When the little mermaid suddenly has your skin color

Those girls’ faces. The eyes that can’t believe it. Their smile when it turnsout to be true. A week or two ago, Disney showed a teaser of their newmovie, a remake of The little Mermaid , not a cartoon, but one with realpeople. Immediately after that went on TikTok videosviral that mothers made oftheir daughters watching themovie. “I think she’sbrown,” says oneI thinkshe’s not even four years old yet. Another, eight at most, is taken aback bybewilderment. “She’s brown, like me.” At about the same time, the hashtag#notmyariel came to life online, because there are always people who thinkthat Ariel should have red hair, white skin, and blue eyes, or green, purpleif necessary, but certainly not brown.

I had to think about it when I went to Talking about color watched, a seriesthat HUMAN broadcasts every evening this week. At an impossible time, wellafter noon, film and television makers talk to each other about diversity andrepresentation in their work. I translate that as: do we see color on ourscreens and if so, does that color match how people of color see themselves?In sets of two, a “color maker” and a “white maker” watch a film clip andthen, according to the broadcaster’s press release, “respectful exchanges takeplace.”

Actor Daniël Kolf showed actor Jacob Derwig a piece from The East , in whichtwo Dutch soldiers execute five Indonesians. Kolf thinks it’s great that the’black pages of history’ are now material for film makers. Jacob Derwig mustfirst admit that he thought it was quite a “masculine” film. Two female roles.bit parts. “One is a whore, the other a mother.” His eyes for the role ofwomen in theater or film only opened five years ago, he says. That was whenactress Jacqueline Blom damned to star in his adaptation of a play by Chekhov.Also in it: two female roles. A prostitute and a mother with little or notext.

They never see themselves on TV

The conversation between writer Manju Reijmer and Pieter Bart Korthuis onTuesday evening was overflowing with benevolence and mutual understanding. I’mnot saying that to be lame, but the people in this series already seemedpretty awake to me about where their blind spots are. That does not mean thatthe scales can still fall from your eyes. On Wednesday evening, culturalentrepreneur Hui Hui Pan and actress Jennifer Hoffman sat opposite each other.A piece was shown from beef funk, in which a Chinese meal delivery lady istaunted by a customer and keeps smiling silently. But this was a satiricalprogram anyway, the scene was meant to be cringe-inducing, it was a joke.That’s not the problem, says Hui Hui Pan. The problem, she says, is that thereis no counterpart to that image of that silent Asian woman who allowseverything. “I have three small children, they never see themselves on TV.”She used to wish herself blond hair and blue eyes, and now her daughter doesthat again, or: still.

And suddenly I was back at that ballet performance, at least sixteen yearsago, it was Christmas. In the main hall of the Muziektheater in Amsterdam,broken expensive tickets, packed hall. Sleeping Beauty, with all thetrimmings. One daughter next to me, the youngest of three on my lap. At firstshe loudly noted that there was no talking on stage. Stupid. Then SleepingBeauty came dancing on stage. Dead silence on my lap that I held for rapture.But it was utter amazement, or rather: disappointment. Her childish voice rangover the back of her heads. “Sleeping Beauty is Chinese.” And princesses mayhave hair as black as ebony, but the skin is always white. How easy is it tocolor those faces?

Relatively unknown actor becomes first non-American star to bring in 1 million on Cameo | showbiz

CelebritiesBritish actor James Buckley (35) can call himself the first non-American celebrity to have earned the sum of 1 million dollars (about 1.03million euros) by making personalized videos via the Cameo platform. “He isvery dedicated,” it sounds.

Cameo is a United States-based platform for celebrities and everyday people.Fans can request a personal video of the star of their choice, although for afee. Cameo includes actors, musicians, YouTubers, athletes, etc. ‘TheInbetweeners’ star James Buckley has now managed to become the first-ever non-American celebrity to raise a whopping $1 million thanks to Cameo. He startedit in March 2020 to earn a little extra during the pandemic. That clearlyworked out very well for the actor.

Cameo co-founder Martin Blencowe told LADBible: “When ‘Harry Potter’ actor TomFelton tried to persuade James to join Cameo, he was hesitant because hedidn’t think he would get many bookings. Popular from the start, it remainedcommitted to its fans and kept an accessible price. He always does everythinghe can to make every Cameo message special.” That’s not all. Martin confirmedthat James has also created the largest number of Cameos for fans around theworld. The actor has about tens of thousands of videos to his credit.


Buckley may be the highest-earning non-US star on Cameo, but in America thishonor goes to ‘The Office’ star Brian Baumgartner. He told BBC: “This isn’tabout me, or about getting a message from me. I see it as an attempt by twopeople who want to connect, a connection. When I see how many people seem toenjoy this, it’s more than worth it.”

