Real estate agent Béa Vandendael stops with ‘Blind bought’

She was there from the first season, but the upcoming fifth series of ‘Blindbought’ will have to do without broker Béa Vandendael. She has announced thatshe is taking a break: “The past few years have been very tough. Combining’blindly bought’ with my busy job has become too much.”

“After four seasons, 33 episodes and 29 exciting home purchases, it is with aheavy heart that I decided to Bought blind- take a break,” Vandendael says onsocial media.

“The past few years have been very tough and certainly the past two years Ihad to go very deep in the search for the ideal dream homes. The housingmarket was overheated due to the corona pandemic and the combination of lowerbudgets, higher prices and higher expectations did not make it any easier.Bought blind combine with my busy job at ERA IMMPULS (the real estate agencyfor which she works full-time, ed.), has become too much. I’ve had to decideto take it a bit less. That’s a really hard decision, but it’s just importantto put my health first. No matter how much effort that takes me.”

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Who will absorb the absence of Béa in the fifth season – which is currentlybeing filmed – will be announced later. The goodbye is not final, though. “Theprogram and the team have a very special place in my heart. I had a lot offun, cursing, crying and laughing during my adventures with Bart, Kelly, Jani,Dina, Kobe and the production team. I cherish that. We’ll see what the futurebrings.”

“Unfortunate, but understandable”

Interior architects Bart Appeltans and Kelly Claessens are going to miss theircolleague. “And not just me”, says Claessens. “But all of Flanders: she is ourfavorite redhead. I thought it was fantastic to work with her. She immediatelyput me at ease when I joined in season three. I can’t imagine a season withouther, so I hope we can work together again in the future.”

READ ALSO. Real estate agent Béa sees her task in ‘Blind bought’ becoming moredifficult every year: “Even my own colleagues said it was unfeasible” (+)

“It is a pity that we will have to miss Béa this year,” Appeltans also says.“We started this adventure together a few years ago, had a lot of fun and madepeople happy. It was great to do that with her. Of course I understand thatshe needs some rest. We all have times in our lives when we need to slow down.So take good care and see you soon.”

READ ALSO. ‘Blind bought’ broker Béa Vandendael about her special livingsituation and her work: “Everything that is affordable nowadays lacks basiccomfort” (+)

Vandendael is also highly regarded at Play4. “Béa has been one of the faces ofBought blind. And not just any one,” says program director Annick Bongers.“She has proven more than once in the past four seasons that she was the realestate woman in the right place. No matter how hopeless the situation looked,she always managed to surprise her. That she will not be seen in the fifthseason is of course a pity for the channel, the program and her colleagues.But health always comes first. A big thank you, and no doubt see you soon!”