Crew members ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ jump in the breach for Olivia Wilde: “There was no arguing” | showbiz

MovieThe new print ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ has been plagued with negativepublicity and gossip in recent weeks. For example, it would reportedly notclick between lead actress Florence Pugh (26) and director Olivia Wilde (38).The latter would have picked up with Harry Styles on the set, much to thedismay of his co-star. The crew and production members now debunk all rumors.”The allegations are false,” it says in statements that ‘Page Six’ and’People’ got their hands on.

The rumor mill has been running at full speed lately regarding the new HarryStyles print. For example, there would be bad blood between actress FlorencePugh and the director on duty, Olivia Wilde. A source told ‘Page Six’ that therelationship between Wilde and Styles was not well received by Florence. “Ican tell you with certainty that Florence was not in a good mood when she sawOlivia on set with Harry. She blames Olivia for hooking up with Harry beforeshe broke off her engagement.” Pugh was also unhappy that Wilde seemed to paymore attention to Styles than to the film itself and sometimes seemed todisappear without a trace. The icing on the cake was the much-discussed pressconference in Venice, where the cast members seemed to avoid each other, Wildeturned around during interviews and on top of that the bizarre ‘spittingincident’ took place between Harry Styles and actor Chris Pine. More thanenough food for the gossipers.

But Wilde can now count on support from unexpected quarters. “We are so proudof the work Olivia Wilde has put in making this incredibly beautiful andentertaining film and look forward to working with her again,” Warner Brosexecutives Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy told Page. six’. “The studio is deeplygrateful for Olivia’s tireless support in bringing her vision to life fromproduction to release. Any suggestion of a conflict between the studio andOlivia is simply untrue.”

On the defensive

The crew members of ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ are also more than tired of thegossip. As many as forty crew members and members of the production team told’People’ the following: “As a crew we have avoided responding to the absurdgossip about the film that we are so proud of, but we still feel compelled togive the so-called ‘ anonymous sources’.” The employees strongly deny therumours. “All allegations of unprofessional conduct on set are completelyfalse.” Furthermore, Wilde was credited as an “incredible leader and directorwho was present and involved in every aspect of the production and did so withclass and respect for everyone involved.”

They went on to say that there were never any fierce fights on set. “We arehappy to put our name to this as real people who have worked on this film andwho have witnessed the collaborative and safe space that Olivia has created asa director and leader.”

The film ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ is now in cinemas.

Florence Pugh and Harry Styles in Don’t Worry Darling. © Warner Bros.Entertainment via AP

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Opinion | Series Rings of Power is a missed opportunity for greatness

While in Europe Russia has started a direct war with neighboring Ukraine forthe first time since WWII, which pays a lot of attention to the heroism ofUkrainian soldiers, and the atrocities and destruction by Russia, worldwideaudiences of millions are turning the attention to fantasy series such as TheRings of Power (Amazon) and House of the Dragon (HBO). The first is aprequel to the successful Lord of the Rings adaptations of the books by JRRTolkien, and in this classic tale of the struggle between good and evil, it isnot difficult to see similarities with the struggle in Ukraine.

There is, also in NRC attention for The Rings of Power but also for thecriticism about skin color and women in combat roles that the series hasfaced.

Martijn Vos is a software engineer with an interest in fantasy and SF.


That criticism is unfortunate, not only because the complaints are superficialand largely unfounded, but also because the racist and sexist sound of thecriticism hinders the more substantive criticism of this most expensivestreaming production ever. Because there is quite a bit wrong with the series,and that is not about skin color or the role of women, on the contrary thesomewhat browner skin of the Bruives ( Harfoots in English) is precisely howTolkien distinguished them from the other hobbit peoples. The same goes forGaladriel: according to Tolkien, she was as big and strong as a male elf, andwas second to none in athletic prowess.

No, where The Rings of Power The flaw is not in the looks or in thosedetails, but in the big picture: the history as written by Tolkien, and theactions of the main protagonist, Galadriel. In Tolkien she is one of the threemost powerful elves with King Gil-Galad and master blacksmith Celebrimbor, butin the series she comes across as a relatively young elf who is sent away fromMiddle-earth by Gil-Galad (Tolkien’s second cousin). . Her inseparable husbandCeleborn is not even mentioned in the books.

Also read: ‘ The Rings of Power’ will have to do even more to justifyitself

But all that is forgivable if the writers of the series had a good reason forit and they told a good story with it. So it was my surprise that Galadriel,arriving on the fantastically rendered island of Numenor (visually the seriesis an absolute delight), comes into contact with Elendil, a character thatTolkien only situates some 2,000 years later. Two stories from completelydifferent eras are mixed up in the series, and after the fourth episode I seecoming that the fall of the underground dwarf kingdom of Moria will also beadded, which should take place with Tolkien again 2,000 years later. find. Aperiod of 4,000 years is squeezed into one season, so if you find the story abit crowded and difficult to follow, then that’s not a bad thing. It’s likehaving Julius Caesar meet Napoleon, while medieval knights fight a crusadeagainst the pyramid builders.

