First young dropouts Kamp van Koningsbrugge amaze viewers

A new season Kamp of Koningsbrugge started last night and immediately causeda lot of commotion among the viewing public. Because the two young dropouts inthis first episode raised quite a few questions from viewers. But there wasalso respect for two other candidates.

Ten famous Dutch people will compete with each other in this edition of theprogram. Presenter Natasja Gibbs, Chef’Special drummer Wouter Jerry Prudon,Ruinerwold son and speaker Edino van Dorsten, singer Ruben Annink, PresenterIris Enthoven, Dragqueen Boris Schreurs, Actor Niels Gomperts, Oud-OranjeLeeuwin Daphne Koster, radio presenter Celine Huijsmans and actor TarikhJanssen belong to that group.

In the Belgian Ardennes, familiar faces are subjected to severe and nerve-racking trials. “Something different from the TV they normally make,” saidformer commander Ray Klaassens.

Viewers surprised about young dropouts Kamp van Koningsbrugge

Viewers are amazed at the two young dropouts in this first episode. Becauseboth singer Ruben Annink and actor Niels Gomperts leave the program fairlyquickly.

First it is Annink who abruptly breaks off his participation during a march.“Just call me a bitch or little sissy, this was it. I can’t, I just can’t keepup.” He tells in tears that his knee is giving out and he is clearlydisappointed with himself.

Niels Gomperts leaves program due to authority problem

Gomperts previously won the All Star edition of Expedition Robinson and alsoabout his participation in Kamp of Koningsbrugge he was confident. “I thinkif life had turned out differently, I could have become commando,” he says atthe beginning of the episode. But it soon becomes apparent that Gompertsbecomes irritated when he is spoken to sternly. The actor chose to sleep for56 minutes during an abseil assignment and is then scolded by the commandos.As a sanction, he has to keep watch for the coming night and is not allowed tosleep. But as soon as the actor hears that, he decides to stop.

Well I expected a lot from Niels. Really thought that was a bitch. He can’t> take criticism. Not against authority. Then why are you joining??> #kampvankoningsbrugge>> — Stefanie (@steetje30) October 13,> 2022

Niels stops because he is being spoken to while sleeping?!>> Wow you have fallen in my respect friend, go home soon, hooray!! 👋iber> #kampvankoningsbrugge>> — Britt 🦖 (@BrittBR97) October 13,> 2022

Two of them are already falling through the ice today, one of them is being> put in its place, because he thought he could sleep for a while. I can’t> stand that, I give up, what a man,> terrible.#Kampvankoningsbrugge>>> — Frits Sparnaij 🙏🔥❣ (@CommentaryNL) October 13,> 2022

I can’t take authority, I can’t take criticism and I don’t intend to change> that, so let me join in the fun> #Kampvankoningsbrugge>> — Wendy 🐝 (@bumblebee hip) October 13,> 2022

Falling asleep and napping for an hour while your colleagues are busy rising> above themselves, then give up because you supposedly can’t handle> authority. So you’re just a slacker with no backbone> #Kampvankoningsbrugge>> — Willem Vierbergen (@Willem4bergen) October 14,> 2022

Positive reactions from viewers for go-getters

But in addition to criticism, there is also praise for two other candidates.For example, viewers praise the perseverance of Natasja Gibbs. Who consideredhimself a burden to the group, but kept going anyway. “I am not the biggestand certainly not the strongest”, after which she emphasizes that herparticipation will come on mental strength. And it shows in the first episode.And Edino van Dorsten also creates high expectations with his televisionappearance. These two go-getters sat at the table with Humberto Tan lastSunday to talk about their participation.

Incidentally, there are also viewers who emphasize that it is very easy tocomment from the couch. After all, the best helmsmen are ashore.

Jeff Barnaby, Director of ‘Blood Quantum’ and Acclaimed Canadian Filmmaker, Dies At 46

Award-winning filmmaker and acclaimed visionary Jeff Barnaby passed away inMontreal on Oct. 13, following a year-long battle with cancer.

