‘Hello, it’s not a festival today is it?’

Three friends stroll past the long line of food stalls in Hyde Park and marvelat the Burger Shack, the Hog Roast, where they sell “crispy pork baguettes,”and the Doughnuts & Coffee. “Hello, it’s not a festival today or something?”says one of the boys.

Yet Hyde Park, a large park in the middle of London with large video screensso that Brits can follow the farewell of Queen Elizabeth II, has somethingfestival-like. There are food trucks, there are blocks of dixies, water pointsand endless streams of walking people. The lines at the coffee shops arelongest on Monday around half past nine in the morning, when the officialstart of the funeral takes a while. Yet enough Brits are already ordering ahamburger or a portion Fish & Chips.

The United Kingdom said goodbye to the late Queen Elizabeth on Monday afterten days of mourning. She had a church service with hundreds of invitees fromall over the world, with music and psalms that she had partly chosen herself.It was a day full of marches and great display of about 4,000 soldiers.

Sorry about Charles

The only time the crowds in Hyde Park stop for a moment is during the latemorning church service. The security guards are still trying to keep thefootpaths free of people who want to sit, but they are not successful, it istoo busy. Families sit on picnic blankets drinking beer from paper cups withthe British flag on them. Dogs are urged to sit, children lifted on the hipand hopped to get them still.

As if it was agreed upon, while playing The Last Post, everyone stands up andthen keeps silence for two minutes. There aren’t many tears – ten days isapparently long enough to handle the worst shock of the death of the onlyqueen the average Briton has known.

Still, Sandra O’Brien does have a lump in her throat, she says. She’s eating abag of chips after everyone has sung the national anthem—the first verse, thesecond hardly anyone knows—and the Queen’s coffin has just been lifted out ofthe church. “Her life is so intertwined with ours. I strongly associate herwith family life. All the street parties we held to celebrate heranniversaries, none of that will come back.” O’Brien regrets that Crown PrinceWilliam has not become king, but that it is Charles’ turn first. “Someone fromthe younger generation, that would be nice.”

“A little toast is in order,” says Greer McDonald who traveled to London> with girlfriend Jackie Reynolds especially to say goodbye

Toast to the Queen

A little further south, towards the Wellington Arch square where the Queen isbeing transferred from carriage to funeral carriage, friends Greer McDonaldand Jackie Reynolds and their families are waiting for the Queen to drop by inthe funeral car. On a hill, so that they have a good view, they are drinkingsparkling wine. “A small toast is in order,” says McDonald. “Because 96 years,wow I wish my mother had lived that long.”

They came from Wirral especially for the funeral, which is next to Liverpool.“We told each other we would regret it if we didn’t,” McDonald said. Theyslept in a hotel and were here around eight in the morning. That was alreadytoo late for the really good places anyway, the police no longer allowedpeople in the area where the first procession was held. “Ah, it’s about seeingher come by.”

Also read the obituary about Elizabeth II: The Queen Who Outlived EveryoneBy Silence For 70 Years

If it had been up to Jackie Reynolds, stores across the country would haveclosed today. “We all work hard enough. That way you give everyone the time toreally honor the queen.” Monday could be an official day off in the UK,companies could decide for themselves whether they really gave their staff offor not. Most shops were closed, some only in the morning or during churchservice. Cinema chains had no regular programming but broadcast the funeral,just like many pubs opened earlier to show the service.

Shame on Center Parcs

In any case, in recent days there has been a lot of talk about how thebusiness community dealt with national mourning. “I thought it wasexaggerated, also typically British,” says Greer McDonald, she can laugh aboutit. Supermarket chain Morrisons had lowered the beeps at the self-helpcheckout “as a sign of respect and mourning”, but with the result thatcustomers had trouble checking out because they did not notice whether theirproducts had been scanned or not.

Then there was the energy company Ecotricity that put a photoshopped photo ofthe queen in bright green company clothing online, “Thanks Liz”, which wentwrong with many. And CrossFit VK posted a high-intensity workout on socialmedia in honor of the Queen: 70 lunges, 96 double-unders with skipping rope,“1 minute of peace in silence.”

But the Center Parcs bungalow park received the most derision because theywanted their guests completely off their sites on Monday, so that the staffcould also pay their respects to the Queen. After much commotion, Center Parcsreversed the measure, but they did ask guests to stay in their house.

In Hyde Park the atmosphere is relaxed, friendly for the rest of theafternoon. A neat older couple drinks white wine from real glasses, further ontwo girls march in circles around their parents exactly to the size of thecorps. As the car with the coffin drives to Windsor, where the Queen is buriedin St. George’s Chapel, applause erupts.

Why does the Royal Family wear pearls during mourning?

