Fans surprised: Helmut Lotti opens throat and takes off clothes for metal cover | show

with videoThe Flemish singer Helmut Lotti (52), known for his brave,classical-like repertoire, has done something that his fans probably didn’tsee coming. The tenor pulls out all the stops for a ripping cover of metalband Iron Maiden, while his neat clothes don’t stay on.

Leon van Wijk Sep 24. 2022

Latest update: 24-09-22, 17:54

Starting next week, the Belgian radio station Willy will bring a top 1000 withthe best and ‘dirtiest’ rock records ever made. Listeners can now vote andHelmut Lotti, who broke through in 1989 with an Elvis Presley cover in theDutch Sounds mix show , has some advice. According to him _Run to the hills_by the British metal band Iron Maiden from 1982 in the first place. The singerhas special memories of the song.

,,My brother Johan is a hard rock fanatic and played the album The number ofthe beast Iron Maiden used to be flat,” he says. ,, Run to the hills was mypersonal favorite. One day I was singing that song when my father suddenlywalked in. He stood transfixed and said, “Wow, you can sing.” That was thefirst time I got a compliment from my father about my singing.”

Helmut Lotti unleashes the hard rocker in himself. © Willy

And he can still sing, according to the cover he recorded to reinforce hisadvice. It starts quite calmly, with Lotti in a neat suit with a bow. Firsthis jacket goes off and his cool leather bracelet comes out. When hiswaistcoat and shirt are also taken off, it turns out that he is wearing aT-shirt from the band.

Listeners do not know what they are experiencing. ‘Never thought I’d ever hearHelmut Lotti sing metal, but beautifully done’, it sounds under the video onYouTube. “He could be Iron Maiden’s new frontman,” wrote another. This is whatthe original sounds like:

It is not the first time that a singer with a completely different imagebrings out the rock star in himself. Do you have a moment for me – folksinger Frans Bauer once covered you hast from the German band Rammstein:

Although it is not rock, it is a similar outing: opera singer Maria Fiselierwas best singers for a moment a rude rapper:

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week ‘s nominations for theTelevizier ring, the clash between Angela de Jong and Johan Derksen, thestatement by Linda de Mol and the cancellation of Het Dorp. Listen below orsubscribe via Spotify or iTunes.

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Will Rihanna’s life finally revolve around music with glorious Superbowl comeback? | show

Despite six years of musical silence, Rihanna (34) is still the second mostsuccessful performer in the Top 40. Finally, the singer returns to the stageand on the intermission show of the Super Bowl. Where was Rihanna all thistime?

Take a look at Rihanna’s website and all you’ll find are posts about lingerie,skincare products, and makeup. The latest lipstick, a nice scent or a bottleof oil for supple skin? Rihanna offers it all.

It fits in with the image that has arisen in recent years of the singer whowas born on February 20, 1988 as Robyn Rihanna Fenty in Barbados. Pop queenRihanna built a real business empire, started her own charity and had herfirst child, a son, in May with American rapper A$AP Rocky.

Although not everything worked out – her own clothing line Fenty wentdefunct after two years – the artist launched several brands in recent years.For example, Fenty Beauty stands for cosmetics, Savage X Fenty __ for lingerieand Fenty Skin __ for skin care products. Not that Rihanna left it at that,she presented several of her own shoe lines in collaboration with sports brandPuma and oh yes, she also has an acting career.

A pregnant Rihanna with A$AP Rocky. © Getty Images for Gucci

Music has been relegated to second place for years. her latest album, Anti ,dates back to 2016. A new studio album, her ninth, should have been out longago. Reportedly, that is a reggae record, which Rihanna announced for 2019.However, he stayed away and so far the singer has not commented on theproject.

Super Bowl

Still, Rihanna seems busy with new music right now, something that would alignwell with her announcement to perform during the Super Bowl break in February.The American football season finale is one of the most watched sporting eventsin the world. Alone and together with A$AP Rocky, Rihanna has recently beenspotted at a music studio in Los Angeles on several occasions. That will notbe a coincidence, although the question is to what extent her original plansfor the new album have survived.

