Danny Masterson Jurors Are Screened for Bias Against Scientology

Attorneys are set to give opening statements in the Danny Masterson rape trialon Tuesday, as a jury is expected to be chosen by mid-morning.

Over the last week, the initial pool of 225 potential jurors has been narrowedto about 85. On Monday, the defense and the began prosecution to question thepotential jurors in open court — in what is called voir dire — after aninitial round of screening from Judge Charlaine Olmedo.

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One of the key questions has been how much the potential jurors know aboutScientology. Masterson is a Scientologist and each of his three accusers was aScientologist at the time of the alleged rape. The accusers — now all ex-Scientologists — have said that they delayed going to the police out ofconcern that they could be excommunicated.

At the outset of his questioning, defense attorney Philip Cohen emphasizedthat Scientology is not on trial.

“Scientology is not a party (in the case), but you’re going to hear about it,”Cohen said. “Whether you feel so strongly about your religion — or so stronglyagainst other religions — that’s going to be an issue.”

Over the last several days, numerous jurors have said that they have seen orread something about Scientology. By far the most popular source ofinformation was “Scientology and the Aftermath,” the A&E docuseries hosted byex-Scientologist Leah Remini, a critic of the church. The two-hour finale ofthat show, in 2019, included a discussion of the Masterson case. Masterson’slawyers have argued that Remini is effectively a “victim advocate” for one ofthe accusers.

Many of the jurors who said they watched the show have already been excused,though no reason was given for their removal.

The jurors who are familiar with the church have not been asked to offer anydetails of what they have seen or read, so as not to taint the other jurors.One of them said he had read numerous articles about the church. Asked by thejudge to say only whether the articles were positive or negative, he said, “Idon’t believe I’ve read a positive article about that organization.”

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He was excused.

Many jurors said they knew little or nothing about the church. A fewidentified Tom Cruise as a Scientologist, but knew nothing beyond that aboutchurch beliefs and practices. Some said they had only heard the name“Scientology.”

“I’ve seen their majestic building,” said one person.

At least one person said she had read L. Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics,” or asimilar book, and others said they had seen ads promoting Scientology. Acouple said they had seen TV ads in which LA mayoral candidate Rick Carusoattacks rival Karen Bass for appearing at a Scientology event.

Only two jurors said they had ever met a Scientologist. One said he worked ata company in the 1990s where the owner, and most of the staff, wereScientologists. He said his co-workers didn’t talk much about their religion.

“I may have asked,” the person said. “It was a long time ago.”

That person was excused. Another juror said that he had friends who had leftthe church and who had complaints about it.

“They considered it a traumatic experience,” he said. “I know it’s arestrictive organization.”

The juror said that it would be hard to put that aside and be fair. Itappeared that the person had been excused by lunchtime on Monday.

But the vast majority of the jurors said they could be fair to Mastersonregardless of his religion.

Addressing the jurors on Monday afternoon, Cohen called Scientology “theelephant in the room.”

“Does Mr. Masterson’s former and current relationship and involvement andstatus as a Scientologist have any impact on how you view him with respect tothe government’s burden to prove the charges?” Cohen said. “This is somethingI really need to know.”

No one raised their hand.

The jurors were also asked for their feelings about the #MeToo movement. Oneman expressed doubt about allegations from long ago.

“Why does it take so many years for someone to come forward?” he asked.

Another man, who described himself as a feminist, said he felt an inclinationto support an accuser’s testimony.

“I think a victim that has the courage to take the stand — there may be someelement of truth,” he said.

Asked if he would be able to set aside his predisposition and follow thejudge’s instructions, he said, “I personally think it would be difficulty todo so.”

Cohen thanked him for his honesty.

“That’s voir dire,” Cohen said.

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Director Taken drops tough war film about real mission

meet The Ambush a new war film from the director of Tasks. Based on a truestory, he delivers a nerve-racking thriller.

A Marvel movie here, a drama movie there: the cinemas are often dominated byonly a handful of blockbusters.

Hello Hollywood

It is a trend that has only become more extreme over the past twenty years.Studios are taking fewer risks and investing mainly in giant franchises. Themiddle segment between indie films and blockbusters has almost completelydisappeared.

Yet there is another segment, outside of Hollywood. Western directors areregularly flown in by, for example, China to direct an action film, usuallyintended as propaganda material for the rest of the world. A Hollywood copy,intended to spread a political message. The Intriguing Book The Red Carpet_delves into this phenomenon, among other things. It’s a fascinating _read ifonly because of the glimpses into the Chinese propaganda kitchen.

War film by director Taken

Anyway, you didn’t come here for a book, but for Al Kameen internationallyknown as The Ambush. In recent years, the director of the original Taken wascalled in by the United Arab Emirates to make a war film. The result is a warthriller that was released there last year and immediately became the largestArabic-language film in the Arab Gulf countries.