Among the more than 30,000 other stars that can be found on Cameo are many bignames, including Lindsay Lohan, Caitlyn Jenner, ‘Harry Potter’ actor TomFelton, ‘The Lord of the Rings’ star Sean Astin, Dolph Lundgren and actorsfrom the hit series ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and ‘Game of Thrones’.

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“Brave, vulnerable, strong and proud”: Monique supports candid documentary by André Hazes | showbiz

showbizThe documentary ‘Crossroads’, for which André Hazes has been followedin his sometimes rather turbulent life for the past two years, will appear onVideoland on October 20. The 28-year-old singer announced this on social mediatoday. “I started a battle with myself and did everything I could to get mylife back,” said Hazes. Monique and mom Rachel also show their support onInstagram.

Hazes has been followed for the past two years by a camera crew for theVideoland documentary ‘Crossroads’. He states that that time may have been”the most difficult period of his life”, but that he fought with himself andeventually managed to pick up his life. “I find it very exciting, but at thesame time can’t wait to finally share my true story with you,” said the singertoday.

What exactly will be shown in the documentary remains a surprise. It’sprobably partly about his addictions. Last month Hazes broke his media silenceand even announced his comeback. Hazes wrote to have sought professional help.“Because I needed it so much at the time. Just going all the way back tobasics in a search for myself. Find out who I really am, what I want in mylife and find out what makes me really happy (and what doesn’t). I’m coldturkey I stopped demolishing my body and I consciously opted for a long mediasilence.”

Troubled Period

Hazes took a break last year due to an emotional burnout. He went through anextremely troubled period after he left his girlfriend Monique Westenberg,with whom he has a son, for Sarah van Soelen. Eventually that short-livedromance also ended. Meanwhile, the wildest stories were circulating aboutHazes’ various addictions. He previously confirmed that he has been working onthat. In a photo from March this year, the artist was very emaciated.

Support from unexpected quarters

André can count on support from a very unexpected quarter on his Instagrammessage. “Brave, vulnerable, strong and proud”, says ‘his’ Monique. His motherRachel also reacted with emotion. “I know better than anyone how deep you havegone. I am so incredibly proud of what you have overcome and how you back tolife.”

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Documentary about André Hazes Jr. will be published on October 20.

Also watch:

André Hazes has lost a lot of weight since burnout:

Also read:

Monique Westenberg debunks rumors: “André and I are not together”

André Hazes makes himself heard again on Instagram: he announces show in honorof father

Tensions in the Hazes family reach boiling point: “Rachel knocked back abottle of gin every day” (+)

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Khloé Kardashian says she rejected a marriage proposal from her ex Tristan Thompson




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Home__celebrity __ Khloé Kardashian says she rejected a marriage proposal from herex Tristan…

Khloé Kardashian says she rejected a marriage proposal from her ex TristanThompson

She said no.

Khloé Kardashian revealed in this week’s episode of “The Kardashians” (Hulu,Thursdays) that her unfaithful ex, basketball player Tristan Thompson,proposed marriage in December (presumably of 2020). Khloé’s older sister Kim,41, was the first to bring up the father of Khloé’s two children – True, 4,and their recently born son whose name has yet to be released – popping thequestion.

Kim said in Thursday’s episode, which was filmed six months before last week’spremiere, that he called her with his plans. “He was going to propose to heron Valentine’s Day **** (apparently 2021), which was like a year since theyhad drama,” Kim said in the latest episode. “And then I called him like theday after, and I was like, ‘Hey, I never heard anything from Khloé. Oh my God,did you propose? And he was like, ‘Oh, yeah. I did in December.’ Oh my God!She didn’t tell us!”

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Khloé explained to Kim that she rejected Thompson’s proposal because things> didn’t feel right. “I said I need to make sure this is a totally different> relationship because I want to be proud to say I’m engaged to anyone, and> that’s why I said I’m not comfortable accepting this right now because I’m> not excited to tell my family,” Khloe said. “And as hurtful as that probably> was for him to hear, it was the truth. I’m not ever gonna accept something> and give someone false hope, and I said that to him.”

Khloé, 38, and Thompson, 31, began dating in 2016. As those who have followedthe former couple’s on-and-off relationship know, Thompson cheated on Khloérepeatedly **** throughout the years. In December, news broke that Thompsonmight’ve conceived a child with Maralee Nichols when outlets became aware ofNichols’ paternity suit. In January, Thompson confirmed he was the father ofNichols’ son born in December. Additionally, Khloé learned of Thompson’sprevious indiscretions shortly before giving birth to their daughter in April2018.

