Dutch Film Festival has started, but is there a reason to celebrate? | Movies & Series

A whole week completely devoted to Dutch film productions: the Dutch FilmFestival starts tonight in Utrecht. We celebrate what the Netherlands has tooffer in the field of film with premieres, masterclasses and, finally, thepresentation of the Golden Calves. But a Dutch film that wins an internationalprize or a top ten full of Dutch films still seems a long way off.

By Esther Villerius

Even before the film was officially released in theaters, Soof 3 already100,000 visitors. And Everything on the table by Linda de Mol scored nolower than three stars last year.

Dutch films can therefore score well, but there is no question of dominance inart houses and cinemas. In recent years, often no more than two homegrownproductions were in the top ten of the most viewed films in the Netherlands.In 2019, the year in which cinemas did not yet suffer from corona, not even asingle Dutch film was in the top ten.

And when we go, we often go to the more famous titles, such as the Bon Binic_movies and _The Battle of the Scheldt. The Netherlands Film Festival (NFF) isnot just about those big blockbusters. Because the small filmmaker deservesmore visitors, according to the organizers. The festival therefore tries toemphasize the variety of Dutch films, says NFF director Silvia van der Heidenin conversation with NU.nl.

Done with rom-coms

According to freelance film journalist Ab Zagt, the Dutch film does not exist,because we make everything. Yet there is clearly a preference amongcinemagoers, and therefore among makers. “A rom-com is the most typical. Thatgenre has not been so popular in other countries for a long time. Hollywood isdone with it – and so am I.” But in the Netherlands, romantic comedies havemade up the bulk of the offer for four years now, says Van der Heiden.

Zagt argues that the Dutch film industry is more driven by commerce than bydepth. “In the Netherlands there are just a lot of women who drag theirboyfriend to such a film.”

Zie ookAl 24 jaar geen Nederlandse Oscarwinnaar: hoe gaan we weer eens winnen?

24 years without an Oscar

Despite the commercial successes, Dutch films have not won major awards atinternational film festivals for years. The NFF also hardly attracts foreignjournalists, says Zagt. “We’re doing something wrong.”

“We can no longer rely on a Paul Verhoeven, because his last two films wereFrench. Alex van Warmerdam is past his peak. Dick Maas has been Prey didn’tget to work anymore.” And Will Koopman, the director of, among other things,Gooische Women , who was honored this year with a Golden Calf for Filmculture? “That Golden Calf was justified, but internationally they arenothing.”

Successes outside the Netherlands cannot be achieved with a beautiful filmalone. It also requires a lot of promotion. It has been 24 years since theNetherlands won an Oscar; a nomination was last made in 2003 ( The Twins ).And a Golden Palm has never gone to a Dutch filmmaker. Zagt: “The chance thatthe Netherlands will still go home with a Golden Palm is about as great asthat Feyenoord wins the Champions League.”

A pity, says Van der Heiden, because according to her, our country has so muchto offer on the canvas. Whether it is nevertheless going well with the Dutchfilm? “It can always be better. So please also take a look at the Dutch Oscarentry narcosis the tragedy femi or our opening film Sea of ​​time. Thatshows how Dutch film can also be.”

Why Prince Andrew is making everyone nervous again

The most frequently asked press question to Buckingham Palace at the moment iswhether and what King Charles will do about the Problem Andrew. In this caseit is not about the scandal that cost him his position, but about an oldposition that he still has.

Anne and Andrew in 1971

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In 2011, pending the birth of the first child of Prince William and his wifeCatherine, Queen Elizabeth arranged for boys to be no longer preferred togirls in the line of succession to the throne. That was good news for PrincessCharlotte and bad news for Princess Anne, who may be the second oldest in theQueen’s family, but for whom that rule doesn’t apply retroactively. Andrewgoes in the hierarchy for her.

George VI and his wife Elizabeth (the Queen’s mother) in 1948

And there it is, in view of the new king’s ‘counsellors of state’. This clubwas founded in 1937 by George VI; these include people who can performofficial duties of the king if he is unable to do so himself for a short time(for example because he is ill or is temporarily unable to do it himself).

William, Charles and Harry in 2014, when the contacts were still cordial

There are five of them, and among them are automatically the legal consort ofthe monarch and the first four in the line of succession to the throne who areover 21. In the case of Charles III, that means his wife Camilla, PrinceWilliam, Prince Harry, Prince Andrew and Prince Beatrice.