The Super Bowl intermission has long been a marketing stage that benefits theworld’s greatest artists. From Coldplay to Madonna, from Michael Jackson tothe Rolling Stones and from Lady Gaga to Prince of Beyoncé; all benefited froma huge TV audience. Rihanna will follow up on a whole company on February 12,as the intermission show this year was provided by no fewer than fivecolleagues: Eminem, Dr. Dre, Mary J. Blige, Kendrick Lamar and Snoop Dogg.

Her fortieth (!) and last song in the Top 40 may come from 2017 (a guest roleon Wild Thoughts by DJ Khaled), there is still only one artist that Rihanna_(Diamonds, Umbrella, Shut up and drive)_ trumps in success in this chart.David Guetta has been the king of the Top 40 for a year, the lead that Rihannaheld the five years before. She had in turn, very symbolically, replaced thepop queen of yesteryear: Madonna.

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Streaming services such as Netflix or TV: which is actually cheaper?

It was coming, but now it’s a very well-researched fact: TV is dying and alarge proportion of TV viewers really prefer to stream their content fromNetflix, HBO, Amazon Prime and Disney+. Do you pay much more? Yes and no: WANTeditor Dennis Mons thinks TV is ridiculous anyway.

The bowl of chips with a movie on Veronica (with the necessary irritation),farmer seeks wife watch, or shout with a plate on your lap at the summary ofan Eredivisie match during Studio Sport as if it just happened? It’s really athing of the past for many (I’m kind of betraying my age but oh well).

Classic TV viewing has now really had its day, according to research amongBritons. People really don’t want to watch TV anymore, but rather stream.

Streaming and especially Netflix, HBO and Netflix kill TV

With all due respect, watch what you want to watch. The television is still adevice that you turn on and there’s your stupid SBS6 content that majorproducers think you want to see (and often quite right).

Sorry TV viewers; you are a bit of a gourmand and like that spoon in yourmouth. Not me. So in all honesty I don’t know who Laura Vlasblom is, or whothe people are who show up in Expedition Robinson.

I don’t watch linear TV (except for NPO because it’s free, the news is handyand Lubach is fun).

Tall Frans ArjenLubachOpinionsdiffer, but hey… (Image: YouTube/Arjen Lubach)

Pop down and watch what you want on streaming

The research showed (and I bet my two left hands it applies to the lion’sshare of the Netherlands) that viewers are more likely to check streamingservices. 47 percent of Britons even admit to watching less linear television.A TV subscription is therefore not a cheap joke.

A younger target group in particular dances between old-fashioned TV andstreaming, but that is also due to the costs. Because let’s face it: ‘TV’ aswe know it isn’t cheap. A few costs in a row with a random provider (possiblymine but that aside).

ziggo tvCheap butwhat do you get? (Image: Ziggo)

Streaming versus T-Mobile or Ziggo is spicy

What do you get for a somewhat more extensive package: we take Ziggo as anexample.

You then have access to 70+ TV channels (of course all of the Netherlands,Germany and Belgium, Ziggo Sport, ESPN, etc.). That’s nice, but let’s behonest; a lot of us really aren’t going to zap there. But how much does thatjoke cost? That’s 65 euros per month. But hey, a year with a big discount inthe first instance.

If you just want ‘simple’ TV, it will cost you 21 euros per month and then youwill get 49 HD channels and 50 radio channels that no one listens to. AndZiggo Sport (which is of little use now that ESPN is in charge of F1 andfootball) is temporarily included. So if hockey, korfball, jeu de boules andany other sport is your thing: great choice.

TV vs Netflix, Disney+ and the rest

What are the cheapest streaming deals right now? We tackle the most popular:

Netflix: Apart from the fact that Netflix is ​​increasing its prices, the service isaffordable. For 8 euros per month you can watch what you want on one screen.The thing is that we would like to share our account but that will immediatelycost you 12 euros. If you also want to watch in 4K, you will immediately lose16 euros. Taps a lot, especially because Netflix prefers to kill the sharingof accounts.

The TownNetflixExcellent movie on Netflix: Jeremy Rennerin The Town. (Image: Warner Bros)


At HBO you can also stream for only 6 euros per month. Still a bit cheaperthan Netflix. Of course the offer is less and you only get 5 downloads towatch offline. If you want to go for a Standard subscription, it will cost you2 euros more, you watch in 4K and you have a maximum of 30 downloads. Worth itin our opinion.

