Khalid & Sophie viewers critical of Badr Hari: ‘Role model?’

Kickboxing legend Badr Hari considers the end of his time in the ring may bein sight after an illustrious career. Last night three kickboxing championsdiscussed at the table at Khalid & Sophie how they got inspired by Hari. Butviewers do have their doubts about this conversation. Because Hari has alsobeen detained for serious violent crimes.

Last weekend Hari lost his match against Alistair Overeem. It has been yearssince Hari won a match and after his loss against Overeem there was a’farewell speech’. The Amsterdam kickboxer took the microphone after his lossand announced that the end of his career is in sight.

Farewell Hari spoke at Khalid & Sophie

Bee _Khalid & Sophie _sheaves three world kickboxing champions to talk aboutHari. Presenter Khalid Kasem was apparently also in the room to watch thematch between Overeem and Hari to see. Incidentally, those present in thestudio are surprised by Hari’s farewell speech. Because according to thekickboxers, Hari is still tied to a multi-year contract with Glory.

Kickboxing talents talk at the table Imad Hadar, Tyjani Beztati and IliadEnnahachi on Hari. All three tell how they were young boys were inspired byHari. “What he radiates, how he arises and how he can take people with him.What he does is just art”, says Ennahachi. And Hadar explains that Hari alsoacted as an example for him.

Badr Hari sentenced to prison

Presenter Khalid Kasem then points out that Hari was once convicted of assaultand ended up in prison for it. “Certain people just need mistakes to seewhat’s right for them,” Hadar says. He then explains that he and his tablecompanions are also committed to society and see how some are teetering on theedge of a prison sentence. “Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect.”

Table guest Tanja Jess states that Hari has better control over his emotionsthan before and is more grateful. “Could that have a negative effect on hisperformance? Because he has had trouble winning in recent years. Do you needthat anger to win a match like that?”

Not all viewers find Hari a role model

The gentlemen at the table don’t have to make themselves angry before theirmatches, they explain. The young kickboxers train with Hari together. Beztatialready has three world titles to his name. Something Hari couldn’t manage inhis kickboxing career.

But viewers of Khalid & Sophie are surprised at the fact that Hari is”glorified” in the talk show. Because according to some viewers, the criminalrecord of the kickboxer is forgotten in this way. In any case, not everyoneagrees that he is a role model.

Of course, a person is only really great if he is also great in life outside> the ring.> #khalidensophie>> — MargrietvG (@LanguageFeeling) October 11,> 2022

Bizarre to glorify this Badr Hari; because he also beats people up outside> the ring…> #KhalidenSophie>> — Jolanda Rens🌍🇺🇦 (@jolandarens) October 11,> 2022

The man was incarcerated for a long time for several serious assaults, but> #khalidensophie> are reluctant to let fans of him have their say. He is considering quitting> after seven defeats (in the ring) in a row. Kickboxer Badr Hari, role model?> meh…>> — Hans Leber (@himleber) October 11,> 2022

You can watch Khalid & Sophie via NPO Start.