This automatic appointment creates commotion and concerned looks, becauseBeatrice, Harry and Andrew are not ‘working royals’ and do not belong to theRoyal Family. Critics would rather see the trio replaced by Princess Anne,Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, all of whom haveworked tirelessly for the Crown for years.

This requires a change in the law and as swiftly as Charles appointed hiseldest son William as the new Prince of Wales, he lingers with this decision(and also with the passing of the Duke of Edinburg title to his youngestbrother Edward, but this aside).

Now it would mainly be a matter for the stage, because a Counselor of State israrely called upon. If so, they can, for example, attend the opening of theParliamentary year, attend Privy Counsel meetings, sign documents on behalf ofthe monarch and receive new ambassadors.

They cannot do anything about Commonwealth affairs, appoint a prime minister,hand out titles or send parliament home without the approval of the head ofstate.

So, limited power. But Anne and the Wessex seem more suitable for the rolethan Beatrice (no experience), Harry (already expressed his distaste for theroyal family exuberantly, no longer lives in England) and Andrew (certainlynot of impeccable behavior).

No one disputes the latter’s right (never convicted, no criminal record) to bepart of his mother’s grieving process, but the fact that he went around inuniform again, in what appeared to be rehabilitation, worries critics: nobodygets very excited about the idea that the prince would replace his olderbrother in an emergency.

Rest assured that Charles III will have to make a decision about this soon,when the mourning period for his mother is over tomorrow.

Photos (c) Getty Images

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Home seekers even more in the dark: developers postpone new construction projects until better times | living

Despite the enormous housing shortage, the production of new-build homes isfaltering. Developers are increasingly delaying projects or even pulling theplug on a job altogether.

That concludes the industry association of developers WoningBouwersNL in a newhalf-yearly report. The association relies on a survey by real estate advisorCapital Value, which shows that builders are currently making adjustments,delaying or even canceling projects for 25,000 planned new-build homes.Sometimes this also concerns projects for which the permits have already beenissued. As an indication: in recent years about 70,000 new homes have beenbuilt every year.

The postponement or cancellation has various reasons. First of all, there isthe mortgage interest rate increase, which is almost 4 percent again. Thismakes homes less attractive to investors. Of course, the borrowing capacity ofbuyers is also decreasing. And it’s not just about starters, because those whomove up have a lot less interest advantage when they move. In any case, thisgroup often thinks twice, for fear that prices will fall and the new home willbe flooded.

There is also inflation with the rapidly declining purchasing power and thesharply increased prices for materials that developers encounter.

Difficult position

“This puts home builders in a precarious position: they have to design cheaperhomes for a less wealthy market, while their costs and uncertainties increasesharply,” the report said. According to The Hague’s policy, the builders mustalso build the lion’s share – two thirds – affordably.

This does not always work, with the result: developers wait for better timesand postpone their projects. In the first half of this year, the number ofbuilding permits issued fell by 18 percent compared to a year earlier. At thebottom of the line, new-build homes are becoming unreachable for many buyers,concludes WoningBouwersNL. “This is a disaster for home seekers, because thescarcity will only increase in this way.”

“Many people simply cannot or do not want to pay for a new-build home anymore,construction is no longer in line with the market”, responds housing marketprofessor Peter Boelhouwer (TU Delft).

Sales of new-build homes are falling. © WoningBuildersNL

The number of new-build homes sold has therefore also fallen in recent months,according to the trade association. In the first half of 2021, 19,520 newhomes were sold. In the first half of 2022, it was 16,946 – a decrease of 13percent. Buyers are more likely to reconsider the purchase if, after aninterest rate increase, it appears that they are unable to secure financing.

It is not only buyers who have less and less insight into a new-build home.Aedes, an interest group for housing corporations, recently concluded thatthere is not enough building land available for social housing. According toAedes, the land that is there cannot be paid for.

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Canceled French TV merger echoes in the Low Countries

The fact that the marriage of the TV channels TF1 and M6 will not take placeis a line through the account of the owners Bouygues and RTL. But the decisionalso echoes in the Netherlands, where a similar merger is under scrutiny.Indirectly, Belgian interests are also at stake.

The biggest media marriage in French corporate history has come to naught. OnFriday, the broadcasting groups M6 and TF1 announced that their merger plansare being withdrawn. The owners RTL and Bouygues wanted to merge their Frenchtelevision subsidiaries to create a television giant that could take a standagainst streaming competitors such as Netflix, Amazon and Disney.

But the TV giant stood on clay feet from the start. Together, the two Frenchchannels would control three quarters of the French television advertisingmarket. A figure that smells like a monopoly, and which the French competitionwatchdog put a stop to.