The 46-year-old, who was born and raised on the Mi’gmaq community of Listuguj,is widely celebrated as redefining Indigenous cinema with elements of magicalrealism, body horror and sci-fi.

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According to a release announcing Barnaby’s passing, he is remembered as apassionate filmmaker who loved music and often created the soundtracks to hisfilms on the fly with whatever instruments were required. He wasuncompromising in his stance on Indigenous identity and storytelling, and wasa valued member of the film community for his authenticity and honesty.

“In Mi’gmaq the word for ancestor and parent is the same thing, ungi’gul. Yourlanguage, your land, and your elsewhere are time capsules as much as they arecultural touchstones,” Barnaby recently wrote, as per the release.

“As an Indigenous person you exist to move your culture forward from the pastinto the present to ensure its survival for the future. And whereas theinherited trauma can inform the theme, experiencing time as a singularityeffects structure, the indigenous narrative exists all at once because we areliving, breathing history.”

Growing up, Barnaby was inspired by horror and sci-fi films like DavidCronenberg’s “Rabid,” the Quebec feature “Léolo,” “Bladerunner” and“Predator.” He was also heavily impacted by Alanis Obomoswain’s “Incident atRestigouche,” a documentary about the Quebec Provincial Police’s raid on areserve. The film was shot on Barnaby’s home reserve when he was four-years-old.

Later, Barnaby attended Dawson College in Montreal and went on to graduatefrom Concordia University’s Cinema Program.

Barnaby wrote, directed and edited all of his films, beginning with his 2004short, “From Cherry English,” which debuted at the Sundance Film Festival. His2007 film, “The Colony,” premiered as one of the Top Ten at the TorontoInternational Film Festival that year. In 2010, “File Under Miscellaneous” wonthe Best Indigenous Language Production Jury Prize from ImagineNative Film +Media Arts Festival, and “Etlinisigu’niet (Bleed Down)” was made for theNational Film Board of Canada in 2015.

Story continues

The filmmaker debuted his first feature film, “Rhymes for Young Ghouls,” in2013. Devery Jacobs, Glen Gould, Brandon Oakes and Roseanne Supernault starredin the revenge story, which was set on the fictional Red Crow reserve. Ittackled horrifying events surrounding Canada’s Residential School system,stories of which are still coming to light in the country today.

Barnaby’s final feature, the 2019 colonialism-critiquing film “Blood Quantum,”was 12 years in the making. It traced an apocalyptic event where Indigenouspeoples were immune to a zombie plague. The film won seven Canadian ScreenAwards—including a personal win for Barnaby in Achievement in Editing. He wasalso nominated for best Original Screenplay.

“Beautifully stubborn ’til the very end, Jeff Barnaby was bold in his life andhis work. He bore a sensitivity, poignancy and depth within him, thattranslated through his films and resonated with audiences Indigenous and non-Native alike,” said Jacobs.

“Jeff had an ineffable impact on my life. I wouldn’t be an actor today, if itweren’t for Jeff. Having nearly given up on this career, he not only took achance on me, but fought relentlessly to cast me in his debut feature ‘Rhymesfor Young Ghouls,’ my first leading role. We were bound and forever changedfrom that experience, and formed a special connection of understanding,respect and longstanding friendship.”

“Jeff Barnaby’s films changed Canada, and played an outsize role in advancingthe cultural and political imperative to reconcile with Indigenous peoples.His mastery of the craft, his storytelling, his uncompromising vision, and hishumanity shine through his work,” wrote friend and producer John Christou.

“My greatest hope is that the next generation of Indigenous filmmakers willpick up the torch and honor his legacy by being equally uncompromising in therealization of their vision. The film industry has lost a visionary and uniquevoice, but more importantly, many of us have lost a friend. We are comfortedin knowing that Jeff’s legacy will live on through his incredible work.”

Barnaby survived by his wife, Sarah Del Seronde, and his son Miles.