And it could have been so much better, especially with the huge budget thecreators had. The storylines could have been better divided over the differentseasons. That would have made history much more dramatic. Show the passage oftime, how the humans change, and the elves don’t. All working towards thepoint where the Lord of the Rings movie story begins. I don’t know why thecreators didn’t take that big, epic approach and instead try to cram as muchhistory into a season as possible. With fewer storylines at the same time, theseries could have had more focus. It’s a missed opportunity for greatness.

How Mark Rutte freestyled through the Op1 interview

As fast as Harry Mack can rap, no, Mark Rutte didn’t save that. But it didn’tmatter much. ‘s guest The Evening Show with Arjen Lubach was an Americanrapper on Monday evening, that is Harry Mack. A freestyle rapper, which inthis case means that he quickly devises and recites a text while improvising.Recitation sounds a bit stale, you could also say vomit or vomit, but thatwould give the impression that what he raps is complete nonsense or somethingcompletely incoherent, but it is not.

Arjen Lubach – he is “a big fan” – asked Harry Mack to demonstrate his art.Five people from the audience were allowed to write any word on a sign, andMack would come up with a text on the spot. Lubach himself kicked off with_face mask deal. _space biscuits, Hogwarts house and Evening show were theother words. I give it to you to make some sense out of that, but damn itworked.

Also read: Prime Minister Rutte at Op1: vague, technical and a strikingmoment

Applause, credits, quickly to the commercial and then came the specialbroadcast of On 1 at the Cat House. A one-on-one by Sven Kockelmann withPrime Minister Mark Rutte, because Sven’s regular co-presenter Fidan Ekiz wasnot there. For whose undisclosed reasons that was, I have no idea. Just likeguessing at the answer to a few more whys. Why did Rutte want a live interviewon television of just under an hour that lasted longer than sixty minutes? Whynow? Why with Sven? Halfway through the conversation, the prime minister saidhe had considered giving a Tower Room speech on Monday evening, as he didtwice during the corona crisis. But, he said, the disadvantage of this is thatno one can say anything back and he liked it so much that Sven immediatelyasked him “firm and critical” questions. He also said exactly as he knew him.For a firm, critical interviewer that must feel like a wet kiss to death.

Stop flaps between breaths

It cannot be compared entirely with Harry Mack’s performance, because MarkRutte could pretty much think in advance which words would be written on hisplate. In any case, a lot of compositions with crisis. Climate, asylum,energy, gas price, Ukraine. Furthermore, there was to be expected listeningtour (invented by Sigrid Kaag), trust and who knows, something with rotting orrubbing up. Words that don’t rhyme very well, but he did a lot better than youwould expect from someone with a 3.3 on his report card.

The crux of à l ‘improviste scribbling a text is that you have a few stoppieces at your disposal that you can always throw between breaths, or just usewhen you are short of text. Think of: “That is decided by the voter”, “If Imay for a moment”, “Let’s go back to the beginning”, “Here I have to pull twothings apart.” Then you can start your own storyline. Asking yourselfrhetorical questions is also a brilliant move and as far as I know there is noword for that style yet. “Mark, where have you been all this time?” “Mark, youshould be with us for a while now.” “What can you blame me for?” Sentenceswithout a question mark, because of course there is no real answer. Oh yes,smart too, casually plait a claim of authority into your sentence. So talk,talk, talk – “I called Zelensky this afternoon” – talk talk talk. For thechorus you can always say something like “financially healthy and strong”,“all together”, “because I like to work together” (rhymes!).

Is it incoherent what Mark Rutte said? I would say: quite the contrary. Hedidn’t let himself be fooled and whistled his own tune. It was not a sing-along, and here and there he forgot a note. But one thing you have to givehim, this European Prime Minister can do without a dog whistle.

De Placemakers sees a future for Backbone on Travertijnstraat: “We didn’t know what we were hearing”

De Placemakers sees a future for Backbone on the Travertijnstraat. Thisbecame apparent on Saturday afternoon during a meeting in ‘t Vinkhuys. PeterLoef is one of the entrepreneurs in Backbone, and he was amazed.

Hi Peter! A lot has been written and said about Backbone in the past year.How are you currently? “It’s going well in itself. However, concerns are growing. As it seems now itwill stop in this building on December 31st. Then the lease ends. The futureis uncertain. And there’s a lot of talk about that. You also see the stressand panic among the entrepreneurs. They now have an affordable space wherethey can set up their business. But what will happen next? Can they go on andon after December 31? And where? Backbone is a breeding ground where beautifulthings arise, where beautiful things happen. That should never go away.”

Backbone is located at Travertijnstraat 12, a former school building. It hasbeen said that it will be demolished to build houses… “I can tell you that yesterday afternoon was a big surprise. Because indeed,what you are describing is also the story we always heard. De Placemakers hasbeen hired by the municipality of Groningen to make a plan for this area. Whatshould be done with it? Residents have been able to submit plans, but thepeople from De Placemakers have also looked at it themselves. Yesterday duringa meeting in ‘t Vinkhuys it became clear that they think it is very importantthat people can live and work in the new district. That something must arisewhere people can meet, but which can also serve as a connection. In otherwords, what we have in Trav 12 should actually be continued.”

