“The more exuberant, the better.” Bo shows her renovated farm in Liedekerke | Nina

If it were up to her, Bo’s interior would look even more colorful andexuberant. But it is already a great spectacle where original compositionshave been created (almost) only with second-hand furniture and decoration. Shegives a tour of her eccentric, renovated farm. “I like the eclectic: a nicemix of antiques to space age.”

Life is for the daring. When Bo’s daddy tipped her that there had been nosigns of life in a nearby farm for years, she went looking for the owner. “Itturned out to be an elderly man who was staying in a retirement home. When Iinquired with his sons, they were open to a sale,” says Bo.

Everything is second-hand, from the vases to the animals

“I especially liked the location: in the quiet, next to a meadow and withoutany view from neighbors, and close to my parents and to Brussels. With alittle imagination, the facade had charm, but inside there was not much leftto save. I didn’t have a clear idea of ​​what it should be, but luckily Ifound an excellent architect who could make something of it even with alimited budget. He had all kinds of original ideas, such as the large void,the wide staircase, the columns to create some separation in the open livingspace …”

(Read more below the photo.)

The facade contours and window openings were not affected. The garage door wasreplaced by a window and the kitchen is now located there. © MaartenConstruction

Bo may put the feathers for the original furnishing on her own hat. “I passtrends such as moss green and terracotta. It could be a lot more exuberant andrebellious. I love the interiors of Paulette in ‘t stad and Dries Van Notenand would like to go even further than what you see now, but I also have totake my friend into account. He can barely live with the giant phoenix abovethe TV that comes from a Chinese restaurant, but I had to sell theaccompanying dragon that I wanted to hang next to it. I will try to warm it upfor a striped pattern under the sloping roof wall.”

Except for the table of La Redoute, all furniture and decoration are second-hand. “What started out of financial necessity, grew into a passion and evenmy profession (see box, ed.). While most play it safe and opt for thetypical Scandinavian wooden furniture from the fifties and sixties, I preferthe eclectic: a nice mix of antiques to space age.”

Quote >>> I bought the ducks against the wall in the hallway and the fox on top of the> cupboard in the sitting area from a woman who loved animals.>> bo

Everywhere in the house Bo makes beautiful compositions with her found vases,curiosities and especially animals. They come in all kinds of shapes:figurines, drawings, paintings and mounted. “Those are also pure vintage. Theyusually meant a lot to the people I bought them from. I bought the ducksagainst the wall in the hallway and the fox on top of the cupboard in thesitting area from a woman who loved animals. Because she wasn’t allowed tokeep one in her rented house, she went to a taxidermist. She was very attachedto them and after she passed away, her husband just wanted them to be well.”

From valuable vintage sofa to Urban Outfitters textiles

Maarten theconstruction© Maarten Construction

With the stairwell on the left and the void on the right, two openings havebeen made to the side, which ensure that there is always contact between theoffice on the landing and the ground floor. The cabinet on the left isn’t thatspecial, but it was Bo’s first purchase and therefore it has sentimentalvalue. The sofa is very valuable, because it is an original Roche Bobois copyfrom 1978, for which you can easily pay thousands of euros today. Above thetelevision you see a golden phoenix from a Chinese restaurant.

Maarten theconstruction© Maarten Construction

With the stories behind all the stuff you can fill a book in every room. Evenin a room like the bathroom. Upon entering, look at images of Arthur Rackhamtelling the story of ‘The Storm’ __ of William Shakespeare. “I did get theorder mixed up, otherwise the color balance wouldn’t be right. The eye wantssomething too,” laughs Bo. The painted washbasins come from Poland and are ona wardrobe that actually belongs in the living room. Two Indian masks hang onthe wall.

Maarten the construction© Maarten Construction

Because of the colorful decoration you can’t help but start the daycheerfully. “The textiles are from Urban Outfitters. We had it come over fromAmerica, because they don’t offer it in Europe. Because of its size andappearance, I thought the fan was perfect to play as a headboard.”

A slanted kitchen island and a visible heart for animals

Maarten theconstruction© Maarten Construction

In an open kitchen it is of course the intention that you are involved in therest of the living space. But with an island that sits behind a wall and looksout, that is not obvious. The architect solved this as simply as ingeniouslyby positioning the island at an angle. In this way, there was also more roomto move behind. The kitchen consists of IKEA cabinets that are finished withfronts in untreated MDF. “I couldn’t decide what color I wanted and now I cango either way.” The door handles are from Zara Home.