Token pearl gestures – symbolic of grief – were omnipresent at the funeral ofQueen Elizabeth II on Monday. Both Catherine, Princess of Wales, and Meghan,Duchess of Sussex both chose pieces created with the natural gemstone.

Often referred to as ‘mourning jewellery’, the soft, subtle polish andcolorless nature of pearls, along with associations of purity, are consideredan appropriate choice to represent the grieving period.

The Queen, too, was rarely seen without her signature three-strand pearlnecklace, and some of her favorite pieces from her private jewelery collectionfeatured the gemstone.

But the Queen would often wear pearls herself, the poignant reason whilst whyroyals wear pearl jewelery at funerals and during mourning actually goes backmuch further than the late monarch’s reign.

Why do female members of the Royal Family wear pearls during times ofmourning?

The tradition of pearls as ‘mourning jewellery’, in fact, dates all the wayback to Queen Victoria.

After the death of her husband Prince Albert in 1861, Queen Victoria was soovercome with grief that she famously wore only black for the next 40 yearsuntil the end of her own life, accessorising her colorless outfits with pearlswhich were said to represent tears.

Victoria wore several strands of pearls for the remainder of her life, and thetradition of wearing the gems during the mourning period has continued in theRoyal Family into the modern day.

A portrait of England's Queen Victoria (1819-1901) painted in 1900 byBertha Muller is on display at the National Portrait Gallery in London,England.  The painting shows the queen nearing the end of her long reign andshe wears the blue sash of the Order of the Garter.  (Photo by RobertAlexander/GettyImages)A portrait ofEngland's Queen Victoria (1819-1901) painted in 1900 by Bertha Muller is ondisplay at the National Portrait Gallery in London, England.  The paintingshows the queen nearing the end of her long reign and she wears the blue sashof the Order of the Garter.  (Photo by Robert Alexander/GettyImages)

A portrait of Queen Victoria (1819-1901) wearing black mourning dress and apearl necklace painted in 1900 by Bertha Muller. (Getty Images)

Queen Victoria’s complex, and sometimes rigid rules around the rites ofmourning inspired the same etiquette throughout the course of the late 19thcentury.

“By the 1860s, a widow was expected to dress in black for a year and a dayafter her husband’s death, wearing minimal black matte ornaments, usually ofunpolished jet,” writes Clare Phillips, jewelery curator at the Victoria andAlbert Museum, in her book Jewels and Jewelery.

“Gradually she was allowed more elaborate mourning jewellery, then diamondsand pearls, and finally a return to colored stones,” she adds. “Some widows,following the example of Queen Victoria, never returned to more light-heartedpieces.”

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Queen Victoria’s choice was ingrained in tradition and the demure, respectfuloutward gesture of grief became a historic choice for members of the RoyalFamily during periods of mourning and at funerals.

Queen Elizabeth, Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Queen Mary wearingtraditional mourning wear as they greeted the coffin of King George VI fromSandringham.  (GettyImages)QueenElizabeth, Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Queen Mary wearing traditionalmourning wear as they greeted the coffin of King George VI from Sandringham.(GettyImages)

Queen Elizabeth, Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Queen Mary wearing traditionalmourning wear as they greeted the coffin of King George VI from Sandringham.(Getty Images)

The Royal Family Gather At Westminster Abbey For The Funeral Of The QueenMother Who Had Lived To The Age Of 101. A Portrait Of Queen Elizabeth LlLooking Very Sad As The Coffin Leaves The Abbey.  (Photo by Tim GrahamPicture Library/GettyImages)The RoyalFamily Gather At Westminster Abbey For The Funeral Of The Queen Mother Who HadLived To The Age Of 101. A Portrait Of Queen Elizabeth Ll Looking Very Sad AsThe Coffin Leaves The Abbey.  (Photo by Tim Graham Picture Library/GettyImages)

The Queen wore her signature three-strand pearl necklace to her mother’sfuneral in 2002. (Getty Images)

The late Queen Elizabeth II herself wore pearls to the funerals of herPrincess Margaret, King George VI, the Queen Mother and Diana, Princess ofWales, and most recently, to the funeral of her husband Prince Philip, Duke ofEdinburgh in 2021.

And other members of the Royal Family have closely followed the late monarch’sexample.

Diana, Princess of Wales chose a simple string of pearls for the funeral ofPrincess Grace of Monaco in 1982, and again for the funeral of Gianni Versace10 years later.

Diana, Princess of Wales, wearing pearls to the funerals of Gianni Versace(L) and Princess Grace of Monaco (R).  (GettyImages)Diana, Princessof Wales, wearing pearls to the funerals of Gianni Versace (L) and PrincessGrace of Monaco (R).  (GettyImages)

Diana, Princess of Wales, wearing pearls to the funerals of Gianni Versace (L)and Princess Grace of Monaco (R). (Getty Images)

Catherine, Princess of Wales, wore the Queen’s four-string pearl and diamondchoker for the Queen’s funeral which was also worn by her late mother-in-law,Princess Diana in the past.