Story continues

Khloe Kardashian welcomes second child with Tristan Thompson via surrogacy

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“When I had True, I found out 48 hours before she was born that Tristan wascheating on me, and then I went into labor weeks early because I was sostressed out,” Khloé said on last week’s “Kardashians” premiere, whichdepicted the arrival of Khloé and Thompson’s second child together viasurrogate. “We did have a couple bumps in the road,” Khloé acknowledged, butsaid she believed the two “were really good.”

The Good American co-founder reiterated to Kim in Thursday’s episode that shebelieved she and Thompson were in a good place ahead of the scandal.

“When we’re in the peak of our relationship, you go ahead and cheat on me?”Khloe said. “I don’t even want to know what you do in the worst of ourrelationship. I’m just like shame on me, almost. I know better, and I didn’tdo better because I had so much hope and faith. “

‘ You don’t deserve this’: Tristan Thompson confirms he fathered thirdbaby, apologizes to Khloe Kardashian

Celebs can ‘have it all’ and still be cheated on. What does it mean forthe rest of us?

Tristan Thompson, formerly of the Cleveland Cavaliers, shares two childrenwith his ex, KhloéKardashian.TristanThompson, formerly of the Cleveland Cavaliers, shares two children with hisex, KhloéKardashian.

Tristan Thompson, formerly of the Cleveland Cavaliers, shares two childrenwith his ex, Khloé Kardashian.

Khloé told producers the hardest part of the whole order is learning “to un-love” Thompson.

“This was my life for six years, and we weren’t just a couple, we genuinelywere best friends,” she said. “He was my workout buddy. We did all thesethings together, and so learning how to undo all those things, that takestime. Just because someone does you dirty doesn’t mean you fall out of lovewith them instantly.”

Kim Kardashian is being ‘skinny shamed.’ But experts warn againstcomparing it to fat shaming

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Khloe Kardashian revealsTristan Thompson proposal on ‘Kardashians’

Beautiful Maria’s, baroque and silence: this is the renovated ‘Rijks’ of Antwerp

1. What kind of museum was this?

As Adam Verver, the wealthy art collector from Henry James’ novel The GoldenBowl (1904) wanting to give something back to the thousands of workers whomade him immensely rich, he decides to build a museum full of masterpieces: a“house with open doors and windows, from which the highest knowledge” radiatesover “grateful, thirsty millions”.

Many museums in Europe and America have been influenced by this classicalidea. And now a new offshoot has been added to that tree: the renovated RoyalMuseum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. As a child I thought it was an intimidatingmajestic building. It lifted the square in front of it, the streets andhouses, as it were and transformed the then poor Scheldt city, with chip shopsunder rusty viaducts and holes in the pavement, into a true metropolitan fairytale.

The Madonna by Jean Fouquet (about 1450).

is perhaps the masterpiece of the renovated KMSKA. Collection KMSKA

For the Rubens Hall, Christophe Coppens made a sofa with camels which isinspired by Rubens’ ‘The Adoration of the Magi’ (1624). Photo Karin Borghouts

Photos Karin Borghouts / KMSKA

Inside the museum, Flemish primitives and the great masters of the FlemishBaroque were on display. The latter took up so much space with their giganticaltarpieces, where no one meter more or less looked at linen, that it made youdizzy. On the roof of the museum were two triumphal chariots with proudlytrotting horses in front of them and winged angels behind the reins. It seemedas if they were riding out into the world, and we were riding along.

That building became dusty and silent. Climate installations were no longer inorder, the original architecture became less and less visible due to smallrenovations inside and the varnish on the paintings yellowed.

2. What does it look like now?

Since last weekend, the museum, which originally opened in 1893, has beenrestored to its new splendor. The facades gleam in ivory white. In the groundsin front of the main entrance, a fountain designed by Spanish artist CristinaIglesias slowly trickles down to your feet.

Inside, the walls are painted olive green, antique red or bright Pompeian red.Ceiling decorations have been restored to their shine, retaining walls havebeen removed, doors have been bricked up and the old central pedestrian routehas been cleared. Under the floors of the museum, a nuclear-free air-raidshelter of concrete and steel has been crushed with pneumatic hammers.

Also read it interview with KMSKA director Carmen Willems : “We can tellabout Rubens’ whole life, but the absolute top work is not hanging here.”

A masterpiece has arisen in the four old courtyards: a completely new museum,placed in the old building and invisible from the street. The minimalistdesign by KAAN Architecten from Rotterdam is characterized by a rigorousseparation from the old building, with all its frills and stately elegance.This new museum is accessible via a ‘stairway to heaven’: an endlessly highstaircase bathed in white that dissolves every step you take in light.