To get the merger of M6 and TF1 approved, one of the flagship transmitters hadto be divested. “

The French Autorité de la Concurrence allowed the merger to take place only ifone of the two flagships – TF1 or M6 – were to be divested. As a result, therationale behind the merger expired, as a result of which Bouygues and RTL arenow canceling them.


The process was also closely monitored in the Netherlands. At about the sametime as the French TV merger, a similar TV deal was launched with our northernneighbors. Above the Moerdijk, RTL and Talpa (again) fell into each other’sarms. There too, that could create a local giant, with a market share intelevision advertising of more than 70 percent.

RTL does not want to draw too heavy parallels. “It is a different matter and adifferent supervisor,” a spokesperson told the Dutch newspaper Het FinancieeleDagblad. For this, the company refers, among other things, to the strongerposition of the public broadcaster in the market for TV advertising in theNetherlands, compared to France.

But media experts mainly see similarities. Like their colleagues in France,RTL and Talpa in the Netherlands argue that their dominance in the TV marketshould be seen in a more modern context, where classic television and onlineviewing are increasingly intertwined.

If you approach the market in this way, you can argue that the merger does notcreate a single dominant player, but that a strong local player is better ableto defend itself against the emerging multinational violence of the mostlyAmerican streamers.

If the Dutch regulator blocks the merger of Talpa and RTL, there may be asecond chance for DPG Media. “

That reasoning was therefore not followed in France, and the TV market isstill considered there on its own. This line was also followed in previousfiles in other European countries. It seems unlikely that the competitionauthority in the Netherlands will now change that reasoning.

smiling third

What the Dutch supervisor decides in the future will also be followed closelyin Belgium. Before the merger of RTL and Talpa was announced, DPG Media wasalso interested in acquiring the Dutch RTL channels. Christian Van Thillo’sgroup is already fully active in print – with de Volkskrant, AD and Trouwamong others – and on the radio – with Qmusic. TV is still a blind spot forDPG.

Should the Dutch competition watchdog oblige the potential merger group todivest large chunks or block the merger completely, DPG can present itself asa smiling third party. Suppose that RTL still wants to get rid of its Dutchactivities. Who knows, Van Thillo will get a second chance.

Belgian profession

In Belgium, the takeover of the Walloon RTL Belgium by the media groups DPGMedia and Rossel was approved at the beginning of this year subject toconditions. But here too the takeover of an RTL subsidiary – price tag: 215million euros – is still under scrutiny. In June, the media group IPM and theadvertising agency Ads & Data lodged an appeal against the decision of theBelgian Competition Authority (BMA).

IPM chief executive François le Hodey then said in parliament that he foundthe BMA’s decision “very lazy” and that “key points were not analysed”. Thefirst hearing in that appeal will take place in December. However, the appealdoes not suspend the decision of the BMA.

‘I don’t feel comfortable going’

Maren Morris has no regrets about calling out Jason and Brittany Aldean onsocial media — but that doesn’t mean she wants to sit next to them at anawards show.

Morris, 32, spoke to the Los Angeles Times about her online feud with theconservative couple over transphobic comments they made, and how it fits intoa bigger picture of what country music stands for right now. Morris said she’sundecided whether she’ll attend the Country Music Awards on Nov. 9 where_Humble Ques_ t was nominated for Album of the Year.

“I’m very honored that my record is nominated. But I don’t know if I feel [at]home there right now. So many people I love will be in that room, and maybeI’ll make a game-time decision and go. But as of right now, I don’t feelcomfortable going,” Morris explained, adding, “I kind of feel peaceful at thenotion of not going.”

Morris and singer Cassadee Pope sparred with Brittany after an Aug. 23 postthat read: “I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my genderwhen I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life.” (Jason commentedon the post, “Lmao!! Im glad they didn’t too, cause you and I wouldn’t haveworked out.”)

“The Bones” singer told the times she didn’t run the message by anyonebefore hitting send.

“I just shot it off. I hate feeling like I need to be the hall monitor oftreating people like human beings in country music. It’s exhausting,” Morrisshared. “But there’s a very insidious culture of people feeling verycomfortable being transphobic and homophobic and racist, and that they canwrap it in a joke and no one will ever call them out for it. It just becomesnormal for people to behave like that. “

Related video: Maren Morris and Cassadee Pope call out Brittany Aldean overcontroversial post

The fact Morris dubbed Brittany “Insurrection Barbie” lit up social media, anickname the singer stands behind.

