Jon Hamm recalls ‘out-of-body experience’ meeting Tom Cruise for 1st time

Jon Hamm calls meeting Tom Cruise for the first time an “out-of-bodyexperience.”

While he had a role in the megahit Top Gun: Maverick, hamm __ said onMonday’s Howard Stern Show that he actually met the superstar a decadeearlier at a kegger at Jimmy Kimmel’s house.

Hamm said Kimmel was known for throwing all-day football viewing parties withbig groups of people. “They’d have a keg and he’d make pizzas,” he said. “Itwas LA so it’s sunny and games start at 10 in the morning.”

Early on at this party — attended by actors, comedy writers and comics — a> rumor swirled that Cruise was going to be in attendance. Hamm recalled being> doubtful: “No he’s not. What are you talking about? That’s like saying Santa> Claus coming. There’s no way and you’re an idiot if you believe that. And> Jimmy, famously, is a very big prankster.”

The doorbell soon rank and none other than Cruise rolled in — and he wasn’talone.

“It’s not a Tom Cruise impersonator, it is Tom Cruise — with his mom,” Hammsaid, referring to Mary Lee South, who died in 2017. “So we got Tom Cruise andMom Cruise and we’re all having an out- of-body experience.Arguably the mostfamous person on the planet is in this living room watching nine footballgames at once [with us].”

On top of it, Cruise turned out to be a big fan of Hamm’s work in _Mad Men_which ran from 2007 to 2015.

“He was like — in a very Tom Cruise way, very direct and intense — ‘I love_that show. I _love that show,'” he recalled. “‘Thanks man.’ holy cow. Thatwas a good day.”

Fast-forward 10 years when Hamm was driving and got a call from his agent thatCruise wanted him for the Top Gun sequel. He said yes on the spot — eventhough the finances hadn’t been worked out.

“‘The answer is yes. If this goes away, you’re all fired,'” he recalledtelling his agent with a laugh. He called it a “no brainer” to say yes — notjust because he was offered the role on the spot, but because he loved theoriginal and he’d get to work with Cruise. “The answer is yes, I’m sure itwill be a big hit” he recalled saying, “and it was.”

Story continues

It’s been a few years since his Emmy-winning run as Don Draper in Mad Man.> He went on to clear up a long-running rumor, going back nearly a decade,> about whether he wore underwear for his role playing the ’60s ad man. There> were rumors show brass had to tell him to put on underwear because he had> been revealing too much below his waist by going commando. For years, Hamm> made it clear he wasn’t having a public conversation about his private parts> — and typically in an impatient and unamused way.

When Stern asked about “the most famous rumor” about Hamm — “the whole penisthing” — Hamm laughed along — because of course Stern was going to ask.

“The whole penis thing,” Hamm laughed at the question. He finally answered, “Ihave worn underwear every single day of my life, Howard. First of all: Whodoesn’t wear underwear?! I wear underwear… I love a comfy boxer brief. Thankyou very much. I like a breathable cotton. Come on man, who doesn’t?”

Hamm also talked about being in a relationship with Anna Osceola, who appearedin the Mad Men series final. He said, after doing a lot of therapy in recentyears, processing early loss and grief in his life, he has could see himselfgetting married some day.

“I’m in a relationship right now … and it’s comfortable,” he said. “It’s afeeling of taking care of someone else and being taken care of. It’s also beena process of working on myself, my mental health all this stuff with mytherapist and unpacking all of that trauma, my realizing that when you losesomebody that’s so important to you — like a mother — so early,” which he didat age 10, “that creates a wound that blocks a lot of that emotionalaccessibility … and vulnerability.”

He continued, “It’s only been in the last couple of years of me kind ofsitting down and really thinking about all that stuff that’s made therelationship that I’m in now even more meaningful and opened up thepossibility of things like being married, having kids, defining a new versionof happiness, life, wellness — all that stuff that sounds hokey and whateverbut it’s real and … it’s what I’m working for.”

After HBO Max, SkyShowtime also stunts with a 50% discount for life

At the beginning of this year, shortly after the launch of the other newstreaming service Viaplay, HBO Max made a splash in the Dutch market. Got newsubscribers lifetime whopping 50% discount if they took out amembership in the first weeks. The third newcomer to the streaming landscapeof 2022, SkyShowtime now appears to offer the same action at the Europeanlaunch.

New streaming service SkyShowtime offers a lifetime discount of 50%

Today, the new streaming service SkyShowtime went live in the first fourEuropean markets: Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. If you take a look atthe website from one of these countries, it turns out that you currently havea very attractive offer receives from the video on demand platform: 50%discount for life.

For example, a subscription in Finland (comparable subscription costs with theNetherlands) normally costs € 6.99 p/m, but this price is reduced by thepromotion to a very competitive cost of only €3.49 per month. In Sweden(79.00 > 39.50 SEK), Norway (79 > 39.50 NOK) and Denmark (69 > 34.50 DKKK),the offer is also applied. Film and series lovers will have 42 days to takeadvantage of the promotion, because the offer will expire on November 1st.