Streaming on Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime is a wonderful option to watch a lot of series and movies forlittle money. And apart from Prime for 2.99 euros you can add all the channelsthat the company has under its care. In other words, if you’re eager, thatamount can add up considerably.

AmazonOld menon the Amazon? (Image: Amazon Studios)


In all honesty, Disney+ is a blessing: everything placed under that banner isavailable to all members of the family to see. From Star Wars until_Pinocchio_ and from Welcome to Wrexham until futurama : it’s all yours(kinda). And then there are countless films and series from Star, amongothers, that fall under the Disney + flag. Is that cheap? No: a subscriptioncosts you almost 9 euros per month.

Disney Star Wars MarvelLidlSeveraltoppers from the Disney stable. (Image: Lidl)

Streaming is not a replacement for TV

In other words: when it comes to your wallet, it’s better to take out astandard TV subscription. Some like to look at people who just don’t knowenough about LINGO with the sign on their lap, or the real Airbnb life in thesecond season of Jean-Klaas and Mieke in _Mon Dieu!: It Won ‘t Happen AfterAll? _in the Dordogne.

The above streaming services would cost you 31 euros per month compared tomore than 20 euros + (for the entry-level subscription) linear TV (and you canwatch NPO for free). In any case, it is worth the extra 11 euros to me forcontent that is awesome.

Patrick Kicken: Hey Wietze de Jager, otherwise stop with the 538 morning show

[BLOG] Hey Kicken, what ‘s that? Has the great 538 bashing started, rightaround the time that 538 is exactly 30 years old? First Niek van der Bruggenhas to sing three tones lower and now you have aimed your arrows at Wietze deJager? Well they do it themselves, by doing things on-air that would even getyou rapped on the fingers of the local broadcaster. Now it is Wietze de Jager,morning man at 538, who will tell his listeners in an 8-minute talk (!) thatthe morning show is very tough and he would rather work four days instead offive. What a poverty.

The audio fragment is now massively shared among jocks on whatsapp, the lamentof brand new morning jock Wietze de Jager against his sidekicks, live on-air,during the 538 Top 1000. No less than eight minutes long. Here you lose yourcourage, bring something like ‘entertainment’ in a morning show. Sure you can(and should) be personal, but that doesn’t mean you should just sit around andevaluate with your colleagues on a national station, for the hard-foughtattention of the listener in the morning. Listen and shudder for yourself:

‘Again another song that makes you think ooh how nice isn’t it’. And thenpretend you’re going to bring world news. ‘Paternity leave’. starts music,then newsreader Mart reveals the punch line of the story, Wietze doesn’treact, pretends his nose is bleeding and then goes on to say that he finds itall difficult, combining a morning show with a family with three youngchildren. Not a nice father anymore. And so wants to work four instead of fivedays. Because he wants to take his children to school one day a week. After 9months of morning show, Wietze de Jager is already half giving up, on-air.Compliments. 538 will win the match with you!

I understand his intention, nice talking about your kids on-air to relate withother parents, but with this you completely miss the point. If you already dothis, you prepare this well, you agree with your co-hosts which way the storywill go. No, nice and unprepared to sit around and tell them that youmisunderstood how heavy a morning show is. With Sensation White in thebackground. What shabby content the Dutch radio listener is treated to.

I may be exaggerating it all, but haven’t I already written it down a hundredtimes here: a morning or afternoon show can NOT be combined with raising youngchildren. You could have come up with that yourself in advance, as Klaas vander Eerden rightly points out three times in this talk. Your station managerCoco could have already figured this out. And if you’re going to discuss thison-air for 8 minutes during a hit list, you’re just an amateur. This hasnothing to do with entertainment, this is not cool, this is just first classtinkering. And worst of all, your listener just thinks ‘hey asshole, I have towork 8 hours a day five days a week, poser!’ If you are Edwin Evers who hasbuilt up a lot of credits with his listeners for a long time, then you mightstill get away with such an insider story, but you just came to see 538 thatmorning. Your mission is now all on everything put to win souls, not to sitand act pathetic!

