. ‘About 400 residents of Twente were damagedafter dredging a canal, and discovered that after that you have little say asa citizen. The province is responsible, but may determine per home whethersomeone will receive compensation and can settle objections independently.Even going to court is almost impossible. Independence is a long way off,according to public administration experts. Why is this allowed?’, accordingto the broadcaster. “I’m really looking forward to working for Pointer. It isan honor to strengthen Pointer’s rock-solid team and to contribute to exposingabuses and issues that are currently at play in society’, says Frank.

Look on Instagram Nikki Herr back to her career at Omroep WNL. As ofFriday 14 October she will transfer to Hart van Nederland. ‘My first steps onTV, slipping and getting giggled… but also announcing both Maaike’s andLisette’s pregnancy. And of course the first corona case in our country andthe invasion in Ukraine. Everything passed and they are broadcasts that I willnever forget,” Herr writes on Instagram.

Carmen Dorlo has been the new chief of the online editorial staff of> Hart van Nederland of SBS 6 from 1 January. Dorlo worked for the NOS for> more than six years and was online editor-in-chief for the past eighteen> months. She previously worked for Het Parool, Metro and NU.nl.

Ivar Lingen starts on 1 December as editor-in-chief at Omroep West. ‘I amvery happy with this new opportunity and challenge! I’m going to miss my greatcolleagues enormously, but I have every confidence in the future!’,writes Long onTwitter. Lingen is no stranger to Omroep West: from 2015 to 2020 he was apolitical editor and reporter for the broadcaster. In recent years he was the’journalism leader’ of the Hague’s city broadcaster Den Haag FM.

At Omroep WNL it is Floris Prenger started on October 1 as senior compiler& editor-in-chief of Goedemorgen Nederland, reports Prenger on LinkedIn.Prenger previously worked in various positions for WNL and was previouslyactive at RTV Utrecht and EenVandaag.

After eight years, Jelle Dijkstra leave the regional broadcaster NHNieuws. Dijkstra will work as an editor-in-chief online at the NOS. ‘Veryexcited, but also feels a bit strange. Gonna miss everyone so much!’, hewrites.

And finally, there is a new face within the editors-in-chief of Nieuwsuur.Aletta Oosten joins the editor-in-chief of current affairs program Nieuwsuurof the NOS and NTR as deputy editor-in-chief. Oosten is currently head of theEvents department of the NOS.

Are you taking a new step in your journalistic career or do you know someonewho is? Tip the editors of Villamedia via editorial@villamedia.nl stating

‘Looking Too Closely is a reminder to me: I don’t want to hurt myself’

Why this particular number?

“I first heard the song at the end of a movie and it immediately touched me.It matched so beautifully with the period I was in then, and what is stillgoing on today. _You don ‘t want to hurt yourself _Fink sings for example,which reminds me of the time when I struggled with self-mutilation.”

“But it’s not just the literal reading of the lyrics. The song also tells me,as the title suggests: don’t look too close to the details, but take somedistance. By zooming in you see everything that is not even. It’s also good totake a step back.”

“This song is a reminder to myself: I don’t want to hurt myself. When I listento it, I feel strength. I don’t have to punish myself, I don’t have to feelanything but the emotion that is there in that moment. In the time that itreally wasn’t going well with me I took out a funeral insurance and added alist with which songs I want to play and at what time It’s a last greeting andit has to be perfect and I didn’t want my parents there too would still bethere.”

And what does it say about your life?

“My childhood was not easy. I was bullied a lot at school and I never reallybelonged anywhere. That made me insecure. About what I looked like, and aboutwhat I could and could not do. I sought help for my depression, but the Dutchhealthcare is not well organized. Waiting lists, having to tell the same storytime and again to different practitioners. That does not help if you can nolonger see a way out yourself.”

“One of the social workers who came on a home visit abused me and I filed acomplaint against it. A terrible experience, which gave me PTSD. I am now intreatment for that. And yet I try to see the bright spots. Last year Igraduated as a nurse and now I work in palliative care I held my grandmotherin my arms when she died, we didn’t see that coming and I started to care frommy intuition and because of that I know: I want this for other people too Ireally enjoy being there for someone who is in pain in the last phase oflife.”