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‘Trackless’ again discredited: Isabel found mother 16 years ago in Colombia, now it appears that there is no DNA match

For more than 30 years, the Dutch public broadcaster has been broadcastingwithout a trace out, good for more than 600 episodes and a GoudenTeleviziering, one of the most important TV prizes in the Netherlands. Themakers look for lost relatives of the participants – often people who wereonce adopted and now looking for their biological parents, or children ofsingle mothers who want to know who their father was. Often the program makersalso succeed in finding family members, which leads to emotional television.

ALSO READ. TV show reunited people with their biological families, but now itturns out that serious mistakes have been made (+)

But now it turns out that the fixer that works for the program in Colombia wasnot always reliable. That came the RTL5 program Scammers tackled on the track.

The man is said to have been involved in at least 16 investigations. They areall now being re-examined. knows that a ‘mismatch’ has already beendiscovered in at least four cases. Mistakes with major consequences. Forexample, a man paid for his brother’s studies in Colombia for years, while itwas not his brother or stepbrother at all. And a woman with a heavy heart hadto realize that the woman she thought was her biological mother, had noconnection with her at all.

Colombian fixer

Now the makers of the program themselves are coming out with Isabel’s story.She was adopted in 2006 by without a trace brought together with herbiological mother. But now, sixteen years later, her dream has burst like abubble. The woman she thought was her mother all those years turns out to be acomplete stranger to her.

Isabel was overjoyed when the team of without a trace found her biologicalmother in Colombia in 2006. ‘After that first meeting, she traveled toColombia twice more, to stay there for a longer period of time and get to knowher mother better.

“Isabel and her brother were of toddler and preschool age when they wereadopted to the Netherlands from a children’s home in Colombia. Unfortunately,the adoption was not a success story and Isabel has always dreamed of Colombiaand hoped to see her biological mother again. In 2005 she wrote without atrace at. With only little data, the search initially came to a dead end,” saythe program makers.

Emotional Reunion

But Isabel did not give up and later came up with the name of an employee ofthe children’s home where she stayed in her first years of life. “This ladywas found and be a local employee of without a trace on to the mother. Thiswoman, Maria, did indeed say that she gave up a son and a daughter underdifficult circumstances. She indicated that Isabel and the older brother areher children and wanted to see her daughter again. The emotional reunionfollowed in 2006 and aired that fall.”

Although contact in the following years was often very difficult due tocultural differences and the language barrier, Isabel met her mother severaltimes and cherished contact with her.

Yet Maria began to have doubts, she admitted. Because their stories or whatthey remembered from the past didn’t seem to match completely.

“Denna was taken from both this year. The result turned out to be negative, sothere is no mother-daughter match.”

Since 2019, DNA research has been carried out in every file, the makers of’Spoorloos’ say.

Review Prime Video Series ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’

Doesn ‘t match the quality of a certain trilogy, but is enough to get youunder the spell of the ring again.

Direction: Wayne Yip, JA Bayona, Charlotte Brändström | Cast: MorfyddClark (Galadriel), Robert Aramayo (Elrond), Ismael Cruz Cordova (Arondir),Nazanin Boniadi (Bronwyn), Markella Kavenagh (Nori Brandyfoot), ao | Numberof episodes: 8 | Playing time: 65-72 minutes | Year: 2022

” One TV series to rule them all!” Jeff Bezos must have thought as he threwan unimaginable heap of money on the table. With reportedly almost half abillion dollars you come a long way, but they are big footsteps in which theseries has to follow. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power takes placethousands of years before the famous film trilogy and because a lot less hasbeen written about this time, a little more personal interpretation isrequired. So Tolkien fanatics around the world held their breath. Will this bean epic journey or a one-way ticket to Mount Doom?

The story follows Galadriel, who fought in the great war between the elves andthe armies of Morgoth. The battle was won, but not without losses; among themany who died was Galadriel’s brother Finrod. Filled with resentment,Galadriel is convinced that Sauron, Morgoth’s henchman, has survived. Wheneven her most loyal companions have given up after countless years ofsearching, she continues to search for evil to defeat it once and for all.