And then they will come back to it a day later by getting listeners into thebroadcast. To speak with Domien: man, man, man. Wietze, you have disqualifiedyourself as a morning deejay for me on this one. Then just stop doing itcompletely, go back to doing something on the weekend and Friday evening andleave the morning to someone who is 200% motivated for it. That is also theonly way to win the competition, as I wrote so often, you don’t just add amorning show. I can hope that Dave Minneboo will have a word with his morningman: either you put everything aside to make this work, or it was a shortadventure for you. This is exactly the same arrogance that your predecessorFrank Dane displayed in the morning and now you’re going to do it all overagain?

Patrick Kicken

Fortunately, on the floors above the Radio 538 studio, people still thinkabout what is fun for the listener. Otherwise, check out these two videofragments of your Talpa colleagues who are now going viral Wietze. Or ask yourcompanion and comedian Klaas van de Eerden for some advice on storytelling, hewill never go unprepared on stage and just gossip without a punch.

Otherwise just move the Veronica morning show to 538, problem solved. TimKlijn seems motivated! Old 538 jock, can go back again, together with thesidekicks of Evers:

Lili Reinhart says she struggled with body dysmorphia while filming ‘Riverdale’

Lili Reinhart said she experienced a recent mental health “spiral” fromdealing with body dysmorphia while filming the latest season of Riverdale.

The 26-year-old actress has been open about her struggle with body imagethroughout her career. However, she shared in conversation with Dr. DanielAmen for his interview series Scan My Brain that she had recently been in a”negative headspace” as she witnessed her figure changing on camera.

“I’m constantly exposed to pictures of myself all the time on social media,> on my show, pictures of me on my show, which started when I was 19. So I’m> sort of constantly comparing what I look like now to what I looked like when> I was 19, a child,” she said. “So I’m comparing my body to my own body,> basically, and afraid of the changes that have been happening.”

Reinhart went on to say that she’s been in “a battle” with herself as a resultof that comparison to her younger self. “It’s me vs. me. Me from a coupleyears ago vs. me now and thinking how do I get back to that? How can I looklike that again?” she explained.

As she gets older and faces more changes with her body, it becomes moredifficult for her to deal with.

“It has been really hard the last couple months, specifically dealing withmore noticeable weight gain than I ever have in my life while also being onfilm while it was happening. So shooting my show [ Riverdale ] and havingthat weight gain basically documented on camera, episode by episode, week byweek of my life, my weight fluctuation,” she said. “It felt very much likethis massive problem, this thing that was taking up truly 90% of my braincapacity, I was barely thinking about anything else. Every thought was aboutmy weight, was about what I was eating, how I could lose weight, how I don’tlook how I used to look, how everyone looks around me, how I don’t look likethem. All of my thoughts were about my body and it was very overwhelming and avery negative headspace that I was in.”

Story continues

Reinhart said that although she’s “coming out” of that most difficult time,she continues to deal with negative body image on a regular basis afterdeveloping body dysmorphia by the time that she was 13 years old.

“My skin was really bad so I started to deal with it, not about my body, butvery much focused on my skin. I was doing my makeup in the dark, like I didn’twant to wake up and turn on the fluorescent lights in my bathroom and stare atmy acne, so I would do it in very dim lighting. at the acne at differentangles and its kind of like a ‘I hate looking in the mirror but I have to’obsessive sort of component there,” she said, explaining that even today if”something’s wrong cosmetically, I’m very attached to it, obsessed with it,have to look at it all the time.”

She also admitted to “obsessively looking in the mirror at my body” throughthe past few months as she gained weight and feeling uncomfortable with thepublic nature of her job.

“My point was that in being in film while that was happening, it’s verydifficult because it was one of the hardest little chapters of my life that Iwasn’t able to experience in private,” she said. “It was just a veryvulnerable, vulnerable thing to go through something so personal in a verypublic way. It was really hard.”

It has also become difficult for Reinhart to feel confident in her efforts tospread positivity on her platform as she experiences such a negative mindsettoward her body.

“It’s hard when I very much try to preach the idea of ​​loving yourself andaccepting yourself, and you don’t have to fit a one-size-fits-all image inyour life, especially as an actor,” she said. “Like it’s OK that I don’t looklike all these other people. And then on the inside feeling like I do need tolook like those people, so it’s a bit of a hypocrisy feeling. Feelingsometimes like a fraud or that I’ m lying to myself or lying to my fans wholook up to me because I am trying to promote these body-positive messages butI’m also still learning them myself.”