SkyShowtime will go live in the Netherlands on October 25, 2022, price willbe announced soon

In the Netherlands, we only have to wait a month for the launch, it wasannounced this morning. SkyShowtime will be on here October 25 launched.As a result of the Scandinavian discount campaign, the Streamwijzer editorshave asked the streaming service whether the lifetime offer will also beintroduced here. The SkyShowtime spokesperson could not confirm or deny thisat the moment, but made it clear that we have a similar in the Netherlands_“competitive” can expect surprise at a “exceptional price”_.

“The price will be competitive, allowing us to offer great content at anexceptional price. We will announce this in the coming weeks.” – Spokesperson for SkyShowtime*

HBO Max organized the same temporary discount at the beginning of this year

It is certainly a fantastic action, but not quite exceptional anymore. HBOMax was launched in the Netherlands in March and then the Netherlands fellhead over heels for their offer: 50% off forever. At least, until one day youcancel your subscription. Then you lose your advantage and it cannot berecovered.

SkyShowtime may have been inspired by HBO Max’s offering, which was receivedwith great enthusiasm by Dutch film and series lovers. There is therefore agood chance that the conditions for the promotion are similar: the discountexpires if you cancel your subscription and price increases also applyto your membership, although of course only for half. However, this has notyet been officially confirmed, so we will have to wait for further reporting.As soon as we know more, we will be the first to announce it via your mail andin the Facebook group with SkyShowtime viewers. In addition, you can alwayskeep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates.

  • Original statement in English: “Pricing will be competitive offering great content at exceptional value and will be announced in the coming weeks”

The plan was to grow. Now Keymusic is bankrupt

It should have been the start of a growing retail chain operating in Belgiumand the Netherlands, where music lovers could go for their guitar, keyboard orloudspeaker. But three years after Keymusic’s relaunch, the curtain has fallenagain.

The court in Amsterdam declared bankruptcy last week about the Dutchactivities that were left, at the end of last month the Belgian activitieswere already placed under so-called ‘judicial reorganization’ by the court inAntwerp, a kind of deferral of payment.

Jan ‘t Hoen took over Keymusic Nederland in the summer of 2019 and alsoacquired the shares in the Belgian branch. His idea: to increase the number ofbranches so that the chain would generate enough turnover to become viable.

Keymusic generated a turnover of 20.3 million euros in Belgium and theNetherlands last year, together with seventy employees and a number offranchisers (for comparison: competitor Bax had a turnover of 125 millioneuros in the Netherlands). That made the retail chain with its own onlinestore not viable enough, says ‘t Hoen now.

Too early

According to Duco van Dongen, curator of the Dutch branch of Keymusic, it isstill too early to identify the causes of the bankruptcy. “Several parties areinterested in a restart, that’s what my focus is on in the first instance.”

According to ‘t Hoen, there are several causes. The most important is theoutbreak of the corona crisis, six months after he received the keys to thecase. In the first year and a half, the crisis managed to survive thanks tothe deferral of taxes and the government’s wage support. “That allowed us tokeep our good staff with music knowledge.”

In Belgium, however, the shops remained closed for a long time to snoopingpublic – people were only allowed in with a purchase appointment. The webstore was running well – people started making music at home en masse duringcorona – but according to ‘t Hoen, the margins online are so low thatinsufficient money was earned with it.

Also read: Music store Dirk Witte in Amsterdam became ‘unreachable’ andleaves for Utrecht

In addition, many suppliers no longer accepted orders on credit from Keymusicafter the difficulties at the end of 2021. Because there was little cashcoming in, it was difficult to keep sufficient stock. Orders that could beplaced then took a long time to deliver due to a general crisis in the supplychain. “There was a lot of demand for musical instruments, but we oftencouldn’t meet that demand from our stock,” says ‘t Hoen.

Nothing right

The plan to grow to forty stores ultimately came to nothing due to all thecash flow and turnover problems. Private equity parties that were interestedin financing the growth therefore dropped out, according to the now formerowner.

The lockdown at the end of last year turned Keymusic’s neck down, according to’t Hoen. In the first instance, an attempt was made to continue in a muchslimmed-down manner. The chain went from 27 own and franchise stores inBelgium and the Netherlands last year to three own stores in Belgium and threeown stores in the Netherlands this summer. Some of those music storescontinued under a different name, but most closed their doors permanently. Theturnover of what remained under the flag of Keymusic remained too low to payoff the debts, after which ‘t Hoen eventually filed for bankruptcy itself.

Bankruptcies Golf expected

Where a wave of bankruptcies was expected at the start of the coronacrisis, the number of bankruptcies has remained very low in recent years.That could change in the coming months. From October 1, companies must startpaying off their deferred taxes.

In the retail sector, 114 stores went bankrupt up to and including August.Last month the number of bankruptcies was twenty, the highest in a month sofar this year. In August a year ago, ten companies were declared bankrupt.