Kate previously borrowed the choker to wear to the Queen and Prince Philip’s70th anniversary celebration in 2017, and later to the Prince’s funeral in2021. Given the sentimental backstory behind the necklace, it’s no wonder shewore it again to honor the late monarch.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives for the funeral of Prince Philip,Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark was born June 10, 1921, in Greece.  Heserved in the British Royal Navy and fought in WWII.  He married the thenPrincess Elizabeth on 20 November 1947 and was created Duke of Edinburgh, Earlof Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich by King VI.  He served as Prince Consort toQueen Elizabeth II until his death on April 9 2021, months short of his 100thbirthday.  His funeral takes place today at Windsor Castle with only 30 guestsinvited due to Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.  (Photo by ChrisJackson/WPA Pool/GettyImages)Catherine,Duchess of Cambridge arrives for the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke ofEdinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.  PrincePhilip of Greece and Denmark was born June 10, 1921, in Greece.  He served inthe British Royal Navy and fought in WWII.  He married the then PrincessElizabeth on 20 November 1947 and was created Duke of Edinburgh, Earl ofMerioneth, and Baron Greenwich by King VI.  He served as Prince Consort toQueen Elizabeth II until his death on April 9 2021, months short of his 100thbirthday.  His funeral takes place today at Windsor Castle with only 30 guestsinvited due to Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.  (Photo by ChrisJackson/WPA Pool/GettyImages)

Catherine, Princess of Wales wore the Queen’s four-strand necklace the funeralof Prince Philip in 2021 and then the Queen’s funeral in 2022. (Getty Images)

Featuring four strands of pearls and a diamond clasp, the choker wasoriginally gifted to the Queen from Japan in the 1970s and she often wore itherself, including on a state visit to Bangladesh in 1983.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex wore a pair of pearl and diamond earrings, whichwere gifted to her by the Queen following her marriage to Prince Harry to boththe procession and the Queen’s funeral.

Coalition wants ceiling on energy bill from 1 November | Politics

The government parties want the cabinet to cap the high energy bills ofcitizens before this autumn. The cabinet is still consulting with energycompanies all day long about whether this is feasible.

This morning, the group leaders of coalition parties VVD, D66, CDA andChristenUnie again discussed a way to curb the rising energy costs of citizensand businesses. The four would prefer a so-called price ceiling to beintroduced as of 1 November. This means that a household that does not usemore gas and electricity than average will never lose more than a maximumamount.

The cabinet will continue talks this afternoon after a long meeting yesterday.Today, the party leaders of PvdA and GroenLinks are also joining us, whopreviously asked for a price ceiling. Their support is needed to get thegovernment’s budget plans through the Senate.

Furthermore, Minister Rob Jetten (Climate and Energy) is again negotiatingwith the energy companies today whether 1 November is indeed feasible. Themajor airlines have already said they can. But the smaller companies would notsucceed until January 1. The Netherlands has about 35 energy companies.

Energy tax

The government will compensate energy companies if the price of gas andelectricity is higher than the agreed maximum amount that they can chargecitizens. It is not yet possible to say how many billions of euros that willcost. That depends on how high the gas price will be next winter. It has beenagreed in the coalition that the proposed reduction in energy tax for nextyear will then no longer be necessary.

It is not yet clear how high the ceiling will be. In The Hague, bandwidthscirculate between 1200 to 1500 cubic meters of gas and 2500 to 3000 kilowatthours of electricity per year. Until that limit is reached, people will thenpay the rate that applied to the invasion of Ukraine at the beginning of thisyear. Anything above that must be settled at the higher market rate. In thisway, the cabinet wants to ‘incentivize’ everyone to use energy economically.

In addition, the cabinet is working on an emergency fund that can help peoplewho can no longer pay their energy bills. In this way, it should be preventedthat defaulters are closed next winter.

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Saving energy in peak hours: should the TV be turned off?

Television is a fixed part of peak use in many households. For many people,the eve on TV, of which EditieNL is also a part, is still a regular fixture.Although it could help to change this habit and turn off the TV, according totelevision expert Tina Nijkamp, ​​this will not be easy.

“The eve is a very important TV moment for many people. If you look at the top10 viewing figures, many programs from the eve always score high,” explainsNijkamp. “For many people it is indeed a habit, but many people also justwatch, as they used to do, to stay informed.”

“We in the media spend all day on the internet and keep up with the news,which is part of our job,” Nijkamp continues. “But many people are justworking outside all day. They really don’t have time to follow the news allday and still want to stay informed. That’s what the evening is really meantfor.”