Princess Amalia makes her debut on Prince’s Day

Princess Amalia will be there for the first time this year when her fatherKing Willem-Alexander reads the Speech from the Throne. The 18-year-oldPrincess of Orange rides with her parents in the Glass Coach during thedriving tour from Noordeinde Palace to the Koninklijke Schouwburg in TheHague, where the ceremony will take place this year.

Last weekend, De Telegraaf reported that the security measures around PrincessAmalia and Prime Minister Rutte have been increased, because there areindications that organized crime has plans for an attack or kidnapping.

The Government Information Service does not say whether additional measureshave been taken for Budget Day. The police and the Public Prosecution Serviceare also not making any statements about this.

balcony scene

After the Speech from the Throne, Amalia will return with her parents in theGlass Coach to Noordeinde Palace, where they will wave together on the balconyto the crowd that has gathered.


For the first time in three years, the public will be there as usual onPrinsjesdag. Due to the corona measures, the driving tour and the balconyscene on Prinsjesdag have been canceled for the past two years.

The NOS reports directly on Prinsjesdag from 12.25 – 15.46 on NPO 1, NOS.nland the NOS app. Prinsjesdag can be followed on NPO Radio 1 from 12:00 -16:00. You can also read everything about the driving tour, the Speech fromthe Throne and the presentation of the Budget Memorandum in the live blog onNOS.nl and in the NOS app. Tonight there will be a look back at Prinsjesdag at19.32 on NPO 2.

Due to the renovation of the Binnenhof, the Ridderzaal, where the Speech fromthe Throne is traditionally read, will be unavailable for several years. TheSpeech from the Throne has been read in the Grote Kerk for the past two years.This year the choice was made for the Koninklijke Schouwburg, which has beenmade on the ground floor for the occasion. The chairs from the Ridderzaal havealso been placed there.

In the theatre, Amalia sits next to her aunt and uncle, Prince Constantijn andPrincess Laurentien. In the past, it was still customary for the heir to thethrone to take a seat on the podium on Prince’s Day.

For example, Amalia’s grandmother Beatrix and great-grandmother Juliana sat ona throne next to the head of state from the age of 18. Since the late 1960s,the heir apparent has been sitting in the hall next to other members of theRoyal House.


Princess Juliana (r) sits next to her father Prince Hendrik as QueenWilhelmina reads the Speech from the Throne (1930)


Princess Beatrix sits next to Queen Juliana during her first Budget Day in1956


Princess Beatrix (2nd from right) and her sisters Irene (l) and Margriet (r)on stage on Prinsjesdag 1963

National Archives

Prince Willem-Alexander sits next to his aunt, Princess Margriet, during hisfirst Prinsjesdag in 1985

National Archives

In 1985 Prince Willem-Alexander is at the balcony scene at Noordeinde Palacefor the first time


Amalia started her studies Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) atthe University of Amsterdam at the beginning of this month. Where her studiespermit, she will occasionally also perform official duties in her role as heirto the throne, such as her presence today on Prinsjesdag.

The Budget Day survey conducted by agency Ipsos on behalf of the NOS showsthat almost four out of ten Dutch people do not think it is necessary forAmalia to perform in public more often, now that she is 18 years old. The mainreasons given are that the princess is still too young for that and that sheneeds more education.

Almost 30 percent would like to see her in public more often, especially onofficial occasions such as the National Remembrance Day or at official visitsand openings.

Exercise Prince’s Day

Amalia’s interest in Prinsjesdag already became apparent last June, when shetook part in an exercise for the riding tour with her horse Mojito. At her ownrequest, the princess, who loves horseback riding, wanted to experience howthe horses in the city center of The Hague are being prepared for Prinsjesdag.

In this video, the new stable master of the Royal Stable Department, HansVeenhuijzen, explains what it takes to steer the riding tour in the rightdirection.

Stalmeester Veenhuijzen: ‘It is fantastic that there is a driving tour againafter the corona years’

Amalia’s first official public appearance was last December, a day after her18th birthday, when she was ushered into the Council of State by her father.In preparation for the monarchy, she is allowed to attend the meetings of theAdvisory Division, but she does not have the right to vote. She is expected toattend meetings on a regular basis only after her studies.

Ex-guerrilla fighter Tanja Nijmeijer ‘in mother’s wedding dress’ married to great Farc love | Abroad

The Dutch Tanja Nijmeijer, known for her fight for the Colombian guerillamovement Farc, got married yesterday. In the city of Cali, she gave her yes toBoris Guevara, just like her a former guerrilla fighter. The Dutch artistTinkebell was one of the guests.