According to retail expert Henk Hofstede of ABN Amro, many stores sufferfrom a “mix of events”: inflation is at an all-time high, causing consumerpurchasing power to decline. Consumer confidence is at an all-time low,causing people to postpone their larger purchases. Stores are with excessstocks due to the coronalockdowns. Deferred taxes due to corona must berefunded from October 1. And fixed costs are currently skyrocketing: energybills are high, many rents are rising in line with inflation, and collectivelynegotiated wages in the sector are rising sharply. The fact that interestrates are currently going up also makes it expensive to finance stocks. “Allthis puts pressure on the retailer’s profitability.”

What makes actor Fedja van Huêt so popular?

“Who wouldn’t want to work with Fedja van Huêt?” Producer Errol Nayci makes itimmediately clear that the actor is always an added value, whether in a TVseries, film or play. Multifunctional too.

Just look at Van Huêt’s recent work: apparently effortlessly he switches fromthe adventurous entrepreneur Anthony Fokker into Flying Dutchmen via thenerdy plane spotter Mat Herben in The Year of Fortuyn to a horror father in_Speak No Evil_. In the latter film, he and his wife Karina Smulders play avery sinister couple.

“You can go either way with him,” says Nayci. “When you look at him, somethingalways happens. He can play both powerful and vulnerable. You don’t see thatoften.”

During the previous edition of the Netherlands Film Festival, Van Huêt (TheHague, 1973) took the stage with a Golden Calf for his leading role in TheCondemnation. In that film about the Deventer murder case, he portrayed thetenacious journalist Bas Haan. This year the film will be on the NFF_narcosis_ premiered, a family drama about mourning in which Van Huêt plays afather who disappears after a dive. His wife, played by Thekla Reuten, has todeal with the loss together with her young children. The film is the Dutchentry for the Oscars.


if narcosis is nominated for an Oscar, it comes full circle: when Van Huêtwas still at drama school in Maastricht, he already played the leading role in_Character_ a father-son drama by director Mike van Diem that won an Oscar in1998.

Van Huêt flourished as an actor with Hollandia, a theater group that for along time played alone on location: in market gardeners, car scrap yards andfactories. Such an avant-garde approach makes actors more than usual part ofthe creative process. You learn to adjust the space to your liking, somethingthat comes in handy on a film set. At Hollandia he showed all his versatility.As an evil stranger in The bittersweet virtuoso switching between manydouble roles The Fall of the Gods. After he joined Ivo van Hoves ToneelgroepAmsterdam, he shone as a macho seller of castles in the air in Glengarry GlenRoss. In the last ten years he has mainly focused on series and films. Thefact that he can disappear into roles there too will partly have to do withthe great theater experience. Experience that not every famous head has.

The fact that Van Huêt can ‘disappear’ despite his status as a celebrity wasalso nice for director Martijn de Jong. narcosis is his debut film andactually he wasn’t looking for familiar faces. However, Van Huêt’s qualitieswere very suitable for the role. “He only has a few scenes and has to put downan unforgettable father,” says De Jong. “He understands all cinematic means.In a complicated scene we looked for a natural way for Fedja to enter theshot. Suddenly he came with a perfect movement. He went with the cameraman’scadence and understood exactly what was needed at that moment.” ____Nayci: „Heis very generous in his game, actually also an ideal declarant. He can enjoyit when someone else does something nice with a scene. Fedja will neversmile.”

With a pretty face you can also easily be typecast, but he manages to avoidthat. For example, the recent Herben role was a strong piece of counter-casting. Whether he plays villain, hero or sucker, a cash is a slightly painedexpression, as if he finds life hard.

De Jong: „He has a warm appearance, but there is something mysterious aboutit. You can’t really put your finger on it.” A certain reserve. Reuten alsosays that in the press folder narcosis : “He always carries a lot of secretwith him, in and behind his eyes.” Van Huêt calls himself in a recentinterview with The New York Times about Speak No Evil one of the ‘usualsuspects’ in the Netherlands who is ‘blessed with a lot of work’. It is notsurprising that he continues to think internationally, also to preventoverkill in his own country. He will play a villain in a still mysteriousseries by the American tech giant Amazon.

‘Bridgerton’ actress confirms: “The third season contains more passion again” | showbiz

TVThe shooting of the third season of the popular Netflix series ‘Bridgerton’is in full swing. The sequel will revolve around the characters ColinBridgerton and Penelope Featherington, but fans are mainly wondering if itwill be passionate again. Actress Nicola Coughlan (35), who plays the role ofPenelope, reassures them.

‘ Bridgerton’ Cast Members Announce Season 3:

The first season of the romantic drama series ‘Bridgerton’ revolved aroundDaphne Bridgerton (Phoebe Dynevor) and The Duke, Simon Basset (Regé-JeanPage). The romance and passion just about splashed off the screen, but thiswas much less the case in the second season. The storyline at the time wasvery romantic and revolved more around ‘a forbidden love’. There werenoticeably fewer sex scenes, which has made fans wonder whether that will alsobe the case in the new season. Can they expect more intimate moments again?Actress Nicola Coughlan (Penelope Featherington) was very clear about this inan interview with ‘ExtraTV’. “The tension between Penelope and ColinBridgerton (played by Luke Newton, ed.) will rise.” Will the series be fieryagain? “I think so, because we’ve been building their relationship for twoseasons.”