Story continues

“Well, it’s kind of true, because the whole conspiracy theory peddling of Jan.6, they totally partook in that,” Morris said of the Aldeans. “Look, I’m not avictim in this and neither is she. But I don’t have feelings of kindness whenit comes to humans being made fun of for questioning their identity,especially kids. The whole ‘When they go low, we go high’ thing doesn’t workwith these people. Any resistance movement is not done with kind words. Andthere’s a lot worse things I could’ve called her.”

Morris, who shares a 2-year-old son with husband Ryan Hurd, said she felt theneed to reply to Brittany due to “the culture of misinformation that goesalong with trans youth.”

“This whole thing got so ugly so fast because the worst they can say to me is,’Oh, you must be a groomer then.’ That’s literally their favorite word. I havea son, and I think we’re all — especially all parents — we’re just trying todo our best and take care of our kids and make sure they’re happy,” Morriscontinued. “You don’t know if one day they’re gonna come home in tears becausethey don’t feel right in their body. And it’s just so sty for the parentsthat are going through that right now to make a joke out of it. Suicide ratesare so high because of hateful bulls like that. I don’t care if it’s ajoke. But they don’t want to talk about that part because it’s too real.”

Morris doesn’t believe she lost any fans over the Ordeal. (Hey, those TuckerCarlson inspired shirts have raised more than $150,000 for Trans Lifeline andGLAAD’s Transgender Media Program.)

“I’ve been very clear from the get-go. It sucks when artists stay quiet, stayquiet, stay quiet, and then they finally reach their breaking point and haveto say something because something is so unjust or disgusting. And then theylose half their crowd because they stayed quiet. I try to tell my husbandthis, because he’s still building: Let people know where you stand,” Morrisshared. “The ones who don’t get it will fall away, but the ones that stickwith you will know what they’re contributing to.”

Jason, who previously wouldn’t talk politics for years, threw that rule outthe window. He’s a vocal critic of President Joe Biden. Morris said that’s”his prerogative.”

“And he probably knows, ‘OK, I’m gonna lose my liberal fans,’ if he had any.But the ones that stay I’m sure feel extremely close to him through all this,”Morris noted. “And that’s when I kind of have to take a step back and be like,What am I actually doing? Is it self-serving? Is it performative? All thethings a neurotic will think through. But I sleep pretty good at night knowingthat people feel safer in my crowd.”

Morris said friends who aren’t in country music ask her, “What the hell isgoing on in Nashville right now with these people?”

“I’m always like, ‘It’s fewer than you think.’ Sometimes I feel like I’m inthis abusive relationship and I keep defending it: ‘It’s not all bad!’ Butsometimes you have to call it out for what it is,” she said.

“I think there are people in country music that want it to be niche. Theydon’t want it to expand. They don’t care about it becoming more inclusive.It’s theirs, and everyone else is an other, or woke, or whatever,” Morriscontinued. “That’s sad to me, because I feel like country music at its core ispeople’s real stories. And to think there’s only one kind of person that getsto live them out and celebrate them is not why I’ve chosen to live there ormake music within those walls.”

Brandi Carlile recently told Morris how it feels like “there are two countrymusics.”

“I don’t know, it should have been heartbreaking to hear that. But I wasactually really relieved and encouraged to hear it. It made me feel like, OK,country music on this mainstream level absolutely could be two things, and I’ve been trying to make it one, and maybe I should stop,” she said. “I don’tknow if Brandi meant it to be a positive, but I took it as one. It was like apressure release.”

Viewers empathize with 19-year-old Nica: ‘Infernal birth’

In ‘Four Hands on One Belly’ tonight you can see the story of Nica. 19-year-old Nica is expecting her first child and is almost alone: ​​the father of thechild does not want to know anything about it and she no longer has contactwith her mother. Singer Tabitha (30) may assist her, but will she succeed inbreaking down Nica’s wall?

“I’ve seen women give birth in taxis in Africa, so if they can do it, I> should be able to too.”

Nica’s parents divorced a year ago and she has not had any contact with hermother since then. She lives with her sister with her father, who happilysupports her pregnancy 100 percent. She doesn’t have to expect anything fromthe father of her upcoming child, she explains. “His parents were not happywith it. They don’t want the baby, they don’t believe it is his. Well,completely fine,” she says expressionless for the camera.

As for her delivery, Nica is sober about it. She is going to give birth athome. “I don’t care much for hospitals. If I can do it at home, I prefer to doit at home. I always think everything will be fine, so I don’t really need ahospital. I’ve seen women give birth in taxis in Africa, so If they can do it,I should be able to.” Tabitha explains that she started her first pregnancyvery differently. “I read really well before I gave birth.”