They swore eternal love to each other in a solemn ceremony attended by familyand friends, Colombian magazine reports. semana. According to photographerAlexa Rochi, a former guerrilla fighter who, like Nijmeijer, was involved inthe peace agreement between the rebel movement and the Colombian authoritiesin 2016, Tanja used her mother’s wedding dress. She kept the dress for 50years, waiting for one of her daughters to get married in it. And look whathappened: I finally wear the dress on my 44th,” the magazine heard the Dutchsay in a short speech. Her mother was also present at the ceremony.

Nijmeijer and Guevara also celebrated that he recently obtained his diploma invisual communication at the Javeriana University in Calí. “Today I completed acycle in my life,” said Boris. “I validated my experience in design andcommunication, forged in the heat of the armed struggle of the former Farc.”

One of the wedding guests was Victoria Sandino, former peace negotiator inHavana, Cuba and former senator of the Farc-derived political party. FuerzaAlternativa Revolucionaria del Comun (Alternative People’s RevolutionaryForce), nowadays Comunes called. Sandino referred to the couple’s union onher social networks, assuring that love can be built from peace.

“What a thrill to share the joy of my friends and comrades in celebratingtheir marriage, all the happiness for them, that peace is a reason to buildlove,” she wrote on Instagram.

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The Dutch Katinka Simonse, better known as the artist Tinkebell, was alsopresent at the wedding. She has been a friend of Nijmeijer’s since last yearand was now ‘in charge of the rings’, which she took with her in a box made ofAmsterdam city wood. In her column in the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool shewrites ‘never cried so much as last weekend’. In a column from November 2021,she already called Nijmeijer ‘a hero’. At that time, the artist came under alot of criticism.

TINKBELL. > @looovetinkebell >

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Nijmeijer, who in her Farc days was known to the outside world as ‘AlexandraNariño’, met her future husband in 2013 during the peace negotiations in Cuba.After a relationship of nine years, they decided to get married.


Nijmeijer joined the Farc in 2002. During a tour through Colombia, the then24-year-old Denekampse was impressed by the social injustice of the poorpeasant population. After completing her studies in Romance languages ​​andcultures in Groningen, she returned to the South American country. With heraccession she thought she could fight for the ‘good cause’, but the guerrillamovement turned out to be engaged in illegal and punishable practices.’Ellen’, her nickname among the guerrilla fighters, radicalized and wasinvolved in, among other things, attacks in the Colombian capital Bogota. In2007, her diary was found after an attack by the Colombian army on the formerguerrilla camp where she had been staying.

Most of the approximately 7,000 guerrillas surrendered their weapons after thepeace agreement in 2016. This put an end to terror that had lasted more thanhalf a century. Nijmeijer turned her back on her former combatants at thebeginning of 2020.

Sell ​​agricultural products

A prominent female politician from the party of Colombian ex-president IvánDuque called the Dutch a liar in May last year. The ex-guerillas reported onTwitter about violence by the national police and the army against theindigenous population during anti-government demonstrations.

Nijmeijer’s autobiography was published at the end of last year. In it, shelooked back on her Farc days and said that her future lies in Calí, where she,together with Boris and a few other people, has set up a cooperativeenterprise that aims to promote the sale of agricultural products.

In this nostalgic documentary we see the not-unfortunate dismantling of a special garage

The loose ends with which the NOS had left me a bit on Monday after the livebroadcast of the funeral of the British Queen were tied together quitesatisfactorily at Khalid & Sophie. There was Suse van Kleef, former UnitedKingdom correspondent for the NOS; Simon Smits, former ambassador to Londonand yes, a theologian. Someone had to be able to say something about what theQueen’s deeply religious belief had been in. Joost Röselaers is pastor, now ofVrijburg in Amsterdam, until 2017 at the Dutch Church in London. He had“enjoyed” the service.

Also read: If you wanted to understand the Queen ‘s funeral, you had togoogle a lot

Insightful was his observation alone that the service, from biblical texts topsalms, not about the long life of the queen, but from beginning to endabout the afterlife. Former court and television director Rudolf Spoor toldabout the technically clever registration of the bagpiper, who first playedinto the church, turned around, and then walked out of the church in front ofthe coffin. “To the light”, Suse van Kleef saw. “To God” was what the preacherobserved.

After that, in Slava Ukraine , a look at the pale faces of the people whohave been away from home for weeks. In the first episode of Monday evening weare introduced to the refugees, but also to those who receive them. The familyfrom Urk that has taken in a family with three children, including theirfifteen poodles. Now their household consists of nine men and 33 dogs. Thelady of the house summarizes how coexistence works. “They can’t wash thedishes,” and “they’re raising them very differently.” It is clearly not easy,and cannot be sustained for more than ‘two or three years’. But they do.