“I don’t think you can change much about this as EditieNL,” says Nijkamp. “Ofcourse it is a current affairs program so you don’t sit back and watch itagain the next day at 11 o’clock. It really belongs at that moment.”


Professor of energy technology David Smeulders of Eindhoven University ofTechnology is also not in favor of rigorously changing habits. “I think theidea that we have to save energy in those peak hours because otherwise thingswill go wrong is quite poor, to be honest. That we couldn’t provide thecountry with energy is bizarre. The system just has to be in order.”

“People want to decide for themselves when they shower and watch TV,” Smulderscontinues. “The citizen now has to solve the problems, while that is simplythe task of the government. If everyone turns on the television, it certainlyconsumes a lot of power, but everyone should be able to determine forthemselves how much energy and costs you want to save.”

“The energy network works just like the NS”, explains Smeuulders. “As manywagons are bought as the maximum is needed. It is the same with electricity.We must have available what is needed as much as possible. If we can reducethat maximum, there is of course profit to be made.”

Off peak

“If we travel during off-peak hours, the NS will have to use fewer trains.It’s not that they don’t have the trains, but it’s cheaper if they don’t haveto use them,” continues Smeulders. “That’s how it goes with electricity.Energy companies buy the electricity and get it sold again, that’s no problem.But it’s about the infrastructure.”

“If there is more load on the grid, then new wind farms, solar farms andcables, etc. are needed,” says the professor. “When the electricity demand isspread more evenly, you don’t have to build as much. That is of coursecheaper.”

In addition, the purchase price of energy is also extra high during peakhours, explains Smoulders. “It is a question of supply and demand. If there isa lot of demand during peak hours, prices are high. More expensive powerstations are often used for that peak demand.”

Price incentive

Smoulders thinks that flexible energy tariffs could therefore be an option tomake consumers think better about the distribution of their energyconsumption. “Then you would have to pay more for energy use in the morningand evening than in the afternoon, for example. That way people also get aprice incentive to adjust their behaviour.”

‘It could have been so difficult and just hasn’t been’

Welcome to So Mini Ways Yahoo Life ‘s __parenting series on the joysand challenges of child-rearing.

Brian Austin Green was 29 when his oldest son, Cassius, was born; hisyoungest, Zane, arrived this June, just a couple of weeks before the actortuned 49.

Speaking to Yahoo Life’s So Mini Ways, the former Beverly Hills, 90210 starand father of five says fatherhood hits differently as an older dad.

“At 49, I don’t have the same physical ability, obviously, to be as hands-onas I was when I was younger,” says Green, giving credit to his Zane’s “amazingmother,” dancer Sharna Burgess of Dancing With the Stars fame. “Sharna issuch a partner in all of it that it’s just been so enjoyable.”

Brian Austin Green opens up about his five kids and prioritizing his health.(Photo: Getty; designed by QuinnLemmers)

Brian Austin Green opens up about his five kids and prioritizing his health.(Photo: Getty; designed by Quinn Lemmers)

Green also counts himself lucky that there’s no sibling drama within hismodern family. In addition to nearly 3-month-old Zane and 20-year-old Cassius,whose mom is actress Vanessa Marcil, he shares Noah, 9, Bodhi, 8, and Journey,6, with ex-wife Megan Fox.

“All of them are so obsessed with Zane and just so in love with him,” Greensays. “And there’s been no issue with that at all; there’s been no friction inthe situation. Things that could have naturally happened in having a baby withsomeone new — the younger kids that I have taking issue with that, becausethere’s a new one that they’re not completely blood-related to on both sides —it could have been so difficult and just hasn’t been. From day one, they’veabsolutely embraced Sharna and now embrace Zane. It’s been amazing. .”

As far as his parenting style, the TV star says that while he isn’t afraid tobe a disciplinarian, he firmly believes in giving his kids the freedom to bethemselves.

“I don’t own these kids,” he says. “I don’t want to push upon them my passionsor the things that make me me. I enjoy the fact that they are individuals andI love really helping them find the individuality, and their passions and thethings that make them them. I feel like my job as a parent is to make sure,morally, that they are good people when they grow up.”

Story continues

His parenting philosophy is this: “Just love your kids,” Green says. “Justaccept them for who they are and be loving and kind and supportive ofeverything that they do. Don’t let your own experiences in your own life getin the way of allowing them to experience and live their lives. Be OK withstepping back a little bit and not micromanaging the situation.”

He points to his older son Cassius as proof that he’s done something right.

