Televizier explains why Henny Vrienten was not commemorated at the gala: ‘Really thought about it’ | show

After the 57th Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala, comedian Richard Groenendijkraised a question among the audience: why was Henny Vrienten not commemoratedin the tribute to the fallen? The organization explains.

On Thursday evening, during the Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala in Carré, therewas an impressive tribute to the actors and presenters who have left us in thepast television year. The guests in the room and the viewers were shown avideo of Jaap Reesema and Nielson playing the song on the roof of Carré.Gray sang.

The names and images of the deceased passed on the screen. The audience wasmoved, but that same evening, comedian Richard Groenendijk lashed out at theorganization. ‘Well, yo. Henny Vrienten forgot at the In Memoriam of theTelevizier-Ring gala,” he wrote on Instagram. ‘Has composed a lot for ao_sesame street_ and Clock house if i do have it. This is downrightembarrassing.’

Henny Vrienten, the frontman of the popular band Doe Maar, passed away lastApril after an illness. He was indeed a composer of television programs suchas The core and sesame street and also wrote a lot of film music. Inaddition, he was also seen in bit parts in the films Abel and crumb.Groenendijk received a lot of support on social media. This immediately raisesthe question: what are the criteria?

Well Jan Rot

The organization of the Televizier-Ring says that ‘henny Vrienten has reallybeen thought about’. “Of course, I understand where the comments are comingfrom, but we make a choice with actors and presenters in front of the screen.Rik van de Westelaken clearly stated this in his text for the In Memoriam,”said a spokesperson.

This also explains why Jan Rot, best known as a musician, composer andcolumnist, was commemorated. Rot, who also died in April of this year,presented the program in the 90s Dear guys everyone at RTL.

The following actors and presenters were commemorated at the GoudenTelevizier-Ring Gala: Sien Diels, Eric van den Donk, Truus Dekker, PietPaulusma, Jan Rot, Sis van Rossem, Eric Schneider, Gijs de Lange, WillibrordFrequin, Luuk Dresen, Cas All done, Leontien Ceulemans and Léonie Sazias.

Among them were a number of names that did not immediately set a light on forthe younger viewer in particular. Would it be an idea to provide moreinformation about the names for a next edition of the gala? The programs theypresented, the series and/or films in which they played? The years?

“That is certainly an idea,” said a spokesperson for AvroTros. “I’m going topass that on to the editors to discuss it. On the other hand, it may also feela bit crazy if you, for example with Mies Bouwman, put ‘known from’, becausethat is already so clear. But we will take it with us.”

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week Angela de Jong ‘s reactionto the much-discussed scene in Five Live, the panel disagrees about Wietze deJager’s parental leave and Rampvlucht is discussed. Listen below or subscribevia Spotify or iTunes.

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