After sold-out reunion shows: X!NK announces two more concerts | Music

MusicA return of excitement, because the comeback concert of X!NK on February23, 2023 was sold out in no time. Tickets for the second concert on 24February also flew out like hot cakes. But Jonas and co are making up fordisappointed fans: they are planning two more concerts on March 23 and 27.

To get a ticket for those extra shows, it’s best to sit in front of yourcomputer on Tuesday morning at 10 am.

In 2003 they defended Belgium at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest inCopenhagen. Now, exactly twenty years later, the men of X!NK are making acomeback. They do this with a reunion concert in the Ancienne Belgique. Forthe occasion, Jonas, Niels, Thomas and Philip are giving their old hits, suchas ‘De Vriendschapsband’, ‘Let me set free’, ‘The other side’ and ‘Think ofme’ in a new jacket.

Ticket price (incl. service costs and mobility) is 25 euros. Tickets are forsale via and



Nostalgia: XINK announces reunion concert

X!NK’s friendship bond is strong enough for a comeback: “We feel it’s reallythe moment”

‘Nice try’ is the name of the first single by Charlotte Canoot (25), who youknow from ‘Regi Academy’. A reference to her own love life. “How often do menthink they can ‘convert’ me, or that I haven’t met the right one yet?”

While Charlotte took her chance in ‘Regi Academy’, she also worked behind thescenes under the name CHAR on her own single. “Nice try” is about my ownlife,” she says. ‘I like women, but most people who hear that fall completelyout of the blue.’

What will you hear?

Men who think they can ‘convert’ me, that I haven’t met the right one yet, orpeople who question my sexuality because I’m ‘so feminine’. As if only boyishgirls can be lesbian! Although I have to admit that I made that mistakemyself.

When my friends talked about handsome boys, I could never have a say. Thatdidn’t interest me, I didn’t feel what they felt. It didn’t dawn on me that itwas because I liked women. After all, I did not recognize myself in the imageof the outside world of the LGBTQ world, in which lesbian girls often haveshorter hair, are boyish…

While you are just a very feminine type.

Voila. I like to sing and dance, have no interest in football. Maybe that’swhy I didn’t know any lesbian women, so it wasn’t until later, when I startedmy higher education, that I started to realize that I like women.

Can you blame the men who think you are ‘too feminine’ to be a lesbian?

Somehow I understand them. But I regret that I always have to defend myorientation. And that’s what I try to make clear with my song: we do pretendas a society that we are very open-minded, but when it comes to orientation,we still think very much in boxes.

Yes. For example: I am single. I’ve never had a really meaningful relationshipwith a woman and I find it quite difficult to date. I have a heterosexualgroup of friends and go to standard pubs and dances the way I like. But thereality is that much of the gay community has its own cafes and clubs. Thatmakes dating a lot easier, but why should I suddenly have to go to differentcafes than my friends? To find a lover? Well, at the moment I don’t lose sleepover my relationship status. If it comes, I’ll be happy, but to be honest I’vegot my hands full with my music career now.