What exactly does that mean? “In the eyes of De Placemakers, there must be a future-proof neighborhood,where there is space and space for the neighbourhood. It must be possible towork, it must be possible to meet, but it must also be possible to organizethings for the district. That’s exactly what we do. We received the advicefrom De Placemakers to make our concept future-proof. And that the building weare in can last for years to come.”

Now I have heard the retired alderman Roeland van der Schaaf (PvdA) say thatthe building is unsafe… “Correct. But we have always questioned those words. It is clear thatsomething has to be done about the building. There is still single glass init. That must be replaced. It contains asbestos. That must be removed. Thepiping must be replaced. And the outside really needs to be refurbished. Butthose are things that can be financed and realised. And such a meeting alsomakes you think, doesn’t it? You said we’re in an old school building. Forexample, the entire computer network is still there. If you remove that, youmay be able to earn money with it so that you can already start certainactivities. We really have to think in terms of opportunities, how we can keepour pants up ourselves. Actually, the concept for the RKZ complex would beideal. There, people can take care of themselves, but a housing associationwill sign for the maintenance of the building.”

What is the value of the judgment of De Placemakers… “We do not know that. But this is a very nice boost. The Placemakers have beenhired by the municipality of Groningen to make a plan for theTravertijnstraat. So yes, there are houses. But if they say so clearly that aconcept such as Backbone fits in perfectly with the plan, then I expect thatit will simply be preserved in the presentation, and that the municipalitywill also have to do something with it. The municipality cannot ignore this.”

Until now we have often talked about the Travertijnstraat 12. But there isalso a Travertijnstraat 6 … “That is the building that used to house the Alfa College. Very nice thingsare happening there too. Just like in our building, this is a breeding groundwhere entrepreneurs can start a business at a low price. For example, there isa very large workshop there where new things are made from old materials. Verynice. And those things happen to us too. Gea’s Weggevenwinkel, for example,has become big with us. The Northerners have been here for a while. The FreeCafé is still here. The festivals of tomorrow are conceived here, thecompanies that everyone will be talking about next week will see the lighthere.”

Meanwhile, the end of the year is approaching. Are you going to wait it out? “No. What we heard yesterday was a nice boost. But we have to move on. We allknow about the real estate market. There are no affordable spaces. And that iswhy we must cherish and preserve Trav 6 and 12. We really have to fight forthat. And the buildings can easily be part of a new neighbourhood. In fact, itcan be a reinforcing factor. And that is why we will be making a lot of noisein the near future. We also want to seek contact with Groningen politicians.”

Many viewers of Op1 interview Mark Rutte express the same criticism

Last night Prime Minister Mark Rutte was a guest at a special broadcast of On1. There he was put to the test by Sven Kockelmann. Or well, put on fire?According to many viewers, that was not so bad and there was a meaninglessinterview.

Mark Rutte was interviewed for an hour last night from the Catshuis, theofficial official residence of the Prime Minister. Such an interview outsidecampaign time is rare. But yesterday he made special time for interviewer SvenKockelmann, and he discussed, among other things, the criticism that he wouldbe too ‘invisible’ during crises.

Criticism of invisibility was ‘usually justified’

That criticism was “usually justified,” said Mark Rutte. He acknowledged thathe was repeatedly criticized during the nitrogen crisis, the allowance affairor around the gas quakes in Groningen. Now Rutte wants to show himself more.”That’s why it’s so good that we’re here,” he said to Sven Kockelmann.

The Prime Minister considered giving another speech from the Torentje. “Butthe disadvantage is that no one can say anything back.” The fact that theprime minister asked people from the Torentje to stay at home during thecorona crisis was also “a very intense moment”. But Rutte did not want to ruleout the possibility that a Torentjes speech “will be necessary again”.

According to Rutte, the criticism of the cabinet in times of crises is often”that it sometimes takes too long”. For example, it took a very long timebefore the cabinet could reassure people about the expensive energy bill. Butthe problems, also in the field of asylum and nitrogen, are “extremelycomplex”, Rutte said.

Mark Rutte: election win in Italy ’cause for concern’

Rutte also discussed the election win in Italy of Giorgia Meloni’s radicalright-wing Fratelli d’Italia. These developments are a “reason for concern”,Prime Minister Mark Rutte said. Her party and the right-wing parties withwhich Meloni wants to work “have said and done things that make you say: thereis reason for vigilance,” Rutte said in the statement. On 1 -interview.

The prime minister has not yet congratulated Meloni on her victory, butaccording to him that is customary only when she is actually prime minister.He will also try to work with Meloni. “You shouldn’t be naive, but you shouldgive her a chance,” said the prime minister.

Reactions viewers after ‘interview’: ‘Almost over, thank God’

Watching the interview for an hour has not been sustained by everyone. Manypeople thought it was meaningless, hot air and an hour of airtime forpolitical parties. “Mark Rutte wanted to show himself on Dutch televisionafter mountains of criticism. He succeeded. Disappointing for the genuinelycurious viewer, because a meaningless interview,” writes one viewer.