“I feel so blessed and I’m so excited watching him navigate the world himself.Hearing from people like, ‘Oh, I’ve met him, and he’s just an amazing humanbeing,’ — I feel like, OK, that ‘s one down,” he laughs. “I’ve done goodwith one so far, so four more to go. If he is any sort of [testament] of whatit is that I’m doing and have done, then good on it so far. It seems to beworking.”

Fatherhood has also been a wakeup call for Green to prioritize his health sothat he can be there for his kids. Since his early 30s the actor has sufferedfrom ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease that can causeinflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract and is linked to an increasedrisk of prostate cancer, though he admits that he hasn’t always been proactiveabout undergoing annual screenings. He’s now partnering with Depend on itsStand Strong For Men’s Health campaign, in which a portion of proceeds fromsales will be donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation from now until the endof November.

“I hadn’t really taken my health that seriously as far as doing annualscreenings and all of that,” admits Green, who recently completed a prostatespecific antigen (PSA) test as part of the campaign. “And there was a bit ofstigma for me in doing a prostate exam because it just felt very invasive atthe time. But that was before this PSA test that is now possible; it’s asimple blood draw.”

Prostate cancer is diagnosed in one out of eight men in the United States, andis something that Green says “could affect myself and my family and my kids —and I personally want to be here as long as I can for them.”

Though Green says his ulcerative colitis only flares up every two or threeyears, one particularly debilitating episode came midway through Burgess’spregnancy earlier this year. The former teen heartthrob was bedridden for morethan six weeks and lost 20 pounds. That, coupled with past neurological issuesGreen has dealt with, has hammered in the importance of keeping on top of hishealth.

“I have five kids,” he adds. “I’m 49 years old. At some point I’ve got to stopthe thing of feeling like I’m a superhero and like nothing is going to affectme.”

—Video produced by Kat Vasquez

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Nico was bodyguard for Lady Gaga and Beyoncé: ‘Security always affects someone’s private life’ | What does a…

What does a…If you look at our job landscape, you will see special functions.A field service engineer, a lab technician or an assembly worker: we obviouslyneed them badly, but for what and why? In this series, each week someone tellsabout his or her profession. Today: Nico Raat (47) is a bodyguard and has hisown training company in personal security.

What exactly do you do?

,,Most of the time I deal with the personal security of people abroad, I havemany famous clients. But I also do other things in addition to it. This is howwe spent last summer recording the TV program The Bodyguard , in whichcandidates can show who has what it takes to become a bodyguard. In the autumnI will again focus more on the training we provide in personal security andour courses. We do this from my own company Amsterdam Consultancy Group.”

How often are you abroad?

“I used to spend ten to eleven months a year abroad, so now I’m looking for alittle more balance.”

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Don’t you miss traveling?

,,People always think that traveling is what makes my job so great, that yougo everywhere and see a lot of the world. In practice, you actually only seethe airports and the locations where you have to secure someone. In addition,there is much more to it, not everyone knows that. We never go anywherewithout exploring before. How does it work from a safety point of view, whatpossible risks are there, how can we avoid them? We do this so that everythingruns smoothly for the customer.”

In the past, you’ve worked for celebrities like Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, andKanyé West. How is that?

“People always want to know what such a person is like in real life. But Iwon’t say anything about that. I wouldn’t like it if people knew everythingabout my private life.”

What do you like best about your job?

“That you can ensure that protected persons can continue to do what they want.That a columnist or journalist can continue to do his or her job and an artistcan continue to perform. I am especially happy if this succeeds despite allthe hectic by, for example, hordes of fans.”

Quote >>> We think it should be possible to get a sandwich spontaneously on the way

,,I think it is the combination of background and vision. Almost all our boyscome from the police or defense. In addition, our mission is to make thesituation as bearable as possible for the protected person. Personal securityalways affects someone’s private life. It’s annoying enough that you need it,then it’s extra sour when you also have to lead a locked life. You can indeedpush someone into the car from their home and quickly bring them in onlocation. That is the safest, but not the most pleasant.

Many security guards are trained on attacks, a very important part, but 99percent of the time you don’t have to deal with them at all. It is no fun forthe people who are being protected if the procedures are so tight. We believethat it should be possible to get a sandwich on the way spontaneously. As longas you don’t hang around too long and don’t put it on Instagram.”

What do you need to be able to do this job?

“In addition to being fit, you also have to be able to figure yourself out.It’s about the protected person, not you. In addition, you should not be soeasily impressed by fame and wealth. But perhaps the most important thing is:you should always be alert. Even if you are tired, irritated or hungry. If yousecure someone during their vacation and lie quietly on the beach, it is a lotmore relaxed. But in a crowded crowd, you have to keep an eye on the behaviorof all the people and see exactly how to get away if danger threatens. After afew hours you are really tired.”

How do you see your future in this profession?