Colin Bridgerton

It has been known for some time that the new season will revolve around thecharacters Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington. The actress herselfshared the news on her Instagram page. “Like Lady Whistledown, I’ve beenwalking around with a big secret for a long time. But I can finally say thatthe third season will revolve around ‘Polin’,” he said at the time. The twohave become real fan favorites, as it were, and they are very curious howtheir storyline and relationship will blossom.

The third season is based on the book Romancing Mr. Bridgerton,” from the”Bridgerton” book series by author Julia Quinn. After Daphne and AnthonyBridgerton, it’s now their brother Colin’s turn. The release date of the thirdseason has not yet been announced.

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Trailer ‘Bridgerton’ Season 2:

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Netflix shares set photo of ‘Bridgerton’ recordings and hints at the return ofpopular character

Netflix sues makers of unofficial ‘Bridgerton’ musical

‘Bridgerton’ Actor Regé-Jean Page Wouldn’t Mind If His Role Was Recast

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Adam Levine responds to claim he cheated on Behati Prinsloo with model Sumner Stroh

Sumner Stroh

admin/ “View allposts by admin”)

Adam Levine, here with wife Behati Prinsloo in 2021, is at the center of acheating scandal as he’s accused of having an affair with Sumner Stroh.(Photo: Reuters)

Adam Levine broke his silence on Tuesday about rumors he cheated on wifeBehati Prinsloo with Instagram model Sumner Stroh. The Maroon 5 frontmandenied Stroh’s claim they had a year-long affair, but admitted he “crossed theline” with flirty messages. Levine’s statement comes one week after Prinslooconfirmed the couple is expecting their third child.

“A lot is being said about me right now and I wan to clear the air. I usedpoor judgment in speaking with anyone other than my wife in ANY kind offlirtatious manner. I did not have an affair, nevertheless, I crossed the lineduring a regrettable period of my life,” Levine said in a statement on hisInstagram story. “In certain instances it became inappropriate. I haveaddressed that and taken proactive steps to remedy this with my family.”

Levine, who wed Prinsloo in 2014, went on to apologize to his family. He andthe Victoria’s Secret model are parents to daughters Gio Grace, 4, and DustyRose, 5.

“My wife and my family is all I care about in this world. To be this naive andstupid enough to risk the only thing that truly matters to me was the greatestmistake I could ever make,” Levine continued. “I will never make it again. Itake full responsibility. We will get through it and we will get through ittogether.”

Yahoo Entertainment reached out to Stroh after Levine’s statement, but did notimmediately receive a response.

Levine didn’t address one of Stroh’s more surprising allegations — that thesinger asked if he could name his unborn child after her. The Instagram modelcame forward on Monday and alleged she had an affair with Levine. Stroh saidshe was going public as a friend was trying to sell the story to a tabloid.

“Essentially, I was having an affair with a man who’s married to a Victoria’sSecret model. At the time, you know, I was young, I was naive, and, I meanquite frankly, I feel exploited,” Stroh began in a now viral TikTok.

Stroh, who said she was “easily manipulated,” shared alleged Instagram DMswith Levine in which he purportedly wrote, “It is truly unreal how f***ing hotyou are… like it blows my mind.” It’s unclear when the supposed messages weresent.

Story continues

“Adam and I were seeing each other for about a year,” she continued. “After Istopped talking to him for a period of months, this is how he came back intomy life.”

Stroh then showed an alleged DM from Levine on June 1 that reads: “Ok seriousquestion. I’m having another baby and if it’s [a] boy I really wanna name itSumner. you ok with that? DEAD serious.”

people reported two weeks ago that Prinsloo was pregnant with her andLevine’s third child. It’s unclear how far along the model is and if thistiming would add up.

Stroh added that she “never wanted to come forward” about the alleged affair.”Being tied to a story like this… I know the stereotypes,” she said. Strohadded that she “recklessly” sent screenshots from Levine to a few friends, oneof whom supposedly shopped the story.

Stroh addressed the affair claims again on her Instagram Story on Monday.

“Aware people are going to try to fill in the gaps with many falseassumptions. I don’t feel like I’m doing any favors considering the mannerthis had to go about. It’s a lot to digest but hopefully, at the very least ,the truth being out can do some good,” she wrote on Monday.

Adam Levine's alleged mistress Sumner Stroh shares post about cheatingallegations.  (Photo: Sumner Stroh viaInstagram)Adam Levine'salleged mistress Sumner Stroh shares post about cheating allegations.(Photo: Sumner Stroh viaInstagram)

Adam Levine’s alleged mistress Sumner Stroh shares post about cheatingallegations. (Photo: Sumner Stroh via Instagram)

Stroh claimed to Page Six that the alleged “physical” affair took place”last year” when she “graduated college in 2021.”

