Today Inside men lash out at Baudet after interview

It has not completely escaped the Netherlands’ attention yesterday that aninterview with Thierry Baudet has appeared on the YouTube channel of Forum forDemocracy. “It’s fantastic that Putin exists,” was one of the quotes from theForum party leader. the gentlemen of Today Inside briefly discussed theBaudet last night.

The opinions in the talk show on SBS6 were not tender. That also applied tothe reactions people posted on Twitter.

47,000 viewers for interview

Thierry Baudet indicated his interview of almost 55 minutes OperationPeople. Forum for Democracy about this on YouTube: “In an interview, thevision of FVD is explained and Thierry Baudet tells how we can win the battlefor the survival of our civilization. To look!” Quite a few people did that,but compared to TV programs – at the time of writing – an audience of 47,000is nothing. For comparison: Today Inside last night attracted 800,000 peoplemore than the Baudet interview. Despite this, there has been a lot of talk andposting about it.

The politician said, among other things: “Putin is fighting back. I’m gladabout that, because a front is finally being formed. A front against theglobalists. I hope Russia wins. It’s fantastic that such a person like Putinexists. That’s one of the most hopeful things in the world.” And: “The bestthing would be if NATO falls apart, the EU falls apart and the American empirefalls apart.”

For those who are curious:

Johan Derksen: ‘Baudet is crazy’

“Thierry Baudet is crazy”, was the first reaction of Johan Derksen. “It isincalculable. It is actually wrong to pay attention to it.” Wilfred Genee:”Actually, we shouldn’t show it at all?” Lawyer Job Knoester is right: “I donot completely agree with that. A lot of people say that.” Johan Derksen witha smile and a shaking hand: “This was your last time.”

Knoester explains it anyway: “There are many people who still vote for thatparty. They have to see what kind of beast is at the top of that party.”Derksen in response: “People who still vote for him now, that’s a category wedon’t have to worry about.” Job Knoester again: “You have to name what isthere.” Derksen: „Okay, you shouldn’t avoid it either, but we do Baudet agreat favor that we show it here and talk about it. He’s coming home.”

Study trip to North Korea

Table leader Genee: “It is someone who is just sitting in the House ofRepresentatives, isn’t it?” Job Knoester: “That’s the whole point.” Aftershowing the images, the lawyer spoke again: “I think Baudet is just apatient.” Pieter Cobelens, former head of the Military Intelligence andSecurity Service from the Today Inside : “I would offer him a study trip toNorth Korea for a few years.” Johan Derksen again: “If I tell an innocentstory about a candle, the whole of the Netherlands is turned upside down.” JobKnoester concluded the item: “Calling this remarkable is really a euphemism.It’s completely deranged. The fact that Baudet is in the House ofRepresentatives… The Netherlands should think about what we should do withit.”

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Men Today Inside lash out at Baudet: “Thinking about the fact that he is inthe House of Representatives”