Marc-Marie Huijbregts speaks about Glennis Grace: ‘She came out of the vagina angry’

In the podcast ‘Marc-Marie & Aaf Find Something’ Marc-Marie talks about themuch-discussed interview at Jinek. Glennis said, among other things, that shedid not fight at all in the Jumbo supermarket, but did give a staff member ‘apunch in the face’. According to Marc-Marie, this is not true.

‘You were born bright’

According to him, she would have given more than ‘just’ a push. ‘You were justborn fierce. She just came out of the vagina angry,” he says. The midwife alsogave them a shove in the face,” jokes the comedian.

“What kind of education is this?”

Glennis Grace tried to get sympathy from the viewer with the interview andapologized for the supermarket riot. ‘I’m a mother, I don’t want to see mychild like this. It has gotten really out of hand, which was absolutely notthe intention,” she said. Huijbregts does not understand what her mother’sheart has to do with this. ‘If you are a mother, you still want to raise yourchild. What kind of education is this?’

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Eva Jinek

In the podcast Marc-Marie also has something to say about Eva Jinek. Althoughhe is a big fan of the presenter, he thinks she should have given ‘a littlemore resistance’ during the interview with Glennis.

get a story

By his own account, Glenda Batta’s son, as Grace’s real name is, came homefrom shopping with a bloody face. Thony would have smoked an electroniccigarette in the store, after which he was pushed out of the case. He wouldhave fallen with his face against a rack, Grace says. Grace went to thesupermarket to get a story, but didn’t feel taken seriously and gave a staffmember ‘a punch in the face’. Furthermore, Grace did not fight, but there was’a lot of running around behind each other’. That took about four minutes.

Beaten to the point of bleeding

An eyewitness to the violence that night told Story a completely differentstory. “I was just standing in the store at the time and saw the employee whohad previously kicked Anthony out of the store was caught by several men. Theysat on top of him and punched him in the face. Until bleeding. They went onand on and shouted: We know who you are. We know where you live. We arewaiting for you and we will catch you again later.

‘Glennis dealt the first blow himself’

The eyewitness continues: ‘I heard and saw how Glennis was stirring up hervigilante group. The store staff told me that Glennis was the first to punchthe employee most affected. In addition to Glennis, I saw five peopleparticipating. One of those guys was filming the event with his phone. I justspoke to one of the two victims. He told me that they (Glennis’ thugs – ed.)were ten or more people in all. That would also explain how they were gonejust before the police arrived. Someone would have been on the lookout.”

Before the judge

Grace will appear in court on October 26 in Amsterdam. The singer is suspectedof threats, public assault and premeditated assault against supermarket staff.Grace anticipates that she and her son will be found guilty. “I hope we allget out of it and I hope it just works out in the end. That I can eventuallyput this behind me and move on with my life,” she told Jinek.

Source: RTL Boulevard | Image: Brunopress

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