“I see more of a coordinating role for myself in the future. I leave the restto our employees. I also want to further expand the training courses in theNetherlands. That way I can be at home more often. I missed a lot of my kidswhen they were little. I realized that when I was suddenly more at home incorona time. That has to be different. But I just need the adventure in mywork. I wouldn’t be happy with an office job.”

Do you also want a career in security?

As a security guard you can protect the biggest stars in the world, just likeNico. But the security sector is much bigger. For example, they are lookingfor security guards at Schiphol, where you guarantee safety at the airport.But you can also work at the Van Gogh Museum or work for the nationalgovernment, for example. On Nationale Vacaturebank you will find relevantvacancies in your region.

The Analogues turn farewell into a new acquaintance in Ziggo Dome

Originally, the two concerts in the Ziggo Dome were supposed to be farewellconcerts of this super group (which The Analogues rightly are, given thefootsteps that the members have set separately in Nederpop). Since 2014, theyhave played Beatles albums in full that the Fab Four themselves never playedlive in the 1960s. The Beatles’ studio experiments were not yet possible toperform live at the time. 50 years later, The Analogues made that liveexperience possible with the albums ‘Sgt. Pepper’, ‘Magical Mystery Tour’,’The White Album’ and ‘Abbey Road’ can be reproduced in detail with exactlythe same instruments. It turned out to be so successful that, in addition totheaters, the Ziggo Dome could also be filled four times, and performancesabroad were also organised.

Between 2014 and 2020, they followed exactly the 50th anniversary of TheBeatles’ albums. Since these had split up in 1970, 50 years later, TheAnalogues would also have a point. Until the corona pandemic came and theirentire theater tour and these two Ziggo Dome shows had to be moved.Surprisingly, during the pandemic, The Analogues had the same idea as PaulMcCartney; it inspired them to make an album of self-written songs entitled’Introducing The Analogues Sideshow’. A side project separate from theirBeatles project. Because during these postponed shows in the Ziggo Dome, themusic of The Beatles would of course be central again.

Unlike the previous times at their concerts in the Ziggo Dome, this eveningthere was a support act. A very clever choice was made for a Beatles coverband that plays the material from before 1965, while The Analogues do the workof the studio years after that. The Beatbox hails from Italy and was dressedup as their great examples. Something The Analogues never do on purpose. Earlyclassics such as ‘She Loves You’, ‘Please Please Me’, ‘All My Loving’, ‘RollOver Beethoven’ and ‘Twist & Shout’ (just like The Beatles used to be playedlast) came along at a brisk pace. . Played soon, but to hear those classicswith a light Italian accent is a bit remarkable. As well as that the ‘GeorgeHarrison’ of this formation actually looked more like Ringo Starr.

Striking about the concert of the main act was that they started with a songthat you would expect as an encore: ‘All You Need Is Love’. It all seemed tobe picking up steam for a while. Jac Bico’s guitar solo went a bit wrong andthe sound didn’t seem to be properly tuned yet. That would eventually pick up.For a moment it looked like they started with blocks of all the full albumsthey’ve played in recent years. First up is a block of ‘Magical Mystery Tour’.Just before the ‘Sgt. Pepper’ block, four random songs were played, the mostsurprising of which were ‘Day Tripper’ and ‘In My Life’. Since theannouncement stated that the period 1966-1970 would be played, and both songswere from 1965. Musically there was nothing to criticize, because especially’In My Life’ caused goosebumps when Diederik Nomden played George Martin’spiano solo.

It wouldn’t be the only surprise. Despite playing a cross section of allprevious theatrical programs of the band with accompanying graphics in thebackground. But that’s how the illustrated video at ‘Piggies’ was adapted bymaking a statement with Putin’s head at the end. Previously, ‘Back In TheUSSR’ was already featured, while Paul McCartney no longer plays that songlive since the war in Ukraine.

But where at McCartney’s concerts the ‘Abbey Road’ medley of ‘GoldenSlumbers’, ‘Carry That Weight’ and ‘The End’ is really the final chord, fourencores are added to The Analogues. Founder and drummer Fred Gehringemphasized at the time that ‘Hello, Goodbye’ had been chosen as the title songas a farewell, but that they decided to continue with it due to the coronapandemic, and that they now see ‘Hello, Goodbye’ as a restart. “As long as youkeep coming, we’ll keep going,” he said. Given the full Ziggo Dome (and theevening after as well), that audience will be there for a long time to come.

It was to their credit that they really focus on the Beatles material thisevening, and that nothing came up to promote their own album, although thatwould probably also attract enough audience. Since they will continue anyway,it might be an idea to also do some club shows with their own material? Thename is now established, and it could easily be used as a ‘sideshow’ next totheir Beatles shows.