While Reinhart is a body-positivity advocate, she has remained honest abouther struggles, speaking out when she has bad body image days and even holdingother celebrities accountable for how they contribute to the conversation.Ultimately, she hopes to normalize those human emotions while being in thespotlight.

“[Body positivity is] not something that I’ve mastered and I don’t wake upevery day feeling like, ‘Oh it’s OK that I don’t look like that.’ There arevery brief moments where I feel that and when I do feel that, I feel empoweredto talk about them and be vocal about them. But the other 90% of the time,it’s the struggling part,” she said. “I want it to happen and I want to fullybelieve it but I’m also still on a daily basis struggling with it.”

Wellness, parenting, body image and more: Get to know the ** who*behind the* ** hi with Yahoo Life ‘s newsletter. Sign up here

DA suggests Alec Baldwin could be criminally charged in ‘Rust’ shooting

Alec Baldwin could soon face criminal charges for Halyna Hutchins’s death. Theactor has repeatedly denied responsibility for last year’s shooting on the setof Peace and recently said it’s unlikely he’ll be prosecuted — but that’s upto the Santa Fe district attorney.

DA Mary Carmack-Altwies filed an emergency request for $635,500, funds shesays are necessary to prosecute up to four people in connection with theaccident. the Los Angeles Times obtained a letter in which Carmack-Altwieslays out that her office is considering homicide charges, as well as gunviolations, against four individuals.

“During the filming of [ Rust ], Alec Baldwin shot and killed HalynaHutchins and injured Joel Souza while rehearsing a scene. Many individuals hadhandled the gun that ultimately killed Hutchins and injured [director Joel]Souza,” Carmack-Altwies wrote in the request, which was also obtained by the_New York Post_.

Carmack-Altwies notes that “one of the possible defendants is well known movieactor Alec Baldwin.”

“Since October of [2021], my office has been waiting for evidence to beexamined by the FBI. The results of the investigation have now been returnedto my office. Only a few items are outstanding but are expected any day,”Carmack-Altwies adds. The DA’s office was granted $317,750 for a potentialprosecution.

Baldwin’s lawyer tells Yahoo Entertainment it’s premature to speculate thatthe actor could be criminally charged.

“Some media reports today draw false conclusions based on a letter from theSanta Fe District Attorney. The DA has made clear that she has not receivedthe sheriff’s report or made any decisions about who, if anyone, might becharged in this case,” says attorney Luke Nikas or Quinn Emanuel. “And duringmy communications with the DA’s office just a few weeks ago, after the August30 funding request was submitted, I was told that it would be premature todiscuss the case because they had not yet reviewed the file or deliberatedabout their charging decision It is irresponsible to report otherwise. TheDA’s office must be given the space to review this matter without unfoundedspeculation and innuendo.”

Story continues

District attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies speaks at a news conference afteractor Alec Baldwin accidentally shot and killed cinematographer HalynaHutchins on the film set of the movie Rust in Santa Fe, New Mexico.(Districtattorney Mary Carmack-Altwies speaks at a news conference after actor AlecBaldwin accidentally shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on thefilm set of the movie Rust in Santa Fe, New Mexico.(

District attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies speaks at a news conference after actorAlec Baldwin accidentally shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins onthe film set of the movie Peace in Santa Fe, New Mexico. (Photo: Reuters)

Baldwin, who was also a producer on the Western film, has claimed ininterviews he did not pull the trigger. However, an FBI forensic reportreleased in August determined the .45 Colt could not have been fired withoutsomeone pulling the trigger. The report also confirmed that 150 live rounds ofammunition were found on the set.

In an interview with CNN, Baldwin once again shifted the blame to HannahGutierrez Reed, who served as the armorer and props assistant on the film, andassistant director Dave Halls, who handed him the gun during rehearsals anddeclared the gun “cold.” (A “cold” gun means it does not contain live ammo.)

“I’m pretty confident neither one of them should ever work in a film setagain,” Baldwin declared. “I sincerely believe… [investigators are] going tosay this was an accident. It’s tragic.”

Baldwin, who just welcomed his seventh child with wife Hilaria, said he’s lostfive jobs in the last year over the incident.