Carol from Zoetermeer offers shelter to Valeria and her daughter. Mothers withchildren are cared for in Bloemendaal, in a social housing project withresident caretakers. Housemistress Franka, in one of the first house meetings,lists the “challenges” of a living group—power, money, sex and cleaning. Shemeans: if there is a fight, then about this. Living there voluntarily seems tome to be quite a challenge. In half a year we will see in the second part of_Slava Ukraine_ how these lives go.

love for the car

In The DS Keyzer we see the dismantling of David Kostelijk’s garage. Fortyyears ago he came to the Amsterdam building as a squatter and started arecovery center for Citroëns. The garage is no longer in operation whenfilmmaker Doret van der Sloot comes to film there, she is capturing thefragments of what once was. Love for the car and tinkering with it. Love forthe people who worked there. Love for and from the customer who brought hiscar there. Nostalgia, but for something that we as viewers have not known. Wehave to make do with the parts that are handed to us, but as we glue themtogether, the image turns a quarter turn.

David Kostelijk, originally a nurse, has something fatherly and absent-minded.His former employee speaks of him warmly. Everything was possible, everythingwas allowed and nothing was too crazy. Meanwhile, forty years worth of parts,tools and engine oil are dug out of the garage. As a viewer, you soon findyourself in the atmosphere of a community center, a “crazy little company”where anyone with a blemish could dock. But that seems too romantic. Precious,it also says itself: “My work is professional, the presentation amateurish.”We hear him say something about all the money that went over his dismantleddesk. And at the end of the film, he sighs that he regrets selling it. “Thenyou have a few million. But what good is that to you?”

These are the 6 best horror movies of this year

The horror genre continues to do well. Whether this is on the silver screen,or on a streaming service. Below, we take a quick look at five 2022 horrorfilms that have been very well received on Rotten Tomatoes.

1. The Innocents (97%)

Directed by: Eskil Vogt | Starring: Ellen Dorrit Petersen, MariusKolbenstvedt, Morten Svartveit, Alva Brynsmo Ramstad, Sam Ashraf, Mina YasminBremseth Asheim, Rakel Lenora Fløttum | Look at MyLum

Four children become friends over the summer holidays and discover that theyhave psychic powers. While exploring their newfound abilities, out of sight ofall adults, their innocent play takes a dark turn and strange things begin tohappen. 2. Hellbender (97%)

Directed by: John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser | Starring: Toby Poser, ZeldaAdams, Rob Figueroa, John Adams, Tannis Kowalchuk, McKenzy Brown, PatriciaAdams, Milli Lupinetti, Lulu Adams, Christine Gould Rodriguez | View on[onbekend]

A lonely teenage girl lives on a mountain with her mother. It is an isolatedand highly protected existence, as the teenager suffers from an immunedisease. One day, however, she discovers that she is descended from women whodeviate from the normal. Her family has supernatural powers that aresuppressed and with which she can ensure reproduction, among other things.With this new knowledge, the teenager discovers another world and looks for away to deal with it.

3. X (94%)

Directed by: Ti West | Starring: Brittany Snow, Martin Henderson, Mia Goth,Kid Cudi, Jenna Ortega, Stephen Ure, Owen Campbell, James Gaylyn | Look atPicl

1979, a group of young porn filmmakers are looking for the next excitinglocation for their new film. They seem to have found these in a remote Texasranch. The hosts, an elderly peasant couple, show great interest in theiryoung visitors. But once night falls, their curiosity quickly turns intosomething far more gruesome, and the desperate crew must fight for theirlives.

4. Prey (93%)

Directed by: Daniel Trachtenberg | Starring: Amber Midthunder, MichelleThrush, Mike Paterson, Julian Black Antelope, Samuel Marty, Dane DiLiegro,Dakota Beavers, Stefany Mathias | Watch now

300 years ago, Naru, a female warrior and tribal leader of her people, livesin the jungle. Naru is eager to prove her fighting skills to her people. Shegets that chance when a strange threat from outside shows up. This one

5. You Won ‘t Be Alone (93%)

Directed by: Goran Stolevski | Starring: Noomi Rapace, Anamaria Marinca,Carloto Cotta, Alice Englert, Arta Dobroshi, Félix Maritaud, Predrag Vasic |View on [onbekend]

You Won ‘t Be Alone is set in an isolated mountain village in Macedonia atthe beginning of the 19th century. A young girl is taken from her mother andturned into a witch by an ancient ghost. At the beginning of the film, theyoung witch accidentally kills a villager one day, whose body she then takesover. Her curiosity makes this a ghastly habit and she lives among thevillagers, monitoring and copying their behavior before taking another victim.