Sheryl Lee Ralph received flowers from Beyonce after Emmy win

the Abbott Elementary star, 65, who won an Emmy last week for her role asno-nonsense kindergarten teacher Barbara Howard on the hit ABC comedy, wasoverjoyed to receive a stunning white floral arrangement from Beyoncé. Themoment was captured in a video by Ralph’s son, Etienne Maurice, and set to thetheme song from dream girls for which Ralph won a Tony Award in 1981.

“To the original Dreamgirl, sending you a beautiful congratulations,”wroteBeyoncé, who took over Ralph’s role as Deena Jones in the 2006 film version of_dream girls_. “All my love, Beyonce.”

In the video, Ralph can be seen opening the card in her dining room as herfamily watches. Visibly shocked, she places her hands on her head inamazement.

“Wonderful,” she tells the camera, her voice scratchy. “I don’t have a voice,but it’s wonderful.”

In a touching caption, Ralph shared how much the moment meant to her.

“Every one has their own special dream and all your dreams can come true. Justlook in the mirror and love what’s in front of you,” the TV star captioned thevideo. “Thank you @beyonce don’t forget to dream girls!”

In the comments, Quinta Brunson, who stars in and created the beloved comedyseries about a group of Philadelphia elementary school teachers, commentedwith a teary-eyed emoji. Several other Hollywood stars chimed in withcongratulations for her Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series win,ranging from Lena Waithe and Sharon Stone to Billy Porter and Naomi Campbell.Ralph’s son Etienne also commented, riffing on Beyoncé’s hit song by writing”Giving ‘Break My Soul’ a whole new meaning.”

On his own page, Ralph’s son reposted the video, sharing a sweet message insupport of his mother. He also shared that his mom received flowers fromrapper Kid Cudi.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think one of my favorite artists of alltime would be sending flowers to my mom. I know this is about my Mom, but@kidcudi, my mother wouldn’t know who you were if I wasn ‘t blasting yourmusic on my way to school ever morning or her buying tickets to see you for myhigh school graduation,” he captioned the video. “I am your fan from DAY 1 brobro. Thank you for showing love to moms. You are loved my g.”

Story continues

Ralph brought down the house at last week’s Emmy Awards when she took thestage to receive her statue. As she reached the microphone, Ralph began tosing Dianne Reeves’s “Endangered Species.” It has been 35 years since a Blackwoman won in the category, Yahoo Entertainment previously reported.

“To anyone who has ever, ever had a dream and thought your dream wasn’t,wouldn’t, couldn’t come true. I am here to tell you that this is whatbelieving looks like. This is what strving looks like. And don’t you ever,ever give up on you,” she declared on stage, as she received a standingovation from the crowd.

On Wednesday of last week, Ralph shared that she was not pleased with JimmyKimmel for lying on the stage near the podium while her friend and co-starBrunson delivered her acceptance speech for Outstanding Writing in a ComedySeries. Brunson is the second Black woman to ever win in that category.

“I was absolutely confused,” Ralph said during a virtual panel of theTelevision Critics Association’s summer press tour, according to reports. “Ididn’t know what was going on. I was like, ‘I wish that man would just get upoff of the ground.’ And then I realized it was Jimmy Kimmel, and I was like,’Ooh, the disrespect, Jimmy!’ But that’s just me.”

Ralph went on to share that she told Kimmel she didn’t like the stunt to hisface.

“I told him, too! To his face!” she said. “And he understood.”

De Volkskrant TV selection for Saturday 17 September

(Fantasy, Steven Spielberg, 2016) The King of the blockbusters turned RoaldDahl’s famous children’s book The BFG ( The BFG ) from 1982, a gentle,fairytale-like film. The Spielberg-Dahl tandem is correct: both know how tomake ordinary people, in whom the viewer can easily move, come into their ownin exciting situations. With one difference: where Dahl dares to make childrenshudder more, Spielberg wants to make them feel. Orphan girl Sophie catchesthe Big Friendly Giant literally breathing dreams into children, and whatfollows is history.

Ruby Barnhill in Steven Spielberg's The BFG Image

Ruby Barnhill in Steven Spielberg’s The BFG

The Tourist

NPO 3, 8.22 pm

In the latest double episode of The Tourist The amnesiac protagonist (JamieDornan) hopes to finally get answers to all questions about his identity.There is still a lot to do before that happens. Helen (Danielle Macdonald)receives new information and sets out to investigate, risking her own life.Meanwhile, the protagonist has an unpleasant encounter with an oldacquaintance. The whimsical thriller series The Tourist was a huge successfor the BBC. Season two is on order, but the cast is yet to be announced.