“There are two people who didn’t do what they were supposed to do,” he added.”I’m not sitting there saying I want them to, you know, go to prison, or Iwant their lives to be hell. I don’t want that, but I want everybody to knowthat those are the two people that are responsible for what happened.”

Baldwin hired a private investigator to look into the shooting and felt hewouldn’t be criminally charged. the 30 Rock star said the accident has”taken years off my life.”

This isn’t Baldwin’s only legal headache. He and other producers are facing awrongful death lawsuit filed by Hutchins’s widow, Matt, with whom she sharedone young son.

MORE: Alec Baldwin feared he would be killed by Trump supporters over Peace

Chloë Grace Moretz reflects on becoming a ‘Family Guy’ meme

Chloë Grace Moretz has grown to be a staple in Hollywood since having herbreakthrough moment in 2010 at just 12 years old and booking big gigsconsistently in the decade since. However, her journey hasn’t been withoutdifficulty as the now 25-year-old reflects on the intense scrutiny that she’sdealt with as a public figure.

In an interview for hunger magazine, Moretz said that she remembers the daythat she became aware of her fame when she was still just a teen. “It hit melike a ton of bricks. I was 18 and doing a red carpet. I walked off of it andI felt so much self-loathing and was really confused about the experience thatjust went down. I was really unwell after that ,” she said. “There was thiscomplete jarring shift in my consciousness, I questioned who I was. What am Idoing? Who am I? Why am I doing this? Like, what does this mean?”

It was years prior that Moretz had her first encounter with the paparazziafter she starred in the film Kick-Ass. Now, she calls it a distant memoryalthough it was unfortunately unforgettable.

“I was a kid and 90 percent of the time no one would really bother me. Butafter Kick-Ass , the first time I experienced paparazzi, it was 10 to 15adult guys surrounding a 12-year-old girl,” she recalled. “They pushed my momand she ended up falling into traffic — she didn’t get hurt, but the situationwas really chaotic. It’s an assault on all the senses, with screaming andflashes. I got into the car afterwards and I just burst into tears. I thinkthat’s my marker of before and after.”

Still, it wasn’t until she was older that she truly experienced “the darknessthat comes with fame,” as she grappled with the way that she was representedin the public sphere and how little control she seemed to have over that.

“For a long time I was able to be the Chloë that people see and the Chloë thatI am in private. Then those two worlds collided and I felt really raw andvulnerable and open,” she said. “And then came the onslaught of horrific memesthat started getting sent to me about my body.”

Story continues

While social media has played a role in the way that celebrities interact withtheir fans in an authentic way, it also provides an opportunity for people toengage with public figures on their own terms. For Moretz, there’s a standoutincident in which a photo that circulated took a hit on her confidence.

“There was one meme that really affected me, of me walking into a hotel with apizza box in my hand. And this photo got manipulated into a character from_Family Guy_ with the long legs and the short torso, and it was one of themost widespread memes at the time,” she said. “Everyone was making fun of mybody and I brought it up with someone and they were like, ‘Oh, shut the f***up, it’s funny.’ And I just remember sitting there and thinking, my body isbeing used as a joke and it’s something that I can’t change about who I am,and it is being posted all over Instagram. It was something so benign aswalking into a hotel with leftovers. And to this day, when I see that meme,it’s something very hard for me to overcome.”

Moretz said that she’s turned to therapy to “work through” all that comes withher celebrity. After the meme incident, it even became the more exciting partsof her job that felt compromised.

“It took a layer of something that I used to enjoy, which was getting dressedup and going to a carpet and taking a photo, and made me super self-conscious.And I think that body dysmorphia — which we all deal with in this world — isextrapolated by the issues of social media,” she explained. “It’s a headf***.”

As a result, the actress said she “basically became a recluse” to take somemuch needed time out of the spotlight so that she could ground herself in aprivate setting. That came with pros and cons.

“It was great because I got away from the photographers and I was able to bemyself, and to have so many experiences that people didn’t photograph, but atthe same time it made me severely anxious when I was photographed,” she said .”My heart rate would rise and I would hyperventilate.”

Moretz admitted that she was appreciative of getting a break from the publiceye during the pandemic, especially as people became more incognito as aresult of mask wearing.