Where do you prefer to listen to music?

“I always have music on, no matter what I’m doing. Also outside. But I preferto listen on the couch, with headphones on, so that it drums a little louderand I can really dive in. Songs that meaning to me is what I listen to themost. Whether it’s this week or this month, or something from the past. Ireally need to feel music.”

How many lists do you have on Spotify?

“A lot. I also gratefully use the existing lists, such as singalong in thecar songs and from the daily mix that Spotify makes for me. And then I madeabout twenty more myself in genres to laugh and to cry.”

What is your guilty pleasure?

“Old rock. Queen and Guns ‘n Roses. Old-fashioned music for a woman in hermid-twenties, but I just enjoy it. Calm down, because I’m not much of a_outgoing_ type that dances. Not even in the living room because I’m alwaysafraid someone will see me. Even at We Will Rock You I can keep my handsstill without any problem.”

Daniel Verlaan knows your password and 5 more tips

With so many different streaming services, the range is overwhelming. Werecommend the latest movies, series and more in our weekly streaming tips. InWeek 41 (2022) Movie Tips: I know your password.

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Movie tips week 41 (2022): I know your password

With a Chromecast in your television or a Chromecast Audio in your speaker,you can watch and listen to media from your smartphone in excellent quality.That is useful, but then you have to know what you can watch and listen to.That’s why we offer the Android Planet viewing tips. Here we give somecurrent film and series tips, both for free and paid services.

1. I know your password (Videoland)

In addition to a website, book and podcast, tech journalist Daniël Verlaan nowalso has his own series on Videoland. In three parts, Daniel takes you intothe world of cybercrime, to dark places that most people don’t know about andwith the criminals who feel at home there. Instructive for anyone who uses asmartphone or computer.

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RTL Nederland BV

2. Avenue 5 Season 2 (HBO Max)

In the future, you don’t take a cruise ship to a warm country, but into space.In the comic series Avenue 5 you follow such a cruise ship that accidentallytook the wrong route.

As a result, the journey for the rich guests takes much longer than expected.This season, the crew led by Hugh Laurie has a new dilemma: food is runningout and the guests are revolting.

Avenue 5 Season 2Trailer

HBO Max: Stream TV & Movies

HBO Max: Stream TV & Movies

WarnerMedia Global Digital Services, LLC

3. The Watcher (Netflix)

A couple (Naomi Watts and Bobby Cannavale) buy a beautiful new home. They havejust settled in when the duo receives letters from someone calling themselvesThe Watcher, stating that the couple is being watched.

This is Ryan Murphy’s latest series after Dahmer and The Watcher is also basedon a true story. That promises to be very exciting again.

The Watcher |  Official trailer |Netflix


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4. Werewolf by Night (Disney Plus)

Don’t miss this special addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is aself-contained hour-long special where you follow a group of monster hunterswho get to hunt a monster. The winner gets a special weapon. Werewolf by Nightis filmed in black and white, has many practical effects and is stronglyacted.

Marvel Studios' Special Presentation: Werewolf By Night |  Official Trailer|Disney+


5. For sale/rent: Bullet Train (Google)

Brad Pitt is back in the new action movie Bullet Train. In it, he plays anassassin who ends up on a train full of other hitmen. Everyone has their owngoals in this train and they can sometimes collide. The film is directed bythe same man behind Deadpool 2.

BULLET TRAIN - Official Trailer(HD)

Google TV

Missed: Disaster flight (NPO)

Often when a new drama series appears on the NPO, the quality is a bitdisappointing. Especially because most series are a direct copy of a show fromabroad.

In both cases this is not the case with the impressive series Rampvlucht. Thisdrama series about the Bijlmer disaster shows the harsh reality of the violentaftermath and is surprisingly good.

Disaster flight |  Official Trailer |  KRO-NCRV


Trailer of the week: The Takeover