6. Barbara (92%)

Directed by: Zach Cregger | Starring: Georgina Campbell, Bill Skarsgard,Justin Long | In cinemas from November 3rd

In barbarian a young woman who travels to Detroit for a job interview rentsa house. But when she arrives late at night, she discovers that the house hasbeen double booked and that a strange man is already staying there. Againsther better judgment, she decides to spend the evening with him, but soondiscovers that there is much more to fear than just an unexpected house guest.

Interested in writing about films and/or series? We are looking for news

A special Prinsjesdag for Amalia: crown princess makes her debut | royal family

Prinsjesdag is extra special for Amalia this year: the crown princess ispresent for the first time at the reading of the speech from the throne. Herfather still takes up the nomination, but since her eighteenth birthday, theprincess is increasingly given a role at official occasions. What does she doon Tuesday and what does she wear?

By Hasna Elbaamranic

Princess Amalia turned eighteen on December 7, 2021, which means that fromthat moment on she has different rights and responsibilities. For example, sheis entitled to a generous salary of 1.6 million euros per year, which,incidentally, she renounces during her student days.

Amalia will also increasingly be asked to perform public duties. For example,she was already present at a dinner of the Council of State last Wednesday andshe made her first official trip to Norway in June. From now on she will alsobe asked more often to attend openings or to cut a ribbon.

On Tuesday, Amalia will be present for the first time on Prinsjesdag with herfather and mother. Because the Binnenhof is currently being renovated, thereading of the speech from the throne will take place until at least 2026 inthe Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague. The crown princess does not sit on athrone, but sits – just like her father on his first Prince’s Day in 1985 – inthe hall.

The daughter(s) of Queens Wilhelmina and Juliana and sons of Queen Beatrixwere often present during Prinsjesdag. We may also see Amalia’s sisters, fromtheir eighteenth birthday, on this occasion in the future. Incidentally, it isnot the case that Amalia has to be there every year from now on; her fatheralso sometimes missed a Prinsjesdag because of his studies and militaryservice.

Amalia already knows the route to that room. In June she rode with theprocession that practiced the route to the new location. Then she completedthe route on horseback. On Tuesday she will ride in the Glass Carriage.

Princess Amalia at the Council of State dinner in September.

Photo: BrunoPress

What attracts Amalia?

On Budget Day, of course, the speech from the throne and the presentation ofthe budget statement of millions and the national budget are central, butpeople are also eagerly looking forward to the hat parade. On the thirdTuesday of September, most women traditionally wear headgear.

It remains to be seen whether Amalia will do the same. At least we never sawher with a hat before. Her mother, Queen Máxima, usually opts for colorfulcreations on Prinsjesdag. Her favorite designers are Natan Couture, ClaesIversen and Jan Taminiau. Máxima often wears a headgear.

When Amalia took a seat on the Council of State last December, she was notwearing a hat, which is customary on official occasions. Also on Prinsjesdagthe etiquette applies that women wear a dress with headgear or hairdecoration.

Amalia wears clothing from all kinds of brands, including affordable brandssuch as H&M and Zara. Another brand that we often see the princess in isLaDress. She wore this mark, among other things, on her portrait photos thatwere made in honor of her eighteenth birthday. Another possibility is that sheis wearing something from her mother. The crown princess, like her sisters,regularly dives into Máxima’s closets.

Apple has a Will Smith problem of Oscar proportions

After the infamous limp by Will Smith, Apple has a problem. A $100 millionproblem. A problem that may well kill the best drama film of 2023.

Will Smith single-handedly saved the Oscars. After years of imploding viewingfigures, all eyes were suddenly on the ceremony again last March. Or, atleast, in a short but very juicy fragment.

Will Smith and the limp

Then of course we are talking about the moment when Smith killed his career.The all-rounder, the beloved rapper, actor and producer who recently publisheda book about his life. After Chris Rock made a spicy joke about his wife, thex-year-old actor stormed the stage to give the same comedian a bitchclap tosell a lot.

The rest is anything but history. Studio after studio scrapped plannedprojects with Will Smith, but the decision was not always that simple. afuture blockbuster deleting it is one thing, but what do you do when yourvery expensive project with the actor has already been filmed?

Apple’s 100 Million Problem

That’s exactly the problem Apple has right now. The tech giant has been tryingto build a reputation in Hollywood for several years through prestigiousprojects for the streaming service Apple TV+.