The series starts off very strong right away. The gripping story is well setup with a clear plot explanation. It is also immediately clear that the makershave a lot of love for the franchise. The series breathes The Lord of theRings but still gets its own face by showing other varieties and taking someliberties here and there with the source material.

Unfortunately, the series goes wrong later, when some storylines and textsseem to have been taken directly from the movies. Another problem that comesinto play is that an overarching storyline is missing. Very little is donewith the strong design and at times it feels a bit directionless. Themultiplicity of storylines does not help this and a clearer focus would havebeen desirable.

The world, on the other hand, is beautiful. The high budget makes this aseries like never before, with each episode looking like the most expensiveblockbuster. However, it is not only the production value, but also the designof everything on display. Every location and every object is made with a lotof detail and love, so that everything gets its own signature. Each magicalrace has a unique feel and character. The only downside is that sometimesthings are a little too clean and tidy.

What this supports is the use of practical effects for many elements, such asthe orcs. So no more video game orcs like in The Hobbit , but creepy, dirtyorcs that are all nightmare material. A big exception to this are the wargs,with which something did not go quite right in the execution. At the other endof the spectrum are the souped-up hobbits. These Harfoots contain a largeportion of charm and quirkiness, which contrasts nicely with the more serioussides of the series. Unfortunately, this loose storyline never quite gets offthe ground, except in the final episode.

The characters have a strong on-screen presence. Galadriel is a bit harder,full of resentment, but also wise and inspiring. The connection between Elrondand Durin is strong and makes for several highlights. Every scene between thetwo is full of playfulness. It is also very nice to see the dwarfs shine infull uniform.

For purists, however, there will be many dislikes. We can leave out the skincolors of certain characters, because they don’t disturb at all, but what doesirritate at times is the degree of freedom that is taken with the story andthe world. There are interventions that have quite a lot of impact and someperformed characters simply cannot exist at this time. At times, this makesthe series come across as a fan version of JRR Tolkien’s world. A little morecan be expected from a production of this size.

Unfortunately, the entire first season feels mostly like an introduction toMiddle-earth. There are certainly very impressive moments in iconic places,but the story has just too many inconsistencies and lacks momentum. The bestmoments are accompanied by beautiful music that honors Howard Shore.

Although the story is still in the starting blocks after eight episodes, it’sgreat to be back in Tolkien’s world again. The characters are strong, theworld is beautiful, the music feels like coming home and each episode offersthe experience of a cinema movie. This first trip leaves you wanting more. Theseason finale is all it takes to get mesmerized by the ring again.

★★★★ ren

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power can be seen on Amazon Prime.

Olivia Wilde Controversial Over All Wild Erotic Scenes In ‘Don’t Worry Darling’

There was, and still is, quite a lot to do about Don ‘t Worry Darling.Olivia Wilde’s film had some setbacks. For example, Harry Styles would havespat on Chris Pine, Shia LaBeouf was fired, according to the director, whilehe says he has left himself, but the quarrel between Wilde and lead actressFlorence Pugh was especially striking. How come?

Of course, Wilde did a lot of advertising for her film. Whenever she got thechance to promote her project, she did, but she mainly talked about all thesex scenes in the film. The director said the following about this.

Important According to Wilde, this was an important aspect of Don ‘t Worry Darling.For example, she said some time ago: Why aren ‘t there any good sex scenes inmovies anymore? It’s not very common anymore, but it can be very important forthe story and how the moviegoers see the characters and their relationships“.

In my view there is a lack of eroticism, at least in American films. I evenwanted to show several ‘hot moments’ in the trailer, but the Motion PictureAssociation didn’t let me. According to some people there was too much sex inthe film and they are not happy about this. That’s not the point of the movieeither. We just want to provoke you“.

