Johnny de Mol returns to TV after months: this happened after the report | Media

Johnny de Mol returns on Wednesday evening with the program RestaurantMisunderstanding. It is the first time we see the presenter on televisionsince he announced in April to stop his talk show for the time being. HLF8.A complaint had been made against De Mol of assault by his ex-girlfriend. Whathas happened in the past few months?

By Isabel Ockers

In 2020, Shima Kaes – De Mol’s girlfriend and fiancée between 2014 and 2015 -reported him for assault and attempted manslaughter. She said she wasassaulted three times by the presenter in 2015. That would have happenedduring holidays in Mexico, in Amsterdam and Ibiza.

appeared in last April HP/The Time an article with details about Kaes’declaration. The report would include photos that match her statements andmedical records of the help she received after two assaults.

De Mol acknowledged that the relationship with Kaes was not always harmoniousand “certainly does not deserve a beauty prize”, but further denied. “I cansay with two fingers in the air: none of the allegations are true. I did notdo it all and there is certainly no question of abuse.”

Second indictment against De Mol

At the end of April, De Mol faced a new charge when an anonymous woman accusedhim of sexual abuse. He allegedly drugged a woman with GHB and then sexuallyassaulted him in a hotel. He also denied this.

All the fuss made the presenter decide to temporarily stop his talk show_HLF8_. “Receiving guests to make a cheerful and fascinating show together isnot possible for me right now. It is very difficult for me”, De Mol said atthe end of his last episode. Leonie ter Braak and Hélène Hendriks have takenhis place in recent months.

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Case closed

Last week, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) decided to dismiss the case.Insufficient evidence has emerged from the investigation showing that thepresenter assaulted his ex-girlfriend. The Public Prosecution Service saidthat Kaes was difficult to reach after she had made a report. After beingheard in March of this year, three other witnesses have been heard. Thestatements did not provide sufficient support for Kaes’s declaration.

Sound clips were also provided as proof, but these conversations contain toolittle context. It is not clear when the supplied photos were taken. Accordingto the Public Prosecution Service, the injuries that can be seen on this arenot unambiguous. The Public Prosecution Service concluded earlier that thereis insufficient evidence in the other case against De Mol. There is no longera criminal case against the presenter.

“I have always had confidence in the investigation and in this outcome,” DeMol responded to the decision of the Public Prosecution Service. “It was atough time though, so I’m relieved that this decision is here now. I’ll takesome time and I’ll keep you posted when I resume what work. I want to thankeveryone for the support and sweet messages who I have recently received.”

The legal advisers of Kaes, Karim Aachboun and Ad Aerts, are still beingprosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service, unlike De Mol. At the end oflast year, the De Mol family had reported threats, a form of extortion,against the duo. A few weeks before Kaes reported abuse by De Mol, they sent aletter to the family. In it, money was asked in exchange for the ex-partner’ssilence about the alleged abuse.

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Unknown when De Mol will return to HLF8

When De Mol returns as presenter of HLF8 , is still unknown. He will discussthis with Talpa in the short term, the channel informed on Monday.

De Mol can already be seen on Wednesday evening in RestaurantMisunderstanding. In the SBS6 program, relatively young people with variousforms of dementia run a cafeteria together. Most have no experience in thehospitality industry. In previous seasons of the program they were assisted bychef Ron Blaauw and De Mol as presenter.