“I just put a hat on, put a mask on and then put my hood up and would be ableto get away with a lot more, like go to a concert or bite my lip or haveundocumented pimples,” she said. “For me it was a time of introspection. Ilost my father during the pandemic, not due to COVID-related issues, but therewas a big amount of change in a really transformative time period. After thathappened I had to go to London to start filming [ The Peripheral ]. And Ithink that working again came at the perfect time in a lot of ways.”

And even as work and life continue to evolve back to business as usual, she isset on incorporating more time off into her schedule.

“It’s a new thing I’m doing,” she said. “Taking time to refill my cup. It’sall about boundaries and using your voice.”

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Nikki’s mother struggles with psychological problems: ‘Long ignored’

Nikki Eernisse grew up with parents who could not take good care of her.Nikki’s mother Karin suffers from Borderline personality disorder and herfather does not play a major role in her life. Documentary maker Monique Noltefollowed the family for 6 years. In Humberto On Sunday mother and daughtertell about this period, in which psychological problems played a major role.

Nikki is only 11 years old when she is first filmed. Now, six years later, theyoung woman looks back on this turbulent period with mixed feelings. “I havelong ignored the things that happened at home. I no longer live at home. WhenI saw the documentary, I was already out of the house and then I suddenlythought: wow. I’ve never looked at it that way at all. It’s put in a verydifferent perspective.”

Nikki’s mother is struggling with psychological problems

One of the scenes in Humberto on Sunday preview shows how Nikki wakes hermother. For example, the 11-year-old daughter makes a cup of coffee for Karin,makes breakfast and walks the dog. But after several attempts to get hermother out of bed, Nikki is unable to pull it off. “I see things now that Ididn’t see then,” Karin says about the scene.

Not only does Karin struggle with borderline, but also with depression. “Thatmoment, at that time, I was really deep. I was also convinced that I was not agood mother and that she would be better off somewhere else. That has beenquite a struggle, because I love her dearly too. I really wanted to beeverything, but I didn’t quite know how. (..) I was not living, I wassurviving.”

‘Nobody bothered to listen to my story’

Nikki is not the only one growing up in an unstable family. In theNetherlands, approximately 600,000 children grow up with parents who sufferfrom psychological problems or addictions. By making a film about thesituation of Nikki and Karin, Nolte wanted to take a look at the uniquerelationship between parent and child. “That bond can be incredibly beautiful,but it can also be damaging. I was fascinated to see what it’s like for achild when a parent can’t take care of you so well,” says the documentarymaker.

An alarming fact is that 65 percent of children who grow up in families withpsychological and/or addiction problems may struggle with similar problemslater in life. “In a lot of situations, there was no place to express myself,”says Nikki. “Adults looked down on me like that 11-year-old girl who knowsnothing about the world. But my upbringing was very different. No one botheredto listen to my story. And I think this is where a lot of things went wrong.”

Strong bond between Nikki and mother despite everything

Nikki, now 17, is doing well. “The film helped a lot with that. I was finallyable to fully understand where my own problems come from. That way I can workwell on it.” Despite everything, the bond between Nikki and her mother Karinis strong. “We have always been a team.” The beautiful words of Nikki do notleave Karin untouched. “I have a very low self-esteem,” says Karin, while sheis handed a handkerchief by Humberto. “It’s nice to see that she was able tosee through it.”

Three arrested Iranian filmmakers still incarcerated: what is their situation? | Movies & Series

Iranian filmmakers Mohammad Rasoulof, Mostafa Al Ahmad and Jafar Panahi werearrested in their own country in July. What is their situation at the moment?

By our entertainment editors

A group of cinematographers, including Mohammad Rasoulof, Mostafa Al Ahmad andJafar Panahi, wrote a statement at the end of May that eventually led to theirarrest. It is in response to government intervention in protests following thecollapse of a ten-storey building. On May 23, the Metropol collapsed as aresult of various violations in its construction.

According to state media, 41 people have died and 37 people have been injured.The population is taking to the streets demanding that those involved be heldaccountable. The government responded by cracking down on the protests.

First, Rasoulof and Al Ahmad are arrested, after which Panahi decides toredress at the prison where the two are currently located. The filmmaker isarrested on the spot. Signing the statement is seen as an activity directedagainst the Iranian regime. Panahi denies that; according to him, thestatement is intended to show solidarity and empathy towards the population.