Row Lead actress Pugh strongly disagreed with this. During each interview, she wasagain asked about the many sex scenes, mainly due to the fact that Wildecontinued to promote them. Pugh had had enough of this and she made it clear.

Why can ‘t we just talk about the sex scenes? Or about the most famous manon earth (Styles) making love in the movie? That’s not what the movie isabout. That’s not why we act and that’s not why I’m in the film industry.’Don’t Worry Darling’ is much bigger and better than just that“.

Remarkable Now, during a new interview, Wilde is again talking about it, but thenecessary people notice that she expresses herself very differently about herfilm and has made a big turnaround.

She now says: It ‘s interesting what Florence said and she’s 100% right. Itotally agree with her that some people just want to talk about the sex in themovie and therefore stop talking about the whole story and the movie itself.We need to stop focusing just on the sex scenes, because as Florence makes itclear, the movie is so much more than just that. I was really happy that shesaid this, because I feel exactly the same!

Comments On social media, the invitees react quite surprised, since Wilde was the onewho properly promoted all the sex in the film, but now she is lashing out atthe people who do this. There are also many reactions to be found that saythat Wilde is just talking from her neck.

Dutch Colombians after Spoorloos riot: ‘Your right to exist is wavering’

“Like a bomb exploded.” That’s what those involved say about the mistakes inTV programs without a trace which came to light on Tuesday in an episode of_Scammers Tackled_. They state that in addition to the two ‘mismatches’covered in the program, at least five other cases have gone wrong with thereuniting of adopted children with their original families.

In the program, television maker Kees van der Spek showed that via without atrace in recent years several adoptees in Colombia have been linked to wrongbiological relatives. The ‘mismatches’ came about through a Colombian andDutch employee of the program.

After the broadcast, broadcaster KRO-NCRV acknowledged that mistakes wereindeed made with two participants. The broadcaster does not want to respond toquestions from the NOS and says it wants to do its own research first. Aspokesperson only refers to this press statement.

But according to Fiona Teggatz it is about more than two mismatches. She andher friend Barbara Quee run an agency helping Colombian adoptees. Since thebroadcast, the two have been approached by many more Colombians in theNetherlands, says Teggatz. Some also participated without a trace and fearthat their business has also been made mistakes.

Kees van der Spek and Barbara Quee told about the mismatches in the talk showJinek:

Spoorloos linked 2 participants to the wrong family

In the without a trace business was centered on a Colombian fixer, EdwinVela. Vela was also involved in the case of Juliette and her sisters, whoselast name is known to the editors. They teamed up with . in 2019 without atrace. “They told us that our mother was found by Edwin Vela.” The news cameas a shock to the sisters: “We didn’t know any better than that our biologicalmother was dead, because that was written on our birth certificate”.

But according to Vela, the woman was still alive. “But according to him, ourmother did not want contact. She was afraid, because she had a lot on herplate, he said.” By the delivery of Scammers Tackled Juliette and her livingsister have serious doubts about that story.

The broadcast made her angry, sad and surprised. “Angry because Edwin couldlook families in the face and do this. I find that really inhumane anddegrading.”

Who is Edwin Vela?

Spoorloos worked closely with Vela until 2010, confirms the KRO-NCRV. Since2019, he has been doing odd jobs for the program again. Vela didn’t workalone. He made local contacts, but a second intermediary was also involved: aDutch correspondent. She hired Vela when she couldn’t visit certain placesherself. So far she has not responded to questions from the NOS. The twotogether took sixteen cases for without a trace in itself. According to KRO-NCRV, Colombia is the only country where this way of working was done.

Yaneth Palacio Menger also had contact with without a trace. She approachedthe editors in the 90s and initially heard nothing for years. Years later,Palacio Menger received a call: the editors told her that her biologicalmother had been found. She just couldn’t come to the Netherlands. “Your worldwill be turned upside down.”

According to the editors, there was no moving image of Palacio Menger’smother, but a reconstruction had been made based on Vela’s findings. “Mymother got pregnant on the street as a 15-year-old and could not take care ofme. In the metropolis of Medellín, Vela had found family on the street, theysaid.”