Prime Minister @markrutre wanted to appear on Dutch television after> mountains of criticism. That’s him thanks> @scockelmann success.> Disappointing for the genuinely curious viewer, because a meaningless> interview.> #Op1npo>> — Jan Leune (@JWCLeune) September 26,> 2022

Others also criticize the broadcast.

I missed this after the> ‘interview’#op1npo> #rutte>>> — René Kemp⭐ (@rkemp59) September 26,> 2022

Almost over, thank goodness. I have no idea what he was talking about and> what I’ve been> watching.#npo1> #Op1npo>> — Kitsune (@Silver_Fox75) September 26,> 2022

In the end, there has been a lot of talk and little said.> #Op1npo>> — Eva Brandemann (@evabrandemann) September 26,> 2022

We work hard on that, we do everything we can, we have to solve that, we> think about it, we study on it, I can’t say anything about that right now.>> Rutte’s meaninglessness in a nutshell.#on> 1> #Op1npo> #wnl>>> — Ⓜ️🅰️❌ (@MadMax_010) September 26,> 2022

Rutte blames himself for everything – ‘you can blame me for that’ – but> that’s about it. There is no action perspective or vision and that is a> problem in view of the crises in our country.> #Op1npo>> — Welmoed Vlieger (@WelmoedVlieger) September 26,> 2022

According to viewers, interviewer Sven Kockelmann could have been a bit morecritical of Mark Rutte.

#Op1npo> @SvenKockelmann> Nice try but completely fell through the ice.> @MinPres has rarely had> it so easy. Stop interviewing, this makes no sense…>> — Curl_G (@Curl_G5) September 26,> 2022

#Op1npo> You really never get that Rutte crazy. Sometimes I also have my criticisms.> But here I am again happy. Kockelmann is completely wrapped up. Beautiful.>> — Rineke 💙💛 (@TonneDer) September 26,> 2022

According to journalist Maarten Hopman of The pin would it have been a goodreason for On 1 to broadcast from Ter Apel. “This would have been a perfectoccasion for” On 1 to broadcast from Ter Apel once so that Rutte can seewith his own eyes how many people have to sleep on chairs or in the open air.”

This would have been a perfect reason for Op1 to broadcast from Ter Apel so> that Rutte can see with his own eyes how many people have to sleep on chairs> or in the open air. (Can also be done at any station square in the major> cities)> #Op1npo>> — Maarten Hopman (@maartenhopman94) September 26,> 2022

Watch the Op1 interview with the Prime Minister here.

De Volkskrant TV selection for Monday 26 September

Research collective Bellingcat uses public information sources that can beconsulted and checked by anyone, mostly online. The Dutch investigativejournalist Christiaan Triebert, currently working for The New York Times_believes that this form of investigation is conducive to confidence injournalism, which has been damaged in some quarters. _Backlight presents aportrait of Triebert, who in the past conducted research for Bellingcat intothe Turkish coup attempt in 2016.

The Shining

SBS 9, 8.30 pm

(Horror, Stanley Kubrick, 1980) In this masterful Stephen King adaptation withwife and son, writer Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) gets snowed in at thegigantic, remote Overlook Hotel and continues magnificently, in the spirit ofthe hotel keeper who preceded him many winters ago. The hotel serves as aninscrutable labyrinth that constantly changes shape, for both the maincharacter and the spectator. The model used to be the Stanley Hotel inColorado: in this neo-Georgian, allegedly haunted building, King is said tohave devised his novel. Incidentally, the author himself could only moderatelyappreciate Kubrick’s adaptation: cleverly made but empty, King thought.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Just 5, 8.30 pm

(Adventure, Jake Kasdan, 2017) Director Jake Kasdan hits the mark with hisupdate of Jumanjic (1995), a 1990s blockbuster about an enchanted boardgame, on a different note from predecessor Joe Johnston. While the rathercreepy original was all about the special effects and the comedic talent ofRobin Williams, the 2017 version is a cheerful ensemble film that places theprotagonists in a computer game. The screenwriters shifted attention to therelationships between the characters and especially to the fantasy: what wouldit be like to suddenly be a character in a computer game?

Karen Gillan, Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black in Jake Kasdan's 'Jumanji:Welcome to the Jungle'.  Image

Karen Gillan, Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black in Jake Kasdan’s ‘Jumanji: Welcometo the Jungle’.

Inside Man

BBC 1, 10pm

From the pen of Steven Moffat, who earned his spurs with BBC series such as_Doctor Who_ and Sherlock comes the new series Inside Man. The storyrevolves around four characters who become entangled and asks what it takes toturn someone into a murderer. David Tennant plays a priest who goes to thestation to pick up his son’s tutor (Dolly Wells). Meanwhile, a journalist(Lydia West) is looking for a good story and a death row inmate (StanleyTucci) awaits his execution in America.