Also read:

Heleen van Royen shares intense story in Four Hands On One Belly

When Tabitha asks her about her mother’s absence during this important period,she shrugs. “It has actually given me a lot of peace that I no longer speak toher. But of course you always miss someone.” Tabitha recognizes a lot ofherself in Nica. “She finds it difficult to go into depth. Think that thethings that still hurt her a lot, that she consciously stays away from that. Iused to have that wall around her too.”

When asked if she has taken a pregnancy course, Nica responds negatively. “No,a course is not for me. Can really be stolen from me. I think that once I givebirth that I panic and that I forget everything.” Tabitha explains to her thatit is precisely for this reason that it is important to make a birth plan and,miraculously, she seems to be open to a birthing course after this. Not onlythat, she even meets with a lactation consultant to learn more aboutbreastfeeding. In retrospect, she is glad she listened to Tabitha. “It hasgiven me more confidence, I have really benefited from this.”


Also read:

Kim Kötter gives important update about Meli from Four Hands On One Belly

Nica eventually has to ditch her plans for a home birth. She is in so muchpain that she wants pain medication and still goes to the hospital. Oncethere, it just doesn’t get along with the opening and everything goesdifferently than she had planned. Viewers witness Nica throw up several timesand even cry for a Caesarean section. “I really can’t anymore!” she exclaims.Fortunately, Nica doesn’t have to go under the knife in the end and she givesbirth to a healthy boy named Mica.


Also read:

Twitter praises 20-year-old mother Meli from Four Hands On One Belly

When Tabitha visits her later, she appears to have undergone a realtransformation. She explains that she has reconnected with her mother and isalso open to taking Tabitha to a boxing class, where she talks candidly abouther difficult childhood. Tabitha is overjoyed: “You can be proud of yourselfthat you are not running away. Today was a special day. It is a day when shehas broken through something. The unconscious has become more conscious”, sheconcludes.

Viewers appear to sympathize with Nica’s violent birth:

Janelle Monáe named ‘Suicide Prevention Advocate of the Year’

Grammy-nominated musician, actor and author Janelle Monáe has been named TheTrevor Project’s annual “Suicide Prevention Advocate of the Year” for their“unwavering commitment” to championing LGBTQ+ mental health awareness, thegroup announced on Tuesday.

Monáe, who uses both gender-neutral and female pronouns, is the second personto be honored by The Trevor Project, a national LGBTQ+ youth suicideprevention organization. The rapper Lil Nas X, who is openly gay, won thegroup’s inaugural award last year.

The honor is given annually to influential public figures that lift up theLGBTQ+ community, spread mental health awareness and remind queer youth that“they are not alone,” The Trevor Project said Tuesday in a news releaseannouncing Monáe’s win.

“Queer representation in the media can have a life-saving impact on LGBTQyoung people, and Janelle Monáe is the embodiment of unapologetic self-expression,” Josh Weaver, vice president of marketing at The Trevor Project,said Tuesday.

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“Throughout their career, Janelle has been a trailblazer who constantlychallenges the status quo – from their depictions of queer love in their musicvideos, to their iconic, gender nonconforming style, they continue to redefinethe rules around how LGBTQ and BIPOC people can navigate through life,” Weaversaid.

In a May interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Monáe said their “naturalinstinct” has always been to stand up to bullies and to protect people thatare trying to live as their authentic selves.

Story continues

“I always want to protect marginalized and working class folks,” Monáe said.

Last year, the multi-hyphenate artist released a 17-minute version of their2015 protest song “Say Her Name (Hell You Talmbout)” that featured the namesof 61 Black women and girls killed by law enforcement.

Monáe came out publicly as pansexual in a 2018 Rolling Stone cover story,telling the outlet they are “open to learning more about who I am.” In April,they confirmed during an appearance on Facebook Watch’s “Red Table Talk” thatthey identify as nonbinary.

“I just don’t see myself as a woman, solely,” Monáe told hosts Jada PinkettSmith, Willow Smith and Adrienne Banfield-Norris. “I feel all of my energy.”

Monáe has also been open about their struggles with depression and anxiety andrevealed in a 2020 interview with NPR that they had suffered several panicattacks while recording their album “Dirty Computer” after former PresidentTrump was elected, worrying that white supremacists and extremists may feel“emboldened” to attack them for speaking out against things like rampantracism, sexism and xenophobia.