Palacio Menger was shown photos. “You immediately look for similarities. Itwas very emotional.” ‘s team without a trace was going to Medellín to filmPalacio Menger’s mother. “But she was gone a few days before their departure.According to Vela, she did not have a permanent address, but lived withrelatives in FARC territory. My mother was said to have been taken by theFARC. According to him it was too dangerous to go there .”

Chris Van den Durpel is back with the most famous character: “As soon as I put on that wig and clothes, I am Kamiel Spiessens” | showbiz

showbiz The show must go on. Five years after he last unleashed hischaracters on the public in ‘Allemaal Chris’, Chris Van den Durpel (62)returns to Flemish showbiz. As Kamiel Spiessens – the first character he evercame up with – he kicks off his theater tour today in Lokeren. “There are nowabout sixty performances on the agenda. I never expected my _little farmer_would still be so popular.”

He would initially bring ‘Spiessens Spijbelt’ in 2020, to celebrate 25 yearsof career. Corona decided otherwise, however, and postponed its premiere untiltonight. “Even after all these years, it’s still exciting to step on stage,”it sounds. “Fortunately, during the try-outs of ‘Spiessens Spijbelt’ (ahumorous show in which Chris’ character as an overyear climate truant giveshis vision on environmental problems, ed.) the response was positive: theguests laughed at the moment that this was foreseen, and afterwards I alwaysgot a lot of compliments. That being said, I have to admit that the show hasbeen tweaked here and there. There are always things that could be donebetter.”

According to Van den Durpel, there is no stress. “The figure of KamielSpiessens is ingrained in my DNA. As soon as I put on that wig, have my facepainted and have those clothes on… I’ll be him. Or to put it in his words: “It’s not hard, it’s easy!” (laughs)”

ALSO WATCH: Kamiel Spiessens goes on a theater tour

“The interest is unbelievable”

Initially, Van den Durpel only wanted to perform about twenty shows, but inthe meantime the counter has already reached sixty dates. “The interest isunbelievable”, he says. “What has surprised me the most is the response fromyoung people. They know Kamiel from videos on TikTok, and would like to seehim ‘in real life’. In the meantime, several halls are sold out, and I willcertainly be busy until June 2023.”

His creator does not (yet) want to speak of a definitive return of KamielSpiessens – and other types. “That’s too premature”, it sounds. “First I haveto experience the physical impact this theater tour has on me. It is not theintention that I will be completely overwhelmed in a few months, or that Iwill no longer have a voice. To relieve some of the pressure, I will soon becalling on a driver for longer trips. I like to drive the car, but it has tobe safe.”

Tickets and info:

ALSO WATCH: All types of Chris Van den Durpel in a row


Kamiel Spiessens launches new single after 25 years: “We have to skip schoolfor the climate”

Chris Van den Durpel starts theater tour around Kamiel Spiessens: “It isreally no longer possible to be unfriendly to women” (+)

Kamiel Spiessens gives his own vision on the climate in the first theater tour

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Holland’s Got Talent viewers surprised by the semi-final results

The first finalists of Holland ‘s Got Talent Are known. After a thrillingsemi-final, it was up to the jury last night to determine which five acts wereallowed to go through to the final and which five acts were not. But theresult came as a surprise to the audience in the hall and the viewers at home.

The five acts that have been sent home will certainly be missed by the loyalviewers.

Nick blew judges with his audition Holland ‘s Got Talent

One of the acts where Holland ‘s Got Talent-viewers can’t stop talking aboutit, is the performance of Nick Sebrechts. During the auditions, he won thehearts of the jury and the public with a dance performance inspired by MichaelJackson. He danced to a piano version of the song Fly me to the moon byFrank Sinatra.