At the beginning of this year, the shooting was completed for such a type ofproject: Emancipation. An Apple historical thriller with a budget of 100million dollars.

The film is based on the true story of an escaped enslaved named Gordon.Photographs of his bare back, severely flogged by an overseer’s lashes, werepublished worldwide in 1863, giving the abolitionist movement evidence of thebrutality of American slavery.

Fans fall over striking detail of Will Smith apologyvideoWill Smith inhis apology video (Image: Will Smith @ YouTube)

Oscars candidate

So we’re not talking about a light-hearted superhero movie or other popcornmaterial. Emancipation is a momentous project with which Apple is alreadypreparing for an Oscar.

And who will receive that Oscar? Exactly, Will Smith. He is in fact the bigstar of the very expensive project, which incidentally is only the only filmthat is on his schedule. Apple even hoped for a second Best Actor -Oscar forSmith in a row with Emancipation until the same Smith threw a spanner in theworks during the Oscars.

So the big question is: what do you do then? We are now almost half a yearlater, and Will Smith has already apologized extensively in a controversialvideo on YouTube. Apologies that Chris Rock only seems to take it halfseriously.

Devil’s Dilemma

Can Smith get off the bench and Apple can rest assured starpower use topromote the film? Or is Smith off for good and can Apple Emancipation betterleave it on the shelf? That’s not really an option either. The New York Timeshas devoted an intriguing article to this diabolical dilemma.

The Hollywood Reporter journalist Stephen Galloway calls it a lose-losesituation : “If they delay the film, will that damage Apple’s reputation? Ifthey release it, will it damage their reputation? Hollywood loves a win-winsituation. This one is lose-lose.”

10 Famous Hotheads In Hollywood: Will Smith Is Not Unique

Bygone Opportunities

The initial controversy is bound to draw more attention to the film, butthat’s short-term. That Oscars hope? Apple can give that up, according toStephen Gilula, former president of Fox Searchlight:

“Regardless of the quality of the film, all the press, all the reviewers, allthe feature film writers and all the price predictors will look at it and talkabout the limp. There is a very high risk that the film will not be judgedon its own merits.”

It shouldn’t play a role, the Oscars are, of course, about the moviesthemselves. But the ceremony and process behind it are anything butscientific. Elderly judges who vote for an animated film because theirgrandson liked it, without having seen the film in question. That kind ofpractice.

On to 2023

For now, Apple still has some time to make a decision. Emancipation isscheduled for 2023. The tech giant has not been more specific than that, butat some point Tim Cook and Co. yet to hit the button.

To be continued without a doubt!

The return of zatte Rita, bridal bouquet for the Bomma and hot flames for Camille: this was ’30 Years of Family Celebration’ | showbiz

showbizOn Saturday, the fans of ‘Family’ gathered for an unusual soap party atthe Lotto Arena. There, ’30 years of Family Festivities’ was celebrated withthree live shows, good for about 15,000 party people. It turned out to be atwo-hour trip down memory lane with laughter, a tear and, above all, a lot ofmusical fireworks.

See also: this is how Zatte Rita made a one-time comeback: “It was great.”

“Are you looking forward to it?”, Kürt Rogiers (Lars) asked the enthusiasticaudience at the start of the show. Or, Kurt! After all, soap lovers had beenlooking forward to this evening for more than nine months, because it wasinitially planned at the beginning of January, but then had to be postponed bycorona. The show was dominated by the Bomma (Annie Geeraerts), who was allowedto sit on a stately throne. Her 96th birthday was celebrated. The materfamilias in the series has a birthday on December 30, so the timing of theparty seemed a bit strange, but the audience didn’t care. When ‘Long will shelive’ was launched and the fireworks and garlands provided special effects,the cast and the audience sang along without any problems. The tone wasimmediately set: it would be a festive evening.


All members of the current regular cast then popped up on the show. She tookturns to shine. Only Margot Hallemans (Hanne) and Werner De Smedt (Rudi) weremissing, because they had obligations at private parties. The alternating actsfollowed each other in quick succession and mainly created ambiance in theshack. There were the André Hazes medleys by Jef De Smedt (Jan) and RoelVanderstukken (Benny). And the live versions of the various opening lines ofthe series, which led to beautiful harmony vocals. Although there wascertainly room for a laugh. For example, the audience was presented with afunny montage of the nicest bloopers on the set and a lot went wrong with themagic trick of Zjef (Jan Van den Bosch) on the side of Kato (Alix Konadu). Thepublic was also promised a lot of nostalgia in advance and it was given in theform of films. Jo Hens sang Eric Clapton’s “Tears in Heaven” on a rundown ofthe series’ most significant deaths. It was remarkable that a loud applauseerupted at the statue of Peter (Gunther Levi). The character died in a housefire last season, but is clearly popular and not forgotten.

