ANALYSIS. Bad ratings? We watched more TV in September than last year (although some flops are included) | TV

TVNo big winners, no big losers after one month of TV offensive. And so peopleare satisfied with the three large Flemish broadcasting groups. At thebeginning of September, the ratings still seemed to plummet, but the oppositeis true. We even watched more than a year ago, only we are doing that morethan ever before or via the streaming platforms. Although not all programs geta good report.

Toppers and floppers

At VTM people are delighted that the classic evening with ‘Lisa’, ‘VTM Nieuws’and ‘Family’ is doing very well. ‘VTM Nieuws’ reaches 1 million viewers everyday, ‘Family’ easily reaches 700,000 fans.

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In the merciless battle on Monday evening, ‘Blind Married’ kept up nicely inSeptember with more than 860,000 viewers. The initially criticized ‘I Can SeeYour Voice’ already reached 725,000 viewers. Successor ‘The Voice’, now onFriday and Sunday’ even just under 900,000 viewers. The channel then saw that’Pascal’s scale’ continued to falter on a meager 270,000 fans (includingdelayed viewing). At VTM this is called ‘a flop’.

The Netherlands-Belgium topper makes clear how important ‘must-see programmes’are, with more than 887,000 fans the most watched VTM program in September.

One was a clear market leader among the general public, but failed torejuvenate despite frantic efforts. The fictional series ‘Chantal’ wasremarkably the most watched One program, with a better score than ‘Home’ and’Down the Road’, although all these successful programs have more than 1.2million viewers. ‘The Repair Shop’ did not make it to the top 15 of mostviewed One series and can therefore hardly be called a success. ‘Over Eten’,also featuring Danira Boukhriss, did well with 722,000 fans.

An image from ‘Chantal’, the most watched One program © NyklyN

PLAY4 is doing slightly better than last year, mainly thanks to theanniversary season ‘The very smartest person’, which was launched almost twomonths earlier than usual. Erik Van Looy (with repeats) is good for more than1.2 million viewers. ‘The table of four’ will, as the station itselfannounced, still have a long way to go. With delayed viewing and two repeats,Gert’s talk show now achieves a best score of just 370,000 viewers.

Hardly differ

In the end, One, VTM and PLAY4 are quite satisfied with the results achieved.At the VRT, One of the general public (viewers 4 years and older) has a 31.6%market share, or about a third of all viewers. That is 0.5% less than in thesame period last year. But One remains the clear market leader among thegeneral public.

In the commercial channels, which focus on the target group 18-54 year olds,VTM scores 26.7%, which is 0.6% better than last year. This makes VTM themarket leader again. PLAY4, which drastically tinkered with the programschedule and fully focused on ‘The table of four’ and ‘The very smartestperson’, is very satisfied with a 12.9% market share. Last year, when without’Smartest person’, the channel reached 11.4%.

See also: Gert Verhulst and Jef Neve perform a 17th century spicy song in’The table of four’

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Despite frantic efforts, One is not able to really rejuvenate for the timebeing. One gained 20.8% last month, a loss of 0.9%.

In the target group 18-54 year-olds, the VTM channels together have 40.4%, orfour Flemish viewers out of ten. The VRT drops 1.3% to 25.7%, the PLAY groupis stable at 19.3%.

Striking observation: slightly more TV was watched compared to last year. Lastyear it was an average of 143 minutes per day, now 144 minutes. On weekdaysthere is more viewing, on Friday and Saturday there is a drop. On weekdays, onaverage, the same amount of time is watched, but on certain days the delayedviewing clearly increases. That’s especially the case on Mondays, with’Married Blind’, ‘The Smartest Man’ and ‘Down the Road’, programs that aredelayed by up to 70 percent.

'down theroad'‘down the road’ © © VRT

Delayed watching

At the start of the TV offensive, the viewing cards were not good, say bad.The first weeks of September it was still warm in the summer. A sacrifice forall those ‘strong’ programs that were launched earlier than ever because ofKing football and the World Cup that starts in Qatar at the end of November.It resulted in remarkably low live viewing figures. Just short of 400,000viewers for the VTM topper ‘Blind married’, not 800,000 viewers for thejubilee season of ‘De smartest mens’, ‘Thuis’, an end among a million loyalfans. But thanks to streaming platforms such as VTM GO, VRT MAX and GOPLAY anda sophisticated schedule of repeats, all TV programs that matter effortlesslyreached last year’s figures and did even better.

Thanks to the phenomenon of delayed viewing. Across all channels, three out offour viewers, especially older ones, still watch their favorite programs live.In prime time, between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m., viewers between the ages of 18 and54 are already more than 50 percent delayed in watching their favoriteprograms. On average, 60 percent of this delayed viewing occurs on the dayitself and 40 percent during the 7 days afterwards.