This year we can finally see the final product. The Ambush , as the film isinternationally called, is therefore directed by the French filmmaker PierreMorel. Next Tasks he also delivered the nice The Gunman in 2015, starringSean Penn.

True story

The Ambush is based on the true story of a team of soldiers from the UnitedArab Emirates. During the 2018 Yemen War, they are ambushed by rebel soldiersduring a routine patrol in a valley.

When their armored vehicle is attacked by heavy enemy gunfire and trapped in aremote ravine, three soldiers desperately wait for rescue. As troops arrive tohelp, they too are ambushed. Their last hope is a daring rescue missionplanned by their brave commander.

So expect a spectacular war thriller in which it is nice and clear who the_good_ and who the bath guys to be. But hey, movies like American Sniper_and _Top Gun do the exact same thing. That is also pure marketing for the USmilitary.

The Ambush: coming soon?

So put your mind to zero, and enjoy an entertaining war film. Scores on IMDb_The Ambush_ so far a creditable 7.1, there are no reviews registered onRotten Tomatoes yet.

In any case, the first international trailer promises a lot. Now the questionis whether we will also see the war film here. in America it will be incinemas from October 28, and it will be available digitally from November 1.

Chances are that The Ambush skip the cinemas here and directly from then ondemand will be available. Hopefully from November 1st.

To be continued very soon! Already in the mood for a war movie? Check out ourlist of the best movies from the genre on Netflix.

Tim Hofman angry with comedian who wants makers of corona film dead

Tim Hofman is angry with comedian and actor George van Houts. The latter wasquite fierce yesterday against the makers of a video to get your repeat shotagainst corona. He wishes them dead, because their work was “so bad that itcarries the death penalty.” But those words go wrong with Tim Hofman.

Yesterday, Minister of Health Ernst Kuipers posted a promotional video to geta repeat shot against corona. The video will also be shown on television inthe near future, the minister wrote. It is part of a new corona campaign thathas been rolled out.

But George van Houts, winner of The smartest person in 2016 and known forseveral theatrical performances, is disgusted by the video. “This is horror inevery way imaginable. Acidic bad commercial in a death-threatening humorousinfantile tone”, he initially responded in an unmistakable manner. But itdidn’t stop there.

Putting the #repeat> shot> is in full swing. To point out this possibility to as many people as> possible, this TV spot can be seen from today. This spot is part of a new> corona campaign that reminds people of the importance of following the basic> advice. pic.twitter.com/JqxbGBwuaY>> — Ernst Kuipers (@ministerVWS) October 17,> 2022

Comedian wishes corona video makers dead

Moments later, he went one step further. He also wrote what he thought of thefilmmakers, or rather: what he thought should be done with them. “Doeseveryone want to dox (publish privacy data online, ed.) and/or shoot thesepeople as soon as possible. Quartering or beheading followed by skull spikesis also allowed, but that might be too nasty.” he gave free rein to hiscreativity.

Why did he wish the filmmakers dead like that? “Their work is so bad that, inmy opinion, it is punishable by death. Sorry. Sorry,” he added, before postingall the names of the makers who were involved in the video online.

And that tweet, which is still online at the time of writing, does not sitwell with many people. “It’s pretty special that a tweet (in my opinionclearly punishable) like this has been online for 15 hours,” someone writes.Even the police are interfering in the Twitter conversation. He says that hecannot act immediately, but refers twitterers to the declaration page on theirown website. “Then it ends up with the right colleagues.”

Tim Hofman calls on his own followers to take action. “This man really needsto get some good legal punches on his evil nose. We can at least get himremoved from Twitter with his threats with reporting.” Hofman also spoke aboutdeath threats this summer, when it was about the threats against him.

this guy really needs to get some good legal punches on his evil nose. We> can at least get him removed from Twitter with his threats with reporting.

‘Keep Your Heart Open and Curiosity Alive’

Sydney Sweeney has a couple of words of wisdom for her younger self (and forall of us, honestly). The youngest Women in Hollywood honoree this yeardedicated her speech at ELLE’s Getty Center celebration to sharing the threebig life lessons she wished she knew when she was a little girl.

But before she doled out that precious life advice, presenter and on-screen_Euphoria_ sister Maude Apatow shared a story that spoke volumes aboutSweeney’s dedication to her craft—and may actually change the way you see herperformance as Cassie. Apatow recalled a time on set when a “castmate steppedon Sydney’s foot with a high heeled shoe and broke her toe. I’m not going toname names, but it was Alexa Demie.”

She continued, “When Sam [Levinson, Euphoria creator and director] said cut,Sydney grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the back hallway where nobodycould see. She started silently screaming out in pain…begging for me not totell anyone, which put me in the very difficult position of watching my friendsuffer through what would end up being a scene that involved a large amount ofphysical activity, including running and leaping . Sydney wiped her tears anddid the scene as if nothing was wrong. She didn’t even limp.”