Prinsloo has yet to address the scandal.

MORE: Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo are expecting their third child

The best film of 2022 can finally be streamed in the Netherlands

__ The best film of 2022 can finally be streamed in the Netherlands

The best film of 2022 can finally be streamed in the Netherlands

(Image: A24)

The best film of 2022 can finally be streamed in the Netherlands. Then we’retalking about Everything Everywhere All At Once the big surprise of thisyear.

Yes, I would almost forget it due to all the marketing violence, but there ismore than Marvel film number one thousand and the umpteenth Star Wars trilogy.For true diversity and creativity, keep an eye on your local movie house.

Everything Everywhere All At Once

Films by independent film makers, experimental thrillers from Japan, Frenchcomedies that manage to surprise: the offer ranges in all directions.

Everything Everywhere All At Once has proved this year that those two worldscan be brought together. Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert delivered a hugeblockbuster with a budget of ‘only’ 25 million. A roller coaster ride full_special effects._

An impressive achievement. Everything Everywhere All at Once had a specialeffects team that consisted of five people, including the directorsthemselves.

Everything Everywhere all at once best movie PrimeVideo(Image: A24)

Multiverse roller coaster

Despite these limitations, they have created a masterpiece. The film is abouta Chinese immigrant who runs a launderette, but when she tries to do hertaxes, she ends up in a multiverse adventure that you say to you. The worldturns out to be in danger, and she is the only one who can save it.

That sounds absurd, and it is Everything Everywhere All At Once also. Thefilm itself is also all too aware of that: the jokes fly around your ears, andthe humor drips from it. It provides a roller coaster ride through themultiverse that you will have to pay attention to, because the pace is high.But then you also get something: humor, an original story, impressive stuntsand a striking amount of emotion.

Biggest movie of A24

First the box office figures: the indie film is by far the biggest film everreleased by acclaimed studio A24. Globally, at the time of writing, thecounter stands at $100 million.

For comparison: moonlight the A24 film that won the Oscar for Best Picture,was also seen as an incredible success with 65 million.

Everything Everywhere All at Once however, it does not have to rely only onthe brand new dollars.

Top Rated on Rotten Tomatoes

Critics also walk away with the film. On Rotten Tomatoes, the indie hit scoresa very solid 95 percent after 339 reviews from journalists.

“The Daniels and their ‘wow’ from star Michelle Yeoh turn this visionaryabsurdist comedy into a volcano of creative ideas in full bursts. You’ve neverseen anything like it before,” concluded ABC News reviewer Peter Travers.

In any case, they agree on one thing: Everything Everywhere All at Once doesthe multiverse concept better than the new one Doctor Strange. In fact, somecritics are already predicting a hefty score at the next Oscars.

The audience score of 89 percent is a bit lower, but still excellent. Theconsensus reads: “Incredible acting, stunning visuals and a very deep,powerful story — Everything Everywhere All at Once has it all.”

Best movie of 2022?

The film has an 8.1 rating on IMDb. Or _Everything Everywhere All At Once_really the best film of 2022 also depends mainly on your taste and whatHollywood has to offer this fall.

On Rotten Tomatoes, only The Batman and Top Gun: Maverick even higher, andso the indie film is in third place of a editorial list of the best moviesof the year. As far as we’re concerned it deserves Everything Everywhere AllAt Once actually that first place, if only for the breath of fresh air thatthe film blows through Hollywood.

Judge for yourself on Prime Video

Fortunately, you can now judge for yourself. Do you have EverythingEverywhere All At Once missed at the cinema? Then Amazon has a nice surprisewaiting for you. The acclaimed film can now be streamed on Prime Video! Astreaming service that still costs only 2.99 euros per month. Or try it forfree for 30 days.

And hey, does it matter which film is number one, two or three? The mainconclusion is that 2022 has produced several top cinema films for the timebeing, and that is only good news.

Grab the popcorn, sit back and enjoy one of the most surprising rollercoasterrides you’ve experienced in recent years.

A homoerotic inspired orchestral work will soon be heard in Abu Dhabi

If you’re a young composer and the Concertgebouw Orchestra knocks on your doorfor a piece, that’s a reason to jump for joy. If it is also recorded: evenmore fun. But when your work is resumed a year later and is even played seventimes on an international tour, that is very special.

It happens to Rick van Veldhuizen (28), whose _Mais le corps taché d ‘ombres_will be performed from Thursday 22 September in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdamunder the direction of Daniel Harding. Later it can be heard in Heerlen,Alicante, London and Abu Dhabi. A salient detail, given that last concertlocation: the piece is based on a homoerotic poem. Homosexuality is a crime inAbu Dhabi.

Should we see a statement from the orchestra in it? ‘That would be nice, but Idoubt it’, says Van Veldhuizen. The piece dates from 2019 and was intended forthe Mahler Festival of 2020, to precede Mahlers Ninth Symphony to sound.