3. How to find your way?

According to the management and board, the museum is a ‘labyrinth’, but thatis not so bad. The architecture of the old and new building is too symmetricalfor that. And the Antwerp museum is nowhere near as big as the Prado or theHermitage in St. Petersburg, where you can spend days and still not seeeverything.

With the exception of the show rooms with paintings by Rubens, Jordaens andVan Dijck, each room has a theme: power, colour, form, sky, horizon. Thesethemes are somewhat of the ‘picked from the fruit basket’ caliber, but theyalso make for surprising ensembles. Old art may be mixed with new art and viceversa.

A seemingly infinite staircase connects the old with the new building,designed by KAAN Architecten. Photo Karin Borghouts

A good example in the old building is the blood-spattered Kings of Egypt(1982) by the American graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (on loan fromMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen). The painting hangs next to a magnificent early16th-century toddler portrait by Jean Clouet of the chalk-white heir to thethrone of King François I. Basquiat has his Egyptian king’s crown hoveringover skulls, because, as he once noted, many kings die early. The pretender tothe throne in Clouet’s portrait would never become king, because he died whenhe was eighteen.

The modern art can be found by entering the ‘stairway to heaven’ and via thedrawing cabinet clad in sublime night blue to the top floor. There are againtwo parallel rooms, built around light shafts. One of the most creativecombinations here is a sizzling flamethrower made Big Sun (1965) by ZEROartist Otto Piene, next to a small Madonna (1470-1500), painted by afollower of Dieric Bouts and the enigmatic two springs (1910) by Gustave Vande Woestyne. It is the color red in different nuances that connects thepaintings, but also makes them differ enormously from each other.

4. Are there great 20th century masters?

The surprising suspension ensures that you look and compare while walking backand forth. What is striking is that the KMSKA does not have a world-classtwentieth-century collection. Collecting modern art was slow, directors choseconservatively, very subjectively, cheaply (for lack of money) and local.Great international masters are missing. French Impressionism, GermanExpressionism, Cubism, the abstract art inspired by Mondriaan and also thefollowing movements: there is little. The modern masters in the Antwerp museumare mainly Flemish masters.

5. Which Madonna is the most beautiful?

The museum owns no fewer than seventy paintings depicting Mary. The mostbeautiful and unforgettable is that of Jean Fouquet (circa 1450). Although therooms with altarpieces by Rubens are officially the halls of honour, the roomof Fouquet’s Madonna, surrounded by cherubim and seraphim, is the undeniablehighlight of the museum. This is primarily due to the way in which Fouquetpainted the virgin untouchable, almost like a statue. Her white bare leftbreast contrasts sharply with the blue-purple of her dress and the red of thecherubs behind her. Her eyes are almost closed as she looks at the baby on herlap. A crown of pearls rests on her apparently hairless skull.

‘ Madonna at the Fountain’ (1439) by Jan van Eyck shows a loving Mary.Collection KMSKA

Around this Madonna, who according to the management will become the MonaLisa van Antwerpen, there are three other, equally intimate, paintings insmall format: The diagnostic look (1992) by Luc Tuymans, an exhibitionistmadonna by Marlene Dumas ( Give the people what they want 1992) and a veryloving Madonna at the fountain (1439) by Jan van Eyck. Together, these fourcertainly do not make up the most meters in linen, but they are the very best.

6. What surprises do you encounter?

In fact, the new museum inside the museum, invisible from the street, is thefirst big surprise. But there are more. Remarkably enough, the museum stilldoes not know how the largest altarpiece by the young Rubens, The Baptism ofChrist (1605), ended up in the museum at the end of the 19th century. Thedoors are not high enough, even if the door jambs are cut to the ceiling.During the renovation, the colossus measuring almost 6.5 by 4 meters washoisted through a special hatch in the floor to the underground depot, andfrom there it rose again. If you look closely at the skirting boards, you’llsee where.

Because everything is done in the halls of the Flemish Baroque giants toinspire awe, the decorations have been removed from the ceiling, cleaned wherenecessary and covered with a layer of gold. At least, so it seems. But thedecorations are ordinary aluminum and varnish. Brilliant, and just like real.