According to Apatow, Sweeney ended up doing nine more takes through theexcruciating pain without complaining, then went to the hospital in theevening, where she found out her toe was broken. “She then went straight backto work the next morning,” she added. The actress closed our introduction withloving praise for Sweeney, saying, “Sydney brings that level of dedication andcare to everything she does—and she can do a lot of different things.”

Sweeney thanked Apatow when she got to the mic. “Thank you so much,” she toldher co-star. “You are the sister I’ve always wanted and I am so lucky to beable to play a sister on Euphoria with you, and you’re my best friend. Andit’s such an amazing feeling because I always had a hard time having girlfriends, and you’re just everything to me. So thank you so much for doingthis.”

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She also clarified the status of her toe: “Also my toe is totally fine. Ithealed. The toenail did fall off, but she’s back.”

Sweeney’s dedication to improvement was apparent throughout her own speech.“I’m still learning today, and I’m going to be still learning tomorrow,” shesaid at the end of her letter to herself. “And that’s okay, because no one hasit all figured out. And you’re going to be asked who you want to be when yougrow up, and I really hope you’re proud of who we are today.” with WhiteLotus and Euphoria big successes under her belt and Barbarella, MadameWeb and more in her future, Sweeney has good reason to be.

Below, read Sweeney’s full speech:

Thank you, ELLE magazine, this is such an honor and I’m beyond grateful.> Thank you for continuing to celebrate inspirational women like those who are> alongside me in this room tonight. You have all inspired me to be a woman> who is not confined by society’s standards and expectations. And I wish my> younger self could see this right now because I’m surrounded by women who> inspired that little girl to become an actress. I’m not the best at giving> speeches, I have intense stage fright; I feel safer as a character than> myself. I haven’t figured out how to get over that yet. So I thought I could> best express myself by writing a letter to little Syd—that’s me. I wanted to> write something my younger self needed to hear, and I hope it reaches others> who might need it too. So, to those who might dream of these moments, of> being surrounded by people with such strength, wisdom, and fearlessness. Of> being a working actress, a story teller, or whatever their passion may be.>> Dear Little Syd,>> You wouldn’t believe what we are doing right now. So I need to thank you.> Thank you for never giving up or accepting the answer no. You never let> others discourage you from dreaming and believing in yourself. Even when it> felt like no one believed in you. During this journey there’s three lessons> I wish we would’ve learned earlier on, that I want to share with you now.>> Lesson one: Never forget the importance of kindness and forgiveness—to> yourself and others. I know you were scared when you left your small town,> because usually people don’t leave. Not everyone will understand where you> are going, or where you came from. Some people may be unaccepting and at> times cruel, and every step of the way they will try to make you fearful of> your dreams. But turn that negativity and pain into motivation. Be kind to> yourself as you grow and allow forgiveness as you fail.>> Lesson two: Live in the now. Mom always said to jump rope while you can, and> we always thought it was because our boobs were going to get in the way,> which they did, but it’s so much more than that. You love the chase, and> you’re always looking towards the next thing, hungry for more. But slow> down, and take it all in. Because you’ve worked so hard, and what’s the> point if you don’t take those moments to enjoy the journey? I mean, this> industry is nuts.>> Lesson three: Fall in love with as many things as possible. Fall in love> with art, music, travel, cars, sports, education, others, and yourself. Keep> your heart open and curiosity alive. Always look for new possibilities to> discover, don’t limit the bandwidth of love. And always share it. ‘Cause> this world needs more love in it.>> I’m still learning today, and I’m going to be still learning tomorrow. And> that’s okay, because no one has it all figured out. And you’re going to be> asked who you want to be when you grow up, and I really hope you’re proud of> who we are now.>> Love, Syd>> Thank you.

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Meghan Markle Recalls Being Told to ‘Suck It In’ on ‘Deal or No Deal’ in Podcast Chat with Paris Hilton

Meghan Markle is opening up about her time on the game show Deal or No Deal.

On Tuesday morning, Spotify released the latest episode of the Duchess ofSussex’s podcast, Archetypes . To start the show, Meghan said she wasrecently flipping through the channels on TV — “this, by the way, is a raritywhen you have two children under the age of four,” she said, referring to sonArchie Harrison, 3, and daughter Lilibet Diana, 1 — and caught the show Dealor No Deal on which she used to be a “briefcase girl” in 2006.

“This brought back a lot of memories,” Meghan, 41, said.

She recalled that while Deal or No Deal wasn’t so much about acting, whichshe was pursuing, she was grateful to have a job to pay bills while she wasauditioning.

“I had also studied international relations in college, and there were times Iwas on set at Deal or No Deal and thinking back to my time working as anintern at the US Embassy in Argentina in Buenos Aires and being in themotorcade with the security of treasury at the time and being valuedspecifically for my brain. Here, I was being valued for something quite theopposite.”

Paris Hilton;  MeghanMarkleaParisHilton;  MeghanMarklea

Paris Hilton; Meghan Marklea

Eric McCandless/ABC via Getty Images; Trae Patton/NBCU PhotoBank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images Paris Hilton; Meghan Marklea

The former suits actress said that before tapings of the show, the modelswould line up for different stations: lashes, extensions, bra padding. Thewomen were also given spray tan vouchers every week.