“As someone who has dealt with depression and anxiety, prioritizing andprotecting your mental health is everything,” Monáe said Tuesday in astatement released by The Trevor Project. “No matter what you’re goingthrough, your life matters so much — don’t let anyone try to dim your light.”

“Growing up queer and Black in a religious household, I faced a lot ofchallenges trying to understand my identity and where I fit in as someone whoalways felt beyond the binary,” Monáe, who was raised in Kansas City, Kan.,said . “We, as LGBTQ folks, as people of color, are a powerful and unstoppablecommunity. I want every young queer person out there to know that I see you,you are beautiful in all of your forms, and you are never, ever alone in thisworld.”

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Kanye West Says His Publishing Is Being Shopped Without His Knowledge: ‘Just Like Taylor Swift’

Kanye West took to Instagram on Tuesday to question a Billboard report thathis “camp” has been quietly shopping his song catalog, writing via Stories:“Just like Taylor Swift… my publishing is being put up for my sale without myknowledge.”

Billboard reported on Monday that members of the rapper’s team “have metselectively with prospective buyers to explore what kind of valuation his songcatalog could fetch,” estimating that they are seeking $175 million. Inanother Instagram Story, West posted a screenshot of a text message with anunnamed person, with West asking, “Can you ask Gee who is selling mypublishing,” likely referring to his manager Gee Roberson.

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“Fake news,” the person replies. “Of course every publisher wants to pitchthere [sic] hardest to buy. Smh.”

Representatives for West and his publisher, Sony Music Publishing, did notimmediately respond to variety ‘s request for comment.

As is often the case with West, there’s a lot to unpack in the situation.

First, it is difficult to imagine anyone in his camp shopping the rights tohis music without his knowledge, although with the frequent and rapid turnoverof his management staff and his multiple ongoing projects, there is certainlypotential for miscommunication. As the value of publishing and recorded-musiccatalogs has soared in recent years, virtually every major artist has exploredsuch sales — sources say Bob Dylan sold his publishing for nearly $400 millionand his recorded-music for around $200 million — so it’s not surprising thatreps for West would test the waters, especially as rising interest rates andfears of inflation have cooled off the market in recent months.

Story continues

Second, although West compares himself to Swift, the situations aredrastically different, even if someone were shopping his publishing withouthis knowledge. Swift’s publishing catalog was never for sale; instead, aconsortium led by Justin Bieber/ Ariana Grande manager Scooter Braun paid areported $300 million for the rights to the masters owned by her former labelBig Machine, which included her first six albums (adding another twist, Braunmanaged West for a couple of different stints in 2016-2018).

While Swift has said she was initially unaware of a potential Big Machine saleand much about that situation remains unclear, she attempted to buy hermasters from the label before the Braun-led deal closed, but found the termsunacceptable. Instead, she is two albums into the process of recording newversions of those Big Machine albums (adding multiple bonus tracks) andreleasing them via her own company, and licensed to Universal Music Group’sRepublic Records. Just 17 months after acquiring Big Machine, Braun sold hisinterest for a substantial profit.

West has made noise about acquiring the rights to his publishing and recorded-music at least twice in the past, even going so far as to post excerpts fromhis contracts on social media in 2018. In September of 2020 he wrote onTwitter, “I ‘m not putting no more music out till I’m done with mycontract[s]” and in a different post included a screenshot of a text from anunnamed advisor apparently claiming that his masters are worth more thanSwift’s. (He has released two versions of his “Donda” album and multiple othersongs since he made that statement.)

Additionally, the documents he posted in 2018 showed that not only was hestill legally bound by those contracts, but that they had been renegotiatedmore than once at terms very favorable to him, by current standards. It alsohas become clear that West apparently already owns the rights to many of hisrecordings: The copyright on all of his albums from 2016’s “Life of Pablo”album onward is credited to his company Getting Out Our Dreams II, LLC (avariation on the name of his earlier label, Getting Out Our Dreams, oftenabbreviated to GOOD) and licensed to his longtime label Def Jam, while therights to his previous recordings are credited only to Def Jam.

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‘We sweep under the rug what we better look in the dirty mouth’

Despite the still lively gay scene in ‘gay capital’ Amsterdam, something hasalso been lost. Theater maker Dries Verhoeven (46) and performer BarnabySavage (31) lead us through oppressed sex-free places, in the run-up to theirperformance The Narcosexuals.

Lorianne van GelderSeptember 19, 202217:00

“I could go here now,” says Dries Verhoeven, theater director, pointing to hissmartphone on which the Chillapp is open. A sex party is going on two hundredmeters from him. Verhoeven could register in this way, go to the apartment ofthe unknown man and take a stimulant to be able to immerse himself in free sexwith the other men present for the rest of the afternoon, evening and night.