It ** ‘Baptism of Christ’ ** (Peter Paul Rubens, 1604-1605) is so large (over6.5 by 4 metres) that it does not fit through the door of the museum. PhotoKarin Borghouts

A large number of paintings were restored during the closure. Including oneexceptional masterpiece: James Ensors oyster eater from 1882. Ensor paintedhis gourmand at a time when he was experimenting with a light color palette.That light palette had become hidden under a layer of tan. After therestoration in 2020, the bright colors of the oyster-eater’s dress, thetablecloth, the cutlery, the lemons and the mother-of-pearl colors of theoysters will shine at you. All those shades of white: they form a shout ofjoy.

7. What vision does it express?

The Antwerp salons from the 19th century were by no means avant-garde breedinggrounds. Artists left for Paris, where innovation was not seen as disturbingand threatening.

The new museum still radiates that conservatism from then. Everything ismagnificent and radiantly clean, but the world outside the doors of the KMSKAdoes not seem to exist.

In fact, it seems as if it never existed. Discussions of colonialism,migration, feminism, social justice, any sense of where we come from and wherewe would like to go – not a word is said. And thus the KMSKA embodies theideal of James’ Adam Verver: it is beautiful, meditative but far removed from

‘Triangle of Sadness’ turns social hierarchy upside down

What if your social status suddenly no longer matters? In his new satire’Triangle of Sadness’, the Swedish director Ruben Östlund turns the balance ofpower between rich and poor upside down. Good for a second Golden Palm inCannes.

“I like to compare myself to a little boy who pokes an ant nest with a stickto see how they will react,” Östlund said of himself eight years ago. That wasin response to ‘Turist’, his masterful tragicomedy about a man who, on askiing holiday, discovers – and his family with him – that he is not a hero atall. In the meantime, Östlund also added the acclaimed art satire ‘The Square’to his oeuvre and he has already completed a new film with ‘Triangle ofSadness’. But he’s still that same naughty and curious little boy.

The essence

  • ‘Triangle of Sadness’ is a new social satire by Swedish director Ruben Östlund after ‘Turist’ and ‘The Square’. * The film follows a couple of young fashion models who receive an invitation for a very exclusive cruise with only wealthy passengers on board. * The farce examines the power relations between rich and poor, and how relative they are. * ‘Triangle of Sadness’ is often painfully witty, although he just as often misses the razor-sharp gaze from Östlund’s previous films. * At the Cannes festival, Östlund received the Golden Palm, just like for ‘The Square’.

The Swedish filmmaker likes to be inspired by the human behavior he seesaround him. Sometimes it concerns personal experiences, sometimesobservations, and sometimes also scientific studies from which he drawscertain insights. Östlund sees himself as a kind of sociologist, but with aweakness for moving images and a keen sense of humor.

Luxury Cruise

With ‘Triangle of Sadness’ it all started in the fashion world. The titlerefers to a term from aesthetic surgery, the wrinkles between your eyebrowsand the bridge of your nose. ‘I was interested in the idea that how we looklargely determines our social contacts,’ explains Östlund. ‘Moreover, it canbe a means of acquiring status. The question then is what a person does whenhe sees that beauty deteriorate.’

That concept is still part of the film, but as always, the project continuedto evolve and grow over the years. Ultimately, it has become a more generalnarrative about the fickleness and relativity of social status. The centralpart takes place aboard a luxury cruise, where the crew bends over backwardsto accommodate every whim of the wealthy (and petty) passengers. Untilsomething completely turns that situation around.

With a subject such as class differences and social tensions, it is notillogical that ‘Triangle of Sadness’ is more politically explicit thanÖstlund’s previous films. He admits that without any problem. For example, thecruise ship captain (played by Woody Harrelson) is a convinced Marxist, anideology the filmmaker knows all about.

“Those ideas were part of my upbringing,” he says. ‘My mother is still acommunist. In our home, the table was often about political and social issues.The curious thing is that hardly anyone in Sweden knows that Marx was also apioneer of sociology. Because we only know him as a founder of communism, heis a controversial figure. Which suits right-wing politicians very well.’

grab bag

Östlund himself has a nuanced view of Marxist ideas. “From a materialisticstandpoint, it seems clear to me that our behavior is highly dependent on thefinancial and social structures in which we live,” he says. “No one can denythat. Marx put his finger on that. I just don’t agree with his utopian viewthat a communist society would automatically be stable and free fromcorruption. For me, a fair and equal society is a struggle that is neverover.’

I want to make entertaining films that spark an intellectual and engagingdiscussion. “

That explains why Östlund does not point the finger at anyone in his films.His characters are all molded by the context in which they live. Yet in’Triangle of Sadness’ he strays further from recognizable characters than youwould like. Sometimes he throws a scene so sharp it’ll curl your toes – therestaurant bill situation is a gem – but often the film seems more like aloose grab bag of vague ideas.

