Nicol gets along

Ruud Gillis, son of holiday park millionaire Peter Gillis, stole in Mass isCash great show last night. This time not because of his standard puns, butmainly because of the way he spoke to his father’s girlfriend several times.You know, Nicol Kremers, in Mass is Cash often called stepmother and diva.

Subway had more topics out Mass is Cash can choose as retrospective. Thefact that catering man Samir is ill and he has symptoms that may indicate aburnout. In the reality soap on SBS6, this was not presented as a fact (butthat he may be staying at home a little longer), but on Twitter it wasimmediately circulated in terms such as ‘fat valve drives staff into aburnout’. So let’s let that sit for a while. We can also talk about the factthat people found out yesterday that ‘ Mass is Cash is scripted’. However,that (Twitter) wheel has been invented since the very first episode in 2020.

A lot happened in Massa is Kassa

There was much more. A clogged toilet drain (not recommended to look back onfixing it) for example. A bingo where Peter Gillis came to read numbers. Andthe fact that the work-shy Nicol Kremers had to open the catering industry atone of the holiday parks, due to a lack of staff (we are talking about Samiragain). She showed up obediently at 10:00, but it didn’t go well at all.Sweeping the dirty terrace? “I’m not for that.” And then the park manager whoaddressed Peter Gillis about six times as ‘boss’. Thank you boss, good boss:the more than 700,000 viewers thought ‘something’ about that.

Thanks, BASE! #mass> checkout>> — Demi (@demiwx) October 11,> 2022

However, we will stay with Nicol, but especially with Ruud Kremers. The son ofPeter Gillis was once again called up for a job. A wardrobe had to be puttogether. You wouldn’t say anything strange about it, but last night it wasabout a wardrobe for Nicol’s dog Coco. The mini-animal is now becoming quitefamous. Recently, Coco was stirring things up when Nicol let him loose in achicken coop. The yapper was also allowed to join a dog barbecue. Not tomention the times Coco was forced to participate in yoga and dance classes.

Ruud Gillis is on a roll

Regular viewers know Ruud mainly from his puns such as ‘with the heels overthe ditch’ when his stepmother enters a hardware store on enormous heels. Heis loved and hated for it. Last night, however, the millionaire’s son was on aroll with vile sneers at Nicol because he built the closet and she didn’t doanything. “Fortunately, this can be lifted alone,” said Ruud while lugging thecabinet parts, while Nicol, according to tradition, only gives orders and doesnot help himself. Admittedly, she does take care of her four children.However, Nicol has decided to keep her offspring out of the picture, so towhat extent she ‘mothers’ a lot: we don’t know.

If I were Ruud, I would have stuffed Nicolleke in that closet and put that> thing on Marktplaats. Free pick up #mass> checkout>>> — Vincent G. de Vlugt (@Vincentgdevlugt) October 11,> 2022

However, when she watches her family member in a comfortable chair, he saysdryly: “Make sure you don’t overload yourself, huh?” Then Ruud takes out theconstruction drawing of the cupboard and sees several figures with theexplanation: „Hey Nicol, that’s crazy. You need two people to assemble it. Notone, but two. That means a male and a female, you know. And they mean Ruud andDiva of course, I think.” Nicol: “Nicol really can’t put together a closet.”Ruud immediately, a little joke: “Then you have the feeling that you are beingsent from pillar to post, yes.”

Pedal boats with Parkie Markie

He looks at the blueprint again: “Step 1. Get help.” He builds and builds,Nicol watches while she whistles a tune, on her smartphone. Ruud, the good guyof the family according to voice-over Frank Lammers: “I hope I don’t cause anuisance, Nicol.” But come on, he actually gets a compliment when the divamanages to get up from her chair.

Ruud is busy, because he also plays a modest role in the blessing (withchampagne, according to viewers a bottle of martini for 2.99 euros) of newpedal boats at one of the holiday parks. He gets to try out a ride with hisbrother Mark, aka Parkie Markie. My brother, let’s keep it tidy, doesn’t havea slim figure. Once ‘started’, Ruud wonders in the pedal boat whether theymight not have sails: “Even the ducks go faster.”

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