To keep an eye on

How did the orchestra end up with Van Veldhuizen? ‘When I was still a studentat the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, my teacher Joël Bons passed on lists ofyoung composers to the orchestra to keep an eye on. I stood there. In 2015 Imade a piece for the Spiegelzaal, for three instruments and a narrator. Thatwas really small beer, but that’s how they knew me. In 2018 I was called byJoel Fried, the then artistic director, if I wanted to make a piece for stringorchestra.

‘I asked: can we also have a harp? A string orchestra alone sounds different_lush_ , it needs a skeleton. The harp is very suitable for marking therhythmic points.’ He worked on it full-time for six months, ‘because I wantedeverything about this assignment to be right’. Due to corona, the premiere didnot follow until 2021. Nice: led by Fabio Luisi, a big name. Not fun: withoutan audience, because in a live stream that wasn’t even really live. ‘Luckilymy parents and boyfriend were allowed to join us, we were tucked away underthe balcony.

‘The feedback from the orchestra said that I had made it difficult for them byworking with a clean tuning, but that they thought it was cool. They wouldmake every effort to do it with an audience again, but I really didn’t counton a whole tour. I didn’t read it until the brochure came out.’

Björk and Aphex Twin

Van Veldhuizen, who until February was also a music critic for de Volkskrant– his increasingly busy composing practice turned out to be incompatible withthe newspaper – describes himself as a composer who works associatively and isjust as interested in contemporary classical music as in Björk and Aphex Twin.”I want all those influences to coalesce into something that can become almostuncomfortably emotional.”

Nevertheless, his nine-minute piece (eleven minutes on the recording that wasreleased in a CD box in May) seems to be firmly anchored in the orchestraltradition at first hearing. What shows that it was composed in 2019 after all?’There is some disco in the middle part, there is a constant pulse that ispassed through the double basses and harp. Surrounded by those Gloria Gaynor-esque strings. I like disco very much. And the beeps and creaks, I’ve alsoincorporated a drum and bass rhythm into it.’

He found inspiration in an epic poem by Jean Genet from 1942, The death rowinmate. “I love how he could write about filthy, amoral sexuality in suchflowery, beautiful sentences. The passage I have used is addressed to a deathrow inmate: let us dream that we meet a shaggy lover, with thighs of gold anda smoking belly, such language.

‘It’s about someone you’re with only half seeing, a figure too dark torecognize. That’s an image I know well from my own life. From darkrooms. Yes,you can write that down. I also want to explore that frayed shadow side oflife in my pieces. With the piece we first slide into the shadows, then weshoot up, into the ecstasy. And then… there’s post-coital bliss.”

Tuesday is the first rehearsal. As a composer, Van Veldhuizen wants to hearhis pieces live as often as possible. But will he also listen in Abu Dhabi?’Not really. Not a hair on my head that thinks about it.’

fan trips are more successful and diverse than ever

Lovers of schlager singer Willy Sommers can dance the polonaise in the UnitedArab Emirates next year. Like many other well-known Flemish people, the artistorganizes his own fan trip. There is great interest in the travel formula,although it comes with a hefty price tag. “You get something exclusive.”

Paul NotelteirsSeptember 19, 202219:01

‘Dubai with a Flemish touch’, is how Willy Sommers describes his seven-dayluxurious fan trip that will take place in February of next year. His travelcompanions tour important sights in the United Arab Emirates, sleep in a five-star hotel and are – the icing on the cake – treated to a concert by theiridol. On the Facebook page, many complain about the participation price of1,899 euros per person, but Caroline Van Holderbeke (52) sees no problem withit. She has closely followed Sommers’ career for nearly four decades and hasaccompanied him on multiple fan tours in the past.

“We went to Turkey, Florida and South Africa, among other places. Those tripsare very nice because, for example, you can talk to Willy longer than after ashow. That way you can also tell him something about your private life.” Dueto the singer’s busy schedule, he can sometimes only be present for a few daysof a trip. This may seem bizarre to outsiders, but participants are briefed inadvance about when to expect him. “As fans, we don’t follow him like ducks,”says Van Holderbeke.


Sommers’ fan trip gets attention in the first place because of the high costprice and the exotic location, but the man absolutely does not invent the hotwater. Artists have been offering their fans the opportunity to get to knoweach other in a more intimate setting for several decades. Charm singer SalimSeghers is considered a pioneer in our country. He likes to call himself ‘theking of the fan trip’ and will soon be traveling with hundreds of fans to thesame hotel in Lloret de Mar for the thirty-fifth time. The man was not yetactive full-time as an artist when a Lommel travel agency asked him in theeighties to perform during one of their group tours. That was a great successand in the years that followed, both the number of participants and Seghers’involvement grew. During the trip, he is the first point of contact for fans.“Although I don’t go on an excursion, I focus on the daily shows in thehotel.”