It was therefore a surprise that the jury at the Cannes festival found himstrong enough for a Golden Palm (Ostlund’s second after ‘The Square’). It willbe Östlund worst. As he puts it: ‘I want to make entertaining films that sparkan intellectual and engaging discussion.’ ‘Triangle of Sadness’ certainly does

Blonde makes it clear how disruptive it is to be public property ★★★★☆

Everyone wants something from Marilyn Monroe. She is the ideal canvas tounleash theories or fantasies. It’s part of her iconic status as an actress,sex symbol and cultural phenomenon. Sixty years after her death – she died ofan overdose of tranquilizers at the age of 36 – she still appeals to theimagination.

If everyone is pulling you, trying to touch you, color you, who are you? It isa central question in blonde the Netflix film by Andrew Dominik, whichpreviously included Killing Them Softly (2012) and The Assassination ofJesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) directed.

blonde shows Norma Jeane, as she was called, as a woman without an anchor.Her self-image is severely damaged during her miserable childhood and becomesincreasingly fragmented. Of course, it doesn’t help that she’s created analter ego, the ever-radiant Marilyn Monroe.

blonde is not a biopic. The film is based on the 2000 novel of the same nameby Joyce Carol Oates, who took plenty of creative liberties to get insideMonroe’s head. The book contains, among other things, invented diaryfragments, letters and poems. In a similar way, designed as a subjectivepalace of mirrors, Dominik guides the viewer through the possible thoughts andmemories of the tormented movie star.

What blonde wants to make clear is how degrading it is to be publicproperty, however disruptive it may be, especially if there is no stablefoundation. Dominik succeeds brilliantly in this. His film is a nightmarishdescent into the hell that was Monroe’s life: she was repeatedly abused, bothphysically and mentally. While her intelligence and acting talent werechronically underestimated, the traumas piled up. No wonder she took refuge inever heavier drugs.

Dominik uses a baroque, alienating style. At times it seems like a contest incurious camera angles (the scene from the womb wins), but it’s inventive, andoften compelling. In all that visual violence, actress Ana de Armas is theemotional center. The Armas is so good—all nerves and fragility anddevastation—that you can’t help but worry about her mental state. Her actingis a tour de force that involves either complete surrender or incredibletechnique – Oscar-worthy in both cases.

The vision of blonde on Monroe it is clear: she was a victim of her time andher environment. That is of course against the wrong foot of people who wouldhave liked to see something different. A feminist heroine who exudes power,for example, or just something a little more cheerful – something that doesn’tmake the film feel nauseous or partly guilty. Some critics accused Dominik ofexploiting Monroe in his own way, showing her in all her vulnerability.

The irony is that blonde it is precisely about this penchant forappropriation. Marilyn Monroe doesn’t belong to all of us, Dominik showsimpressively. blonde shows a Monroe (not the Monroe) who simply can’t liveup to our expectations because it rips her to shreds.

Romeo & Juliet, a Maltese addiction and an off-day: this was ‘De Allerslimste Mens’ | showbiz

TV“Difficult. A difficult episode. Very lucky.” Bart Cannaerts, after hissixth victory out of eight participations, was critical of his ownperformance. It says a lot about newcomer Julie Colpaert and about LotteVanwezemael, neither of whom could really threaten Bart for even one second.

The fourteenth chapter in the search for ‘The Very Smartest Man’ was notimmediately of a high standard. Rather one to quickly forget. Suddenly thequestion rounds turned out to be very difficult and the scoring was bad. Noneof the three candidates managed to reach the 300-second mark. That alreadysays a lot…

Perhaps something had to do with decompression after the passage of HurricanePrem Radhakishun, which left the other candidates, the studio audience andeven Erik Van Looy a bit blank after his rather logical loss. Although therewas actor and ever guided projectile Stefaan Degand to quickly fill that void.

It was Julie Colpaert who was given the honor of succeeding Prem. She did thatin her own way. Although the shadow of twelve participations, which made herthe second best scoring candidate ever in 2018, weighed a bit heavy. There wasstress, there were nerves. And of course there was that phenomenon BartCannaerts. He couldn’t really make a difference with the ladies during theregular quiz rounds and even lost time during the photo round.

The surprise was in the video round, which for once could not make thedifference. None of the three candidates managed to grab a 40 or 50 secondbonus. Julie Colpaert still stood her ground with her video about theelimination of Al Quada leader Al-Zawahiri, but nobody knew much about GeorgeMichael and Ashleigh Barty. Until the very last fragment for Bart, about theformer Australian number 1 in tennis, Lotte and Julie still had the chance towin. They didn’t. And so Bart won, with his heels over the ditch and with avery meager final score.