(Read more below the photos.)

© Kristof Ghyselinck

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

Sat Rita

The fact that there are a lot of good singing voices among the current cast of’Family’ was proved throughout the entire performance. Especially AaronBlommaert (Raven), Roel Vanderstukken (Benny) and Jo Hens (Niko) excelled onthe vocal level, but Karen Damen (Vanessa), Maarten Cob (Jelle) and YanniBourguignon (Cédric) were certainly able to animate the audience. Thehighlight of the whole gang was public favorite Jacky Lafon, who first tookcare of ‘The Return of Zatte Rita’ during a comic sketch. The audienceresponded enthusiastically with warm applause. And then she still had to singher hit song ‘La Vie en Rose’. Afterwards Jacky said: “On stage I gotgoosebumps. I could barely sing from the emotions. I’m so happy I got to behere. This was such a blessing.” It is not clear whether the performance willcontinue with a comeback in the series. In any case, Jacky hopes so.

deep kiss

Camille provided a strong highlight with her live version of the latestopening song of ‘Family’. A medley of her hits followed. The song ‘Firework’got Amine Boujouh (Brahim) as an extra dance act and ended with hot flames andreal fireworks. Aaron Blommaert (Raven) and Charlotte Sieben (Louise)subsequently signed for a romantic moment. The actor sang the love song’Allemaal door jou’ by Bart Peeters, while a video of all kissing couples fromthe series passed on the large LED screens. When the two TV sweethearts alsokissed each other deeply after the song, it turned out once again that theyare the chouchous of the public at the moment.

Seven carnations

Although Willy Sommers was certainly not inferior to that. In ‘Family’ thesinger has been the absolute favorite artist of the Bomma for years and he wasallowed to rock things three season finals ago with a much-appreciated liveperformance during Benny’s benefit. Annie Geeraerts (Bomma) accepted thebeautiful bridal bouquet from ‘Seven carnations, seven roses’ and theaccompanying kisses from Willy. In ‘Let the Sun in Your Heart’, the entirecast appeared on stage to dance the polonaise. Hands in the air, flickeringcell phone lights, nothing but smiling faces: it turned out to be the perfectapotheosis of the soap party.

(Read more below the photos.)

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

Kristof Ghyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

Afterwards, the Bomma thanked the singer, but also the audience: “Thank youfor allowing me to be the Bomma of the largest family in the country. Icouldn’t wish for anything more beautiful. And thank you for letting us comeinto your living room every night.”

To conclude, the ‘Family’ cast present played the closing song ‘We are Family’by Sister Sledge. After which master of ceremonies Kürt Rogiers spoke one lasttime: “Thank you for the past 30 years and see you Monday on TV”. He clearlysent the soap lovers home satisfied. See you next time? Given the largeturnout, perhaps. But there is already good news for those who missed thisparty. ‘Family 30 Year Celebration’ was captured and will be broadcast laterthis year on VTM, although an exact broadcast date has not yet been set.

Using humor in presentations: ‘You don’t have to be a comedian to be funny’ | Work

A good relationship with colleagues, supervisors or customers not only makesyour working day more enjoyable, but also ensures that you get more done.Mirjam Wiersma, author of two books about business flirting, tells how to putyourself on the map and build beautiful relationships with others. This time:use humor in your presentations

Maybe you had your doubts when you saw what this article is about. Presenting– public speaking – is our second biggest fear right after the fear of death,according to research, and then I’m also going to ask you to be funny doingsomething so scary? Yes, because humor can help you put yourself on the map.The vast majority of executives find a sense of humor important to progress inyour career.

Humor also grabs the attention of your audience and can make you appear moresympathetic. That helps if you want to convince people of something. The goodnews: you don’t have to be a born comedian to successfully add humor to yourpresentations. How exactly?

The power of self-mockery

Self-mockery can be used by anyone. By telling about your own blunders andshortcomings, you make yourself vulnerable. That creates more empathy fromyour audience. For example, watch Terry Moore honestly confess in this TedTalk that he never knew how to properly tie your shoelaces. “Up to that point,I would have thought that if – at age 50 – I really understood one of life’sbasic skills, it would be tying my shoelaces. But no.” Then the audience hangson his every word when he tells in scents and colors about the correct way totie shoelaces (which I didn’t know myself either, I must admit).