„Can he be Michael Jackson justice do this occur?” judge Dan Karaty wonderedbefore the audition. But after a smashing performance, Karaty knew for sure.”Yes, he can.” The only thing Sebrechts had to pay attention to was his facialexpression. “That face doesn’t have to do much,” Chantal Janzen gave as a tip.

Nick says goodbye to Michael Jackson in the semifinals

Sebrechts took the compliments and feedback to the semi-finals of Holland ‘sGot Talent and decided to do something completely different this time. “I saygoodbye to Michael Jackson and show the real me in full.” On stage he put on adance performance with all kinds of different dance styles, to a classicalpiano number.

The audience and viewers at home were impressed. The feedback from the jurywas also overwhelmingly good: “It was beautiful,” Karaty began. “It feltpersonal and I really saw ‘you’ in the dance, instead of Michael Jackson.”Janzen agreed with Karaty: “This is you, that’s just great to watch.” She wasalso happy to see how Sebrechts had taken her feedback from the auditions intoaccount.

Holland ‘s Got Talent-viewers amazed at the result

But unfortunately for Sebrechts: the jury did not mention his name during theannouncement of the finalists. To the incomprehension of many viewers at home.“The only act I was really quiet about!” tweeted one viewer. “Don’t get it atall!! This is talent, this was so good, pure and beautiful,” commented anotherviewer. Yet another viewer tweeted: “Unbelievable that Nick didn’t make it tothe final! Such a fantastic dancer! Shame about this choice.”

I don’t understand that Noah is through.. was certainly good, but Nick was> definitely better!!> #hgt>> — Bianca Niks (@BiancaNiks) October 14,> 2022

Don’t get it at all!! This is talent, this was so good, pure and beautiful.> Goosebumps…>> — rat head (@ReinsmaSjiekie) October 15,> 2022

Too bad Nick didn’t pass. I thought it was a very pure and moving> performance> #hgt>> — nicole heins 🇺🇦 (@nicoleheinsel) October 14,> 2022

Incomprehensible that Nick did not make it to the final! Such a fantastic> dancer! Shame about this choice> #hgt>> — [email protected] (@janitatypes) October 14,> 2022

The acts that could celebrate last night were the ten-year-old break dancerSiego, the ‘mermaid’ Clio Togni, the dance group Life Family and the countrysinger Bart van Gijn. Rapper Noah, who surprised his own father in theaudience during the semi-final, also got a place in the final.

Chaos in Bruges prison: power problems still not over? | Instagram VTM NEWS

BrugesIn the prison of Bruges there has been power again since 4.30 pm onFriday, after two days of electricity problems. When the emergency generatoralso broke down on Friday, all activity within the walls came to a standstill.In the end they got the diesel engines up and running again, but they now seemto be sputtering again, VTM NIEUWS reports. As a result, only a minimum ofelectricity is available. The telephone in the cells is available again andthe television could also be switched on again. “They hope that the problemswill be solved by Monday.”

Due to the power outage, an emergency and intervention plan had come intoeffect and the guards received support from civil defense and local police.Emergency lighting was also provided in case the blackout continued. That wasnot unthinkable. The institution had to deal with just as many blackouts injust two days. The emergency generator was put into operation to bridge theweekend after the electricity went out for the first time on Thursday morning.

On Friday afternoon, however, disaster struck. Just before 3 p.m., theemergency generator also went out. The prison was thus confronted with twoblackouts in as many days. In the meantime, the Buildings Agency startedlooking for an external emergency generator, while awaiting a possible repairof the emergency generator. Around 4.30 pm there was (for now) good news: thediesel engines of the emergency generators were running again thanks to a newpump.


Spokeswoman Kathleen Van De Vijver previously said that every detainee is in acell and that the general power failure did not cause major tensions. Visitorswere able to leave the prison during the breakdown and inmates on a walk wereescorted back to the building. An emergency and intervention plan went intoeffect and civil defense and local police went to the scene to provide supportto the guards.