Fault lines

NPO 2, 22.18 hours

In the series Fault lines Sinan Can takes stock in the banlieues of Europe.Not only in Paris, but also in London, Brussels and Stockholm. In these so-called Sharia neighbourhoods, unemployment is high, poverty is high and thegap between migrants and the native population is unbridgeable. Caninvestigates what is going on and wonders what the Netherlands can do toprevent the creation of such no-go zones. Today Can is in Clichy-sous-Bois,where African immigrants say that life was better in the slums they escaped.

Evil by Design: Surviving Nygård

Canvas, 10.55 p.m.

The successful Finnish-Canadian fashion designer Peter Nygård has enjoyedgolden times with his fashion brand over the past twenty years. That came toan abrupt end when an investigation into him was opened in 2020. Dozens ofwomen accuse Nygård of raping them at his vacation home in the Bahamas. Inmost cases, the victims were minors. In the first episode of Evil by Design:Surviving Nygård it turns out that stories of Nygård’s misconduct had beencirculating much earlier, but that the victims were intimidated.

The Conjuring 2

SBS 9, 10.55 pm

(Horror, James Wan, 2016) When paranormal investigators Lorraine and Ed Warrencome to the aid of a single mother and her brood in their gloomy Londonterraced house, English haunted houses are also cracking doors and paleteenage girls fall into demonic cursing. Fortunately, director Wan uses theclichés with flair in this excellent sequel, and sometimes comes up withsomething new. Cool, the scene where the possessed daughter turns into a long-dead old man, while the camera work keeps her out of focus, so you’re neversure what you’re seeing.

all 22 major announcements and trailers

from more Bridgerton and Squid Game until The Witcher : Netflix hasunleashed a barrage of trailers, new announcements and release dates on theworld. We’ve listed all of Tudum’s major revelations for you.

Last weekend, Tudum, a major annual Netflix event, took place for the secondtime.

Netflix presents Tudum

‘Tudum’ is the sound you hear at the beginning of series and movies on thestreaming service, when the Netflix logo appears.

It is therefore also the name of a barrage of announcements, trailers andnews. The streaming service also went wild again last Saturday. From_Bridgerton_ and Chris Hemsworth until The Witcher : these are all 22major updates from Tudum 2022. Prefer to rewatch the two-hour event? You cando that here.

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Knives Out is now a Netflix franchise, and Daniel Craig is back on board asDetective Benoit Blanc. With a new cast and a new murder case, it’s time toinvestigate again. Netflix showed a new clip during Tudum. Glass Onion: AKnives Out Mystery comes out on December 23.

Dead to Me Season 3

Dead to Me is not as big as for example Stranger Things, Sex Education andother series of that caliber. Yet the black comedy about a grieving mother whoends up in a dark criminal web has a loyal fan base. For them, Netflix hadgood news last Saturday: the third and final season will be released onNovember 17. A brand new teaser completes the party.

Oxenfree on Netflix

A game? Yes, a game. You’re not the only one forgetting that Netflix alsooffers a remarkably solid list of top games to subscribers. For nothing, nada,nothing. We have put together a list of recommendations for you in thisarticle. there is now Oxenfree added, one of the best indie games of recentyears. Bingo!

The Witcher Season 3

It’s way too early for a trailer, but the cast of The Witcher was presentduring Tudum to bring other good news. Besides a few behind the scenes look,they confirmed that the third season of The Witcher will be released in thesummer of 2023.

Our family returns! The Witcher is back for Season 3 in Summer 2023> #TUDUM>>> — Netflix (@netflix) September 24,> 2022

The Witcher: Blood Origin

Don’t worry, fans of The Witcher. The third season of the hit series isstill a while away, but more live-action is coming this year The Witcher toNetflix. Then we’re talking about the spin-off Blood Origin. Netflixannounced a number of cast members and a release date during Tudum: December25!

Dark 2.0?

The German Original dark caused Netflix to invest more in internationalproductions. But it was also just a very strong series. The show’s creatorswill be back soon with a new series: 1989 , a historical thriller. The castannounced during Tudum that the Netflix Original will be released on November17.

Vikings: Valhalla Season 2

Netflix treated fans of the Vikings franchise last Saturday on a first tasteof Vikings: Valhalla Season 2. More Vikings, more action, what more couldyou want?

Hell Bound Season 2

The South Korean horror series Hellbound was one of the best Originals of2021. What do you want, with Train to Busan director Yeon Sang-ho at thehelm. Luckily there’s more to come Hellbound to, the streaming serviceannounced last Saturday, in the form of a second season! For now, no releasedate has been announced. Fans will make do with a very short teaser.

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio

Guillermo del Toro will deliver his big passion project for Netflix later thisyear: a stop-motion version of Pinocchio. Instead of a new trailer, Netflixnow treats us to a look behind the scenes. And thanks to the special animationtechnique that results in an intriguing two minutes.

Heart of Stone

Gal Gadot returns to action for Netflix in the thriller Heart of Stone. Itlooks like it’s going to be yet another generic action thriller on thestreaming service, but hey, let’s not be too quick to judge. Gadot, JamieDornan and Alia Bhatt will star in the film together sometime in 2023. In themeantime, the streaming service treats us to a first taste.