Fortunately, the ladies afterwards provided a super exciting final. Lottestarted perfectly with five correct answers, but then fell completely silentwith exactly two correct answers to five questions. Julie could play out withthe names of the secretaries-general of the UN, didn’t, but lowered the scorevery strategically, only to play out smoothly. As far as pure quiz isconcerned, a lesser episode, as far as jokes and pranks are concerned, thanksto Stefaan Degand and Barbara Sarafian, still a satisfactory one.

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The best quotes

Julie (whether she could become the Smartest Human Being): “No. It was amiracle that I got this far back then. My husband always says I could hideEaster eggs from myself. I forget everything. I have now studied for fourdays. Too little, too short.”

Lotte (what she expects from Julie): “Spicy woman who knows a lot. And withher job…” To which Degand immediately strikes when Lotte tells that herparents are in the audience. “What was she like as a child? Zozo? What do you

We don’t often shy away from a blonde, but on this ‘Blonde’ we finally broke down

The moment Ana de Armas first appears as Marilyn Monroe in ‘Blonde’, aroundthe 17th minute, we froze in our seat: because Ana is Marilyn! She really doeslook like her!

Erik StockmanWednesday, September 28, 202212:00

Admittedly not like two drops of water: in her voice you can hear a hint of aCuban accent – the Armas was born in Santa Cruz del Norte – and hopefullyno one will blame us when we notice, walking on eggshells as carefully aspossible, that the slender Ana lacks a certain, er, fullness in the physicalsense. And yet there is something of the magic of the real Marilyn aroundher. Her childlike innocence, her sparkling wit, her unrelenting charm, herendearing sheepishness (like when Marilyn has no idea how to eat a boiledegg), the garland of tragedy that hangs around her: all the characteristics wehave learned over the years. , rightly or wrongly, we have come to associatewith Marilyn, we find very beautiful back in the rendition of the Armas. Herewith that Oscar nomination!

It’s a shame that the film is not aware of the performance of the leadactress. It’s not often that we shy away from a blonde – gentlemen preferblondes , not true! – but on this ‘Blonde’ we were finally blown away. Thefirst point of discussion is the approach: director and screenwriter AndrewDominik Without much sense of nuance, Marilyn portrays Marilyn in ‘Blonde’as an innocent little bird released into the hell of patriarchal Hollywood.Already in one of the first scenes we see how Marilyn is raped during anaudition without a boo or yuck by a studio boss who goes by the name ‘Mr Z’:hmmmm, could it be Daryll F. Zanuck the big boss of Twentieth CenturyPictures?

In the most shocking scene, the president, stretched out on a hotel bed, grabsKennedy Marilyn by the curls and he forces her into a blowjob in a longheld sickening shot. It could well be that Marilyn actually had to undergothose humiliations, but a disclaimer is appropriate here: the scenes inquestion do not arise from facts, but from fiction, rumors and fictions.’Blonde’ is based on a novel by Joyce Carol Oates , who used Marilyn’slife as the basis for an (allegedly splendid) work of fiction. Anyway, byportraying Marilyn as a butterfly mortified, abused, exploited, and ultimatelydestroyed by maledom, Dominik joins an expanding movement that hasposthumously proclaimed Marilyn a martyr of feminism.

“Look at what happened to Marilyn!” this is how you could summarize themessage of that movement (and of ‘Blonde’). “Look at the brutality she had toendure, and you’ll see why feminism was desperately needed!” Or like thewriter Nancy Friday it said, “Look closely at Marilyn’s life, girls.Because this is what happens to you when you let yourself be treated as a sexobject!’ Correctamundo, correct and completely true, but the devil’s advocatein us would like to throw a question into the group: Doesn’t that approachignore the fact that Marilyn was much more than just a martyr?

Don’t forget: for every soul who proclaims Marilyn a martyr of feminism, thereis a biographer who portrays her as an ambitious, intelligent woman who knewperfectly that her value lay in her curves and her curves. And wasn’t she alsoa great performer who had the unique gift of enchanting the whole world? Put100 Flemish and international celebs on stage and have them perform ‘I WannaBe Loved By You’, and we’ll give you a note that none of them will be able tomatch Marilyn’s version – even Harry Styles not, if he put a blond wig onhis crown. But for those qualities – her engulfing naturalness on the bigwhite screen, her magnetic appearance, yes even her acting talent that bubblesunder the skin – ‘Blonde’ remains completely blind.