“There was a very cookie-cutter idea of ​​precisely what we should look like.It was solely about beauty — and not necessarily about brains,” Meghan said.

“When I look back at that time, I’ll never forget this one detail — becausemoments before we’d get on stage, there was a woman who ran the show and she’dbe there backstage, and I can still hear her She couldn’t properly pronouncemy last name at the time and I knew who she was talking to because she’d go,’Markle, suck it in! Markle, suck it in!’ “

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The Duchess of Sussex said she eventually quit the show: “I was thankful forthe job, but not for how it made me feel, which was not smart. And by the way,I was surrounded by smart women on that stage with me, but that wasn’t thefocus of why we were there. I would end up leaving with this pit in my stomachknowing that I was so much more than what was being objectified on the stage.looks and little substance, and that’s how it felt for me at the time — beingreduced to this specific archetype.”

Meghan interviewed Paris Hilton about the stereotype of “bimbos.”

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Paris said when she starred alongside Nicole Richie on the reality show TheSimple Life , producers said they wanted Nicole to be “the troublemaker” andParis to be “the rich, dumb blonde.” The heiress said she played into thecharacter both on the show and in interviews.

“So, I almost got like stuck and lost in the character where I, at somepoints, it was like the lines got blurred or I, it’s like, I forgot who Iwas,” Paris, 41, said. “And I don’t know, makes me sad because I used to besuch a free spirit, and I was just so like, I don’t know, just like, not soclosed off.”

Paris — who described herself as “shy,” “a tomboy” and “an undercover nerd” inthe podcast — is now an advocate against child abuse, particularly atresidential schools like the abusive one she attended as a teenager.

“Now I’m pushing for federal legislation and going to DC and yeah, it’s justbeen so empowering. Just really turn my pain into a purpose,” the star said.”And I almost think that maybe God made me go through this and gave me thisspecial gift so that one day I could be the hero that I needed when I was alittle girl and help save these children from having to go through the torturethat myself and so many others went through.”

NEW YORK - AUGUST 29: Socialite Paris Hilton arrives at the 2002 MTV VideoMusic Awards at Radio City Music Hall August 29, 2002 in New York City.(Photo by Mark Mainz/GettyImages)NEWYORK - AUGUST 29: Socialite Paris Hilton arrives at the 2002 MTV Video MusicAwards at Radio City Music Hall August 29, 2002 in New York City.  (Photo byMark Mainz/GettyImages)

NEW YORK – AUGUST 29: Socialite Paris Hilton arrives at the 2002 MTV VideoMusic Awards at Radio City Music Hall August 29, 2002 in New York City. (Photoby Mark Mainz/Getty Images)

Mark Mainz/Getty Paris Hilton in 2002

The episode is the sixth to drop so far, following a month-long pause afterthe death of Queen Elizabeth on Sept. 8. In the first episode back, Meghanwelcomed Margaret Cho and Lisa Ling to break down the trope of “Dragon Lady”and the “toxic” stereotypes that many women of Asian descent are forced tonavigate.

Last week, the Duchess of Sussex spoke with Constance Wu, comedian and writerJenny Slate and activist and Bollywood star Deepika Padukone for aconversation titled “The Decoding of Crazy.”

Harry Duke of Sussex and Meghan Duchess of Sussex attend Trooping TheColourHarryDuke of Sussex and Meghan Duchess of Sussex attend Trooping TheColour

Harry Duke of Sussex and Meghan Duchess of Sussex attend Trooping The Colour

Mike Marsland/WireImage

During her chat with Deepika, Meghan described how her husband, Prince Harry,found her a referral to a mental health professional when she was at her”worst point.”

“I mean, I think at my worst point, being finally connected to someone that,you know, my husband had found a referral for me to call. And I called thiswoman,” Meghan said. “She didn’t know I was even calling her. And she waschecking out at the grocery store. I could hear the little beep, beep, and Iwas like, “Hi,” and I’m introducing myself and that you can literally you’regoing, wait, sorry. I’m just. Who is this? Um, and saying I need help. And shecould hear the dire state that I was in.”

Meghan continued, “But I think it’s for all of us to be really honest aboutwhat it is that you need and to not be afraid to make peace with that, to askfor it.”

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Meghan and Harry, 38, first announced a “multi-year partnership” betweenSpotify and their production company Archewell Audio in 2020. According to apreviously shared press release, Archetypes intends to “investigate thelabels that try to hold women back.

Speaking with historians and experts, Meghan will “uncover the origin of thesestereotypes and have uncensored conversations with women who know all too wellhow these typecasts shape narratives.”

Carson Daly Returns to Today Show 7 Weeks After ‘Hardcore’ Spinal Fusion Surgery: ‘It Worked!’