The Mother

Speaking of female action heroes. In The Mother Jeniffer Lopez is a hit manwho must forgo her pension to save her daughter. Also a super cliché premise,but at least you can count on an action-packed roller coaster ride in May2023.

They Cloned Tyrone

After Day Shift Jamie Foxx will ‘soon’ be seen in another action comedy forNetflix: They Cloned Tyrone. Along with John Boyega and Teyonah Parris, hischaracter tries to uncover the dark truth of a government experiment. Anyway,the first teaser looks cool.


The Addams Family is back, in the form of its spin-off Wednesday. The showfocuses on the eponymous member of the family, played by Jenna Ortega, as shetakes her first steps at Nevermore Academy boarding school.

Emily in Paris

Phil Collins’ daughter is back for a third season of Emily in Paris. Netfliximmediately announced a release date through a teaser: December 21.

Shadow and Bone Season 2

No, Netflix still doesn’t have a release date for the second season of Shadowand Bone announced. Fans have to make do with a short taste, a teaser.

More Bridgerton

Bridgerton is a mega hit, and that is going to milk Netflix quite a bit. Inaddition to a third season in the pipeline, a prequel series is also coming.It’s called Queen Charlotte , starring India Amarteifo as the eponymouscharacter. No release date has yet been announced.

Enola Holmes is back

Enola Holmes is back! Millie Bobby Brown returns as Sherlock Holmes’ sister onNovember 4. This time she tries to set up her own detective agency. But hey,with such a famous brother, that’s easier said than done.

More Squid Game!

No, Netflix is ​​far from ready to show the first images of _Squid Game_season 2, but fans were served a small sop last Saturday. Then we’re talkingabout the clip below, a scene that was cut from the first season.

you season 4

you is now in its fourth season. The first half will be released on February10, the second half on March 10. In the meantime, Netflix has another seriesabout a stalker waiting for you.

Chris Hemsworth in action

Netflix has Extraction embraced as the streaming service’s new major actionfranchise. A trailer or release date is yet to be announced, but ChrisHemsworth will treat you to a first look behind the scenes. Hopefully thingsdon’t escalate to Fast & Furious-like proportions…

The Outer Banks Season 3

The Outer Banks was and is a huge hit on TikTok. Netflix is ​​only too happyto emphasize that a third season of the teen drama is coming. A brand newteaser should keep fans entertained for a while, as no release date has beenannounced yet.

Alice in Borderland Season 2

Do you know what a ‘Super Teaser’ is? Neither do we, but the good news is thatthe second season of Alice in Borderland comes to the streaming service.

Everyone is talking about the Jeffrey Dahmer series on Netflix

If you (like me) are a true crime fan, you know that a sinister gem recentlyappeared on Netflix. DAHMERMonster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story tells thestory of (you guessed it) Jeffrey Dahmer – who has 17 sickening murders to hisname.

I started this series yesterday and oh my, this is dark.

Everyone is talking about the Jeffrey Dahmer docuseries on Netflix

Last Wednesday, Netflix put the docuseries about Jeffrey Dahmer online, wherein ten episodes the story of Jeffrey Dahmer (better known as MilwaukeeMonster ) narrate. Dahmer gruesomely robbed 17 different men and boys between1978 and 1991 (realize how long he was allowed to do his own thing).

A fictionalized account of real events, the series also takes a critical lookat systematic racism, white privilege, homophobia and the institutionalfailure that allowed Dahmer to kill.

Jeffrey Dahmer: Drilling, Cannibalism and Hydrochloric Acid

If you’re not already familiar with Jeffrey Dahmer’s bizarre working method,hold on tight. Jeffrey has a whopping 17 victims to his name, most of whom areminors and POC. He killed these boys, sawed them to pieces and then kept themin his fridge or freezer, or dumped them in a barrel of hydrochloric acid.Later it turned out that he also ate parts of his victims.

Another thing Dahmer did: he drilled a small hole in the skull of his (stillliving) victim and poured in some hot water with hydrochloric acid. In thisway he “created” his own brain-dead sex slaves, after which the boys diedafter a few days. Too bizarre.

In 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested. You can see how that went in the firstepisode of DAHMER.

DAHMERMonster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

Back to the series (which quite graphically depicts Dahmer’s murders) that haseveryone captivated. And besides the events being sickening, the A-classproduction (the series is directed by Emmy winner Ryan Murphy) and cast alsoensures that the series is a hit. Not even a week later, the series is alreadynumber 1 in trending on Netflix.

The cast and production

Jeffrey Dahmer is played by Evan Peters, who we know from American HorrorStory. And the scary thing is, Evan looks a lot like the real Dahmer. We alsosee Richard Jenkins, Niecy Nash, Molly Ringwald and Penelope Ann Miller.

And not to forget: credits to the setdresser of this series. The internet wentwild about the similarities between the series and Jeffrey Dahmer’s realapartment, these are identical.