Along the coast

NPO 2, 8.45 pm

In order to continue their journey along the Dutch coast in Friesland, HuubStapel and Martin Hendriksma first have to cross the 32 kilometer longAfsluitdijk. That turns out to be quite a task for the gentlemen, whofortunately get a lift from a number of eel fishermen. These tell about theconsequences of the construction of the Afsluitdijk for local fisheries. Whenthe salty Zuiderzee became the sweet IJsselmeer, the fish stock changeddrastically. Johan Pollema shows his large collection of photos, maps andprints of the Afsluitdijk in Zurich, Friesland.

Being the Queen

National Geographic, 10 p.m.

National Geographic made the beautiful biography two years ago Being theQueen about the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. In thefilm, director Tom Jennings combines never-before-seen interviews and footageof the Queen with testimonies from dozens of people who knew her personally,including Prince Philip’s private secretary. The documentary highlightsrelationships within the royal family, reflecting on the most difficultmoments and decisions from Elizabeth II’s long reign.

My father is a plane

NPO 3, 22.27 o’clock

(Drama, Antoinette Beumer, 2021) The bunch of roses brought along fallsdramatically to the ground when Eva, on a visit to a psychiatric institution,is confronted with her father’s blank stare. With a penchant for grandgestures, Beumer filmed her well-received debut novel My father is a plane(2018), about a busy woman who peels off a family trauma layer by layer. EliseSchaap plays a convincing Eva, who slowly succumbs to the pressure of anambitious modern life, navigating between motherhood, an extensive advertisingjob and an extramarital affair. Then her mother suddenly drops dead and Evacollapses. The imagination of Eva’s estrangement is sometimes powerful, PierreBokma is strong like Eva’s father.

2Doc: Human Nature

NPO 2, 11.49 pm

With a technique called Crispr, scientists can quickly and effectively makechanges to genetic material. In the documentary Human Nature researchersexplain how the technique works and what the possibilities are, such as thecure for serious hereditary diseases and the treatment of cancer. It is alsopossible to intervene in the germline with Crispr, with which hereditaryproperties are passed on to the offspring. In this way, diseases can beeradicated for good, which naturally also raises ethical questions.

Jusqu’a la garde

Canvas, 12:05 a.m.

(Xavier Legrand, 2017) Julien (12) and Joséphine (17) want nothing more to dowith their abusive father, their mother claims. Nonsense, protests her soon-to-be ex; he would never harm them. How do you determine, as a judge, what isbest for the children? By letting the viewer watch with the judge in theopening scene, debutant Legrand forces you to think about such matters. Thenthe judge disappears forever from the plot: only we get the far-reachingconsequences of her sentence in this cinematic stranglehold.

Beatrix, Willem-Alexander and Máxima at the front all day at Elizabeth’s funeral | Funeral Elizabeth II

UpdateEarlier today, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and Princess Beatrixwere seated at the front of Westminster Abbey during the state funeral ofQueen Elizabeth. They sat in the front, a few yards from the coffin anddirectly across from the British Royal Family. At the end of the afternoon,the trio will also attend the ceremony in St. George’s Chapel at WindsorCastle.

Unlike many other countries, the Netherlands was allowed to delegate more thantwo people. It is logical that the royal couple and the former queen attendthe state funeral. Beatrix and Willem-Alexander are both members of the Orderof the Garter, the highest knighthood in the United Kingdom.

“I already came to Buckingham Palace for my mother’s inauguration,” the kingrevealed in 2018, when he paid a state visit to the country. ,,And in June wewent to Windsor,’ he added at the time, referring to an unofficial visit.Windsor Castle, just outside London, was regarded as Queen Elizabeth’s much-used country retreat. It is also the place where she is driven past for herfuneral.

Follow today ‘s ceremonies in our live blog.

Beatrix also regularly visited the Queen in private, for example when she wasin London to visit her son Prince Friso and/or his family members.

Text continues below the photo.

Princess Beatrix, Queen Máxima and King Willem-Alexander are seated at thefront of Queen Elizabeth’s coffin. © via Reuters

Windsor Castle

The Dutch trio were present earlier today in Westminster Abbey and at the endof the afternoon also at the ceremony in St. George’s Chapel at WindsorCastle.

A short service with family members, members of the royal household and asmaller number of dignitaries will follow in the chapel from approximately 5p.m. At the conclusion of the service, the crown, scepter and orb are removedfrom the coffin and Elizabeth descends to the royal tomb below the chapel,where she is reunited with Prince Philip a year and a half after her husband’sdeath. The two bodies are then transferred to their final resting place: theKing George VI Memorial Chapel at Windsor Castle. Elizabeth’s parents andsister are also there. The ceremony there, Monday evening, is private andstrictly reserved for members of the royal family.

_Many world leaders attended the service at Westminster Abbey: _


Also listen to our new royalty podcast Van Oranje:

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