Renowned filmmaker and honored in the film world

Panahi is a renowned filmmaker; he has won several awards in his career,including the Golden Lion for best film at the Venice Film Festival, theGolden Bear for best film at the Berlin Film Festival and the Golden Palm forbest screenplay at the Cannes Film Festival. This year he also won a specialjury prize for his latest film, from prison No Bears at the Venice FilmFestival.

Rasoulof’s work has also been regularly awarded; for example, in 2020 he won aBerlin Golden Bear for his film There Is No Evil.

During this year’s Venice Film Festival, protests against the detention, amongothers, Jafar Panahi, Mohammad Rasoulof and Mostafa Al Ahmad.

Photo: Getty Images

Not the first arrest for Panahi

Panahi was previously arrested in 2009 and 2010 for allegedly turning againstthe Iranian regime. When Panahi was released after his second arrest, it wason condition that he would abstain from making films, writing scripts, doinginterviews and traveling abroad for 20 years.

Like his colleague, Rasoulof has been arrested several times in Iran. Heregularly receives intimidating text messages, threatening more lawsuits andjail time. The three filmmakers are still in prison. Their situation has notbeen disclosed for about two weeks.

  • Jafar Panahi derde gearresteerde regisseur binnen enkele dagen inIran

Zie ookJafar Panahi derde gearresteerde regisseur binnen enkele dagen in Iran

Recently, several journalists, photographers and activists have been arrestedfor reporting on the protests that have arisen after the death of Mahsa Amini.Amini recently died in a police station after being arrested by the religiouspolice. The 22-year-old Iranian-Kurdish woman is said to have not covered herhead properly. Heart problems were the cause of her death, police said. Herfamily says she was healthy and did not suffer from a heart condition.

Calls from all over the world for the release of the three filmmakers, as wellas the journalists and photographers who have been arrested in recent weeks.

Fajah Lourens no longer finds her ‘old’ breasts beautiful: ‘Happy and happy with decision’ | show

Fitness influencer Fajah Lourens (41) is very happy that she has chosen tohave her breast implants removed. She did so after realizing that herhappiness in life does not depend on her cup size. She doesn’t even think her’old’ bosom is beautiful anymore.

She writes that today in her Instagram Stories. With a photo of her bare torsofrom before the operation, she reflects on the procedure. “The longer I lookat it, the less beautiful I find it,” Lourens told her 150,000 followers. ‘Isaw something completely different then than now. I am genuinely pleased andhappy with my choice.’

Lourens had her breasts enlarged around her 20th birthday. She calls her bosoma ‘lifelong topic’, which she has been involved with since childhood. Forexample, her stepfather did not allow her to wear a bikini and she had toshare swimming trunks with her brothers, because she “didn’t have breastsyet”, she wrote earlier. The contrast with her role model was great: Fajahwanted to look like Pamela Anderson, known for her large breasts.

Read on under the photo of Pamela Anderson from Lourens ‘ childhood:

Pamela Anderson during the Baywatch series, when Fajah Lourens was young. © PR

The successful entrepreneur now thinks she wanted bigger breasts because shefelt too little seen in her youth. At the end of last year it was realizedthat she does not need an enlarged bosom to be seen. “I went to tell thatlittle girl she’s beautiful the way she is. Also with her own cup size,” wroteFajah, one of the women who posed topless for the “anti-pretentiousness”number of Linda.

The decisive moment came when her right implant started leaking for the secondtime in five years last year. She first decided to take new copies, and hadanother complication and therefore a lowered resistance, after which she gotcorona. This couldn’t go on any longer, she concluded. Lourens had herimplants removed and her breasts lifted.

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Think twice

Her new body is immediately connected to her work: with a bikini photo, shepromoted her new line of bikinis for “small breasts” this week. By the way,she no longer has to wear bras. “I don’t fit one,” she wrote two months aftersurgery. “My cup size is so small that every triangle is too big.”

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Lourens especially advises to think again if you are considering having abreast augmentation. “Know that you are more than a body with breasts,” Fajahsaid. ‘By always accepting yourself and not resisting reality, you will seethat you don’t need anything to be happy. Suffering arises from resistance toreality.’

Fajah doesn't like her 'old' breastsanymore.Fajah doesn’t like her ‘old’ breasts anymore. © Instagram Stories FayaOfficial

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