The internet is under the spell of DAHMER

You understand, everyone shared their opinion on Twitter.

The NFF shows many men’s stories about worrying men

The generation of students that graduated this year from the Dutch FilmAcademy and the film courses at the various art academies and colleges haveone thing in common: they completed their studies during the pandemic andtherefore had to spend a large part of their time behind their desks, a zoomscreen or with small, scaled-down productions learn their trade and determinetheir position in a highly competitive industry. And that while film is asocial medium, making is a group process, a sum.

And then the world opened up again and they could start making their movies.About seventy were submitted to the Netherlands Film Festival (NFF) this year,thirty of which were selected and nine nominated for the four student prizesawarded on Monday at the NFF in Utrecht. As usual, they tell many personalstories. But it is also striking that all those nominees look from the smallto something bigger. While there was quite a lot of nagging in Dutchgraduation films in the past decade, especially in comparison with othercountries, this year a more settled impression dominates. Could it be becausethe creators had more time to think? To watch other films and thus build alarger frame of reference? Are you learning to make movies not only with yourhands, on set, but also with your eyes, in front of a screen?

Alienation and Disconnection

The EY Talent Award went to the film poem Void Between Us and the NFF TalentAward was presented to the light magic-realist About a pastor on rain boots.Both films respectively seek a visual and a scenario-technical form to expressa sense of alienation and disconnection.

The KNF prize of Dutch film journalism went to the HKU graduation film_frantic attempts_ who found a satirical form for the questions of life thatarise from that same feeling of not being able to make contact with the world(anymore). A mudfucker -like eternal adolescent is sent to a sense-makingcourse by his pregnant girlfriend and quickly turns into a fraudulent self-help guru. Until he meets someone who is just really lost.

Rosa Ruth Boesten, who graduated from the Film Academy in 2013, was alsoawarded on Monday. She won the Film Prize of the City of Utrecht for bestdebut for Master of Light , a portrait of painter George Morton for whom hisart is a way to rehabilitate after his imprisonment. Her film also receivedthe Grand Jury Prize at the Texas South by Southwest festival this spring.

Also read: Well-acted grief drama yields a heavy opening NFF

Observing images

Growing up is a theme in all these films. Sometimes it doesn’t work, as in_frantic attempts_ and in the short documentary Boy from Wood by EvaOosterveld (Film Academy, three nominations). Fourteen-year-old Stijn isexpelled from school because of aggression and substance use. He has to workin a wood workshop. Calm observational images show the hopelessness of hissituation. Finding hope in half an hour of film may also be asking too much.

A portrait of ‘better late than never’ coming of age shows the beautifulmelancholic stop-motion animation rotten. Anej Golcar of the Willem deKooning Academy received two nominations for the story about sixty-year-oldHarry, who finds his own voice after the death of his mother in a house whereevery object is an echo pit for her grumbling – thanks to a mouthpiece.

Also It Will Rain is about a coming-of-age, but on a larger scale. DirectorAmir Zaza, who came to the Netherlands as a refugee from Syria, processedsemi-autobiographical memories about two brothers who are arrested andtortured after peaceful protests in Damascus. The flashback structure of thefilm constantly links life-threatening situations to a painful present. Inthis it becomes clear that fleeing is not only about preserving life, but alsoabout shame and regret. The film received awards thanks to the Fentener vanVlissingen Fund Award for best artistic achievement for production designerMuhammed Berber, but as a whole is one of the most thoughtful and maturefilms.

The student films tell Void Between Us after still a lot of stories from menabout worrying men. That says just as much about the juries as it does aboutthe programs and the students. Throughout the weekend, the NFF discussed howthe Dutch film industry should be more inclusive. A lot is already happening.But the training courses must also play an active role in this. Especially nowthat there has been so much time for reflection.

Sam Saxton wanted to sing rather than play hockey

In the ‘Disappeared Hockey Players’ series, talents from the past answer thequestion of why they stopped abruptly. In this episode Sam Saxton (29), whobecame world champion with the Dutch Juniors, but two years later followed herheart and chose an adventure as a singer.

Much in life revolves around timing. Three days after the interview in coffeebar Vascobelo in Amsterdam, the musical career of the former player ofBloemendaal and Hurley reaches a milestone. After years of giving shape to hersinging ambitions mainly by providing performances, she now releases her veryfirst single: Misty Days. It can be listened to via this link.

At the end of the interview about her retirement from hockey seven years ago,Saxton says: ‘Now that I think about it, my single has a lot in common with myhockey career. Keep following your own path, even if you encounter bumps alongthe way. I loved hockey, but the world of music attracted me more and more.’

Sam Saxton in 2012 as a player of the Dutch Juniors. Photo: Koen Suyko

She thanked for Dutch Girls U16

At the age of seventeen, Saxton made the switch from her childhood sweetheartand then transitional division Bloemendaal to Hurley in the big league. Shethen won the world title in 2013 in Mönchengladbach with the Dutch Juniors.She stopped playing hockey two years later.

