Brother supported him, but: parents Hans Klok were not happy with his coming out

In the film El Houb, actor Fahd Larhzaoui plays the role of Karim, a man whohas decided to come out to his Moroccan-Dutch parents. El Houb’s story ispartly based on his own experiences, about which he previously made a play.The drama is the feature film debut of director Nasr, who previously earnedhis spurs with short films and as a screenwriter.


Illusionist Hans Klok watched the trailer shortly before the premiere anddefinitely wanted to attend. ‘I expect a lot from it. I found that (trailer -ed.) very impressive.’ He continues: ‘It is very accepted in our country ifyou come out, but in this case – with a Moroccan family – it is of courseoften problematic, as a result of which people do not come out and startliving a kind of double life’, explains Clock.

‘Not amused’

Hans is also candid about his own coming out on the red carpet. “When I cameout – I come out every night,” the illusionist interrupts with a laugh. ‘Iwent out with my first boyfriend then – Frank’, Hans begins his story. Hisbrother Wouter used to work in a club next to Royal Theater Tuschinski inAmsterdam. When he spotted Hans and Frank there, Wouter called his brother.’He asked: ‘Is that it?’, says Hans. ‘I say, Yes, that’s it.’ Brother Wouterwas immediately enthusiastic and had an idea. ‘Then we’ll go buy cake, I’llcome home by train and then we’ll tell Mom and Dad.’ Hans did, but his parentsweren’t too happy about the news and the cake. ‘But my parents were notamused , initial. That took a week.’

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normal life

Klok knows why his parents were not thrilled. “But it’s because you want yourkids to be as normal as possible, to go through life as easily as possiblewithout being prejudiced. So I can imagine that. And then my parents tookFrank in their arms’, Hans says lovingly. “I’ve had the best parents I couldhave wished for.”

No choice

The illusionist approves that a film has been made on this subject. ‘It isstill a thing for many people to come out. You don’t choose it. No one choosesto be gay, lesbian, transgender or whatever. That is in you and that thendevelops and at a certain point you want to live in the open. But still a lotof people who don’t. So I think this film contributes to that.”

Wedding postponed

Hans Klok has been happy with friend Dann van Ling for quite a few years now.The two are even getting married! But, not this year anymore – as theillusionist exclaimed earlier. A few months ago, Hans Klok knew for sure: hewanted to marry his great love Dann van Ling on the beach next to his circustent in August. “That wedding isn’t going to happen, though,” Hans told Story.”We are too busy and we are also going to house hunt for two weeks inValencia, because we want to buy something there. In order to get married atall, you have to have a two-week ban, and Dann and I haven’t arranged thatyet. So we can’t even get married!