While Seghers is finding success in Spain, similar travel concepts aresprouting like mushrooms during the same period. Charm singers in particularachieve great results thanks to their slightly older and often more wealthyfan base. Although a look at the most recent travel brochures shows that theformula is no longer reserved for people who already like to dance thepolonaise. On Friday 500 soap fans leave together with some Home actors toCorfu for a week, presenter Evy Gruyaert will soon go to Crete for cooking andyoga workshops and Karl Vannieuwkerke welcomes cycling enthusiasts in theSpanish fishing village of Calpe.

Feeling at home abroad

The range of travel formulas around media brands and artists is as diverse asit is popular, confirms Lies Bruneel of East Flemish tour operator ProjectReizen. After the pandemic, she says, people are more open to paying quite abit of money for their holidays, the impact of inflation is not verynoticeable for the time being. During one of the exotic trips with famousFlemish people, people also step out of their comfort zone more easily andexperience adventures that they might miss during a solo trip. That may be anadditional reason why fans opt for a trip with Sommers or Gruyaert. “You arein another country, but it also feels familiar because there is a familiarface with it. Moreover, only Flemish people come along, which creates afeeling of home abroad,” says Bruneel.

According to tourism professor Jan van der Borg (KU Leuven), the popularity offan trips should also be seen within a declining importance of mass culture.In the past, the Flemings may have traveled to the south by car en masse,today relaxation is more tailored to the individual. “Niche markets arenibbling at the share of classic sun, sea and beach holidays.”

Revival Tour Operators

This has the advantage that the largest tourist attractions experience lesscrowds and that tour operators suddenly become busier again. They saw blacksnow during the pandemic and felt the hot breath of digital platforms such on their necks, but are now experiencing an unexpected revival.According to Van der Borg, they can charge a surcharge for these totalexperiences. The people who cough up 1,900 euros for their outing with Sommersare therefore aware that the trip would be cheaper if they made it alone. “Buteverything is fully arranged with us and if something goes wrong, it issolved,” says Bruneel.

It is unclear exactly how much money the artists earn from their travels.Bruneel says that there are different agreements with every celebrity, Seghersalso keeps it vague. He announces that guest artists **** if Celien Hermansand Andrei Lugovski are not compensated for their performance during the trip.However, they are allowed to stay in the hotel for a week with their partnerand receive a refund of their travel costs. “It is an offer that eight artistswill take up again this year. Then it’s a party in the hotel until half pasteleven at night.”

documentary film about Belgian fauna and flora is a feat

Belgian nature as you’ve never seen it before. That’s the baseline of themovie Our nature , __ which hits theaters this week. But how do you keepthat promise?

Pieter DumonSeptember 20, 202203:00

The idea

Actually we have Our nature thanks to our northern neighbors. Six years agoat Hotel Hungaria, the production house behind the film, they are busy with_Greenland_ , a garden program with and around Bartel Van Riet. Because theprogram can go a little wider than just our own backyard, Van Riet will talkto the makers of one of the items. The new wilderness. That naturedocumentary, shot in the Oostvaardersplassen, enticed the Dutch to the cinemaen masse. The project impresses the Belgians of Hotel Hungaria. There and thenthe dreaming begins. Because why should something that is possible in theNetherlands not work in Belgium?

Our NatureImage Our Nature

The money

Unfortunately, there are usually practical obstacles between dream and deed.That was also at Our nature the case. Starting with the huge budget you needfor such a project. A nature documentary like Our nature turning is a long-term job. The plan was to film almost continuously for two years. A matter ofoptimally portraying all seasons. In addition, two teams would be sent intothe field. One with Pim Niesten behind the camera, the other with hiscolleague Dick Harrewijn as director of photography. Add to that thespecialized teams for drone shots and underwater images and you get a total ofabout 960 shooting days. A huge number.

“We also didn’t want to make any concessions in terms of image quality,” saysproducer Line Leeters. “Everything was filmed with the best material.” Aninvestment that is now paying off. Because the cinema film that is now in thecinemas was initially not on the schedule. Our nature would be a seven-partdocuseries, for television. “But when we saw the footage and noticed howrazor-sharp it was, we thought it was a bit of a shame not to show it on a bigscreen. That is why there is now the film. The documentary series can be seenon Canvas and RTL next spring.”

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Our NatureImage Our Nature

The final invoice will ultimately amount to around 4.5 million euros. Too muchfor a production house like Hotel Hungaria to carry alone. And so they aregoing to present their ambitious plans to the Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF)in the hope of support. The first file comes up against a njet. Only when apilot is run showing how a tree falcon hunts for dragonflies does the VAF givein. The VRT is now also part of the story.

“But even with those two partners, the budgetary picture was far fromcomplete,” says Leeters. “In the end we decided to start running anyway,despite the gap in our financial plan. We were convinced that other partnerswould step in once we had some more footage. Whatever happened.”