In retrospect, the first signs may have already presented themselves when shethanked Dutch Girls U16. My week was way too full. School, guitar lessons,training six times a week, I couldn’t do that. One time I was crying in thecar on the way to training. I also felt completely out of place in the team.There was a certain atmosphere that I didn’t like. I played hockey mainlybecause I liked it, not because I wanted to get Orange. Many of those girlshad known each other for years. There was a certain competition amongthemselves, which I did not like at all’, says the former striker about howshe experienced that period.

What I really noticed then is that when you play at the top level you have> to be happy to be selected for those kinds of selection teams Sam Saxton

In addition to some understanding reactions, the fifteen-year-old talent alsoreceived some negative reactions to her decision to stop at Dutch Girls U16.’Some people reacted quite strongly to that. Especially those who put meforward and felt that I owed the selection to them. Even though I didn’t askfor that at all. They thought I was ungrateful. What I really noticed then isthat when you play at the top level, you have to be happy to be selected forthose kinds of selection teams. That is the path you must walk. But thatdidn’t apply to me.’

A few years later, it was Rick Mathijssen – her coach at Hurley and assistantto Raoul Ehren at the Dutch Juniors at that time – who asked her if she wasopen to participating in the selection training sessions at the Young Orange.’My first reaction was that I didn’t want to. My thoughts immediately wentback to the oppressive atmosphere that hung at Dutch U16. But Rick insistedthat there was a completely different vibe at Jong Oranje. He suggested I justgive it a try. I have done that. And let’s be honest: Rick was right. I reallyliked playing in the Dutch Juniors. In the end I am very happy that I didthat, because I had two great years there,” says Saxton, who, in addition tothe 2013 World Cup, also won the 2012 European Championship.

The artwork of Sam Saxton’s first single: Misty Days. Photo: Caroline Sikkenk

Acting instead of training

Parallel to her hockey career, Saxton set her first footsteps in the musicworld. Around the age of twelve she learned to play the guitar from herparents. Later in life she started singing. Eventually her first performancesfollowed.

‘I took my guitar with me to the Under-21 World Championship. Together with aroommate I wrote a song for the whole team. I think it was always very clearto my teammates that besides playing hockey I also really enjoyed singing.’

Her singing ambitions became increasingly serious when Saxton withdrew fromevening training at Hurley because she had been invited to perform somewhere.’It was a performance I really wanted to do, in a village, on a beautifulstage, with a band. Of course, you don’t just cancel a training. Luckily Rickwas okay with it. But if he hadn’t agreed, I would still have gone to thatgig. I wanted it so badly. In retrospect, you might say that that was thefirst split between me and top hockey.’

Sam Saxton in Hurley’s shirt. Photo: Koen Suyko

End of hockey career

After the world championship, Saxton was still of the age to play for theDutch Juniors, but she no longer stood for election. She and her boyfriendmade a musical journey through Canada. Back in the Netherlands she dared tofollow her heart more and more. Two years after the world title, she hung upon her stick.

‘Besides my increasing interest in music, my persistent back problems alsoplayed a role in stopping hockey. Once in a while I went through my back.Playing for the Dutch Juniors was already quite a challenge with my backproblems. If I wanted to make the step to the Dutch national team, thosecomplaints would only increase, I expected. I didn’t think it was worth it.Moreover, the lure of the music was too great for that. Instead of four timesa week, I started training twice a week during my last months at Hurley. Thatwas ideal for me. But you are on a team. You can’t possibly demand that youtrain less often, but play just as often. That’s why I decided it was time tostop.’

Team photo Dutch Juniors prior to the 2013 World Under 21 Championship. For:Saskia van Duivenboden, Xan de Waard, Marloes Keetels, Renske Siersema, SamSaxton, Anne Veenendaal. Middle: Rick Mathijssen, Janneke Schopman, RaoulEhren, Maria Verschoor, Lauren Stam, Floor Ouwerling, Juliette van Hattum,Elsie Nix, physio Maaike Brugmans, Frank Wijbenga, Fleur vd Kieft. Behind:Lisa Scheerlinck, Laura Nunnink, Laurien Leurink, Lisanne de Lange, Lieke vanWijk, Sarah Jaspers, Mila Muyselaer. Photo: Koen Suyko

Her first single

With her empty agenda on weekday evenings and weekends, space became availablefor performances. Saxton did not release his own music at that time. Inaddition to her singing career, Saxton also focused on her Psychology studies.

The former hockey star cannot live off music today. However, at the beginningof this year she started working one day a week less to focus more on singing.That resulted in the release of her first single, seven years after shestopped playing hockey.

‘It took quite a while before I released my first single. But that doesn’tmean I’ve been sitting still all these years. I occasionally did some gigs andmade my own music with my boyfriend, which we didn’t release at the time. Inthat time, many ideas arose that eventually grew into a full-fledged albumthat will be released in 2023. I haven’t really missed hockey in all thattime. I do look back on my time as a hockey player with great pleasure. Ithink it’s very cool what I experienced with Bloemendaal, Hurley and JongOranje. I am incredibly proud of that. But the fact that I eventually stoppedwas a good choice.’