In ‘Blonde’ we see how the gifted Marilyn is reduced to a sex object by mostmen, but the question is: does not Dominik make the same mistake by portrayingher in most scenes as a ruthless romper? Anyway: enough material to put up asturdy tree in the cafe afterwards. But you know, overall, it’s not evenDominik’s slightly narrow-minded angle that troubled us. No, it is mainly hisfilm style that we have been rejected. Instead of opting for a classicbiographical account, Dominik tries to draw us into a slightly surreal streamof images with his dreamy photography and his trance-inducing music score.

In that respect ‘Blonde’ can actually be compared well with ‘Spencer’, theidiosyncratic biopic that pablo Larrain last year made over LadyDi. Dominik also used that poetic style in 2007’s ‘The Assassination ofJesse James By the Coward Robert Ford’, with wonderful results, but this timehe misses the point in most scenes. During an abortion, the cinematographergives us a point of view shot from Marilyn’s vagina, and during the blowjobshe gives to JFK, images of surface-to-air missiles actually pass through – asif we are in a ‘The Naked Gun’-esque farce – like phalluses pointing upwards.Okay, there’s nothing wrong with a little comic relief, but the momentMarilyn’s unborn fetus starts talking out loud, we thought: okay, Andrew, nowit’s enough with your imagery-of-licking vest.

Finally, one more thought. We wouldn’t want to feed them, all those writers,essayists, journalists and filmmakers who have been researching, commenting,analyzing, claiming, interpreting and reinterpreting Marilyn’s life since herdeath on August 4, 1962. But we may never know who she really was. We’d loveto offer her a gin fizz and have a chat with her, but hey, she’s been underthe sod for 60 years. Hopefully she rests in peace.

Fair Program Ell at Eetcafé de Prairie

The fair will take place in Ell from 1 to 4 October 2022. At Eetcafé DePrairie, three fantastic cover bands will perform during the fair.

fairground Ello

SaturdayOctober 1 Cover band Da Vinci We are pop formation Da Vinci. In our permanent formation we perform withseven very experienced musicians. All this combined with singers WendyOverklift and Esther Snijders and singer/accompanying guitarist Franky Tuasuunon the vocal front, who ensure the nice appearance and the great entertainingcharacter of the band.

Da Vinci not only brings the Rock, Pop and Disco classics, but takes you on amusical journey through all music styles with artists such as Barry White,Tina Turner, Bruce Springsteen, Marco Borsato, Kiki Dee, Mr Mister, Van Halen,Dolly Parton, Stevie Wonder, Pink, Eurythmics, Total Touch, Phil Collins, PatBenatar and many, many others. We characterize ourselves in this by playingmany medleys, which results in a constant flow of beat and music. Thisprovides a musical competition on the dance floor that heightens the partyspirit! Da Vinci is always busy adding new songs or other useful ideas to therepertoire. Hall open from 8.30pm.

Sunday 2 October Experience Experience, consisting of experienced musicians playing music repertoire fromthe 60s and 70s. We mainly play older songs from The Kinks, Rolling Stones,Golden Earrings, Sandy Coast, The Shadows, BeeGees, The Free, The Eagles,Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Byrds etc. But every now and then a morerecent song pops through. . Let yourself be surprised. Hall open from 5 p.m.

Monday October 3 Fever of Life Since its formation in 2005, this band from the Roermond region still has onlyone goal: to remind the public of the music from the 70s and 80s. Songs fromSteely Dan, Status Quo, Ram Jam, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and othersrock bands are the repertoire of Fever of Life. “It’s nice to hear such youngmusicians make this music”, is a frequently heard compliment during theperformances. With their dates of birth just in the eighties, the repertoireis indeed largely composed with records from father’s LP collection. And itcannot be otherwise than these LPs have also contained many live albums…

The band is now also a welcome guest at festivals, where music lovers canindulge in tasty guitar riffs and solos that are improvised on the spot. Thatmakes a performance always surprising and 100% fair. What you see is what youget! The band’s achievements are performances with frontman and singer Walter”Witte Waanzin” Nita and performances with René Innemee & Band. “Having thesemen share their experience and musicality with us is both an honor and arecognition,” the band said.

An evening of Fever of Life is back to the days of guitar riffs and solos, butalso moments to sing and dance along. Public participation is expected! Hallopen from 8 p.m.

Traffic measures Fair Ell Scheijmansplein and part of Sebastiaanstraat will be closed from Wednesday 28September to 12:00 Wednesday 05 October 2022 in connection with theconstruction, demolition and holding of the fair. The closed part of theSebastiaanstraat concerns the part between the Hoogstraat and theLuytenstraat. As a result, the one-way restriction on Luytenstraat will betemporarily reversed. The one-way street will then be temporarily accessiblefrom Sebastiaanstraat.