These sex parties under the influence of drugs such as GHB, 3-mmc or sometimescrystal meth – also known as ‘chemsex parties’ (chemicals + sex) – have beenaround for about ten years and took off during the corona period. They are theinspiration for Verhoeven’s last performance: The Narcosexuals, in which helets seven dancers experience such a party.

[De tekst loopt door onder de foto]

Scene from ‘The Narcosexuals’ by director Dries Verhoeven.Statue WillemPopelier

Lack of group feeling

It is a world that the average Amsterdammer may not know. Just like the cruisespot in Sarphati Park, behind the benches, between the bushes, which we justvisited. Together with one of his actors, Barnaby Savage, we cycle past thevisible, invisible, but also the many disappeared gay meeting places and barsin the city.

Because that is also why Verhoeven are the Narcosexuals made: he sees thatmore and more existing physical gay meeting places in the city aredisappearing from the streets. While many gay men experience a lack ofconnection or group feeling, he sees. In its place are the chemsex parties –invisible, with all the benefits, but also risks.

What is left of the sexual safe havens for men in Amsterdam?

Darkrooms and drugs

Savage, Dutch-British dancer and performer, is waiting for us in theWarmoesstraat. De Cockring, a gay bar with a much used darkroom, was locatedthere for years at number 96.

For Savage, this gay bar was his first encounter with a darkroom. He firstcame here as a 19-year-old boy. “I remember what the cruise room looked like:a labyrinth of cubicles. I found it very scary and didn’t dare go in.” Helater discovered just how attractive he found cruising and anonymous sex.

The municipality closed the tent in 2010 because too many drugs were used andtrafficked. Verhoeven, a fairly loyal visitor, still sees the indirect effectsof this. “The consequence of such a closure is that people now meet whereenforcement is no longer possible. In living rooms where a crystal meth pipeis simply on the table.”

Now there is a branch of tourist cafe Stones Café. When it was still the gaybar, there was a really big cock ring on the facade. “It was visible, it was areminder of promiscuity and the animalistic in ourselves and society,” saysVerhoeven.

Day and night version

Gay bars Dirty Dicks and The Eagle can be found a few doors down the street,but they too are under pressure due to the city’s Red Light District policy.There are plans to close the catering industry at 2am from 2023, while TheEagle and Dirty Dicks will be open until 4am.

“Where are those men supposed to go after that hour?” asks Verhoeven. “I don’tthink anyone is bothered by the good breasts that go here. Perhaps somepassers-by will experience a sense of filth and abnormality. The clearing is asymptom of a time when differences are increasing: a day and night version ofyourself. Either extreme sex on the internet, or a place in public where weare prudish and good.”

Internet shopping

Those who do not understand the lure of cruising: it is the surprise of themeeting, or the anonymity of the sex, that make cruising and darkroom visitsso attractive, the men say. Most gay men date today through a dating app likeGrindr, but that can feel like internet shopping.

“You immediately define your taste, even before you meet. Because of theprofile you already know almost everything about each other: height, weight,hair color. You post your best photos. In fact, you can only get disappointedthen,” says Savage.

Verhoeven: “In the darkroom you are in the shadows, you can still fantasizeabout each other.” “It can come as a surprise that someone looks moreattractive or has better sex with you than you could imagine,” Savage adds.

pee curls

Both Savage and Verhoeven praise the adventurous, exciting and democratic sideof cruising. Whether in a park – the Rosarium in Vondelpark is the most famous– or in the basement at gay bar The Cuckoo’s Nest.

“I’ve never seen anyone be aggressive while cruising,” Verhoeven says. “Youhave to respect each other’s boundaries, because you are all in an undefinedspace, together you determine the rules. That creates a sense of camaraderie.”

[De tekst loopt door onder de foto]

From: The Narcosexuals.  Statue WillemPopelier

From: The Narcosexuals.Statue Willem Popelier

However, cruise locations are also under pressure. For example, there wasrecently a discussion about the much-used gay meeting place at De Oeverlanden,because a landscape park should be created. The many multi-person pee curlsthat the city used to have – where men could pee side by side outside – thatwere also used as sex places, have also decreased enormously. TheWeteringscircuit was a lively cruise scene, until the rhododendron bushes werepruned and there was no more shelter.