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Our NatureImage Our Nature

The patience

On March 4, 2019, Pim Niesten, the man who made the majority of the images,will go into the field for the first time. In the weeks and months beforethat, an extensive script was made in which it is written which animals he hasto record during which activities. “That scenario was huge,” Leeters recalls.“The planning took over the entire wall of our office.” But the strictplanning is completely obsolete after a few shooting days. Nature is not soeasily pushed into a script. Now take the moor frog. A rare animal whose malespecimens turn bright blue for a few days during mating season. A spectaclethat had been planned from the very first shooting days. “But in the end Iwaited almost three years for those animals,” says Niesten. “The first twosprings it was too dry and too hot. A fatal combination for those frogs. Therewas hardly any mating season. I really wanted large groups of those blue frogsto be photographed, but there was not much more than reports of the occasionalstray specimen.”

Fortunately, we experienced a more or less normal spring last year. And so thefrogs were suddenly there. But even then it was still exciting. “When I gotthe phone that mating was about to start, I immediately dropped everything Iwas doing,” says Niesten. “After all, those frogs only turn blue for a veryshort period of time. So I had to shoot all the images I needed in theshortest possible time. In the end, with some luck, I managed to capture theentire scene from the film in one shooting day. Fortunately, because when Iinstalled myself at the same pool the next day, there was hardly a frog to beseen.

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The moor frogs aren’t the only animals to test Niesten’s patience. Even morevulgar species such as deer or hares turned out to be more difficult to snarethan you might think at first glance. Although that also has to do with theperfectionism of Niesten and co. to make. “I didn’t just want to film hares.They had to be boxing copies. During the mating season, both males and femalesclash with each other to determine the mutual ranking. A fantastic spectaclethat I absolutely wanted to capture.” But for that you need some luck. Notonly do the hares want to box, they also have to do it in a beautiful settingwhere the light is just right.

The red deer also deserve a special mention. They may be quite numerous in theArdennes forests, but if you want to record a fight between two bellowingmales like Niesten, the search suddenly becomes a lot more difficult. “Inaddition, I always want very close images of such a scene. But deer are veryshy. The slightest noise is enough to make them disappear into the woods.”

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Our NatureImage Our Nature

The technique

With the images of those deer, hares or moor frogs, you as a spectator canmore or less imagine how they were made. That changes when you suddenly see aspring fire spider crawling across the screen. The film shows how the red-colored male, at the risk of his own life, sneaks into the female’sunderground burrow to mate with her. “By far the most difficult sequence inthe entire film,” says Niesten. “We’re talking about animals that are barely acentimeter in size that also do their thing in a pitch-dark undergroundburrow. In the field itself, that is almost impossible to visualize.”

Together with spider expert Koen Van Keer, Niesten devised a different plan ofapproach. “Koen had previously moved a colony of those spiders from anindustrial area to a safer area. They had done that at the time with the helpof tubes with which they could move the spiders, hollow and all. We appliedthe same technique and placed the spider, hollow and all, in a kind ofaquarium so that we could see what was happening underground.”

The result exceeded the wildest expectations. “The images are really unique.Mating of the spring fire spider has never been observed, let alone capturedon video. This was also completely new information for a specialist like Koen.The scene in question has meanwhile been sent as study material to a wholeseries of scientists at home and abroad.”

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Our NatureImage Our Nature

The network

The stories Niesten tells show time and again how crucial time is. The moorfrogs only turn blue for a handful of days, the spring fire spider can befound above ground in that one week, young foxes only come above the groundonce for the first time and for the scene where lizards hatch, you better notto be late.

“The fact that we were able to film all these things despite the limited timeis largely due to our network,” says Niesten. “All over Belgium there wereforest rangers, scientists, people from Natuurpunt or just enthusiastic naturelovers who kept us informed about what they heard or saw. Without them, thisproject would never have become what it is today. When I go out into thefield, I’m mostly preoccupied with that one species that I hope to film. Thenyou get into a kind of tunnel vision and you are no longer concerned with whatis still happening. Fortunately, our network was there to keep me informed.”

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Our NatureImage Our Nature

The Great Absence

If there is one animal that has made a lot of fuss over the past few years, itis the wolf. But of our country’s largest predator is in Our nature no traceto be found. “We wanted to tell a story around every animal in the film or inthe series,” explains Niesten. “Which means you have to be able to film itduring a certain action. This is difficult with an extremely shy animal likethe wolf. With a bit of luck we might have captured a passing copy on camera,but what story do you tell with that?”

Moreover, during the shooting period there was a lot to do about that wolf.“Wolvin Naja had just disappeared under suspicious circumstances, which madethe people of Nature and Forest very protective when it came to the wolves.Their location was shared with as few people as possible. The habitat of theseanimals is also largely on military domain. We didn’t just get permission tofilm there.”

Although Niesten continues to find the story about the wolf’s comeback veryfascinating. “Of course I would like to work on that. But because wolves areso shy, that’s a hugely complex project. The budget you need to tell thatstory well will roughly correspond to the total budget we now have for Ournature had. But if someone is willing to do that, I am happy to make time for