Emmy (3) was the only child to survive drama in Thailand: ‘She thought her boyfriends were asleep’ | Abroad

with VideoThree-year-old Emmy was sleeping peacefully next to her best friendwhen 34-year-old former cop Pany Kamrab came in with a knife and gun onThursday. The man killed the teachers and all the classmates. Except Emma. Shemiraculously survived the drama. “She thought her friends were still asleep.”

Foreign editors Oct 8 2022

Latest update: 09:40

The class, with children around three years old, is busy making drawings inthe morning. Proud parents receive a photo with smiling faces, reports the_BBC_ who recorded the children’s story.

Grieving relatives after the attack on the nursery. 24 children died. © GettyImages

First the teachers, then the sleeping children

Around noon, when the kids are taking a nap, Panya Khamrap storms in. Outsidehe kills a father with a son. Witnesses see how he then climbs through awindow pane of a door and shoots the supervisors of the daycare. Among them isa teacher who is eight months pregnant. Then he enters the three classrooms.All the children are murdered, except for 3-year-old Emmy. In total, Kamrabkilled 37 people, including 24 children. Among the victims are his wife andstepson.

It is unclear exactly how Emmy survives the horrific drama. The unsub probablythinks she’s already dead. Officers later find her under a blanket. Awake andcurled up around the bodies of her classmates. She has no idea what happened,the girl’s grandfather later tells the BBC. “She thought her friends werestill asleep.”

This is partly due to the clever conduct of a police officer. He puts ablanket over her face before carrying her out of the bloody room. On thesecond floor of the building, she can recover from the terrible events below.

Boxes with the teachers andchildren.Boxes with the teachers and children. © ANP / EPA

Mom can’t believe it

Her grandfather is very grateful that his little girl is still there. “I heldher tight when I first saw her,” he says. Emmy’s 35-year-old mother does notbelieve for a long time that her daughter survived the drama. She is in thecapital Bangkok for her work and initially receives too much money. hearingthat all the children have been killed, it is only when she can video call hergirl that she believes in the miracle.

Emmy’s grandparents have since told her that her boyfriends have passed away.The 3-year-old girl just can’t understand. She keeps asking about her bestfriend. “She just wants to go to school every day. We have to keep telling herit’s closed. She’s too young to understand death,” her mother said.

Meanwhile, the village of Uhai Sawan in northeastern Thailand has sunk intodeep mourning. The bodies of the victims have been taken to temples, wherethey are handed over to their families. The rest of the country is alsosympathetic. Flags are flown at half mast at all government buildings.