Carson Daly was back on the Today show Tuesday, seven weeks to the day hewent under the knife to help fix chronic back pain caused by a snowmobilingaccident decades prior.

Back in August, the broadcaster had what he called on Tuesday a “realhardcore” Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion surgery, in which an intervertebraldisc is removed and replaced with a bone or metal spacer.

“It worked,” Daly told colleagues Savannah Guthrie, Hoda Kotb, Al Roker andSheinelle Jones of the procedure Tuesday, noting that he would have been backin the studio last week but had to travel to Los Angeles to shoot The Voice.

RELATED: Carson Daly Is on the ‘Road to Recovery’ After Second Back Surgeryin 3 Months

He went on to thank his Today family for all their support during hisabsence, adding that he was feeling “great” now. “I’m 18 again,” he joked.

“It’s been quite the recovery,” the father of four also said. “I had some timeto sit around and [rest]but it feels great.”

Still, Daly said “there’s a long road ahead” to him being 100%, explainingthat recovering from the pain is just the beginning.

“I hope I get a chance to do a story on it because what I realize now is it’slike the iceberg effect,” he said. “This just isn’t a story about people whohave back pain and how do you fix it; there’s a subtext underneath it allthat’s very complex that so many of us have to deal with.”

“When you’re in pain and you’re looking to just feel good, that changes yourrelationship with food and drink and your life,” he explained. “And then whenthey fix the pain, there are these other complex areas of your life that youneed to deal with and realign with. So when I say I’m getting better, I’mgetting better in a multitude of ways which is great; which is really great.”

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Part of his recovery process has been going on regular walks. “I’m the ForestGump of Long Island,” Daly said. “I walk everywhere.”

The avid golfer will be back on the course soon enough too. “I can chip andputt at 13 weeks so I’m still another 6 weeks out from that,” Daly noted,teasing that he was planning to follow in the footsteps of championship golferTiger Woods, who had the same spinal surgery in 2017.

“I’ll probably get condo in Augusta, Georgia first, start visiting, and thenI’ll start getting to the Masters in maybe 4 years.”


Carson Daly

Nathan Congleton/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty

Daly has long been open about suffering from chronic lower back pain. He firstbegan experiencing pain when he injured his back in an accident in the ’90s,resulting in a T12 compression fracture.

His pain steadily increased over the years until July, when he underwent hisfirst back surgery. Today cameras followed him before and after theoperation to document the experience for a segment on the show.

“I feel actually better and I’m glad that I did it,” he said not long afterthe procedure. “It’s not a cure-all but it was a step in my journey that Ithink is going to help.”

RELATED: Carson Daly Says He ‘s ‘Really Optimistic’ After Spine FusionSurgery: ‘My Future Is Bright Now’

Unfortunately, that procedure didn’t quite work out. So in August, Dalyunderwent an Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion back surgery at L5 S1.

“I feel really good,” Daly said of his progress during a September check-in on_Today_. “I feel really optimistic. I feel like, for anybody who suffered fromlower back pain for decades, you don’t realize how much pain you’re in untilit’s gone. So I feel very optimistic about the future… My future is brightnow!”

Carson Daly attends the 2022 NBCUniversal Upfront at Mandarin Oriental Hotelat Radio City Music Hall on May 16, 2022 in New YorkCity.CarsonDaly attends the 2022 NBCUniversal Upfront at Mandarin Oriental Hotel at RadioCity Music Hall on May 16, 2022 in New YorkCity.

Carson Daly attends the 2022 NBCUniversal Upfront at Mandarin Oriental Hotelat Radio City Music Hall on May 16, 2022 in New York City.

Roy Rochlin/Getty Carson Daly

according to Today Daly’s accident happened while he was on location inAspen, CO while working for MTV.

“At the end of one of the days of shooting, I was on a snowmobile beingshuttled down by ski patrol, and we got into an accident,” Daly recalled. “Iwas knocked unconscious, and I kinda came to in the snow in a toboggan, reallycouldn’t feel anything below my legs, one of those really scary moments.”

At the time of the accident, doctors explained that his back was”structurally” unharmed and that pain management would be his only option.Because of a bad reaction to pain medication, Daly knew he would only use themas a “last resort.”

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At first, the pain he experienced from the accident was intermittent thoughgrew more severe as time went on, the outlet reported.

Daly — who shares children Jackson, Etta, London and Goldie with wife Siri —said the pain started to affect his relationship with his family as he wasunable to be as active with his children as he wanted . “I want to playgolf, I want to wrestle with my kids. I want to pick things up,” he said. “Iwant to be better.”

The Top 10 Best Documentaries On Netflix According To IMDb

Netflix adds new documentaries every week, but which are really the best?We’ve ranked all the documentaries on the streaming service, and listed theresulting top ten best documentaries for you.

Between all the fantasy worlds, Netflix also regularly adds documentaries toits offer. Instinctively, nine times out of ten they are about serial killers,but the streaming service has much more to offer.