The emergency generator now serves to bridge the weekend, as the originalelectricity problem could not be addressed until Monday at the earliest. “Insuch a situation, priority is always given to the safety of staff anddetainees,” says Alain Blancke of the ACV. “It is important that we canprovide those people with their basic needs. It is now important that astructural solution is found. comes in the long run.”

Cold meal

Another striking fact: according to our information, the guards were asked onThursday to bring a cold meal and if possible also a flashlight. At thePrisons they do not want to confirm or elaborate on it. According to ourinformation, the flashlight would rather be preventive and not because thereis no lighting within the prison walls.

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The presentation of the Kristallen Fiets was so boring that Wout van Aert would rather walk around in a Kempen meadow than be there

Would Yves Lampaert be welcomed by a guard of honor of thirty farmer ‘s sonsfrom Belgium, with tractors and all? Which expensive words had Michel Wuytspurchased to celebrate the 2022 cycling year? And what color would the promdress in which Oumaima Rayane would stride down the red carpet? Everything waswide open at the presentation of the Crystal Bicycle, except – and this is notunimportant for an award ceremony – who would win at the end of the evening.

Jasper Van LoyThursday, October 13, 202211:04

Bad luck for VTM: just in the year that the station decided to broadcast thegala of the Kristallen Fiets for the first time, a funny ket from Schepdaaland a classic queen from Rumst made it the least exciting edition in years.Lotte Kopecky winner of the Tour of Flanders and winner of the trophy forthe third time in a row, had already opted for the early breakaway to theTrack Cycling World Championship and received the jewel in Paris from thehands of Stijn Vlaeminck , who, as everyone else on these matters,generously quoted from the cahier entitled ‘1,001 easy questions for sportsjournalists’. “Do you realize how impressive this is?” Do you realize, Stijn,how this kind of flattery disguised as a question doesn’t exactly make it moreimpressive?

I could have understood that obligatory number if Freek Braeckman andLies Vandenberghe until then hadn’t tried so hard to keep up the tensionthat Braeckman almost burst out of his suit with the artificial excitement.Because it was just a stop! And everything could change! Did I mention it wasexciting?! The only thing that could have been done was that Johan Museeuwwith a snowblower came roaring in order to let Rempo Evekoel sink through theice.

When the world champion came to collect his over-earned Crystal Bicycle,anyone who read a sports newspaper in the past month could dream of what wouldhappen. A happy Remco and a smug Patrick Lefevere – rightly so in bothcases – **** had borrowed each other’s straight faces not to tell in unisonwhether they will ride the Tour next year.

Every now and then you got a glimpse of what the Crystal Bicycle could havebeen, a celebration of a great racing year in all its facets. The rightfultribute to Paralympic hour record holder Ewoud Vromant and the disarmedinterview with juniore’s brother Febe Jooris were stories of the romantickind on which the course lives, although the item about Vromant remainedsomewhat vague. Tiesj Benoot who fought back tears at his front doorbecause he didn’t think it was him, but his teammate Nathan Van Hooydonckthe Crystal Sweat Drop for best helper deserved: clean. But otherwise, thevictorious Evenepoel, as so often this season, left miles of emptiness behind.Isn’t this the big show station that barks ‘The Voice’ for three hours everyweek? Where was that rainbow colored show ballet for team leader of the yearSven Vanthourenhout? Where was the Lotte confetti for Lotte Kopecky? Wherewas the fanfare that came to interpret ‘In de silent Kempen’ for Wout vanAert?

What’s more, the second best Belgian rider of the year was absent from theKristallen Fiets. The Savior of Herentals condescended to a video in which heexplained from a Kempen field that he was spending his scarce holidaySarah and Georges wanted to spend, “and unfortunately not on cyclinggalas”. So the evening was so boring, and exclusive images of it could be madePatrick Evenepoel who danced the polonaise to his son’s fidelity andKoen Wauters who, panting on an exercise bike, sang the praises of Remconothing to change.

Oh yes, Yves was nowhere to be found, Michel talked about a _grand cru classé_and Oumi wore dark green.