Men are therefore increasingly seeking refuge via the internet and in theprivacy of parties. Where sex and drugs are even more connected. Savage: “It’ssomething that the outside world doesn’t like so much that it creates a senseof togetherness. A space is created where men experiment sexually, withoutjudgment.” Verhoeven: “At those kinds of parties, there is often a great senseof care for each other, for example when someone becomes unwell. But theoutside world will not notice if something goes wrong.”

If the city cleans up a public space, it does not mean that those extremitieshave disappeared, says Verhoeven. “We sweep everything under the rug that Ithink we better look in the dirty mouth.”

In Sarphati Park, Savage points to two benches behind the basketball court inthe park. On the surface, the benches are like any other, but this is also acruise spot, he says, where he frequented. “Only there are fewer and fewercruisers, especially because there is now a playground nearby.”

Model Gays

Cruising may be a far-from-my-bed show for many. But for Verhoeven, visibilityof the dark, sordid sides of life is essential. “A subculture shows its middlefinger according to imposed expectations.” Gays have acquired more and morerights, such as the opening up of marriage or the adoption of children, butthey have also started to behave according to that heteronormative norm, hesees.

Verhoeven: “We are not all assimilated model gays. That bestiality has notdisappeared, it is in all of us, in straights and gays. Although you could ofcourse say that sex occupies a more central place for some gay men. When yousuppress your sexuality for eighteen years, it can come out with a bang.”

The Narcosexuals: 22/9 – 1/10, The Stone Head via Frascati Theatre

Lana Del Rey Course Launched at New York University’s Clive Davis Institute

As it did with Taylor Swift earlier this year, New York University’s CliveDavis Institute has introduced a course on Lana Del Rey for this fall. Taughtby journalist and author Kathy Iandoli, the two-credit course, “Topics inRecorded Music: Lana Del Rey” runs Oct. 20-Dec. 8.

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According to an NYU rep, the course will examine Del Rey’s contributions to21st Century pop stardom, her relationship to feminism, her musical influencesand artists she has influenced, and her connection to social justice movementssuch as #BlackLlivesMatter, #MeToo and #TimesUp . Del Rey was honored with theDecade Award at variety ‘s Hitmakers event in December.

The course description reads: Over the course of eight critically-acclaimedalbums, the six-time Grammy nominated artist has introduced a sad core,melancholic, and baroque version of dream pop that in turn helped shift andreinvent the sound (and mood) of mainstream music beyond the 2010s . Throughher arresting visuals and her thematic attention to mental health and tales oftoxic, damaged love, Del Rey provided a new platform for artists of allgenders to create “anti-pop” works of substance that could live in amainstream once categorized as bubblegum .

Speaking with Variety, Iandoli says, “In so many ways, I feel like Lana DelRey is both a blueprint and a cautionary tale, a complicated pop star whoresonates so much with her fans, not because of how she makes them feel abouther , but rather how she makes them feel about themselves. She has changed theparameters of baroque pop and now more specifically “sad girl pop” through hermusic, by expanding the subject matter which at times is controversial andchallenging. There are so many pieces in this mosaic that we have now come toknow as Lana Del Rey, and this course examines every dimension of it.”

Story continues

Chaired by veteran music writer and musician Jason King, the Davis Institutehas included classes taught by Questlove, “Dilla Time” author Dan Charnas,Q-Tip, legendary producer-engineer Bob Power and many others.

Of the Del Rey course, King tells Variety, “When we offer artist-themedcourses at the Clive Davis Institute, we are always asking: how does thisartist’s work help students think through larger and complex cultural, socialor political issues or movements? Lana Del Rey refracts so many changes incontemporary culture, especially as the role of contemporary women in popmusic keeps shifting. Studying Lana Del Rey means thinking more critically thegrowing popularity of so-called anti-pop. It means finding ways to considerthe increased interest in mental health and issues of psychological damage,and to evaluate changes in they 21st way we think about identity, especiallyin terms of race, gender, nation and class. Lana is especially relevant, andcontroversial, when it comes to changing ideas about intersectional feminismover the past decade.

“The point of our artist-themed classes at the Clive Davis Institute is toencourage students think more deeply and critically about the icons theyadmire and to develop a historical and contextual understanding of thoseartists,” he continues. “Students are expected to approach the study of LanaDel Rey with the same critical lens with which they approach the study of LedZeppelin or John Coltrane or Bob Marley or Stevie Wonder or Joni Mitchell inother Writing/History/Emergent Media Studies courses we offer . There is agrowing body of academic research and scholarly discourse on Lana Del Rey aswell that seeks to assess her cultural meaning and impact, and students readand think through some of the work in class.”

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