The best documentaries on Netflix

In fact, if you grab all the documentaries on the service and rank them byIMDb score, then it’s true crime genre nowhere to be seen. Let that beexactly what we have done for you.

Below are the top ten best documentaries on Netflix, based on IMDb’s scores.So if you grab and rank the thousands of docs on the streaming service, theone below will remain crème de la crème about.

10. Hitting the Apex (2015)

If you have become an avid Formula 1 viewer because of Max Verstappen, or haveeven the slightest interest in speed and racing, then Hitting the Apex adocumentary not to be missed. The film dives into a different sport andfollows six of the best motorcycle racers in the world, giving a uniqueinsight into their lives and careers. Nice detail: Brad Pitt is the _narrator_of this documentary.

IMDb Score: 8.2

9. Cuba and the Cameraman (2017)

Cuba and the Cameraman is an incredible documentary, if only by itsapproach: American journalist and documentary maker Jon Alpert followed threefamilies in Cuba for 45 years. From the cautious optimism of the early 1970sto the poignant 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union, to the death ofFidel Castro in 2016. A major achievement, now streaming on Netflix.

IMDb Score: 8.2

8. Disclosure (2020)

Disclosure is a highly topical documentary that takes a critical look at howHollywood portrays transgender people. Filmmaker Sam Feder is not afraid ofthe more controversial discussions on this subject. A slew of stars took tothe camera for this documentary, including Laverne Cox, Bianca Leigh and JenRichards.

IMDb Score: 8.2

7. Kiss the Ground (2020)

Kiss the Ground is a revolutionary documentary that shows how we can balanceour climate through regenerative agriculture. The film follows a group ofactivists, scientists, farmers and politicians who have united worldwide todrive this movement forward. A real eye opener So. A documentary thateveryone should watch, because it shows how we can collectively work towards abetter future for our planet.

IMDb Score: 8.2

6. Virunga (2014)

The multi-award winning Virunga takes you to Virunga National Park in Congo.Threatened by illegality, war and pollution, the park team is committed toprotecting the last of the mountain gorillas. The film shows the real strugglethat is fought every day to preserve this unique ecosystem. A must see foranyone interested in conservation and the fragility of our planet.

IMDb Score: 8.2

5. 13th (2016)

Ava DuVernay’s 13th is a revealing and impressive documentary about theprison system in the United States. The film emphasizes how the system revealsAmerica’s history of racial inequality, and shows the viewer how this systemis still a major problem in society. A tough documentary, but also one thatwill stay with you for a long time.

IMDb Score: 8.2

4. Winter on Fire (2015)

Unfortunately, this Netflix Original is much more relevant than you’d like.The documentary follows the unrest in the country in 2013 and 2014, whenstudent demonstrations for European integration turned into a violentrevolution that led to the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich. Thefilm is an impressive testimony to an important historical event.

IMDb Score: 8.3

3. Emicida: AmarElo – É Tudo Pra Ontem (2020)

Emicida: AmarElo – E Tudo Pra Ontem is a documentary about Brazilian rapperand activist Emicida. The film features concert footage of his performance atSão Paulo’s Theatro Municipal, while also celebrating the rich legacy of blackBrazilian culture. This unique documentary pays tribute to a cultural icon,but also shows how important it is to cherish culture and pass it on to futuregenerations. If we are to believe the reviews, this documentary is even worthchecking out if, like us, you don’t know the rapper at all.

IMDb Score: 8.5

2. Sense8: Creating the World (2015)

Yes, we would rank all documentaries on Netflix based on IMDb ratings, sobehind-the-scenes views like this count too. After all, the streaming servicecalls it a documentary. If you’re interested in how an internationallyproduced TV series comes about, this is the documentary for you. Maybe first_Sense8_ watch the series that this documentary is about. It is one ofNetflix’s first and most ambitious Originals, which unfortunately endedprematurely.

IMDb Score: : 8.5

1. David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet (2020)

Look, it could hardly be otherwise. Wonderful: David Attenborough at the topof a documentary list. If you only watch one documentary about nature, itshould be this one. David Attenborough is an icon, and in this documentary hetakes us on a unique journey through his life and career. He talks candidlyabout how he has seen how the earth has developed in his life, not in apositive way of course, and warns us about the consequences of our current way

‘I won’t be forced’

It keeps people busy: the decision of some captains in the Eredivisie not towear a rainbow band. At the table with Today Inside footballer Orkun Kökçüreceived support from Johan Derksen and Özcan Akyol. They understood that theFeyenoord captain refused to wear the special captain’s armband due toreligious beliefs.

Derksen also questioned the usefulness of such a rainbow tire. “Do you thinkthat this is how we solve the problems in the stadiums?”, Johan Derksenwondered in the broadcast. “Any sane person gets the message, but why doessuch a band have to confirm it? I miss that. I will not be forced toparticipate in it,” said Derksen about the football players who did not wearthe band last football weekend.