Something to keep in mind with self-mockery: make sure that your audience doesnot doubt your expertise. Tim Urban tells in his Ted Talk ‘In the brain of amaster procrastinator’ with the necessary self-mockery how badly he suffersfrom procrastination. After that, however, he also comes with impressiveknowledge and valid ideas about the origin of this behavior. The candidexamples make him more human, but no less knowledgeable.

Do you really have no inspiration for a good joke or anecdote that will makeyou laugh? Then you can use humor from another source: show a funny video orstart your presentation with the results of a high-profile research. However,make sure there is a link between this funny part of your presentation andwhat you have to say. Showing a funny video ‘just like that’ before you starttalking doesn’t work.

Also read at intermediary: ‘The importance of humor in the workplace isunderestimated’

Own blunder

I like the use of self-mockery. A recent blunder I’ve dished up a few times inpresentations. It happened to me during a session Business Flirting , so apresentation in English. Clients often ask if I can also present in English.Not infrequently I end up somewhere and everyone turns out to speak Dutch andwe switch to Dutch after all. I always ask if English is really necessary.That would certainly be the case here, I was assured.

Arriving at the location in Amsterdam, I only wait in the hall when I see thefirst participant. A woman with long blond hair. You see, I do meet a fellowcountryman, I think. I address her in Dutch; she doesn’t understand me andturns out to be Turkish. The second contestant who enters is a man with anIndian appearance and a turban. I also address him, now in English. To whichhe replies in neat ABN that he grew up in ‘t Gooi. oops. Both candidatesmisjudged and let this session focus on learning to read the other better…

Olivia Wilde and ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ cast walk the red carpet

The cast of Don ‘t Worry Darling — well, most of the cast — glammed upMonday night for a screening and to talk up the much-buzzed-about movie with aQ&A before it arrives in theaters on Sept. 23.

Director and star star Olivia Wilde, as well as actors Harry Styles, GemmaChan, Nick Kroll, Sydney Chandler, Kate Berlant, Asif Ali, Douglas Smith andDita Von Teese appeared at AMC Lincoln Square 13 in New York City at an eventthat was broadcast at theaters throughout the country. Though actors FlorencePugh and Chris Pine were not expected to attend, many locations sold out.

Pugh, who’s rumored to have feuded with Wilde, has previously skipped pressevents. Wilde has explained that Pugh is busy working on the upcoming _dune_sequel, but Pugh has publicly criticized how the film is being marketed,fueling rumors of a feud.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles attends theHarry Stylesattends the

Harry Styles attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Gemma Chan

Gemma Chan attends theGemma Chanattends the

Gemma Chan attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13 onSept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Dita Von Teese

Dita Von Teese attends theDita Von Teeseattends the

Dita Von Teese attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square13 on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Sydney Chandler

Sydney Chandler attends theSydney Chandlerattends the

Sydney Chandler attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square13 on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage)

Kate Berlant

Kate Berlant attends theKate Berlantattends the

Kate Berlant attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Asif Ali

Asif Ali attends theAsif Aliattends the

Asif Ali attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13 onSept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Douglas Smith

Douglas Smith attends theDouglas Smithattends the

Douglas Smith attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Nick Kroll

Nick Kroll attends theNick Krollattends the

Nick Kroll attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13 onSept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

For whatever reason, Pugh and other cast members were not part of Friday’spremiere of the movie at the 70th San Sebastian International Film Festival,where Wilde wore a dazzling, backless emerald gown from Valentino. So the_booksmart_ director was the sole representative from the movie there.

The entire cast did join Wilde when _Don ‘t Worry Darling _was screened atthe Venice Film Festival on Sept. 5. However, Pugh was not part of a pressconference or photo call beforehand, and the women stayed apart on the redcarpet.

Wilde commented then on stories about unrest on the set.

“As for all the endless tabloid gossip and all the noise out there, I mean,the internet feeds itself,” she said. “I don’t feel the need to contribute. Ithink it’s sufficiently well-nourished.” For what it’s worth, Wilde ravedabout the “ferociously talented” Pugh in a magazine interview earlier thismonth.

While the movie received a five-minute standing ovation in Venice, even thatevent was accompanied by drama, after footage of Styles appearing to spit onPine went viral. Both Styles and Pine denied that spirting is what hadhappened.

according to Rolling Stone , two sources from the production said problemsbegan between the women around the same time that Wilde and Styles begandating in 2020. Two other sources told the magazine that the rumors wereunfounded. “Do I think her and Flo hate each other? Absolutely not. Was it funand enjoyable on set? Absolutely.” a source said. “Were [Wilde and Stylesovertly] romantic, or did she favor him? Nope. She was very professional.”

The movie opens everywhere on Friday.