For example, Feyenoord captain Orkun . refused Kökcu to wear a One Lovecaptain’s armband because of Coming Out Day. The band stands for LGBTQacceptance, but Kökcu said he didn’t feel comfortable with that because of hisreligious beliefs. Excelsior’s captain, Redouan El Yaakoubi, also refrainedfrom wearing the band. It has caused a lot of fuss over the past few days andled to HLF8 last night even led to a heated discussion.

‘You must respect player’s religion’

The subject was broached after a few minutes last night at the Today Inside-table. Derksen thought that people were “talking about it” that Feyenoordshould have forced its captain to wear the rainbow band. “Of course that isnonsense. You have to respect the religion of that player.”

Kökçü was not captain of his team for one time last weekend due to his refusalto wear the rainbow band. The rainbow belt therefore went to a fellow playerwho did want to wear the rainbow belt. But if it had been up to Derksen, Kökçüwould have remained captain. “Because well, that boy is a Muslim, they do notaccept that: homosexuality.”

Özcan Akyol: ‘They don’t even do that in Turkey’

Then Özcan Akyol joins the conversation. “What really disappointed me is thatno one says they have a problem with a man dating a man. Or a woman with awoman. Everyone struggles not to say that,” said the writer.

The writer said about Kökçü that he is very religious. “He is on the fieldpraying, they don’t even do that in Turkey. That guy is just veryconservative. Liberal Muslims would just put that tape on.”

According to Derksen, you shouldn’t be surprised by this

Derksen then broadens the situation and makes a comparison with Denmark’sstrict migration policy. “Eus, this is exactly the reason the Danes don’t letanyone in. They say we have our own culture. We have allowed people to ban ourZwarte Piet. We have admitted Muslims and now there is a mosque in everycity.”

You can expect Muslims to practice their faith according to the rules, saysDerksen. “Then you shouldn’t be surprised by something like that. But it doesbreak in our culture. That is why the Danes say: we should not do that.”

Derksen and ‘Eus’ understand refusal

Akyol disagrees. Because according to him it is really not just about Muslims.The writer saw that Kökçü received ‘remarkably much’ support from his ownsupporters at Feyenoord. “They are not Muslims. I did not hear anyoneshouting: bad action!”

Presenter Wilfred Genee then asked the gentlemen at the table whether theyunderstand Kökçü’s decision not to walk with a rainbow around his arm. “Yes,”Derksen shouts. “Of course he also has to account for himself in Turkey.”

‘Eus’ also understands the action, although he himself would walk with arainbow tire. “It was all over the Turkish media and they liked it there.Suppose he had put on that band and he has to report to the Turkish teamlater. Then he had no more life. Also in the neighborhood he would beostracized.”

Watch last night ‘s episode of Today Inside here.

James Corden restaurant ban lifted after he ‘apologized profusely,’ owner says

It’s been a whirlwind 24 hours for the host of The Late Late Show With JamesCorden, who was banned from the New York City brasserie amid allegations thatthe “tiny cretin of a man” had been “abusive” to the servers. A day later, theban has been lifted after owner Keith McNally said the TV host “apologizedprofusely.”

A rep for Corden has not yet responded to Yahoo’s request for comment.

The drama started on Monday when McNally, the famed restaurateur who openedthe SoHo restaurant in 1997, took to Instagram to complain about the BritishTV personality’s behavior while dining at the hotspot, which is frequented bycelebrities and a home of movie premieres and posh parties .

He called Corden “a hugely gifted comedian, but a tiny cretin of a man” aswell as “the most abusive customer to my Balthazar servers since therestaurant opened 25 years ago. I don’t often 86 a customer, to today I 86 ‘dCorden. It didn’t make me laugh.”

Balthazar in NYC.  (Photo: GettyImages)

Balthazar in NYC. (Photo: Getty Images)

McNally — dubbed “the restaurateur who invented downtown” by the New YorkTimes — shared manager’s reports outlining “the funny man’s treatment of mystaff.” One instance involved Corden finding a hair in his food. “Althoughthis is diabolical, it happens very occasionally in all restaurants,” henoted. However, after the manager apologized, Corden said, “‘Get us anotherround of drinks this second. And also take care of all of our drinks so far.This way I write any nasty reviews in Yelp or anything like that.'”

There was another incident this month when Corden and his wife, Julia Carey,were there for al fresco brunch. Carey ordered an egg yolk omlette withgruyere cheese and salad. “A few minutes after they received the food, Jamescalled their server … and told her there was a little bit of egg white mixedwith the egg yolk.” The dish was remade but accidentally sent with “home friesinstead of salad.”

Story continues

Julia Carey and James Corden attend the Vanity Fair Oscar party in BeverlyHills during the 92nd Academy Awards, in Los Angeles, California, US, February9, 2020. REUTERS/DannyMoloshokJulia Carey andJames Corden attend the Vanity Fair Oscar party in Beverly Hills during the92nd Academy Awards, in Los Angeles, California, US, February 9, 2020.REUTERS/DannyMoloshok

Julia Carey and James Corden at the Vanity Fair Oscar party in 2020. (Photo:REUTERS/Danny Moloshok)

“That’s when James Corden began yelling like crazy to the server, ‘You can’tdo your job! You can’t do your job! Maybe I should go into the kitchen andcook the omlette myself!” Another correction was made and the manager gavethem Champagne “to smooth things out.” While Corden was pleasant to themanager, he was “nasty to the server” leaving her “very shaken.”

(Original Caption) New York City: Balthazar Restaurant (Photo by markpeterson/Corbis via GettyImages)(OriginalCaption) New York City: Balthazar Restaurant (Photo by mark peterson/Corbisvia GettyImages)

Balthazar restaurant in NYC. (Photo: Mark peterson/Corbis via Getty Images)

However, six hours after the first post came another saying Corden called himto apologize and the ban was lifted.

“James Corden just called me and apologized profusely,” McNally wrote. “Havingf***ed up myself more than most people, I strongly believe in second chances.So if James Corden lets me host his Late Late Show for 9 months, I’llimmediately rescind his ban from Balthazar. No, of course not. But … anyonemagnanimous enough to apologize to a deadbeat layabout like me (and my staff)doesn’t deserve to be banned from anywhere. Especially Balthazar. So Come Backto the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Corden, Jimmy Corden. All is forgiven.”

McNally told Page Six that he was “reluctant” to post about the actor’sbehavior but wanted to protect his staff, explaining, “Their jobs are hardenough already. They shouldn’t have to take this kind of abuse from anyone,especially the rich and famous.”

Corden announced earlier this year that he will be leaving his Late LateShow gig in the summer of 2023. He explained, “I never want this show tooverstay its welcome in any way. I always want to love making it. And I reallythink that a year from now, that will be a good time to move on and see whatelse might be out there.”

Marijn Frank has learned to think about her loss through running

In The time of our lives Rutger van Castricum (presenter) and Chatilla vanGrinsven (former basketball player) are training for the World Time TrialChampionship in Australia. A few months to get as fit as a pro. A formersports director warns them in advance. For the physical pain and sufferingduring long hours of training. But especially against the fight they willfight with themselves. “You are fighting against something that is not there.Something you don’t see.” Training, he says, requires surrender.

On Monday night I watched the documentary Surrender which Marijn Frank madefor her best friend Annemarie who had no time left to live. She died of cancerat the age of 37, leaving behind a husband and a 7-year-old daughter. Sheleaves Marijn Frank with her necklace and her running outfit. Red shirt, blackpants. A year or two before it became clear she had a tumor in her tongue, shehad started running. Running was good for her, says Frank in the film she madeabout her. “It helped her through dark times.” For her, the months after herfriend’s death are so dark that she decides to take up running too, eventhough she hates it. Her friend ran the half marathon in Egmond, she runs thewhole marathon in Berlin. Her coach warns her in advance. You can’t run fromsadness. “When you get home, it’s just waiting for you.”

Is it fun to watch people try really hard to get themselves ready for a bigperformance? Not necessarily. On Friday evening, Rutger and Chatilla do notattract many viewers. Surrender is something completely different. Sure, wesee Marijn Frank running as if her life depended on it, crying and looking ather watch to see how long the suffering will last. Throughout the trainingimages she addresses her friend in voice over and we see images she made withher when she was sick. Intimate and deeply sad. Dying is bad, dying andleaving a young child is not possible.

It just so happens that I live in a house along the route of the Amsterdammarathon. I saw them again last Sunday. First the sprinters, then the stringsof joggers, the jumpers and the people who visibly have something to prove tothis or that person or themselves. Next year I will pay more attention to seeif I see Marijn Frank passing by, now that she has learned to reflect on herlack by running.

Dream Participant

To the broadcast of without a trace Monday evening I was curious. The pre-announcement revealed that Derk Bolt would reunite two participants with theirbiological families in Colombia. Just as commotion had erupted last week overpast mismatches. An intermediary hired by without a trace would have linkedadoptees to the wrong families. Especially in Colombia.

Also read: A wrong link is an absolute nightmare, says this Spoorloosfixer

The broadcast continued with an inserted introduction. Bolt made no apologiesor blamed anyone. He did acknowledge the sadness and disappointment of the”few participants” in whom the match went wrong. He announced “thoroughresearch” that would take “a lot of time.” There was no doubt about recentmatches, he emphasized. Nowadays a DNA test is always taken. So do we see36-year-old Joedi’s father reading a document confirming his paternity? Forthe blazon of Bolt, Joedi, by the way, was a dream participant. She said thatshe always knew that if she would ever look for her family, she would reportto Spoorloos, and ‘Derk’ would help her. But then Bolt was kidnapped inColombia (in 2017). That would have been “traumatic and intense” for him, shesays. Her “dream” shattered, Bolt would probably never dare to go to Colombiafor her again. He went anyway and found her father, but also her half-sisters,half-brother and mother.